Google API for Plus Builder getting failed - java

I am trying to get people information from the google API.
Below is the code
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, JSONException
plus = new Plus.Builder(Auth.HTTP_TRANSPORT, Auth.JSON_FACTORY, new HttpRequestInitializer() {
public void initialize(HttpRequest request) throws IOException {
Person profile = plus.people().get("<Key>").execute();
public static Credential authorize(List<String> scopes, String credentialDatastore) throws IOException {
// Load client secrets.
InputStreamReader clientSecretReader = new InputStreamReader(Auth.class.getResourceAsStream("/client_secrets.json"));
GoogleClientSecrets clientSecrets = GoogleClientSecrets.load(JSON_FACTORY, clientSecretReader);
// Checks that the defaults have been replaced (Default = "Enter X here").
if (clientSecrets.getDetails().getClientId().startsWith("Enter")
|| clientSecrets.getDetails().getClientSecret().startsWith("Enter ")) {
"Enter Client ID and Secret from"
+ "into src/main/resources/client_secrets.json");
// This creates the credentials datastore at ~/.oauth-credentials/${credentialDatastore}
FileDataStoreFactory fileDataStoreFactory = new FileDataStoreFactory(new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/" + CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY));
DataStore<StoredCredential> datastore = fileDataStoreFactory.getDataStore(credentialDatastore);
GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder(
HTTP_TRANSPORT, JSON_FACTORY, clientSecrets, scopes).setCredentialDataStore(datastore)
// Build the local server and bind it to port 8080
LocalServerReceiver localReceiver = new LocalServerReceiver.Builder().setPort(8080).build();
// Authorize.
return new AuthorizationCodeInstalledApp(flow, localReceiver).authorize("user");
When I try to run the above code I am getting the following exception.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:<init>(Lcom/google/api/client/http/HttpTransport;Lcom/google/api/client/http/HttpRequestInitializer;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/google/api/client/json/JsonObjectParser;Lcom/google/api/client/googleapis/services/GoogleClientRequestInitializer;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V
Where as the same I tried for YouTube.Builder it worked fine.
Below is the sample code which I use to for youtube builder.
youtube = new YouTube.Builder(Auth.HTTP_TRANSPORT, Auth.JSON_FACTORY, new
HttpRequestInitializer() {
public void initialize(HttpRequest request) throws IOException {
Here I just replaced the YouTube.Builder with Plus.Builder but I got the above exception which mentioned as above.
Any GoogleAPI experts let me where I made a mistake.
Pom.xml dependencies:
<!-- Required for any code that makes calls to the Google Analytics API -->
<!-- This dependency is only used for the Topics API sample, which requires
the Jackson JSON parser -->
<!-- Google API dependency -->

I've fixed this error by updating version of api library in pom.xml.
Then you should call
mvn clean package
Latest versions of google libraries you can find in Maven repository:


Quarkus - could not find writer for content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded type

This is my code for doing a request with jax-rs Client:
private Client client;
private static final int TIMEOUT = 8000;
public void init() {
client = ClientBuilder.newBuilder()
.readTimeout(TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.connectTimeout(TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
final String resource = "/some-endpoint/{id}/securityinfo";
final String path = url + resource;
final WebTarget target = client
.resolveTemplate("id", email);
final var form = new Form().param("mail", email);
final Response response = target
.post(Entity.entity(form, MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED));
if (response.getStatusInfo().getFamily() != Response.Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL) {
throw new MyException(response.readEntity(String.class));
I receive the error: RESTEASY004655: Unable to invoke request: RESTEASY003215: could not find writer for content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded type:
This happens only with form - content type request, as the json support works properly.
These are the dependencies used:
Have you tried using ( :
I'm not sure it will fix the issue as it is just shorthand for what you have. But i would give it a try.
In order to find a solution easier can you share the dependencies you are using on your project.

NoClassDefFoundError in Azure Function App for Digital Twin

I am developing an azure function app. function in azure function app is responsible to receive messages from azure event hub. this method should should update azure digital twin. I am creating Azure DigitalTwin instance like below
public void eventHubProcessor(
#EventHubTrigger(name = "msg", eventHubName = "", connection = "EventHubConnectionString") String message,
final ExecutionContext context) {
// context.getLogger().info(message);
String adtUrl = System.getenv("ADT_SERVICE_URL");
context.getLogger().info("ADTURl : " + adtUrl);
DigitalTwinsClient client = new DigitalTwinsClientBuilder().credential(new ClientSecretCredentialBuilder()
Iterable<DigitalTwinsModelData> modelList = client.listModels();
Iterator<DigitalTwinsModelData> it = modelList.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
DigitalTwinsModelData model =;
context.getLogger().info("" + model.getDtdlModel());
for (DigitalTwinsModelData model : modelList) {
context.getLogger().info("Created model: " + model.getModelId());
This code works fine in my local java application but when I deploy this code to azure function app, it gives me below error
2021-05-27T07:42:35.173 [Error] Executed 'Functions.eventGridMonitorString' (Failed, Id=12a87102-78a3-4e2e-8715-b4401091d753, Duration=116ms)Result: FailureException: NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class reactor.netty.http.client.HttpClientConfigStack: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetExceptionat sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke($StreamingMessagePeer.lambda$onNext$0( java.util.concurrent.Executors$ java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class reactor.netty.http.client.HttpClientConfigat reactor.netty.http.client.HttpClientConnect.<init>( reactor.netty.http.client.HttpClient.create( com.ey.azurefunctions.PolarDelightFunctionApp.Function.eventHubProcessor( 16 more
am I missing something or is there any issue with above code?
Edit 1 I have below maven dependencies added to my project
<version>1.7.1</version> <!-- {x-version-update;;dependency} -->

