I need to upload the files on server. It can be done either thru webservice/or UI. I just need to store that file content in DB.
File can be of any size upto 2 to 4 GB as well. I am not sure whats the way to upload big size file on server without
getting out of memory exception?
System Configuration :- 8 GB ,java 7 64 bit processor.
I am not sure whats the way to upload big size file on server without getting out of memory exception?
That part is easy. Don't buffer the entire file in memory. Stream it straight to disk.
(Pseudo code ... ignoring exception handling and resource management)
InputStream in = ...
OutputStrean out = ... // the place you want to ultimately store the file
byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
int bytesRead;
while ((bytesRead = in.read(buffer)) > 0) {
out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
// close streams.
You seem to be confused about how to get the input stream.
If you are using the Servlet APIs, then use you can get the request's input stream using ServletRequest.getInputStream().
If you are using different APIs, be specific ... and I'll look into it for you.
The more difficult part is dealing with the various issues to do with uploaded file encoding, encapsulation and so on. For that, the best approach is to look for an existing solution. But that depends on the context in which you are doing the uploads; e.g. what web container you are using, etc.
Here's an example: http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-fileupload/
I am currently developing a REST service which receives in its request a field where it is passed a file in base 64 format ("n" characters come). What I do within the service logic is to convert that character string to a File to save it in a predetermined path.
But the problem is that when the file is too large (3MB) the service becomes slow and takes a long time to respond.
This is the code I am using:
String filename = "TEXT.DOCX"
BufferedOutputStream stream = null;
byte [] fileByteArray = java.util.Base64.getDecoder (). decode (base64file);
if ((1 * 1024 * 1024 <fileByteArray.length) {
logger.info ("The file [" + filename + "] is too large");
} else {
stream = new BufferedOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (new File ("C: \" + filename)));
stream.write (fileByteArray);
How can I do to avoid this inconvenience. And that my service does not take so long to convert the file to File.
Buffering does not improve your performance here, as all you are trying to do is simply write the file as fast as possible. Generally it looks fine, change your code to directly use the FileOutputStream and see if it betters things:
try (FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(path)) {
Alternatively you could also try using something like Apache Commons to do the task for you:
FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(new File(path), bytes);
Try the following, also for large files.
Path outPath = Paths.get(filename);
try (InputStream in = Base64.getDecoder ().wrap(base64file)) {
Files.copy(in, outPath);
This keeps only a buffer in memory. Your code might become slow because of taking more memory.
wrap takes an InputStream which you should provide, not the entire String.
From Network point of view:
Both json and xml can support large amount of data exchange. And, 3MB is not really huge. But, there is a limitation on how much browser can handle (if this call is from a user interface).
Also, web server like Tomcat has property to handle 2MB by default (check maxPostSize http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/config/http.html#Common_Attributes)
You can also try chunking the request payload (although it shouldn't be required for a 3MB file)
From Implementation point of view:
Write operation on your disk could be slow. It also depends on your OS.
If your file size is really large, you can use Java FileChannel class with ByteBuffer.
To know the cause of slowness (network delay or code), check the performance with a simple Java program against the web service call.
I am trying to read the mails from the MS Exchange by using camel and getting the attachments as DataHandler. A 10MB file takes around 3hrs to write into the location.
File outputFile = new File(someDirectory, someFileName);
DataHandler attachment_data = destination1Attachments.get("someFileName.txt");
try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outputFile)) {
I have also noticed that sometimes a 6 to 7Mb file takes around 2 to 3 minutes and when another mail comes just after that it takes more time than expected.
Because of GC ?
Trying to find the exact root cause or any other method to write the data to the file.
Update 1 :
Tried using BufferedOutputStream around FileOutputSteam as mentioned by #user207421 in the comment. No much change could find (just 1sec or little more).
This could be due to the default implementation of write mechanism.
If the DataHandler.getDataSource()!=null then this theory will work
In this method implementation 8 bytes are getting read at a time and writing into the stream. The number of read and writes are more and this might be causing the issue.
Try reading the on your own from DataHandler.getInputStream and write to file by increasing the read content from the input stream.
One must assume that the object is loaded in memory or writeTo very inefficient. Hence specify the DataFlavor and inspect attachment_data.getTransferDataFlavors().
DataFlavor flavor = new DataFlavor(InputStream.class, "application/octetstream");
try (InputStream in = (InputStream) attachment_data.getTransferData(flavor)) {
Some fiddling needed.
I have used standard java file stream to upload a file. When I tried to upload a 25MB size zip file , it took almost 11 minutes. but when I tried to upload that file on yousendit.com a file uploading site it just took 25 seconds. Following is my code
File file = new File(destination + fileName);
FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file);
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
InputStream in = dataHandler.getDataSource().getInputStream();
int len = in.read(buffer);
while (len != -1) {
fileOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, len);
len = in.read(buffer);
I dont have Ideas ho to speed up the uploading? Is there any other 3rd party API , or any other suggestions?
