Android game: Moving bitmap leaves blurry trail at ends - java

I am trying to create a background scrolling for an Android game. Lets say it is a set of images moving at a speed.
To test out few basic elements, I have taken a small, rectangular image and moving it linearly from top to bottom. It moves but I see a small trail, like a rocket going in clouds(haha!). I tried various options in Paint() class to rectify this, but I couldn't.
I will first post a screen shot and then add relevant code.
So, here the vertical line is a single png image:
Now all I am doing is moving this bitmap from a certain (x,y) by increasing y by 5 at a time. It moves, but notice the ends of the image while moving. Sort of a trail, but not a permanent one. I have tried but unable to remove this effect. I tried on Samsung Galaxy S5. I didnot test on any other model.
The code:
The moving vertical image is a Sprite object:
package com.src.*.*;
import android.util.Log;
public class Sprite {
private Rect sourceRect; // the rectangle to be drawn from the animation bitmap
private int frameNr; // number of frames in animation
private int currentFrame; // the current frame
private long frameTicker; // the time of the last frame update
private int framePeriod; // milliseconds between each frame (1000/fps)
private int spriteWidth; // the width of the sprite to calculate the cut out rectangle
private int spriteHeight; // the height of the sprite
private int x; // the X coordinate of the object (top left of the image)
private int y; // the Y coordinate of the object (top left of the image)
private Bitmap bitmap;
private float degrees;
private boolean rotate=false;
private Matrix matrix;
private Bitmap reversedBitmap;
private Paint paint;
public Sprite(Bitmap bitmap, int x, int y, int fps, int frameCount) {
this.bitmap = bitmap;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
currentFrame = 0;
frameNr = frameCount;
spriteWidth = bitmap.getWidth() / frameCount;
spriteHeight = bitmap.getHeight();
sourceRect = new Rect(0, 0, spriteWidth, spriteHeight);
framePeriod = 1000 / fps;
frameTicker = 0l;
Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG
public void animate(){
public int getX() {
return x;
public void setX(int x) {
this.x = x;
public int getY() {
return y;
public void setY(int y) {
this.y = y;
public void setReverse(Bitmap reverse){
this.reversedBitmap = reverse;
public void rorateSprite(float degrees){
if(degrees == 0){
rotate = false;
rotate = true;
this.degrees = degrees;
public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
// where to draw the sprite
Rect destRect = new Rect(getX(), getY(), getX() + spriteWidth, getY() + spriteHeight);
canvas.drawBitmap(reversedBitmap, sourceRect, destRect, paint);
canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, sourceRect, destRect, paint);
public void update(long gameTime){
if (gameTime > frameTicker + framePeriod) {
frameTicker = gameTime;
//Log.i("INFO", "In if loop" + currentFrame + " framenr:" + frameNr);
// increment the frame
if (currentFrame >= frameNr) {
currentFrame = 0;
//Log.i("INFO", "in else" + currentFrame + "");
// define the rectangle to cut out sprite
//Log.i("INFO", "sprite width: " + spriteWidth);
this.sourceRect.left = currentFrame * spriteWidth;
this.sourceRect.right = this.sourceRect.left + spriteWidth;
The bitmap is setup as follows:
wallAnimation = new Sprite(resizedBitmapWall, 0, 0, 30, 1);
The onDraw and Update for the sprite is as follows. It works without any exception or error. The only issue in all of this is the image having the blurry/tail effect at the ends. I dont even know the right word for it.
Code for onDraw and Update:
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
// fills the canvas with black
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
canvas.drawLine(margin+laneWidth*i, 0, margin+laneWidth*i, laneHeight, paint);
canvas.drawText("High Score: "+ highScore, 10, 10, paint);
public void Update(long gameTime) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if(wallState < laneHeight+laneHeight/6){
wallState = 0;


How to get coordinates of a particular region in android?

