nanoHTTPD - How to run as a single background thread in Android? - java

My application is to use nanoHTTPD as an alternative to pressing buttons and keying in text on an Android UI for automation and regression test I currently have a main UI thread and a customized nanoHTTPD running in a different thread. Consider each HTTP request will be serviced very quickly in the UI thread. I think my model could be simplified if I could force nanoHTTPD to NOT start a new thread for each incoming request. I would not mind the blocking I/O model at all for my use cases. I see there is a pluggable strategy for threading. Can the below be modified such that only one web request is active at a time (blocking model)?
public static class DefaultAsyncRunner implements AsyncRunner {
private long requestCount;
public void exec(Runnable code) {
Thread t = new Thread(code);
t.setName("NanoHttpd Request Processor (#" + requestCount + ")");
I could probably also do more elaborate message queues but "dumbing-down" to nanoHTTPD in one thread seems simplest.


How to pass a message from TimerTask to main thread?

I have a main client which keeps background timers for each peer. These timers run in a background thread, and in 30s (the timeout period) are scheduled to perform the task of marking the respective peer as offline. The block of code to do this is:
public void startTimer() {
timer = new Timer();
timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
status = false;
System.out.println("Setting " + address.toString() + " status to offline");
// need to send failure message somehow
}, 5*1000);
Then, in the main program, I need some way to detect when the above timer task has been run, so that the main client can then send a failure message to all other peers, something like:
while (true)
if (msgFromThreadReceived)
How would I be able to accomplish this with TimerTask? As I understand, the timer is running in a separate thread, and I want to somehow pass a message to the main thread to notify the main thread that the task has been run.
I would have the class that handles the timers for the peers take a concurrent queue and place a message in the queue when the peer goes offline. Then the "main" thread can poll the queue(s) in an event-driven way, receiving and processing the messages.
Please note that this "main" thread MUST NOT be the event dispatch thread of a GUI framework. If there is something that needs to be updated in the GUI when the main thread receives the message, it can invoke another piece of code on the event dispatch thread upon reception of the message.
Two good choices for the queue would be ConcurrentLinkedQueue if the queue should be unbounded (the timer threads can put any number of messages in the queue before the main thread picks them up), or LinkedBlockingQueue if there should be a limit on the size of the queue, and if it gets too large, the timer threads have to wait before they can put another message on it (this is called backpressure, and can be important in distributed, concurrent systems, but may not be relevant in your case).
The idea here is to implement a version of the Actor Model (q.v.), in which nothing is shared between threads (actors), and any data that needs to be sent (which should be immutable) is passed between them. Each actor has an inbox in which it can receive messages and it acts upon them. Only, your timer threads probably don't need inboxes, if they take all their data as parameters to the constructor and don't need to receive any messages from the main thread after they're started.
public record PeerDownMessage(String peerName, int errorCode) {
public class PeerWatcher {
private final Peer peer;
private final BlockingQueue<PeerDownMessage> queue;
public PeerWatcher(Peer peer, BlockingQueue<PeerDownMessage> queue) {
this.peer = Objects.requireNonNull(peer);
this.queue = Objects.requireNonNull(queue);
public void startTimer() {
// . . .
// time to send failure message
queue.put(new PeerDownMessage(peer.getName(), error));
// . . .
public class Main {
public void eventLoop(List<Peer> peers) {
LinkedBlockingQueue<PeerDownMessage> inbox =
new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
for (Peer peer : peers) {
PeerWatcher watcher = new PeerWatcher(peer, inbox);
while (true) {
PeerDownMessage message = inbox.take();
SwingWorker.invokeLater(() {
// suppose there is a map of labels for each peer
JLabel label = labels.get(message.peerName());
label.setText(message.peerName() +
" failed with error " + message.errorCode());
Notice that to update the GUI, we cause that action to be performed on yet another thread, the Swing Event Dispatch Thread, which must be different from our main thread.
There are big, complex frameworks you can use to implement the actor model, but the heart of it is this: nothing is shared between threads, so you never need to synchronize or make anything volatile, anything an actor needs it either receives as a parameter to its constructor or via its inbox (in this example, only the main thread has an inbox since the worker threads don't need to receive anything once they are started), and it is best to make everything immutable. I used a record instead of a class for the message, but you could use a regular class. Just make the fields final, set them in the constructor, and guarantee they can't be null, as in the PeerWatcher class.
I said the main thread can poll the "queue(s)," implying there could be more than one, but in this case they all send the same type of message, and they identify which peer the message is for in the message body. So I just gave every watcher a reference to the same inbox for the main thread. That's probably best. An actor should just have one inbox; if it needs to do multiple things, it should probably be multiple actors (that's the Erlang way, and that's where I've taken the inspiration for this from).
But if you really needed to have multiple queues, main could poll them like so:
while (true) {
for (LinkedBlockingQueue<PeerDownMessage> queue : queues) {
if (queue.peek() != null) {
PeerDownMessage message = queue.take();
But that's a lot of extra stuff you don't need. Stick to one inbox queue per actor, and then polling the inbox for messages to process is simple.
I initially wrote this to use ConcurrentLinkedQueue but I used put and take which are methods of BlockingQueue. I just changed it to use LinkedBlockingQueue but if you prefer ConcurrentLinkedQueue, you can use add and poll but on further consideration, I would really recommend BlockingQueue for the simplicity of its take() method; it lets you easily block while waiting for the next available item instead of busy waiting.

