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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a Java application hosted in SourceForge (SVN)
Basically I'm looking for a tool that generate nightly builds based on this:
When a new commit was applied, the tool will auto generate a new build
I did search for few tools but I didn't find what I'm looking for
I guess the thing you are searching for is basically called Continous Integration Server. One example is Jenkins. I prefer using TeamCity but Jenkins is much more popular.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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Observed the advantages of CI for solo developers Is Continuous Integration important for a solo developer?
Is there any CI server suitable for solo developers?
They usually consume a lot of RAM and are server-agent based.
In my thinking, they need to be:
-lightweight (RAM)
-compatible with GitHub
Could you quote me?
Why don't you use jenkins/hudson? It is excellent you can configure it with sonar, codestyle, automatic build on every commit and many plugins.
Jenkins comes with an standalone jar file that you can use.
Yes, it's true that it consumes memory but it worth it and it isn't terrible memory consumer.
By the way, you can find here an interesting list:
You can take a look and see which one fits your needs.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there a wizard like plugin for Eclipse that can generate all design patterns in Java and/or in C++, and it is free to use? I want something like this
I want to make a plugin as my diplomawork, PatternBox, and CodePro I already found.
PatternBox is not full, and CodePro as i understood is a part of a software package.
Seems like the Eclipse plugin from Patternbox is what you are searching for.
Caveat: I have never used it and won't try it out, I don't think is the right idea ...
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have scoured google for a while, but I have been unable to find a source for the javadoc for SVNKit (all I found was someone's year old github mirror of the SVNKit repository). Since the SVNKit website is down, does anyone know where I can either access a copy of the web based javadoc or download the javadoc jars for the latest (stable) version of SVNKit?
Taking advantage of public maven repos (either manual or from your IDE if your project is maven-based):
SVNKit site is up and running now, sorry for the inconvenience.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am new to mobile testing and i want to test the ios apps through any of the automation tools available in the market,could you please suggest me which tool is best ? and useful links to that tool for how to use that tool in a proper manner
I personally prefer Calabash which is built on Cucumber if you want to do acceptance tests. Then you can automate your builds using Jenkins. There are support for Cucumber in Jenkins as well, you can find it here.
You can use Gorrila and TestStudio.
Also StackOverFlow
Another option is Appium, which lets you write tests in many languages and test frameworks.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm trying to find a solution that offers either a Java api for writing .mobi files for sending to a Kindle, or something that's scriptable given a Linux environment. I have text data in a MySQL database that I want to offer as Kindle-friendly content.
I'd like to hear what tools people have used for this that work reasonably well.
There are Linux versions of the KindleGen tool available from Amazon here.