I am making a game with a shooter such that when use click it should move left or right but it is made on canvas and onclick listeners didn't work on it so someone told me to get coordinates of canvas and use onclick listeners on it but he don't tell me how to do it
My Code
package --------;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
public class Cannon {
float x = -1; // Cannon's center (x,y)
float y = -1;
float stepX = 40;
int lowerX, lowerY, upperX, upperY;
private Paint paint;
private Context mContext;
// Constructor
public Cannon(int color, Context c) {
paint = new Paint();
mContext = c;
public void setBounds(int lx, int ly, int ux, int uy) {
lowerX = lx;
lowerY = ly;
upperX = ux;
upperY = uy;
x = ux/2;
y = uy;
public void moveLeft() {
if (x - 30 > 0) {
x -= stepX;
public void moveRight() {
if (x + 30 < upperX) {
x += stepX;
public float getPosition() {
return x;
public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
canvas.drawLine(x, y -120, x, y, paint);
canvas.drawRect(x - 90, y - 40, x + 90, y, paint);
how to use onclick listeners for this rectangle by getting its coordinates to do move left function
You already have a method getPosition, but it only returns the x position.. Create one that returns x and one that returns y, for example:
public float getCannonX(){
return x;
public float getCannonY(){
return y;
Then in your Activity you can set an onClickListener on your cannon object and access the methods above.
Or you can set an onClickListener on your canvas and use the above methods to check if the cannon coordinates was selected.
You should factor in the size of the cannon object as well

Code for Sprite in Different Class

I want to make a game wherein when the main character sprite's X coordinate is less than the middle of the screen, he moves to the right and when it's more than the middle of the screen, he moves to the left. The sprite's animation changes when he is moving and when he is still (after reaching its destination). What I want to know is how can I do this when the sprite and its code for animation is in one class and the code for changing its X coordinate is in another class? Is it best to draw the same sprite in every class? How can I change the sprite when it is moving horizontally and when it is still? I plan to separate the code for what the sprite's actions will be in different classes because i want to call them randomly. Here is my code for the sprite's animation and i have no class for changing the x coordinate yet :
import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Screen;
import com.jpfalmazan.ninjaassault.NinjaAssault;
public class MainScreen implements Screen {
private static final int FRAME_COLS = 3;
private static final int FRAME_ROWS = 2;
Animation walkAnimation;
Texture walkSheet = new Texture ("ninjaWalk.png");
TextureRegion[] walkFrames;
TextureRegion currentFrame;
Texture holdStart;
float stateTime;
public Texture background;
private NinjaAssault game;
private Music BackgroundSFX;
public float screenWidth =;
public float screenHeight =;
float x = screenWidth/2;
float y = screenHeight/2;
public float walkSheetWidth = walkSheet.getWidth();
public float walkSheetHeight = walkSheet.getHeight();
public MainScreen (NinjaAssault game){ = game;
public void show(){
background = new Texture("BGBlue.png");
holdStart = new Texture ("HoldStart.png");
BackgroundSFX ="data/RADWIMPS-iindesuka.mp3"));
TextureRegion[][] tmp = TextureRegion.split(walkSheet, (int )walkSheetWidth/FRAME_COLS, (int) walkSheetHeight/FRAME_ROWS);
walkFrames = new TextureRegion[FRAME_COLS*FRAME_ROWS];
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < FRAME_ROWS; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < FRAME_COLS; j++) {
walkFrames[index++] = tmp[i][j];
walkAnimation = new Animation(0.0887f, walkFrames);
stateTime = 0f;
public void render(float delta) {;
stateTime +=;
currentFrame = walkAnimation.getKeyFrame(stateTime, true);
float hsWidth = holdStart.getWidth();
float hsHeight = holdStart.getHeight();
float currentFrameWidth = (float)(screenHeight*0.15);
float currentFrameHeight = (float)(screenHeight*0.15);
float holdStartWidth = (float)(screenWidth * 0.75);
game.batch.draw(background,0,0, screenWidth,screenHeight);;
game.batch.draw(currentFrame, x -currentFrameWidth/2, 0,currentFrameWidth,currentFrameHeight);
game.batch.draw(holdStart, (screenWidth / 2 - (holdStartWidth / 2)), (float) (screenHeight * 0.5), holdStartWidth, holdStartWidth * (hsHeight / hsWidth));
public void resize(int width, int height) {
public void pause() {
public void resume() {
public void hide() {
public void dispose() {
I tried to research on how to do this but the answers I get wasn't that helpful.