You can split file into chunks and upload each one in separate thread. As far as I remember HTTP standard defines special headers that help server to join the chunks together.
Start from taking a look on FileUpload from Apcahe
You may use a flash or html5 plugin to upload the file to your server, and do the things to the file which has been on your server, that'll be much faster I think.
There is something terribly wrong if a software stack cannot achieve 40kb per second throughput on an upload.
I suggest that you increase the size of buffer. Make it 10 times bigger and see if you get a speedup.
If that doesn't help I suggest that you profile your system to try to identify where the bottleneck is. The code you've written should not be CPU intensive. If it is, it would be instructive to understand why.
My guess is either that you've got a particularly badly written filter "upstream" of that code ... or that the problem is not in the application at all, despite what the network team thinks. Perhaps it is a problem with virtualization / virtual networking.
The Problem
I would like to upload very large files (up to 5 or 6 GB) to a web server using the HttpClient class (4.1.2) from Apache. Before sending these files, I break them into smaller chunks (100 MB, for example). Unfortunately, all of the examples I see for doing a multi-part POST using HttpClient appear to buffer the file contents before sending them (typically, a small file size is assumed). Here is such an example:
HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPost post = new HttpPost("http://www.example.com/upload.php");
MultipartEntity mpe = new MultipartEntity();
// Here are some plain-text fields as a part of our multi-part upload
mpe.addPart("chunkIndex", new StringBody(Integer.toString(chunkIndex)));
mpe.addPart("fileName", new StringBody(somefile.getName()));
// Now for a file to include; looks like we're including the whole thing!
FileBody bin = new FileBody(new File("/path/to/myfile.bin"));
mpe.addPart("myFile", bin);
HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(post);
In this example, it looks like we create a new FileBody object and add it to the MultipartEntity. In my case, where the file could be 100 MB in size, I'd rather not buffer all of that data at once. I'd like to be able to write out that data in smaller chunks (4 MB at a time, for example), eventually writing all 100 MB. I'm able to do this using the HTTPURLConnection class from Java (by writing directly to the output stream), but that class has its own set of problems, which is why I'm trying to use the Apache offerings.
My Question
Is it possible to write 100 MB of data to an HttpClient, but in smaller, iterative chunks? I don't want the client to have to buffer up to 100 MB of data before actually doing the POST. None of the examples I see seem to allow you to write directly to the output stream; they all appear to pre-package things before the execute() call.
Any tips would be appreciated!
--- Update ---
For clarification, here's what I did previously with the HTTPURLConnection class. I'm trying to figure out how to do something similar in HttpClient:
// Get the connection's output stream
out = new DataOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream());
// Write some plain-text multi-part data
// Figure out how many loops we'll need to write the 100 MB chunk
int bufferLoops = (dataLength + (bufferSize - 1)) / bufferSize;
// Open the local file (~5 GB in size) to read the data chunk (100 MB)
raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");
raf.seek(startingOffset); // Position the pointer to the beginning of the chunk
// Keep track of how many bytes we have left to read for this chunk
int bytesLeftToRead = dataLength;
// Write the file data block to the output stream
for(int i=0; i<bufferLoops; i++)
// Create an appropriately sized mini-buffer (max 4 MB) for the pieces
// of this chunk we have yet to read
byte[] buffer = (bytesLeftToRead < bufferSize) ?
new byte[bytesLeftToRead] : new byte[bufferSize];
int bytes_read = raf.read(buffer); // Read ~4 MB from the local file
out.write(buffer, 0, bytes_read); // Write that bit to the stream
bytesLeftToRead -= bytes_read;
// Write the final boundary
If I'm understanding your question correctly, your concern is loading the whole file into memory (right?). If That is the case, you should employ Streams (such as a FileInputStream). That way, the whole file doesn't get pulled into memory at once.
If that doesn't help, and you still want to divide the file up into chunks, you could code the server to deal with multiple POSTS, concatenating the data as it gets them, and then manually split up the bytes of the file.
Personally, I prefer my first answer, but either way (or neither way if these don't help), Good luck!
Streams are definitely the way to go, I remember doing something similar a while back with some bigger files and it worked perfectly.
All you need is to wrap your custom content generation logic into HttpEntity implementation. This will give you a complete control over the process of content generation and content streaming.
And for the record: MultipartEntity shipped with HttpClient does not buffer file parts in memory prior to writing them out to the connection socket.
Got the directory to live. Now there's another issue in sight:
The files in the storage are stored with their DB id as a prefix
to their file names. Of course I don't want the users to see those.
Is there a way to combine the response.redirect and the header setting
für filename and size?
