In order to be able to log all skipped record / lines (from Flat file), I have linked Item (Data model) to FieldSet.getValues() in FieldSetMapper<T> implementation.
Here record is my Data model.
public void loadRecord(FieldSet fieldSet){
SB provides record/line for onSkipInRead in the FlatFileParseException. To have the same for onSkipInWrite and onSkipInProcess, I came up with the above solution.
Also, record does not store all the fields from the flat file, hence I can't each line using just the Data model.
Is this a good way to acheive this ?
Are there any other ways to do this ?
Is the record / line corresponding to an Item stored in any context ?
Thanks for the help !
Now I understand better your problem :)
Save the whole line into your domain object and not the FieldSet using a custom LineMapper.From LineMapper javadoc:
Interface for mapping lines (strings) to domain objects typically used
to map lines read from a file to domain objects on a per line basis.
Implementations of this interface perform the actual work of parsing a
line without having to deal with how the line was obtained.
So with a delegate is pretty easy solve your problem:
class StoreLineLineMapper implements LineMapper<DomainObject> {
private LineMapper<DomainObject> delegate;
public DomainObject mapLine(java.lang.String line, int lineNumber) throws java.lang.Exception {
DomainObject record = delegate.mapLine(line, lineNumber);
record.setLineInfo(new LineInfo(line, lineNumber));
return record;
The complete code for this use case:
public class UserMapper implements FieldSetMapper<User> {
public User mapFieldSet(FieldSet fieldSet) throws BindException {
User user = new User();
String ped = fieldSet.readString("Position effective date");
user.setId(fieldSet.readInt("User ID"));
user.setFn(fieldSet.readString("First Name"));
user.loadRecord(fieldSet); // store fieldSet for regenerating line in future
return user;
This will regenerate line from fieldSet (Delimiter is TAB):
class User{
public String toString() {
return StringUtils.arrayToDelimitedString(fieldSet,
Log lines in SkipListener like this:
class SkipListener {
public static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SkipListener.class);
public void onSkipInWrite(Object item, Throwable t) {
public void onSkipInRead(Throwable t) {
if (t instanceof FlatFileParseException) {
FlatFileParseException ffpe = (FlatFileParseException) t;
public void onSkipInProcess(Object item, Throwable t) {
public void onSkip(Object item) {;
I created a factory pattern in my class.
In this class I injected classes which implements Command interface based on incoming String parameter.
Factory class
public class CommandFactory {
private final ACommand aCommand;
private final BCommand bCommand;
private final CCommand cCommand;
private final DCommand dCommand;
private final ECommand eCommand;
private final FCommand fCommand;
public Command createCommand(String content) {
if (aCommand.isMatching(content)) {
return aCommand;
} else if (bCommand.isMatching(content)) {
return bCommand;
} else if (cCommand.isMatching(content)) {
return cCommand;
} else if (dCommand.isMatching(content)) {
return dCommand;
} else if (eCommand.isMatching(content)) {
return eCommand;
} else if (fCommand.isMatching(content)) {
return fCommand;
} else {
return null;
In isMatching() method there are different regex'es and I try to figure out how this incoming String should be processed.
I am looking for a cleaner way to get rid of these sequential if statements. Because whenever I create a new class into this factory I add another if statement.
Maybe Stream can help?
Stream<Command> stream = Stream.of(aCommand, bCommand, cCommand ...);
return stream.filter(x -> x.isMatching(content)).findFirst().orElse(null);
Now every time you add a new class, you just add a new object to the first line.
If you want to get rid of the sequential if statements you can use streams (like user Sweeper suggested) or loops and I would also suggest to return and optional which makes null handling clearer for the client.
Here are two suggested options to get rid of if else repetitions one with loops another with streams:
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
public class CommandPatternExample {
private List<Command> candidates = Arrays.asList(new ACommand(), new BCommand(), new CCommand());
public Optional<Command> createCommand(String content) {
for(Command command : candidates) {
if(command.isMatching(content)) {
return Optional.of(command);
return Optional.empty();
public Optional<Command> createCommandStream(String content) {
return -> c.isMatching(content)).findFirst();
interface Command<T> {
void execute(T obj);
boolean isMatching(String s);
class ACommand implements Command<String> {
public void execute(String obj) {
public boolean isMatching(String s) {
return "A".equals(s);
class BCommand implements Command<String> {
public void execute(String obj) {
public boolean isMatching(String s) {
return "B".equals(s);
class CCommand implements Command<String> {
public void execute(String obj) {
public boolean isMatching(String s) {
return "C".equals(s);
Map might be a good idea. Meaning if you place your command instances into a map as values where your key would be something that you could match against incoming String. Then instead of sequential search with Efficiency O(n) you can get much better performance O(1). This is a short answer.