Simplest way is to create a Player class and put all the code for the animation and frames in there. Then give it a way to save its position. Like a vector or just a float for the x coordinate. Or even better, use a Rectangle. A rectangle will make moving and collision detection much easier.
Something like this:
public class Player{
private Animation walkAnimation;
private Texture walkSheet;
private TextureRegion[] walkFrames;
private TextureRegion currentFrame;
private float stateTime;
private Rectangle bound; //used for positioning and collision detection
public Player(float x, float y, float width, float height){
bound = new Rectangle();
bound.x = x;
bound.y = y;
bound.width = width;
bound.height = height;
walkSheet = new Texture ("ninjaWalk.png");
TextureRegion[][] tmp = TextureRegion.split(walkSheet,(int)walkSheetWidth/FRAME_COLS, (int) walkSheetHeight/FRAME_ROWS);
walkFrames = new TextureRegion[FRAME_COLS*FRAME_ROWS];
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < FRAME_ROWS; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < FRAME_COLS; j++) {
walkFrames[index++] = tmp[i][j];
walkAnimation = new Animation(0.0887f, walkFrames);
stateTime = 0f;
public rectangle getBound(){
return bound;
public void update(float delta){
statetime += delta;
currentFrame = walkAnimation.getKeyFrame(stateTime, true);
public TextureRegion getCurrentFrame(){
return currentFrame;
This is just a quick untested example.
You say you want to move the player from another class. I don't know how you plan to do that, but all you need to do to move the player is to manipulate the x and y of the bound.
Just some other comments on you code:
public void render(float delta) {;
player.update(delta); // to update the player
* This does not have to be set every single frame. Move it to show()
float hsWidth = holdStart.getWidth();
float hsHeight = holdStart.getHeight();
float currentFrameWidth = (float)(screenHeight*0.15);
float currentFrameHeight = (float)(screenHeight*0.15);
float holdStartWidth = (float)(screenWidth * 0.75);
****************************************************/; // I am sure you don't need to start playing this every single frame? 60 times a second.
game.batch.draw(background,0,0, screenWidth,screenHeight);
game.batch.draw(player.getCurrentFrame(), player.getBound().x, player.getbound().y, player.getBound().width, player.getBound().height)
game.batch.draw(holdStart, (screenWidth / 2 - (holdStartWidth / 2)), (float) (screenHeight * 0.5), holdStartWidth, holdStartWidth * (hsHeight / hsWidth));

Firing a projectile in mouse direction in java

I'm trying to fire a projectile in the mouse direction but i am having trouble.
The angles are wrong, and by that I mean it will only go up left or in the top-left corner.
This is my Gun class for which I fire the Bullet.
