Java 8 - Streams Nested ForEach with different Collection - java

I try to understand the new Java 8 Streams and I tried for days to transfer nested foreach loops over collection in Java 8 Streams.
Is it possible to refactor the following nested foreach loops including the if-conditions in Java-8-Streams?
If yes what would it look like.
ArrayList<ClassInq> Inq = new ArrayList<>();
TreeMap<String, SalesQuot> Quotations = new TreeMap<>();
ArrayList<ClassInq> tempInqAndQuot = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<SalesQuot> tempQuotPos = new ArrayList<>();
for(ClassInq simInq : this.Inq) {
if(!simInq.isClosed() && !simInq.isDenied()) {
for(Map.Entry<String, SalesQuot> Quot: Quotations.entrySet()) {
SalesQuot sapQuot = Quot.getValue();
if(sapQuot.getInquiryDocumentNumber().compareTo(simInq.getSapInquiryNumber()) == 0) {
for(Map.Entry<String, SalesQuotPosition> quotp : sapQuot.getPosition().entrySet()) {
Thanks a lot for your help.

First, try to adhere to the Java naming conventions, as your upper case variable names make it really hard to read your code. Second, it’s a good thing that you want to learn about Stream API but you should not ignore the basics of the pre-Java 8 Collection APIs.
It’s not useful to iterate over an entrySet() when you are only interested in either, keys or values. You do it two times within a small piece of code.
At the first appearance you can replace
for (Map.Entry<String, SalesQuot> Quot: Quotations.entrySet()){
SalesQuot sapQuot = Quot.getValue();
with the simpler
for (SalesQuot sapQuot: Quotations.values()){
At the second, the entire
for(Map.Entry<String,SalesQuotPosition> quotp: sapQuot.getPosition().entrySet()){
can be replaced by
Thus even without streams, your code can be simplified to
for (ClassInq simInq : this.Inq){
if (!simInq.isClosed() && !simInq.isDenied()){
for (SalesQuot sapQuot: Quotations.values()){
if (sapQuot.getInquiryDocumentNumber().compareTo(simInq.getSapInquiryNumber()) == 0){
though it’s still not clear what it is supposed to do and whether it’s correct. Besides the errors and suspicions named in the comments to your question, modifying the incoming values (esp. from the outer loop) does not look right.
It’s also not clear why you are using ….compareTo(…)==0 rather than equals.
However, it can be straight-forwardly rewritten to use streams without changing any of the code’s logic: -> !simInq.isClosed() && !simInq.isDenied())
.forEach(simInq -> Quotations.values().stream().filter(sapQuot ->
.forEach(sapQuot -> {
Still, I recommend cleaning up the original logic first before rewriting it for using other APIs. The stream form would greatly benefit from a more precise definition of what to achieve.


How to apply Java Stream for existing forEach loop with if condition

I am new to Java stream and can use java stream on ArrayList. This time I don't have any clue and been trying since 2 hours. I am not getting any idea. I am not sure even if it is possible to use Java stream here. Can someone please guide me? I don't even know where to start. How shall I check for below condition transactions.getAvatarInfo() != null?
This for loop works as expected. and I need to use Java Streams here instead of for loop. I was able to use Java Streams at other for loops , it was straight forward. Here I don't even know where to start.
for (int i = 0; i < accountInfo.get().getTransactions().size(); i++) {
Transactions transactions = accountInfo.get().getTransactions().get(i);
AvatarInfo avatarInfo = new AvatarInfo ();
if (transactions.getAvatarInfo() != null) {
transations.setAvataruri(TransactionsConstant.PREFIX +
transactions.getAvatarInfo().setUserName(transactions.getAvatarInfo ().getUsername());
So far I have tried below but it gives error saying ; is expeccted after null. And if I add that there would be another error.
accountInfo.get().getTransactions().stream().filter(a -> {
AvatarInfo avatarInfo = new AvatarInfo ();
a.getAvatarInfo() != null
If you have only a single expression, you can write a lambda using just that expression, like this:
a -> (a.getAvatarInfo() != null) // returns a boolean for filter
However, when you introduce {}, you have a full embedded method that has to follow all the normal syntax for a method. In this case, since your lambda should return a boolean, you need
return a.getAvatarInfo() != null;
However, the new AvatarInfo() business appears to be completely unnecessary and can be removed, allowing you to use the simpler form.
ArrayList is a Collection. Since Java 8 Collection defines a stream() method which will return a Stream of the elements of your ArrayList.
To get the list we need a collector, so I think it should be like this:
.filter(account -> account.getAvatarInfo() != null)
Otherwise it will only return a Stream instead of a List.

