coverting sql count aggregate function to hibernate criteria - java

I have the following sql query which i am trying to covert to a hibernate find:
select column_1, column_2, count(*)
from data_table
group by column_1, column_2
order by column_1, column_2
So far this is the code i have:
DetachedCriteria detachedCriteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(table.class);
For some reason i am getting the following error:
ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression
Is this the right way to translate the the sql query using hibernate? if not, what would be a better way
I am also trying to map the returned count column to a transient property in the model object. What would be a good way to implement that?

I was able to implement what i was looking for using the code below:
"count(*) as counter",
new String[] { "counterproperty" },
new Type[] { Hibernate.LONG }
counterProperty is a transient property i added to the model object


jOOQ JSON query results in ORA-00979

I'm trying to execute this query to an Oracle 19c database:
Field<JSON> employee = DSL.field("employee", JSON.class);
Table<Record1<JSON>> employees = dsl
.select(jsonObject(jsonEntry("id", EMPLOYEE.ID), jsonEntry("name", EMPLOYEE.NAME), jsonEntry("phones",
jsonObject(jsonEntry("number", PHONE.PHONENUMBER), jsonEntry("type", PHONE.TYPE)))
String json = dsl
But I get
org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: jOOQ; bad SQL grammar
[select json_arrayagg("alias_113372058".employee) from
(select json_object(key ? value "EMPLOYEE"."ID", key ? value "EMPLOYEE"."NAME", key ? value json_arrayagg(json_object(key ? value "PHONE"."PHONENUMBER", key ? value "PHONE"."TYPE"))) employee from "EMPLOYEE" join "PHONE" on "PHONE"."EMPLOYEE_ID" = "EMPLOYEE"."ID" group by "EMPLOYEE"."ID") "alias_113372058"];
nested exception is java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00979: Kein GROUP BY-Ausdruck
Does jOOQs JSON feature not work with Oracle?
This isn't related to your JSON usage. The same thing would have happened if you removed all of it and wrote this query instead:, EMPLOYEE.NAME)
Your query would work in MySQL, PostgreSQL or standard SQL, where you can still project all functionally dependent columns after grouping by a primary key column. But in Oracle, this doesn't work. So, you have to add EMPLOYEE.NAME to your GROUP BY clause.
There's a feature request to transform your SQL accordingly, but jOOQ 3.14 does not support this yet:
Note that JSON_ARRAYAGG() aggregates empty sets into NULL, not into an empty []. If that's a problem, use COALESCE()

How to generate SQL from template with order by parameter using jOOQ?

I generate the SQL template like this with jOOQ 3.11.11.
DSLContext context = new DefaultDSLContext(conf);
Query query =
String sqlTemp = context.renderNamedParams(query);
SQL template:
select *
from table1
where report_date = :bizdate
order by :sort
The SQL template is stored and the params are decided at realtime query condition.
ResultQuery resultQuery = context.resultQuery(sqlTemp, DSL.param("bizdate", "20190801"), DSL.param("sort", "id desc"));
The realtime SQL:
select *
from table1
where report_date = '20190801'
order by 'id desc'
There is something wrong with the order by clause.
So. How to replace the order by param sort with "id desc" or "name asc" and eliminate the quotes?
DSL.param() creates a bind variable, which is generated as ? in SQL, or :bizdate if you choose to use named parameters, or '20190801' if you choose to inline the bind variables. More about bind variables can be seen here.
You cannot use DSL.param() to generate column references or keywords. A column expression (e.g. a reference) is described in the jOOQ expression tree by the Field type. Keywords are described by the Keyword type, but you probably do not want to go this low level. Instead you want to handle some of the logic in your query expression. For example:
String sortField = "id";
SortOrder sortOrder = SortOrder.ASC;
Query query =
The mistake you're making is to think that you can use a single SQL template for all sorts of different dynamic SQL queries, but what if you're dynamically adding another predicate? Or another join? Or another column? You'd have to build a different jOOQ expression tree anyway. Just like here. You could store two SQL strings (one for each sort order), and repeat that for each sort column.
But, instead of pre-generating a single SQL string, I recommend you extract a function that takes the input parameters and generates the query every time afresh, e.g.:
ResultQuery<?> query(String bizDate, Field<?> sortField, SortOrder sortOrder) {
return context.selectFrom("table1")
Here is some further reading about using jOOQ for dynamic SQL:

Hibernate 2 with MSSQL for ORDER BY

I have been working with Oracle and Postgre and recently switched to MS SQL 2012.
I use hibernate in my application and wherever I have used the Order by Criteria:
It causes an error saying:
aggregate functions dont work.
Once I comment that line out my program works and data can be retrieved.
I'm using Hibernate 3.
Is there any way to order it through hibernate without this error?
This is one error I get,
Column "SKY.tcrent.RENTNO" is invalid in the ORDER BY clause because
it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY
Edit 2..
MY query
Query tcSchaduleQ = getSession().createQuery("SELECT SUM(tcs.dueAmount) FROM TrialCalculationSchedule tcs WHERE tcs.facilityId=:facilityId AND tcs.rentalNumber>:rentalNumber AND tcs.dueDate>:dueDate AND dueTypeId IN(:dueTypeId) ORDER BY tcs.rentalNumber ").setInteger("rentalNumber", facility.getPeriod() - noOfprePayments).setInteger("facilityId",facility.getFacilityId()).setDate("dueDate", date).setParameterList("dueTypeId", plist);
Number tcsAmt = (Number) tcSchaduleQ.uniqueResult();
and this is what hibernate generates in HQL
TrialCalculationSchedule tcs
AND tcs.rentalNumber>:rentalNumber
AND tcs.dueDate>:dueDate
AND dueTypeId IN(
and this is the SQL
SUM(trialcalcu0_.DUEAMT) as col_0_0_
SKYBANKSLFHP.tcrent trialcalcu0_
and trialcalcu0_.RENTNO>?
and trialcalcu0_.DUEDATE>?
and (
trialcalcu0_.DUETYPEID in (
? , ?
order by
Look Like you mix aggregate and non-aggregate expressions .If you are using any aggregate function like AVG() in Select query with some other non-aggregate then you must use Group By ..
Try something like this
createQuery("SELECT SUM(tcs.dueAmount) As DueAmount ...
If you are using Criteria then it should be like this
Criteria crit = sess.createCriteria(Insurance.class);
ProjectionList proList = Projections.projectionList();
List sumResult = crit.list();

jOOQ - error with alias and quotes

I have this query:
Field<String> yearMonth = DSL.field("FORMATDATETIME({0}, 'yyyy-MM')",
String.class, LICENZE.CREATION_DATE).as("anno_mese");
List<Record3<Integer, String, String>> records ="num_licenze"), LICENZE.EDIZIONE, yearMonth).
groupBy(LICENZE.EDIZIONE, yearMonth).
this query generates:
count(*) "num_licenze",
group by
order by "anno_mese" asc
executing it i get: Column "anno_mese" not found; SQL statement
Testing the generated query and removing the quotes from anno_mese in every parts of the query make the query works instead.
Is my query wrong or am I using jooq in the wrong way?
The alias in this query is not so important, I can run the query without using it too but just to understand how it works.
I am using h2 as database.
Thanks for the help
I suspect this is a bug in H2, which I've reported here, because the query looks fine to me. Here are some workarounds that you can do from the jOOQ side:
Don't reference the "anno_mese" column by name
While SQL is a bit repetitive otherwise, you won't notice the difference with jOOQ. I simply moved the as("anno_mese") method call into the SELECT clause. You don't really need it in the GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses.
Field<String> yearMonth = DSL.field("FORMATDATETIME({0}, 'yyyy-MM')",
List<Record3<Integer, String, String>> records ="num_licenze"),
groupBy(LICENZE.EDIZIONE, yearMonth).
Disable quoting in jOOQ generated queries
You can use jOOQ's Settings to prevent schema / table / column names from being quoted. Example:
DSLContext create = DSL.using(connection, SQLDialect.H2,
new Settings().withRenderNameStyle(RenderNameStyle.AS_IS);
Use upper case column names
This will probably work: DSL.field(...).as("ANNO_MESE")

How to use CONCAT_WS() in Hibernate HQL

To combine multiple columns as one,
I found one answer
SELECT id,CONCAT_WS(',', field_1, field_2, field_3, field_4) list
FROM `table`;
This query working fine in SQL but it gives me error in HQL:
Error is .
(java.lang.IllegalStateException: No data type for node: org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.MethodNode )
please help me to find out what wrong i did, help me to know how to use CONCAT_WS() IN HQL
below how i written my HQL query
FROM GapAnalysisWashInHealthFacilitiesCore C1
any help will appreciate
CONCAT_WS is a function specific to mySql. HQL is a generic language and not aware of native SQL functions and syntax. If you really need the function, then you should use Hibernate's API for native SQL.
Session session = ...;
Query query = session.createSQLQuery("
SELECT id,CONCAT_WS(',', field_1, field_2, field_3, field_4) Block_name FROM `table`");
List result = query.list();
Then you may like to have a look at Result Transformers to get result as list of GapAnalysisWashInHealthFacilitiesCore objects.