Websockets and Threaded server-side Endpoint

Kind of a "noob" problem here.
I have a small application to write (like a simple game). There is server-side and client-side. It has to use websockets as the way of communication. Server has a server class (with main() that starts the server) as well as server endpoint class. However, the game is not turn based, but real time based. So the server has to do certain computations every "tick" b/c of the dynamic field.
I assume that Threads would suit well in this case, but I don't know how to put threads with this kind of server.
As I can see, the only thing that can receive/send messages is endpoint. If I make it implement Runnable and pause every 0.5 of a sec, it won't accept messages during that pause time. If I define a different class for that purpose, I have no idea how I start it inside of an endpoint and make a way for them to communicate.
Does anyone have any suggestions/info/links/anything that may help?
Thank you in advance.
Server endpoint will continuously receive data from client side. All you have to do is to process that data in some other thread. You can define a different class for that purpose (a thread). This thread class will have two different queues.
In queue - to receive data from the endpoint
Out queue - to send data to the endpoint
(You can use ConcurrentLinkedQueue for that. more help -> How to use ConcurrentLinkedQueue?)
Start this processing thread inside the endpoint. when endpoint receives data, put them into the In Queue. Continuously listen to the Out Queue and send that data again to the client side.
Endpoint code
public void onMessage(String message,Session peer) throws IOException{
processingThread t = new processThread(peer);
String s;
//listen to the Out Queue
while (true) {
while ((s =t.outQueue.poll()) != null) {
processingThread Code
public class processingThread extends Thread{
public ConcurrentLinkedQueue<String> inQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<String>();
public ConcurrentLinkedQueue<String> outQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<String>();
public void run(){
//listen to in queue and process
//after processing put to the out queue
Hope this will help :)

How to start a background thread after the HTTP request is served and sent back to the client?

I have a Vaadin application and I'm implementing some asynchronous background processing. As far as I know, all requests from the client are processed by one of the threads from the Tomcat's thread pool and after a request is processed the response (the updated application's state) is returned to the client and rendered.
Because I have some tasks I want to perform in background, I need to display a 'Loading...' label in the main HTTP thread, and after it's displayed I need to start a background Thread which performs the task and when it finishes, the application's state is pushed to the client (using ICEPush add-on).
The problem is that it seems to me that sometimes the background thread finishes BEFORE the main HTTP thread returns the respons to the client, therefore no 'Loading...' label is displayed and sometimes the application's state is not fully updated on the client because of that. Therefore I need to start the background thread AFTER the main HTTP thread returns the response.
Is there a way to do that? Or am I completely wrong about this approach?
As I have been learned, updating UI in a thread must be done together with locking mechanism. Here is an example:
class Calculation implements Runnable {
private long result = 0;
private final Label label;
public Calculation(Label label) {
this.label = label;
public void run() {
// calculate or fetch the result (here is the time consuming operation)
try {
// inform UI about result
label.setValue("Result is: " + result);
} finally {

Android Threads, Services, and two way communication between them

I'm struggling to wrap my head around what needs to happen here. I'm currently working on an app that runs a service. The service when started opens a webserver that runs in a background thread.
At any point while this service is running the user can send commands to the device from a browser. The current sequence of events is as follows.
User sends request to server
Server sends a message to the service via the msg handler construct, it sends data such as the url parameters
The service does what it wants with the data, and wants to send some feedback message to the user in the browser
The server's response to the request contains a feed back message from the service.
The way my functions are set up I need to pause my serve() function while waiting for a response from the service and then once the message is received resume and send an http response.
public Response serve( String uri, String method, Properties header, Properties parms, Properties files )
Bundle b = Utilities.convertToBundle(parms);
Message msg = new Message();
//sending a message to the handler in the service
return new NanoHTTPD.Response();
public class CommandService extends Service {
private WebServer webserver;
public Handler handler = new Handler() {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
execute_command(msg.getData());//some type of message should be sent back after this executes
Any suggestions? Is this structure the best way to go about it, or can you think of a better design that would lead to a cleaner implementation?
I think the lack of answers is because you haven't been very specific in what your question is. In my experience it's easier to get answers to simple or direct questions that general architecture advice on StackOverflow.
I'm no expert on Android but I'll give it a shot. My question is why you have a Webservice running in the background of a Service, why not just have one class, make your Service the Webservice?
Regarding threading and communication and sleeping, the main thing to remember is that a webserver needs to always be available to serve new requests, whilst serving current requests. Other than that, it's normal that a client will wait for a thread to complete its task (i.e. the thread "blocks"). So most webservers spawn new a thread to handle each request that comes in. If you have a background thread but you block the initial thread while you wait for the background thread to complete its task, then you're no better off than just completing everything on the one thread. Actually, the latter would be preferable for the sake of simplicity.
If Android is actually spawning new threads for you when requests come in, then there's no need for a background thread. Just do everything synchronously on one thread and rejoice in the simplicity!