package assets;
import Reaper.Game;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Gun
public ArrayList<Bullet> bullets;
protected double angle;
Mouse mouse = new Mouse();
private BufferedImage image;
private int centerX = Game.WIDTH / 2;
private int centerY = Game.HEIGHT;
public Gun()
bullets = new ArrayList<Bullet>();
image = null;
image = File("assets/gun.png"));
catch (IOException e)
public BufferedImage loadImage()
return image;
public int getImageWidth()
return image.getWidth(null);
public int getImageHeight()
return image.getHeight(null);
public void rotate(Graphics g)
angle = Math.atan2(centerY - mouse.getMouseY(), centerX - mouse.getMouseX()) - Math.PI / 2;
((Graphics2D) g).rotate(angle, centerX, centerY);
g.drawImage(image, Game.WIDTH / 2 - image.getWidth() / 2,
900 - image.getHeight(), image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(),
public Image getImage()
return image;
public void update()
for (int i = 0; i < bullets.size(); i++)
Bullet b = bullets.get(i);
public void shoot()
if (mouse.mouseB == 1)
double dx = mouse.getMouseX() - Game.WIDTH / 2;
double dy = mouse.getMouseY() - Game.HEIGHT / 2;
double dir = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
bullets.add(new Bullet(Game.WIDTH / 2, Game.HEIGHT / 2, dir));
mouse.mouseB = -1;
public void render(Graphics g)
for (int i = 0; i < bullets.size(); i++)
This is my Bullet class:
package assets;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
public class Bullet
private double dx, dy;
private int x, y;
private double dir;
private BufferedImage image;
public Bullet(int x, int y, double angle)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.dir = angle;
image = null;
image = File("assets/bolt.png"));
catch (IOException e)
dx = Math.cos(dir);
dy = Math.sin(dir);
public void update()
x += dx;
y += dy;
System.out.println("dx : " + dx + " " + dy);
public void render(Graphics g)
g.drawImage(image, x, y, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), null);
public BufferedImage getImage()
return image;
And this is the main Game class:
package Reaper;
import assets.Gun;
import assets.Mouse;
import gameState.MenuState;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferStrategy;
public class Game extends Canvas implements Runnable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public static int WIDTH = 900;
public static int HEIGHT = 900;
public static int scale = 3;
public int frames = 0;
public int updates = 0;
private boolean running = false;
private Thread thread;
private JFrame frame;
private Screen screen;
private Gun gun;
private MenuState mns;
private Mouse mouse;
public Game()
Dimension size = new Dimension(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
screen = new Screen(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
frame = new JFrame();
gun = new Gun();
mns = new MenuState();
mouse = new Mouse();
public static void main(String[] args)
Game game = new Game();
public void strat()
running = true;
thread = new Thread(this, "Reaper");
public void stop()
running = false;
catch (InterruptedException e)
public void run()
long timer = System.currentTimeMillis();
long lastTime = System.nanoTime();
double ns = 1000000000.0 / 60;
double delta = 0;
while (running)
long now = System.nanoTime();
delta += (now - lastTime) / ns;
lastTime = now;
while (delta >= 1)
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - timer > 1000)
timer = System.currentTimeMillis();
frame.setTitle("Reaper! " + " | " + updates + " ups , " + frames + " fps");
updates = 0;
frames = 0;
public void update()
if (
public void render()
BufferStrategy bs = getBufferStrategy();
if (bs == null)
Graphics g = bs.getDrawGraphics();
g.fillRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
if (
if (
g.clearRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
g.drawImage(mns.getImage(), 0, 0, mns.getImageWidth(), mns.getImageHeight(), this);
if (mns.rules)
g.clearRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
I know it's very badly coded, and I will try to fix it as much as I can, but I am really stuck on this. Searched around the web, tried some of the solutions but it wont work. I guess I'm doing it wrong by putting methods in wrong places and calling them, I guess.
I know it's very badly coded, and I will try to fix it as much as I can, ...
Next time, consider first cleaning up the mess and then asking the question.
(Are the variables storing the values returned by getMouseX() and getMouseY() really static?)
However, the main reason for the actual problem are the x and y values in the Bullet class:
class Bullet
private double dx, dy;
private int x, y;
public void update()
x += dx;
y += dy;
System.out.println("dx : " + dx + " " + dy);
They are declared as int values. Imagine what happens in the update method, for example, when x=0 and dx = 0.75: It will compute 0+0.75 = 0.75, truncate this to be an int value, and the result will be 0.
Thus, the x and y values will never change, unless the dx and dy values are >= 1.0, respectively.
Just changing the type of x and y to double will solve this. You'll have to add casts in the render method accordingly:
g.drawImage(image, (int)x, (int)y, ...);
But you should really clean this up.

2D Game camera logic

I'm trying to implement a camera for a 2D game that I'm making... The goal will to have the cam keep the player in the center and the sprites relative to the camera.
To get the hang of normalocity's post, I tried starting off simple by making a Camera Test project, where I'd simulate a camera by drawing a sprite to a JPanel, and moving a "camera" object (which is the JPanel) around and setting the sprite's x,y relative to that.