Hi again,
new approach:
Is it possible to create a IIS like virtual directory within tomcat in order
to avoid streaming and only make use of header redirect? I played around with
contexts but could'nt get it going...
any ideas?
Hi %,
I'm facing a wired issue with the java heap space which is close
to bringing me to the ropes.
The short version is:
I've written a ContentManagementSystem which needs to handle
huge files (>600mb) too. Tomcat heap settings:
The issue is, that uploading huge files works eventhough it's
slow. Downloading files results in a java heap space exception.
Trying to download a 370mb file makes tomcat jump to 500mb heap
(which should be ok) and end in an Java heap space exception.
I don't get it, why does upload work and download not?
Here's my download code:
byte[] byt = new byte[1024*1024*2];
response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"" + fileName + "\"");
FileInputStream fis = null;
OutputStream os = null;
fis = new FileInputStream(new File(filePath));
os = response.getOutputStream();
BufferedInputStream buffRead = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
while((read = buffRead.read(byt))>0)
If I'm getting it right the buffered reader should take care of any
memory issue, right?
Any help would be highly appreciated since I ran out of ideas
Best regards,
If I'm getting it right the buffered
reader should take care of any memory
issue, right?
No, that has nothing to do with memory issues, it's actually unnecessary since you're already using a buffer to read the file. Your problem is with writing, not with reading.
I can't see anything immediately wrong with your code. It looks as though Tomcat is buffering the entire response instead of streaming it. I'm not sure what could cause that.
What does response.getBufferSize() return? And you should try setting response.setContentLength() to the file's size; I vaguely remember that a web container under certain circumstances buffers the entire response in order to determine the content length, so maybe that's what's happening. It's good practice to do it anyway since it enables clients to display the download size and give an ETA for the download.
Try using the setBufferSize and flushBuffer methods of the ServletResponse.
You better use java.nio for that, so you can read resources partially and free resources already streamed!
Otherwise, you end up with memory problems despite the settings you've done to the JVM environment.
My suggestions:
The Quick-n-easy: Use a smaller array! Yes, it loops more, but this will not be a problem. 5 kilobytes is just fine. You'll know if this works adequately for you in minutes.
byte[] byt = new byte[1024*5];
A little bit harder: If you have access to sendfile (like in Tomcat with the Http11NioProtocol -- documentation here), then use it
A little bit harder, again: Switch your code to Java NIO's FileChannel. I have very, very similar code running on equally large files with hundreds of concurrent connections and similar memory settings with no problem. NIO is faster than plain old Java streams in these situations. It uses the magic of DMA (Direct Memory Access) allowing the data to go from disk to NIC without ever going through RAM or the CPU. Here is a code snippet for my own code base...I've ripped out much to show the basics. FileChannel.transferTo() is not guaranteed to send every byte, so it is in this loop.
WritableByteChannel destination = Channels.newChannel(response.getOutputStream());
FileChannel source = file.getFileInputStream().getChannel();
while (total < length) {
long sent = source.transferTo(start + total, length - total, destination);
total += sent;
The following code is able to streaming data to the client, allocating only a small buffer (BUFFER_SIZE, this is a soft point since you may want to adjust it):
private static final int OUTPUT_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 50; // 50 Mb
private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
String fileName = "42.txt";
// build response headers
"attachment;filename=\"" + fileName + "\"");
response.flushBuffer(); // write HTTP headers to the client
// streaming result
InputStream fileInputStream = new InputStream() { // fake input stream
int i = 0;
public int read() throws IOException {
if (i++ < OUTPUT_SIZE) {
return 42;
} else {
return -1;
ReadableByteChannel input = Channels.newChannel(fileInputStream);
WritableByteChannel output = Channels.newChannel(
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(BUFFER_SIZE);
while (input.read(buffer) != -1) {
Are you required to serve files using Tomcat? For this kind of tasks we have used separate download mechanism. We chained Apache -> Tomcat -> storage and then add rewrite rules for download. Then you just by-pass Tomcat and Apache will serve the file to client (Apache->storage). But if works only if you have files stored as files. If you read from DB or other type of non-file storage this solution cannot be used successfully. the overall scenario is that you generate download links for files as e.g. domain/binaries/xyz... and write redirect rule for domain/files using Apache mod_rewrite.
Do you have any filters in the application, or do you use the tcnative library? You could try to profile it with jvisualvm?
Edit: Small remark: Note that you have a HTTP response splitting attack possibility in the setHeader if you do not sanitize fileName.
Why don't you use tomcat's own FileServlet?
It can surely give out files much better than you can possible imagine.
A 2-MByte buffer is way too large! A few k should be ample. Megabyte-sized objects are a real issue for the garbage collector, since they often need to be treated separately from "normal" objects (normal == much smaller than a heap generation). To optimize I/O, your buffer only needs to be slightly larger than your I/O buffer size, i.e. at least as large as a disk block or network package.