Java takeWhile statefulness

I'm writing a parser for a programming language, and I was thinking Java's takeWhile method might be perfect for grouping the lexical tokens into structures. As an example case, to get a stream of tokens representing a brace-delimited code block, I could write:
stream.dropWhile(t -> !t.equals("{")).takeWhile(t -> !t.equals("}")))
…Except, obviously that wouldn't work if the block in question had nested blocks, such as a function declaration. In a more imperative style, I might do this after the opening brace:
List blockTokens = new ArrayList<String>();
String token;
int braceLevel = 1;
while (braceLevel > 0) {
token = nextToken();
if (token.equals("{")) braceLevel++;
else if (token.equals("}")) braceLevel--;
return blockTokens;
Kinda ugly, kinda verbose. What I'm hoping is there is a more concise way to do this kind of computation using Streams?

In Java, a "decorate and sort" concise implementation?

I'm learning Java for the first time (my prior experience is Python and Haskell). I have a situation that would, in Python, require a "decorate and sort" idiom. Such as the following (code not tested but this is roughly correct):
origList = <something>
decorated = sorted( [(evalFunc(item), item) for item in origList] )
finalList = [item for _, item in decorated]
By choosing a different evalFunc you can choose how this is sorted.
In Java, I'm writing a program that composes music by choosing from among a list of notes, evaluating the "fitness" of each note, and picking the best. I have a class representing musical notes:
class Note {
I have a class that represents the fitness of a note as two values, its goodness and badness (yes, these are separate concepts in my program). Note: in Python or Haskell, this would simply be a 2-tuple, but my understanding is that Java doesn't have tuples in the usual sense. I could make it a pair, but it gets unwieldy to declare variables all over the place like List<Pair<Type1,Pair<Type2,Type3>>>. (As an aside, I don't think Java has type aliases either, which would let me shorten the declarations.)
class Fitness {
double goodness;
double badness;
The function that evaluates the fitness needs access to several pieces of data other than the Note. We'll say it's part of a "Composition" class:
class Composition {
... data declared here ... ;
public Fitness evaluate(Note n) {
I'd like to be able to compare Fitness objects in numerical order. There are two ways to compare: either goodness or badness can be numerically compared, depending on the situation.
class CompareFitnessByGoodness implements Comparator<Fitness> {
class CompareFitnessByBadness implements Comparator<Fitness> {
I'd like to package the Note together with its fitness, so I can sort the combined list by fitness and later pull out the best Note.
class Together {
public Note;
public Fitness;
I'd like to sort a List<Together> by either the goodness, or by the badness. So I might need:
class CompareTogetherByGoodness implements Comparator<Together> {
class CompareTogetherByBadness implements Comparator<Together> {
Eventually I'll write something like
Note pickBest(List<Together> notes) {
// Pick a note that's not too bad, and pretty good at the same
// time.
// First sort in order of increasing badness, so I can choose
// the bottom half for the next stage (i.e. the half "least bad"
// notes).
Collections.sort(notes, new CompareTogetherByBadness());
List<Together> leastBadHalf = notes.subList(0, notes.size()/2);
// Now sort `leastBadHalf` and take the last note: the one with
// highest goodness.
Collections.sort(leastBadHalf, new CompareTogetherByGoodness());
return leastBadHalf.get(leastBadHalf.size()-1);
Whew! That is a LOT of code for something that would be a few lines in Haskell or Python. Is there a better way to do this?
Addressing some of the answers.
"You don't need to decorate." Well, my fitness computation is very expensive, so I want to compute it once for each note, and save the result for later access as well.
"Store goodness/badness in Note." The goodness or badness is not a property of the note alone; it's only meaningful in context and it can change. So this is a suggestion that I add mutable state which is only meaningful in some contexts, or plain wrong if there's a bug which accidentally mutates it. That's ugly, but maybe a necessary crutch for Java.
Going by what you already have
origList = <something>
decorated = sorted( [(evalFunc(item), item) for item in origList] )
finalList = [item for _, item in decorated]
This is the equivalent in modern Java:
Given your composition object:
Composition composer = ...;
And a list of notes:
List<Note> notes = ...;
Then you can do:
List<Together> notesAllTogetherNow =
.map(note -> new Together(note, composer.evaluate(note)))
.sorted(new CompareTogetherByGoodness())
To get the best note, you can take a bit further:
Optional<Note> bestNote =
.map(note -> new Together(note, composer.evaluate(note)))
.sorted(new CompareTogetherByBadness())
.limit(notes.size() / 2) // Taking the top half
.sorted(new CompareTogetherByGoodness())
.findFirst() // Assuming the last comparator sorts in descending order
You can use streams:
Function<Foo, Bar> func = ...
Comparator<Foo> comparator = ...
var list = ...
var sorted =
Java plainly includes a Collections.sort :: List -> Comparator -> List that does everything for you. It mutates the original list, though.
Unfortunately, Java's standard library does not include tuples and even a plain Pair; the Apache Commnons library does, though.
In short, you don't need the decorate / undecorate approach in Java.
class Fitness {
double goodness;
double badness;
class Together {
Note note;
Fitness fitness;
class Note{
List<Together> notes = ...
Collections.sort(notes, Comparator.comparingDouble(value ->;
List<Together> leastBadHalf = notes.subList(0, notes.size()/2);
return ->;

