I want one of these commands to be executed. I can't do it in java.
Commands are:
type table1.sql, table2.sql, table3.sql > sBackup.sql
type *.sql > allinone.sql --[Make a backup for all file in the folder]
copy *.sql merged.sql
I tried this:
String command = "type " + "*.sql" + " --result-file=" + "c:\\sBackup.sql";
Your valuable insight is highly appreciated. Thank you.
type and copy are both built-ins in the Windows command shell, not actual programs you can execute. To execute them, you execute a command shell and provide the command as an argument after a /C:
String command = "cmd.exe /C type " + "*.sql" + " --result-file=" + "c:\\sBackup.sql";
...but I'll just note that I don't think type has a --result-file argument.
At the moment I use a simple cmd start command. So:
start ../myexe.exe parameters
As you can see this exe is created from a cpp solution.
When an error occurres I get a pop up like this:
But I actually want this to abort automatically, because it should run in the background totally. Is there a way to run an exe like this? Should I change something in the cpp solution? Or should I write some kind of script to abort the execution?
Another spin of the problem is, that I need to run the exe in a java project. Should I change something here? The implementation so far:
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start /B /wait "
+ "/ciff_caff_parser.exe "
+ caffFullPath + " "
+ caffId
+ " || exit /b");
logger.info("Waiting for parser to finish...");
int i = process.waitFor();
logger.info("Parser finished successfully, with error code: " + i);
I've done many research for executing an external program (e.g. iTunes) by some simple code, however the suggestions did never work. Sometimes nothing happend, sometimes I got this error message:
English: Unable to find "Discord". Be sure the name is written correctly and try again.
My Code is the following:
try {
String name = (String) "start " + table.getValueAt(table.getSelectedRow(), table.getSelectedColumn());
ProcessBuilder p = new ProcessBuilder("cmd.exe", "cd /D %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%/Desktop", "/c", name);
} catch (Exception e) {
In my example I get the name of the external program from a JTable, this part is working fine. The ProcessBuilder is changing the directory to the desktop first. Then the external program should be executed by the start <program name> command. With this code I get the mentioned error message.
If you have a solution with cmd, please include changing the directory to the desktop.
You should pass each argument as a single entry to ProcessBuilder. In your current code, you sometimes take multiple arguments together (like cd /D %HOME...). Try passing every argument as it's own parameter, including the command to start and its argument:
String name = (String) table.getValueAt(table.getSelectedRow(), table.getSelectedColumn());
ProcessBuilder p = new ProcessBuilder("cmd.exe", "cd", "/D", "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%/Desktop", "/c", "start", name);
According to: cmd.exe,
/D Ignore registry AutoRun commands
HKLM | HKCU \Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun
Did you mean start.exe /D not cmd.exe /D?
and also they told that
If /C or /K is specified, then the remainder of the command line is processed as an immediate command in the new shell. Multiple commands separated by the command separator '&' or '&&' are accepted if surrounded by quotes.
Did you mean cmd.exe /C "cd %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\Desktop & Discord"?
I am trying to automate some processes that were build in ancient times, for the sake of avoiding repetitive actions. It is required that the processes are started with one batch and stopped with another (this can not be changed btw).
So i made a commandline tool to do this (and many other repetitive stuff) and I have modelled a command that starts the 'startbatch' and a command that start the 'stopbatch'. Both commands work fine separatly (as I tested them separatly) but there seems to be a problem when i want execute them one after another (in the correct order ofcourse). I get the following error in new cmd.exe window:
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
the code that i am using to start the batches looks like this:
public void startBatchInDev(String company){
String startBatchFolder = locations.getLocationFor("startbatch");
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
runtime.exec("cmd.exe /C cd \"" + startBatchFolder + "\" & start cmd.exe /k \"" + BATCHSTART + company.toLowerCase()+ "-dev" + BATCH_SUFFIX + "\"");
catch(IOException ioe){
public void stopBatchInDev(String company){
String startBatchFolder = locations.getLocationFor("startbatch");
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
runtime.exec("cmd.exe /C cd \"" + startBatchFolder + "\" & start cmd.exe /k \"" + BATCHSTOP + company.toLowerCase()+ "-dev" + BATCH_SUFFIX + "\"");
catch(IOException ioe){
The names of the batchfiles are concatenated, but they are OK once the application is running.