The Camera, as I said, is the JPanel... and I've added a "world", which is a class with an x,y of 0,0, and w=1000, h=1000. I've included the sprite's location relative to the world as well as the camera. When I move the camera up, the sprite moves down and the player stays in the middle as expected..
But if I keep pressing down, the sprite seems to keep drawing over itself.
My questions are:
Am I on the right track in implementing a camera given the code below?
Why does the sprite start to draw over itself there? It should just disappear off the viewPort/JPanel
Now with PaintComponent(g) added, my JPanel bg color of gray now slides off. Is this supposed to happen?
EDIT: SSCCE of my program:
Main Class:
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class MainSSCCE extends JFrame {
static MainSSCCE runMe;
public MainSSCCE() {
JFrame f = new JFrame("Camera Test");
CameraSSCCE cam = new CameraSSCCE(0, 0, 500, 500);
f.setSize(cam.getWidth(), cam.getHeight());
f.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
Dimension screensize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
f.setLocation( (screensize.width - f.getWidth())/2,
(screensize.height - f.getHeight())/2-100 );
public static void main(String[] args) {
runMe = new MainSSCCE();
Camera Class:
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
//Camera is the JPanel that will draw all objects... each object location will be in relation to the World
public class CameraSSCCE extends JPanel implements KeyListener {
//add world to camera...
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private int camX, camY, camH, camW;
private SpriteSSCCE sprite;
private PlayerSSCCE player;
private WorldSSCCE world;
public CameraSSCCE(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
camX = x;
camY = y;
camW = w;
camH = h;
sprite = new SpriteSSCCE(this, 300, 300, 20, 20);
player = new PlayerSSCCE(this, camW/2, camH/2, 25, 40);
world = new WorldSSCCE(this, 0, 0, 1000, 1000);
public int getWidth() {
return camW;
public int getHeight() {
return camH;
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
//cam is 500 x 500
g.fillRect(camX, camY, camW, camH);
//draw sprite at JPanel location if in camera sight
if (((sprite.getX()-camX) >= camX) && ((sprite.getX()-camX) <= (camX+camW)) && ((sprite.getY()-camY) >= camY) && ((sprite.getY()-camY) <= (camY+camH))) {
g.fillRect(sprite.getX()-camX, sprite.getY()-camY, 20, 20);
//Cam Sprite Location
g.drawString("Camera Sprite Location: (" + (sprite.getX()-camX) + ", " + (sprite.getY()-camY) + ")", sprite.getX()-camX, sprite.getY()-camY);
//Player location (center of Camera... Camera follows player)
g.fillRect(player.getX()-player.getWidth(), player.getY()-player.getWidth(), player.getWidth(), player.getHeight());
//World Sprite Location
g.drawString("World Sprite Location: (" + sprite.getX() + ", " + sprite.getY() + ")", sprite.getX(), sprite.getY());
//Cam Player Location
g.drawString("Cam Player Location: (" + (camW/2-player.getWidth()) + ", " + (camH/2-player.getHeight()) + ")", camW/2-player.getWidth(), camH/2-player.getHeight());
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
//move camera right in relation to World
if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) {
//move camera left in relation to World
if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) {
//move camera up in relation to World
if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP) {
//move camera down in relation to World
if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) {
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {}
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {}
World Class:
public class WorldSSCCE {
private int x, y, w, h;
private CameraSSCCE camera;
public WorldSSCCE(CameraSSCCE cam, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
camera = cam;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
public int getX() {
return this.x;
public int getY() {
return this.y;
public int getWidth() {
return this.w;
public int getHeight() {
return this.h;
Player Class:
import java.awt.Dimension;
public class PlayerSSCCE {
private int x, y, w, h;
private CameraSSCCE cam;
public PlayerSSCCE(CameraSSCCE cm, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
cam = cm;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
public int getX() {
return this.x;
public int getY() {
return this.y;
public int getWidth() {
return this.w;
public int getHeight() {
return this.h;
public void setX(int val) {
this.x += val;
public void setY(int val) {
this.y += val;
Sprite Class:
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
public class SpriteSSCCE {
private int xLoc, yLoc, width, height;
private CameraSSCCE world;
public SpriteSSCCE(CameraSSCCE wld, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
xLoc = x;
yLoc = y;
width = w;
height = h;
world = wld;
public int getX() {
return xLoc;
public int getY() {
return yLoc;
public int getWidth() {
return width;
public int getHeight() {
return height;
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
g.fillRect(xLoc, yLoc, width, height);
1) You have not honored the paint chain by calling super.paintComponent(g) in paintComponent(..):
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
//do drawing here
As per Java docs:
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
Further, if you do not invoker super's implementation you must honor
the opaque property, that is if this component is opaque, you must
completely fill in the background in a non-opaque color. If you do not
honor the opaque property you will likely see visual artifacts.