List of regex results instead of first result in Kotlin

Using the following code, I can set a couple variables to my matches. I want to do the same thing, but populate a map of all instances of these results. I'm struggling and could use help.
val (dice, level) = Regex("""([0-9]*d[0-9]*) at ([0-9]*)""").matchEntire(text)?.destructured!!
This code works for one instance, none of my attempts at matching multiple are working.
Your solution is short and readable. Here are a few options the one you use is largely a matter of preference. You can get a Map directly by using the associate method as follows.
val diceLevels = levelMatches.associate { matched ->
val (diceTwo,levelTwo) = matched.destructured
(levelTwo to diceTwo)
Note: This creates an immutable map. If you want a MutableMap, you can use associateTo.
If you want to be concise, you can simplify out the destructuring to local variables and index the groups directly.
val diceLevels = levelMatches.associate {
(it.groupValues[2] to it.groupValues[1])
Or, using let, you can also avoid needing to declare levelMatches as a local variable if it isn't used elsewhere --
val diceLevels = Regex("([0-9]+d[0-9]+) at ([0-9]+)")
.let { levelMatches ->
levelMatches.associate {
(it.groupValues[2] to it.groupValues[1])
I realized this was no where near as complicated as I was making it. Here was my solution. Is there something more elegant?
val levelMatches = Regex("([0-9]+d[0-9]+) at ([0-9]+)").findAll(text)
levelMatches.forEach { matched ->
val (diceTwo,levelTwo) = matched.destructured
diceLevels[levelTwo] = diceTwo