The error message is quite clear, some file is locked and I can't access it because of it. Some googling confirms my suspicion, but I can't seem to find a solution for this. The hits in google are all about obvious uses of files, like an obvious shared resource. But in my case, i am not working on the same batch file. The stop and start batch are two different files. So I am actually starting to think that it might be the cmd.exe file that is being locked by windows...
So this question is actually two questions:
- what is the exact cause of the described problem?
- how do i programmatically fix this (if possible)?
thanks in advance!
So, basically, bat is not so great :-(
I was able to repro this from java, but I also found that this script:
#echo off
echo STOP
echo STOP >> E:\tmp\java\logfile.txt
C:\cygwin\bin\sleep.exe 1
echo STOP1 >> E:\tmp\java\logfile.txt
C:\cygwin\bin\sleep.exe 1
echo STOP2 >> E:\tmp\java\logfile.txt
When run twice like this:
start test.bat && start test.bat
Will fail with one or more messages like:
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
The reason is that " >> " redirection opens the file for Read/Write access but only FILE_SHARE_READ sharing. If two different programs attempt to open the file this way, one of them fails.
So, you cannot have two different batch files running at the same time and logging to the same file
I'm looking to call the command line from a java program. I have successfully entered the command line using this bit of code
String[] cmd = new String[2];
cmd[0] = "cmd /c dir";
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
System.out.println("Execing " + cmd[0]);
Process proc = rt.exec(cmd[0]);
However, the actual commands aren't working. I am not too familiar with command line, I have only ever typed directly into it. So my question is how do I pass multiple arguments in? For instance if I wanted to change to C:\ I would have thought I could just add cd\ on the end but this doesn't seem to work?
Thanks in advance
use the & symbol. Everything needs to go in at once. For instance: cd .. & echo "test" will go to the previous directory and then echo test.
Taken from here: http://forums.techguy.org/dos-other/697113-solved-multiple-commands-cmd.html
I want to write a java code that executes some Linux command:
String cmd = "cd /home/arps/FBI" ;
Process p=Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
String [] arr = new String [9] ;
arr[0] = "cd /home/arps/FBI" ;
for(int n = 1 ; n < 9 ; n++){
String command = "mv" + " " + "/home/arps/FBI/hr" + n + ".txt" + " " + "/home/arps/FBI/hrs" + n +".txt" ;
arr[n] = command ;
Process pp=Runtime.getRuntime().exec(arr);
In above code: I try to rename 8 files named hr1, hr2 .... to hrs1 , hrs2 ... etc. In cd command I try to enter the required directory. However, I have used absolute path also. But the code is giving error:
java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "cd": java.io.IOException: error=2, No such file or directory
java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "mv /home/arps/FBI/hr1.txt /home/arps/FBI/hrs1.txt": java.io.IOException: error=2, No such file or directory
Can anybody help me why is this happening though I manually execute those command means "mv /home/arps/FBI/hr1.txt /home/arps/FBI/hrs1.txt" and executes properly?
cd is a built-in command to the current shell - you can't execute it - it's a shell built-in, as the cwd is a process-level setting, so a new process has it's own value. There is no way to change the cwd from within the java process.
The array argument version of exec is for executing a single command, where you have split the arguments yourself, not for executing multiple commands.
So you either need to give full paths, or implement the copy yourself in Java.
Change the final line of your program from
Process pp=Runtime.getRuntime().exec(arr);
for (String cmdLine: arr) {
Process pp=Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdLine);
and you will execute each line separately, according to RunTime documentation.
You might be better off writing a shell script that does what you need and invoking that from Java.
arr array must store the arguments of command. Not seperated commands. refer to my question.
run shell command from java
If ls -l /home/arps/FBI/hrs1.txt outputs nothing as you said in the comments, then the file you're trying to rename simply does not exist, so the exception is right about this.
PS: IMHO this is not to be done in Java. Use scripting languages for such things. Way easier and way smaller code. For each problem, try to use the right tool, not one tool for all problems.