Besides that There is an open source java library MgntUtils (wriiten by me) that contains some utility called "Self-instantiating factories" Basically it manages and the Factory for you. All you will need to do is to create a class that implements a certain interface and the utility will add it for you into a map based factory. It might be useful to you. Here is the link to an article that explains about the utilities in the library as well as where to get the library (Github and Maven central). In the article look for the paragraph "Lifecycle management (Self-instantiating factories)". Also library comes with a detailed written javadoc and code example for that feature.
I'm new to RxJava, and I am wondering how I can create a configurable Observable? Let's imagine I could write a DB-to-DB transfer like this:
I can already do that with the Subscriber, but how can I get some small configuration in the same fashion to the Observable itself?
There's 2 ways you can do that:
Option #1: have your own objects do the configuration, and then have an execute(), query() or toObservable() that switches domains:
Option #2: use .compose() to re-use common operations:
<T> Transformer<T,T> addSQLParameters() {
return obs -> obs.sql(selectSql).params(selectParams);
I would suggest you use option #1, as it allows much better management of your part of the code.
Maybe I found an acceptable way around this. It seems that what I need to do here is a double-binding outside of the Observable instantiation itself. E.g. I need a DbObservable and DbOnSubscribe pair which is counting on each other, something like this:
DbObservable class:
public class DbObservable<T> extends Observable<T> {
//Some parameter
private String sql;
protected DbObservable(DbOnSubscribe<T> onSub) {
//Getter for DbOnSubscribe
public String getSql() {
return sql;
//Chain parameter modifier
public DbObservable<T> sql(String sql) {
this.sql = sql;
return this;
DbOnSubscribe class:
public class DbOnSubscribe<T> implements Observable.OnSubscribe<T> {
private DbObservable<T> dbObservable;
public void call(Subscriber<? super T> subscriber) {
String sql = dbObservable.getSql(); //Access SQL param
subscriber.onNext( (T) sql ); //Use subscriber
//Set back-reference
public void setDbObservable(DbObservable<T> dbObservable) {
this.dbObservable = dbObservable;
And finally our assumed DbConnector class:
public class DbConnector {
public DbObservable<String> getObservable() {
DbOnSubscribe<String> onSub = new DbOnSubscribe<String>();
DbObservable<String> obs = new DbObservable<>(onSub);
return obs;
So when I try it out ...
public class DbObservableTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
DbConnector srcDb = new DbConnector();
.sql("some SQL")
... it really works! It prints out the "some SQL".
If you want to be super-clean and don't mind one or 2 extra lines of code, go for a builder as proposed by Joel and Tassos Bassoukos.
If you're not afraid of a little bit more complicated code (which should be always encapsulated somewhere) and you really want those parameters to be inside your own Observable, you can try the double-binding way
Any more options?
Scenario 1 :
I am generating a report for more department's performance and participation in a institute. When I am display the report in GUI, it can be sort by department performance and participation(No.of student participated).
For this scenario, should i use Prototype Design pattern?
Ex :
public abstract class Report implements Cloneable {
private String id;
protected String type;
public void setId(String id){
public String getId(){
return id;
public String getType(){
return type;
abstract void getReportData();
public Object clone() {
Object clone = null;
try {
clone = super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
return clone;
public class PerformanceReport extends Report {
public PerformanceReport(){
type = "Performance";
public void getReportData() {
/* Get report data from database and sort based on performance*/
public class ParticipationReport extends Report {
public ParticipationReport(){
type = "Participation";
public void getReportData() {
/* Get report data from database and sort based on participation*/
public class ReportCache {
private static Hashtable<String, Report> reportMap = new Hashtable<String, Report>();
public static Report getReport(String reportid) {
Report cachedReport = reportMap.get(reportid);
return (Report) cachedReport.clone();
public static void loadCache() {
ParticipationReport participationReport = new ParticipationReport();
PerformanceReport performanceReport = new PerformanceReport();
public class PrototypePatternReport {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Report clonedReport = (Report) ReportCache.getReport("1");
System.out.println("Report : " + clonedReport.getType());
Report clonedReport2 = (Report) ReportCache.getReport("2");
System.out.println("Report : " + clonedReport2.getType());
Is my above concept is correct ? and this concept is relevant to Prototype-pattern?
Scenario 2 :
I am storing quiz detail (questions and options, answers) in a object, while student request for quiz, I should encrypt the answer and give. For encrypted answer i should keep another object to give. I this scenario can i use prototype? After response come from student I should compare the student answer with existing object.
Prototype pattern is often useful when object initialization is expensive or when you explicitly need an object that is a copy of another.
Scenario 1:
In your case, getting report data from database and sorting it is much more expensive than instantiating an object, and each report will consist on its own data (you will not benefit from copying from another object) so I would not consider using a prototype.
Scenario 2:
In this scenario, the key is
For encrypted answer i should keep another object to give
In this case, as you need another object and you need to ensure that the second object is an exact copy of the first, you could use a prototype to create the second object, and then change its properties to ensure that the answers are hidden.