Linking two Threads in a Client-Server Socket program - Java

I create threads of class A and each sends a serialized object to a Server using ObjectOutputStream.
The Server creates new Threads B for each socket connection (whenever a new A client connects)
B will call a synchronized method on a Shared Resource Mutex which causes it (B) to wait() until some internal condition in the Mutex is true.
In this case how A can know that B is currently waiting?
Hope this description is clear.
Class Arrangement:
A1--------->B1-------->| |
A2--------->B2-------->| Mutex |
A3--------->B3-------->| |
it's a must to have wait(), notify() or notifyAll(), since this is for an academic project where concurrency is tested.
Normally A would read on the socket, which would "block" (i.e. not return, hang up) until some data was sent back by B. It doesn't need to be written to deal with the waiting status of B. It just reads and that inherently involves waiting for something to read.
Update So you want A's user interface to stay responsive. By far the best way to do that is take advantage of the user interface library's event queue system. All GUI frameworks have a central event loop that dispatches events to handlers (button click, mouse move, timer, etc.) There is usually a way for a background thread to post something to that event queue so that it will be executed on the main UI thread. The details will depend on the framework you're using.
For example, in Swing, a background thread can do this:
So suppose you define this interface:
public interface ServerReplyHandler {
void handleReply(Object reply);
Then make a nice API for your GUI code to use when it wants to submit a request to the server:
public class Communications {
public static void callServer(Object inputs, ServerReplyHandler handler);
So your client code can call the server like this:
Communications.callServer(myInputs, new ServerReplyHandler() {
public void handleReply(Object myOutputs) {
// do something with myOutputs...
To implement the above API, you'd have a thread-safe queue of request objects, which store the inputs object and the handler for each request. And a background thread which just does nothing but pull requests from the queue, send the serialised inputs to the server, read back the reply and deserialise it, and then do this:
final ServerReplyHandler currentHandler = ...
final Object currentReply = ...
SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
So as soon as the background thread has read back the reply, it passes it back into the main UI thread via a callback.
This is exactly how browsers do asynchronous communication from JS code. If you're familiar with jQuery, the above Communications.callServer method is the same pattern as:
$.get('http://...', function(reply) {
// do something with 'reply'
The only difference in this case is that you are writing the whole communication stack by hand.
Update 2
You asked:
You mean I can pass "new ObjectOutputStream().writeObject(obj)" as
"myInputs" in Communications.callServer?
If all information is passed as serialised objects, you can build the serialisation into callServer. The calling code just passes some object that supports serialisation. The implementation of callServer would serialise that object into a byte[] and post that to the work queue. The background thread would pop it from the queue and send the bytes to the server.
Note that this avoids serialising the object on the background thread. The advantage of this is that all background thread activity is separated from the UI code. The UI code can be completely unaware that you're using threads for communication.
Re: wait and notify, etc. You don't need to write your own code to use those. Use one of the standard implementations of the BlockingQueue interface. In this case you could use LinkedBlockingQueue with the default constructor so it can accept an unlimited number of items. That means that submitting to the queue will always happen without blocking. So:
private static class Request {
public byte[] send;
public ServerReplyHandler handler;
private BlockingQueue<Request> requestQueue;
public static callServer(Object inputs, ServerReplyHandler handler) {
ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
new ObjectOutputStream(byteStream).writeObject(inputs);
Request r = new Request();
r.send = byteStream.toByteArray();
r.handler = handler;
Meanwhile the background worker thread is doing this:
for (;;) {
Request r = requestQueue.take();
if (r == shutdown) {
// connect to server, send r.send bytes to it
// read back the response as a byte array:
byte[] response = ...
SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new ObjectInputStream(
new ByteArrayInputStream(response)
The shutdown variable is just:
private static Request shutdown = new Request();
i.e. it's a dummy request used as a special signal. This allows you to have another public static method to allow the UI to ask the background thread to quit (would presumably clear the queue before putting shutdown on it).
Note the essentials of the pattern: UI objects are never accessed on the background thread. They are only manipulated from the UI thread. There is a clear separation of ownership. Data is passed between threads as byte arrays.
You could start multiple workers if you wanted to support more than one request happening simultaneously.