2) Also notice the #Override annotation I added and the fact that I changed public modifier to protected as thats what the access level is defined as in the implementation class which we should keep unless for a specific reason.
3) Also Swing uses Keybindings have a read on How to Use Key Bindings
4) Also have a read on Concurrency in Swing specifically on The Event Dispatch Thread which dictates all swing components be created on EDT via SwingUtillities.invokeXXX(..) block:
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
//create and manipulate swing components here
5) You extend the JFrame class and create an instance, this is not what you want rather remove the extends JFrame from the class declaration:
public class MainSSCCE extends JFrame { //<-- Remove extends JFrame
public MainSSCCE() {
JFrame f = new JFrame("Camera Test");//<-- instance is created here
Your world is a virtual area larger than the screen (or your jpanel for what matters). All objects' positions are relative to the world. Let's call them absolute coordinates.
Your camera is a small rectangular portion of the world (your panel). By moving it you see different world portions. If you could move the camera like in the post you link to, then at some point you would not be able to see neither the player nor the other sprite.
Since your goal is to keep the player centered on the screen what does this mean for our world? This means that the player and the camera are moving together in relation to the world.
Given the above it does not make sense to draw a camera sprite as in your first screenshot. The camera sprite should be either invisible or it should be drawn in the same position with the player sprite. Nor it makes sense to change the camera's absolute coordinates without changing the player's. Those two are moving together. (take this into account in your keyPressed() methods)
Now when you are drawing, you are drawing from the camera's point of view (or in other words in the camera's coordinate system). From that point of view, the camera always see a rectangle of (0, 0, cameraWidth, cameraHeight). That's what you should use when clearing the area with gray color. This will fix your moving background issue. Since camera and player always have the same absolute coordinates the player will always be in the same place (this is what we want). The rest of the sprites will be seen relative to camera.
For each one of them you translate them in the camera's coordinate system when you do (sprite.x - cam.x) and (sprite.y - cam.y). Since they are translated, you only need to check if they are inside the camera's rectangle (0, 0, cameraWidth, cameraHeight). If they are you go ahead and draw them. If not ignore them.
I hope that helps
Note: cameraWidth, cameraHeight are your jpanel's dimensions

Java, Slick, An object that shouldnt move is moving?

In my game I'm making, I need NPC's/mobs.
I made a class called peasant (my first mob).
In the main class from which the game is running, I have all the information, as well as calling an object called mob1 from Peasant
I need to make it so that if the player is within 300 pixels of the mob, it starts to move towards it. Ive tried doing this but so far, even if the player is 2000 pixels away, the mob starts moving???
Here is my Peasant class
package Entitys.NPCs;
public class Peasant {
public Peasant(float InitX, float InitY, int MobID){
MobX = InitX;
MobY = InitY;
//This class shall be used as an object creator. This will randomly move a graphic around, near to a player
private float MobX;
private float MobY;
private int AmountMoved = 0;
private boolean MoveRight = true;
private boolean MoveLeft;
public boolean PlayerDetected = false;
long timer;
//Used to find the mobs X
public float getX(){
return MobX;
//Used to find the mobs Y
public float getY(){
return MobY;
//Used to set the mobs X
public void setX(float X){
MobX = X;
//Used to set the mobs Y
public void setY(float Y){
MobY = Y;
//Used to simply move the mob on its X co-ords
public void moveX(int delta){
MobX += delta*0.1f;
//Used to simply move the mob on its Y co-ords
public void moveY(int delta){
MobY += delta*0.1f;
public void autoEveryThing(int delta, float playerX, float playerY) {
// If the player has not been spotted the NPC/Mob will move left and
// right by 100 Pixels.