I'm trying to generate a aggregate view of consecutive market data, which means we need to calculate the sum value every 2 message. say the data coming in as:
V means value T means timestamp when we receive the data.
We need to generate the sum for every 2 points say:
Any suggestion how can we do this by using aggregator2 or we need to write a processor for this?
You are right, aggregator2 component is the good way to go. I would try something like that:
.aggregate(new ValueAggregationStrategy()).completionTimeout(1500)
class ValueAggregationStrategy implements AggregationStrategy {
public Exchange aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange) {
if (oldExchange == null) {
return newExchange;
String oldBody = oldExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
String newBody = newExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
oldExchange.getIn().setBody(extractValue(oldBody) + extractValue(newBody));
return oldExchange;
public int extractValue(String body) {
// Do the work "(V0,T0" -> "V0"
NB: It would be easier to parse if you could have a format like that: V0,T0;V1,T1...
For more information: here is an article wrote by Claus Ibsen on parsing large file with Camel
After reading the source code of Aggregator, it turns out that camel only aggregate one message to one group, we have to build a "aggregator" for this purpose. here is the code:
public abstract class GroupingGenerator<I> implements Processor {
private final EvictingQueue<I> queue;
private final int size;
public int getSize() {
return size;
public GroupingGenerator(int size) {
this.size = size;
this.queue = EvictingQueue.create(size);
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
queue.offer((I) exchange.getIn().getBody());
if (queue.size() != size) {
exchange.setProperty(Exchange.ROUTE_STOP, true);
} else {
processGroup(queue, exchange);
protected abstract void processGroup(Collection<I> items, Exchange exchange);
I have an object, Supply, that can either be an ElecSupply or GasSupply (see related question).
Regardless of which subclass is being edited, they all have a list of BillingPeriods.
I now need to instantiate N number of BillingPeriodEditors based on the contents of that list, and am pretty baffled as to how I should do it.
I am using GWTP. Here is the code of the SupplyEditor I have just got working:
public class SupplyEditor extends Composite implements ValueAwareEditor<Supply>
private static SupplyEditorUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(SupplyEditorUiBinder.class);
interface SupplyEditorUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, SupplyEditor>
final ElecSupplyEditor elecSupplyEditor = new ElecSupplyEditor();
final AbstractSubTypeEditor<Supply, ElecSupply, ElecSupplyEditor> elecSupplyEditorWrapper = new AbstractSubTypeEditor<Supply, ElecSupply, ElecSupplyEditor>(
public void setValue(final Supply value)
setValue(value, value instanceof ElecSupply);
if(!(value instanceof ElecSupply))
final GasSupplyEditor gasSupplyEditor = new GasSupplyEditor();
final AbstractSubTypeEditor<Supply, GasSupply, GasSupplyEditor> gasSupplyEditorWrapper = new AbstractSubTypeEditor<Supply, GasSupply, GasSupplyEditor>(
public void setValue(final Supply value)
setValue(value, value instanceof GasSupply);
if(!(value instanceof GasSupply))
Panel elecPanel, gasPanel, unitSection;
public SupplyEditor()
// functions to show and hide depending on which type...
public void setValue(Supply value)
if(value instanceof ElecSupply)
else if(value instanceof GasSupply)
Now, as the list of BillingPeriods is a part of any Supply, I presume the logic for this should be in the SupplyEditor.
I got some really good help on the thread How to access PresenterWidget fields when added dynamically, but that was before I had implemented the Editor Framework at all, so I think the logic is in the wrong places.
Any help greatly appreciated. I can post more code (Presenter and View) but I didn't want to make it too hard to read and all they do is get the Supply from the datastore and call edit() on the View.
I have had a look at some examples of ListEditor but I don't really get it!
You need a ListEditor
It depends of how you want to present them in your actual view, but the same idea apply:
public class BillingPeriodListEditor implements isEditor<ListEditor<BillingPeriod,BillingPeriodEditor>>, HasRequestContext{
private class BillingPeriodEditorSource extends EditorSource<BillingPeriodEditor>{
public EmailsItemEditor create(final int index) {
// called each time u add or retrive new object on the list
// of the #ManyToOne or #ManyToMany
public void dispose(EmailsItemEditor subEditor) {
// called each time you remove the object from the list
public void setIndex(EmailsItemEditor editor, int index) {
// i would suggest track the index of the subeditor.
private ListEditor<BillingPeriod, BillingPeriodEditor> listEditor = ListEditor.of(new BillingPeriodEditorSource ());
// on add new one ...
// apply or request factory
// you must implement the HasRequestContext to
// call the create.(Proxy.class)
public void createNewBillingPeriod(){
// create a new one then add to the list
public class BillingPeriodEditor implements Editor<BillingPeriod>{
// edit you BillingPeriod object
Then in you actual editor edit as is in the path Example getBillingPeriods();
BillingPeriodListEditor billingPeriods = new BillingPeriodListEditor ();
// latter on the clickhandler
You are done now.