An attempt was made to call a method that does not exist. STS

When i run the STS(SpringBoot) application i get the below error:
The attempt was made from the following location: org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.startInternal(
The following method did not exist:
The method's class, javax.servlet.ServletContext, is available from the following locations:
It was loaded from the following location:
The suggestion in the ide is:
Correct the classpath of your application so that it contains a single, compatible version of javax.servlet.ServletContext
I guess there is something wrong with my pom.xml the code is as below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<relativePath /> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<description>API for user registration and login with validation</description>
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Thanks for using -->
The main dependencies causing the error are:
I get the error only after adding the above dependencies, the need to add the dependencies is the below class:
package com.uni.authorize.service;
import java.util.List;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.Instant;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import com.uni.authorize.model.TokenKeys;
import com.uni.authorize.pojo.TokenObject;
import com.uni.authorize.repository.TokenKeysRepository;
import com.uni.authorize.service.CreateToken;
import net.oauth.jsontoken.JsonToken;
import net.oauth.jsontoken.crypto.HmacSHA256Signer;
public class CreateToken {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CreateToken.class);
private static final String ISSUER = "UnI United Tech";
TokenKeysRepository tokenKeyRepository;
public TokenObject createToken(String userId) {
List<TokenKeys> tokenList = tokenKeyRepository.findAll();
TokenKeys tokenKeys = tokenList.get(0);
long accessTokenValidity = tokenKeys.getAccessTokenValidity();
long refreshTokenValidiry = tokenKeys.getRefreshTokenValidity();
String accessTokenKey = tokenKeys.getAccessKey();
String refreshTokenKey = tokenKeys.getRefreshKey();
String accessToken = generateAccessToken(userId, accessTokenKey, accessTokenValidity);
String refreshToken = generateRefreshToken(userId, refreshTokenKey, refreshTokenValidiry);
TokenObject tokenObject = new TokenObject();
tokenObject.setScope("read write trust");
return tokenObject;
private String generateAccessToken(String userId, String accessTokenKey, long accessTokenValidity) {
HmacSHA256Signer signer;
try {
signer = new HmacSHA256Signer(ISSUER, null, accessTokenKey.getBytes());
} catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Configure JSON token
JsonToken token = new net.oauth.jsontoken.JsonToken(signer);
// token.setAudience(AUDIENCE);
DateTime dateTime = new DateTime();
long dateTimeMillis = dateTime.getMillis();
// DateTime currentTimeDateTime = new DateTime(dateTimeMillis);
// DateTime expiryTimeDateTime = new DateTime(dateTimeMillis + accessTokenValidity);
Instant currentTimeInstant = new org.joda.time.Instant(dateTimeMillis);
Instant expirationTimeInstant = new org.joda.time.Instant(dateTimeMillis + accessTokenValidity);
LOGGER.debug("Current Time Instant" + currentTimeInstant);
LOGGER.debug("Expiration Tine Instant" + expirationTimeInstant);
// Configure request object, which provides information of the item
JsonObject request = new JsonObject();
request.addProperty("userId", userId);
JsonObject payload = token.getPayloadAsJsonObject();
payload.add("info", request);
try {
return token.serializeAndSign();
} catch (SignatureException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private String generateRefreshToken(String userId, String refreshTokenKey, long refreshTokenValidiry) {
HmacSHA256Signer signer;
try {
signer = new HmacSHA256Signer(ISSUER, null, refreshTokenKey.getBytes());
} catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Configure JSON token
JsonToken token = new net.oauth.jsontoken.JsonToken(signer);
// token.setAudience(AUDIENCE);
DateTime dateTime = new DateTime();
long dateTimeMillis = dateTime.getMillis();
// DateTime currentTimeDateTime = new DateTime(dateTimeMillis);
// DateTime expiryTimeDateTime = new DateTime(dateTimeMillis + refreshTokenValidiry);
Instant currentTimeInstant = new org.joda.time.Instant(dateTimeMillis);
Instant expirationTimeInstant = new org.joda.time.Instant(dateTimeMillis + refreshTokenValidiry);
LOGGER.debug("Current Time Instant" + currentTimeInstant);
LOGGER.debug("Expiration Tine Instant" + expirationTimeInstant);
// Configure request object, which provides information of the item
JsonObject request = new JsonObject();
request.addProperty("userId", userId);
JsonObject payload = token.getPayloadAsJsonObject();
payload.add("info", request);
try {
return token.serializeAndSign();
} catch (SignatureException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Please help me resolve this issue.
Thanks in advance
getVirtualServerName() was added in Servlet 3.1, but you included servlet-api-2.5.jar is your application.
Change your dependencies to include servlet-api-3.1.jar (or later)
Remove the servlet-api-2.5.jar dependency, since the correct version is included in the Embedded Tomcat file (tomcat-embed-core-9.0.33.jar).
Actually, you should never ship servlet-api.jar with your application, since it will be provided by the Servlet Container. Seems you're missing <scope>provided</scope> in your dependency tag for the servlet-api file.
I solved a similar issue by adding dependencyManagement.
Here is an example of my code where a version of was the problem:

NoClassDefFoundError While Using Java Web Tokens

I am trying to understand the usage of java web tokens so I wanted to made a simple web application. I just create a simple login system which uses jwt but I got java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/jsonwebtoken/Jwts in some point. Here is my related codes:
public class Connect extends HttpServlet {
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException{
String username = req.getParameter("username");
String password = req.getParameter("password");
Jjwt jjwt = new Jjwt();
jjwt.authorize(username, password);
if(jjwt.flag == true){
DatabaseInteractions databaseInteractions = new DatabaseInteractions();
JsonOutput output = databaseInteractions.getAccountDetails(databaseInteractions.getID(username));
ServletContext context = getServletContext();
req.setAttribute("username", username);
req.setAttribute("btcAmount", output.getBtcAmount());
req.setAttribute("ethAmount", output.getEthAmount());
req.setAttribute("xrpAmount", output.getXrpAmount());
req.setAttribute("trxAmount", output.getTrxAmount());
req.setAttribute("adaAmount", output.getAdaAmount());
context.getRequestDispatcher("/Home.jsp").forward(req, resp);
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException{
public class Jjwt{
public boolean flag;
public Jjwt(){
flag = false;
public Response authorize(String username, String password){
DatabaseInteractions databaseInteractions = new DatabaseInteractions();
if(databaseInteractions.connectToDatabase() == false){
System.out.println("Error: Could not connect to database. Please try later ...");
return Response.status(Response.Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
if(databaseInteractions.login(username, password)){
String key = "key";
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
String jwt = Jwts.builder()
.signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.HS256, key)
.setIssuedAt(new Date(time))
.setExpiration(new Date(time+9000))
JsonObject jsonObject = Json.createObjectBuilder().add("JWT", jwt).build();
flag = true;
return Response.status(Response.Status.CREATED).entity(jsonObject).build();
return Response.status(Response.Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
In String jwt = Jwts.builder() point at class, I got the error that I mentioned above. I added all the necessary dependencies I guess, here is my pom.xml(By the way, this is a Maven project):
<name> Repository for Maven</name>
<name> Maven 1 Repository (legacy)</name>
Where am I doing wrong?
Edit: When I add the below dependencies:
Now it gives java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fasterxml/jackson/core/JsonProcessingException at the same point.

Lucene exception NoSuchMethodError with version 6.4.0

I am relatively new to Lucene and playing with the latest version 6.4.0.
I have written a cutom analyzer class for doing synonyms,
public class MySynonymAnalyzer extends Analyzer {
protected TokenStreamComponents createComponents(String fieldName) {
Tokenizer source = new ClassicTokenizer();
TokenStream filter = new StandardFilter(source);
filter = new LowerCaseFilter(filter);
filter = new SynonymGraphFilter(filter, getSynonymsMap(), false);
filter = new FlattenGraphFilter(filter);
return new TokenStreamComponents(source, filter);
private SynonymMap getSynonymsMap() {
try {
SynonymMap.Builder builder = new SynonymMap.Builder(true);
builder.add(new CharsRef("work"), new CharsRef("labor"), true);
builder.add(new CharsRef("work"), new CharsRef("effort"), true);
SynonymMap mySynonymMap =;
return mySynonymMap;
} catch (Exception ex) {
return null;
In the line where I call getSynonymsMap(), I get the following exception:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.lucene.util.UnicodeUtil.UTF16toUTF8WithHash([CIILorg/apache/lucene/util/BytesRef;)I
at org.apache.lucene.analysis.synonym.SynonymMap$Builder.add(
at org.apache.lucene.analysis.synonym.SynonymMap$Builder.add(
at m2_lab4.MySynonymAnalyzer.getSynonymsMap(
at m2_lab4.MySynonymAnalyzer.createComponents(
at org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer.tokenStream(
at org.apache.lucene.document.Field.tokenStream(
Version 6.4.0 doesn't seem to have method UTF16toUTF8WithHash in class UnicodeUtil. I am using everything from lucene 6.4.0 and there doesn't seem to be any old versioned jar in my classpath. This is how my maven dependendies look like:
Any idea what's going on? I am specially puzzled by the [CIILorg/apache/lucene/util/BytesRef text inside the exception description.