And here is the main class:
package Worlds.World1;
import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse;
import org.newdawn.slick.Animation;
import org.newdawn.slick.Color;
import org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer;
import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics;
import org.newdawn.slick.Image;
import org.newdawn.slick.Input;
import org.newdawn.slick.SlickException;
import org.newdawn.slick.state.BasicGameState;
import org.newdawn.slick.state.StateBasedGame;
import Entitys.NPCs.*;
import Main.SimpleMob;
public class World1A extends BasicGameState{
String mousePosition;
Image world;
Animation player, playerLeft, playerRight;
int[] duration = {200,200};
float playerX;
float playerY;
float WorldX;
float WorldY;
float PlayerVisibleScreenX;
float PlayerVisibleScreenY;
String MovementDirection;
Peasant mob1;
public World1A(int state){
public void init(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg) throws SlickException{
Image [] WalkingLeft = {new Image("res/Sprites/buckysLeft.png"),new Image("res/Sprites/buckysLeft.png")};
Image [] WalkingRight = {new Image("res/Sprites/buckysRight.png"),new Image("res/Sprites/buckysRight.png")};
playerLeft = new Animation(WalkingLeft, duration, false);
playerRight = new Animation(WalkingRight, duration, false);
player = playerRight;
WorldX = 0;
WorldY = 0;
world= new Image("res/WorldImages/WorldBackGround.png");
MovementDirection = "Not Moved Yet";
mob1= new Peasant(2000, 200, 1);
playerX = Math.abs(WorldX);
public void render(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg, Graphics g) throws SlickException{
player.draw(450, 300);
world.draw(0, 0);
g.fillOval(0+mob1.getX(), 0+mob1.getY(), 50, 50);
g.fillRect(0, 0+340, 500, 10);
player.draw(-WorldX + 450, 300);
world.draw(WorldX, WorldY);
g.fillOval(WorldX+mob1.getX(), WorldY+mob1.getY(), 50, 50);
g.fillRect(WorldX, WorldY+340, 500, 10);
g.fillOval(WorldX+mob1.getX(), WorldY+mob1.getY(), 50, 50);
player.draw(450, 300);
//All this is co-ords ect, it is for developement help
g.drawString(String.valueOf(mob1.getX()), 50, 200);
g.drawString("World X: "+ String.valueOf(WorldX), 50, 225);
g.drawString("Player X: "+ String.valueOf(playerX), 50, 250);
g.drawString("Player Detetcted?: "+ String.valueOf(mob1.PlayerDetected), 50, 265);
public void update(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg, int delta) throws SlickException{
playerX = Math.abs(WorldX);
mob1.autoEveryThing(delta, playerX, playerY);
int posX = Mouse.getX();
int posY = Mouse.getY();
mousePosition = "X: " + posX + "\nY: " + posY;
Input input = gc.getInput();
WorldX += delta * 0.1f;
MovementDirection = "Left";
player = playerLeft;
}else if(input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_RIGHT)){
WorldX -= delta * 0.1f;
MovementDirection = "Right";
player = playerRight;
MovementDirection = "Not Moving";
public int getID(){
return 2;
The autoEveryThing method in the Peasant class should make it so that if(mobX-300
But when I first run this it starts moving towards the player?
even though (2000-300<0) is false, it still sets the PlayerDetected boolean to true???
Why does this happen?
After trying to go through thi and fix it I found somthing strange, even if I take out the whole bit which can change PlayerDetected to true, the mob still moves towards the player. This meens that PlayerDetected is becominbg true somwhere, but I cant figure out where?
is wrong you should use ==
or even better
boolean isPlayerDetected;
if (isPlayerDetected)
further consider
double dx = mobX - playerX;
double dy = mobY - playerY;
double distance = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
if (distance < 300) {
// is within distacne threshold