Struggle against habits formed by Java when migrating to Scala

What are the most common mistakes that Java developers make when migrating to Scala?
By mistakes I mean writing a code that does not conform to Scala spirit, for example using loops when map-like functions are more appropriate, excessive use of exceptions etc.
EDIT: one more is using own getters/setters instead of methods kindly generated by Scala
It's quite simple: Java programmer will tend to write imperative style code, whereas a more Scala-like approach would involve a functional style.
That is what Bill Venners illustrated back in December 2008 in his post "How Scala Changed My Programming Style".
That is why there is a collection of articles about "Scala for Java Refugees".
That is how some of the SO questions about Scala are formulated: "help rewriting in functional style".
One obvious one is to not take advantage of the nested scoping that scala allows, plus the delaying of side-effects (or realising that everything in scala is an expression):
public InputStream foo(int i) {
final String s = String.valueOf(i);
boolean b = s.length() > 3;
File dir;
if (b) {
dir = new File("C:/tmp");
} else {
dir = new File("/tmp");
if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdirs();
return new FileInputStream(new File(dir, "hello.txt"));
Could be converted as:
def foo(i : Int) : InputStream = {
val s = i.toString
val b = s.length > 3
val dir =
if (b) {
new File("C:/tmp")
} else {
new File("/tmp")
if (!dir.exists) dir.mkdirs()
new FileInputStream(new File(dir, "hello.txt"))
But this can be improved upon a lot. It could be:
def foo(i : Int) = {
def dir = {
def ensuring(d : File) = { if (!d.exists) require(d.mkdirs); d }
def b = {
def s = i.toString
s.length > 3
ensuring(new File(if (b) "C:/tmp" else "/tmp"));
new FileInputStream(dir, "hello.txt")
The latter example does not "export" any variable beyond the scope which it is needed. In fact, it does not declare any variables at all. This means it is easier to refactor later. Of course, this approach does lead to hugely bloated class files!
A couple of my favourites:
It took me a while to realise how truly useful Option is. A common mistake carried from Java is to use null to represent a field/variable that sometimes does not have a value. Recognise that you can use 'map' and 'foreach' on Option to write safer code.
Learn how to use 'map', 'foreach', 'dropWhile', 'foldLeft', ... and other handy methods on Scala collections to save writing the kind of loop constructions you see everywhere in Java, which I now perceive as verbose, clumsy, and harder to read.
A common mistake is to go wild and overuse a feature not present in Java once you "grokked" it. E.g. newbies tend to overuse pattern matching(*), explicit recursion, implicit conversions, (pseudo-) operator overloading and so on. Another mistake is to misuse features that look superficially similar in Java (but ain't), like for-comprehensions or even if (which works more like Java's ternary operator ?:).
(*) There is a great cheat sheet for pattern matching on Option:
I haven't adopted lazy vals and streams so far.
In the beginning, a common error (which the compiler finds) is to forget the semicolon in a for:
for (a <- al;
b <- bl
if (a < b)) // ...
and where to place the yield:
for (a <- al) yield {
val x = foo (a).map (b).filter (c)
if (x.cond ()) 9 else 14
instead of
for (a <- al) {
val x = foo (a).map (b).filter (c)
if (x.cond ()) yield 9 else yield 14 // why don't ya yield!
and forgetting the equals sign for a method:
def yoyo (aka : Aka) : Zirp { // ups!
aka.floskel ("foo")
Using if statements. You can usually refactor the code to use if-expressions or by using filter.
Using too many vars instead of vals.
Instead of loops, like others have said, use the list comprehension functions like map, filter, foldLeft, etc. If there isn't one available that you need (look carefully there should be something you can use), use tail recursion.
Instead of setters, I keep the spirit of functional programming and have my objects immutable. So instead I do something like this where I return a new object:
class MyClass(val x: Int) {
def setX(newx: Int) = new MyClass(newx)
I try to work with lists as much as possible. Also, to generate lists, instead of using a loop, use the for/yield expressions.
Using Arrays.
This is basic stuff and easily spotted and fixed, but will slow you down initially when it bites your ass.
Scala has an Array object, while in Java this is a built in artifact. This means that initialising and accessing elements of the array in Scala are actually method calls:
String [] javaArr = {"a", "b"};
String blah1 = javaArr[1]; //blah1 contains "b"
val scalaArr = Array("c", "d") //Note this is a method call against the Array Singleton
val blah2 = scalaArr(1) //blah2 contains "d"
