.exe is not created when using launch4j and maven - java

I'm trying to create an exe file for my JAVA project using launch4j and Maven.
Here is my pom.xml
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
I run : mvn clean compile assembly:single to create my jar app with all Maven dependencies.
To create the .exe I do : mvn package but nothing is created under target folder.
Am I missing a goal or a configuration ?

Well, I'm not an expert on maven, but the <pluginManagement> tag looks fishy to me. When I get the Maven POM documentation right, you want a plain <plugins> Element.


Maven: Generate both jar and war for the project using same pom.xml

I have a project and i need to generate both jar and war of the project using same pom.xml.
So when i run 'mvn clean install' it should generate both jar and war in my ~/m2 directory.
I needed this jar to build my second project.
Below is the sample pom.xml.
<description>service demo</description>
You can try options archiveClasses and attachClasses of maven-war-plugin
So your configuration can look like:
You should also use maven-install-plugin
Try this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<description>service demo</description>
<!-- <file>${project.build.directory}\${project.artifactId}-jar-with-dependencies.jar</file> -->
<!-- <file>${project.build.directory}\${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.jar</file> -->

maven-failsafe-plugin not running integration tests

I'm working on getting an integration test working but for some reason maven-failsafe-plugin is not running.
Below is the profile being used for the integration test.
And the name of the test class is AppSmokeTestIT.java.
#Test is being used for the tests.
I have looked at multiple post about this issue and >have done the following
I've tried just running the plugin in build tags.
I've tried adding
I've also tried running maven-failsafe-plugin version 2.18.1 instead as I saw someone with this issue suggesting it worked for them.
Sorry for wasting your time guys.
Had a brain fart yesterday and realised this morning that I didn't have the required profile selected when running the clean install.

maven - why is my pom.xml NOT removing META-INF/*.SF, META-INF/*.DSA and META-INF/*.RSA?

On my pom.xml I have the following <plugin> section:
But, whenever I build the project with a mvn clean install -U, some .SF, .DSA and .RSA are copied to the built jar file and I need to remove them manually.
How to correct this?
The correct usage of tag <excludes> is following:

Issues with creating a jar file

I am trying to create a jar file of my Java Maven project. I tried searching quite a bit but I can't seem to make it work.
The error i get is "no main manifest attribute in path to the jar".
I use this plugin to create the jar and then later build it.
My main class is called simply Main and it is shown in the MANIFEST.MF file as Main-Class: Main which I think should be correct.
I appreciate every piece of advice, thank you.
This is my configures .maybe is helpful
<ignore />
<copy file="${project.basedir}/script/startup.sh"
tofile="${project.build.directory}/bin/startup.sh" overwrite="true"/>
<copy file="${project.build.directory}/classes/config.properties"
<copy file="${project.build.directory}/classes/jdbc.properties"
A few comments on your configuration:
1) It seems you have an invalid XML for plugins. According to documentation, it should be something like this:
2) The mainClass tag should contain your full qualified main class e.g. com.your.package.Main. Unless your Main class is not under any package, you might want to change that.

maven copy dependecies not working

This question ha sbeen asked but none of the solutions worked for me so:
I want to copy my jars which are specified through the dependency tags in the build of POM.xml:
into a folder like target/lib
Like i said, nothing is copied at all. But according to some Q&A on this portal it should work.
Any ideas?
You are declaring your plugins in your <pluginManagement> section. This is all well and good, but if want them to execute you need to declare them outside the <pluginManagement> section:
Think of <pluginManagement> in the same way you think of <dependencyManagement>, but for plugins.
Add in goal like below based on your plugin
mvn clean install dependency:copy-dependencies
Try to replace :
By This :
