I have HTML like this:
<input data-errorqtip="" aria-invalid="false" id="checkbox-1371-inputEl" class="x-form-field x-form-checkbox x-form-cb" autocomplete="off" hidefocus="true" type="button">
In UI it is showing like checkbox. How to check if it is selected?
I am using bellow code but is not working.
if (!field.isSelected()) {
if ( !driver.findElement(By.id("idOfTheElement")).isSelected() )
Looks to me like you are using EXTjs. And while it renders as a checkbox, EXT does not set the input element value to selected so selenium won't know about it.
You will need to use selenium's ExecuteScript method to run javascript against EXT to determine if the item is selected or not.
I'd dig up the code, but I use EXT, Selenium, and C# and I have a feeling the syntax is going to be a bit different between the two, but the above is the general steps you will need to go through to get the result you are looking for.
I am trying to click on a checkbox that only has a name.
Here is the HTML:
<td class="checkbox-column"><input type="checkbox" name="link-active[138]"></td>
Here is my latest attempt to find the element, I have tried a lot of different methods. I also need to grab it without the "[127]" part since that is dynamic in this case.
You are using wrong xpath, correct xpath is:
You need to check the name attribute.
xpath has a name attribute method, you can try this
You can simply introduce webdriverwait to let your script knows that it is visible and enabled and then you can try to click. Like this :
new WebDriverWait(driver,10).until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath("//input[contains(#name,'link-active')]"))).click();
In firepath I saw two identical attributes, firepath has two results.
Here is the highlighted HTML code below in firebug:
<button class="list_header_search_toggle icon-search btn btn-icon table-btn-lg" style="margin-left:0px">
And below is the whole code:
<button class="list_header_search_toggle icon-search btn btn-icon table-btn-lg" style="margin-left:0px">
<span class="sr-only">Search</span>
NOTE: There is only 1 search button, I search it every where and there is only 1 but it shows two??
How to code this in selenium web driver?
The snippet from firepath:
Html code image, from firepath:
You can use XPath functions, for example:
position() returns the position of element at DOM
something like first() doesn't exist, instead of this you can use index:
Also if button has some text you can use it as well:
//button[#id='hdr_problem_task']/th[2]/button[text()='button name']
or with contains()
//button[#id='hdr_problem_task']/th[2]/button[contains(text(), 'button name')]
The button has name Search you can use XPath with - contains().
One more small suggestion, don't forget about future support. And instead of the following locator:
Much better will be:
You can use th tag's name attribute value in order to recognize the correct Search button, as shown below:
Let me know, whether it works for you.
the checkbox is checked be default and can't click on it to uncheck. here is my code but it came back as error saying element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with. org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotVisibleException.
String checkboxXPath =("//input[contains(#type='checkbox',#name='key_IT_CONFIG.ios.restriction.functionality.enable.camera_checkboxVal')]");
WebElement elementToClick = driver.findElement(By.xpath(checkboxXPath));
Website code
<input type="checkbox" class="uwp_inputCheckBox"
value="true" dir="ltr" hierarchy="false" expand="true"
checkedval="true" uncheckedval="false"
whole code
whole code http://imageshack.com/a/img661/1720/SIi6Xj.png
I think you should use explicit wait until element get visible. Please check update code here and use it:
String checkboxXPath =("//input[contains(#type='checkbox',#name='key_IT_CONFIG.ios.restriction.functionality.enable.camera_checkboxVal')]");
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver,30);
WebElement elementToClick = driver.findElement(By.xpath(checkboxXPath));
I have a couple suggestions. I'm not sure why your XPath is so complex when you have an ID on the element you want to click. Try this...
I'm kinda guessing that won't work. Looking at the HTML, I see the SPAN right above the element that you want to click and it has an onclick on it. I'm guessing that if you click that, it might trigger the click of the checkbox... so let's try that...
You might need to check my spelling on the class names... I couldn't copy/paste since it's a picture.
Since Selenium works on Javascript I would suggest you to test the checkbox clicking thing manually by entering a Javvascript. Here are the step you need to follow:
Execute the test case manually up till where your script failed.
Goto browsers developer tools option->Console. Enter a javascript
command document.getElementById('key_IT_CONFIG.ios.restriction.functionality.enable.camera').click()
If this works then there is no reason why your code shouldn't work.
I am trying to interact with the Nike shoe online shop, login and then select a shoe size from the list and then press add to cart button from Selenium's Java WebDriver:
First of all I cannot seem to find the correct <li> element and select it - and need some advise on how to do it.
I am finding my code does not work for selecting a shoe size : pastebin.com/6K1RpPKL (as guided by the kind user on the first response.
The element type in li is not select. Use following code instead, it will work fine.
WebElement shoeSizes = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[contains(#class,'exp-pdp-size-container')]/a"));
shoeSizes.click(); // Expanded
String shoeSize = "8.5";
WebElement shoeSizeSel = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//li[text()='"+shoeSize+"']"));
shoeSizeSel.click(); // Size selected
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#class='exp-pdp-save-container']/button")).click(); // Added to cart
As far as advice goes, you should first learn the basics like identifying elements, using locators before asking these kind of question. Go through these: Selenium Docs, Mozilla Blogs. Many such resources are available on web.
First off, you should get away from the IDE if you are wanting more robust test-writing like flash. For your login issue, this is simple.
Using the getting started with selenium framework your test would look like:
public class NikeTest extends AutomationTest {
public void testNike() {
click (By.cssSelector("div.login.nav-section > a"))
.setText(By.cssSelector("form[name='login-form] input[name='email']"), "<My Username>")
.setText(By.cssSelector("form[name='login-form] input[name='password']"), "<My Password>")
.click (By.cssSelector("form[name='login-form] button.exp-login-submit")
// now we're logged in.
// let's select a size of shoe.
.click (By.cssSelector("div.exp-pdp-size-and-quantity-container > a.exp-pdp-size-dropdown") // now it's expanded.
.selectOptionByText(By.cssSelector("select[name='skuAndSize']"), "10.5") // you can replace 10.5 with whatever option you need.
Those are some CSS selectors you can use. Also per your Flash thing, i think you're out of luck buddy.. I hadn't heard of any very successful solution with automating flash.
One key thing here:
Make sure you know what element is receiving the click. Selenium IDE doesn't do a great job determining WHAT exact element is receiving the click. My guess is that it was trying either the <div> or <li> when it's the <a> that actually makes the dropdown come down.
I'm trying to build tests for an old system. The HTML is not well formed. I need to identify and click a radio button.
The html looks like this:
<td class="tablerow" colspan="3">
<INPUT type=radio name="ticket" value="22" >ramdom1
<INPUT type=radio name="ticket" value="1" >ramdom2
<INPUT type=radio name="ticket" value="3" >ramdom3
<INPUT type=radio name="ticket" value="99" >ramdom4
I was trying to select the input using xpath as follows:
String xpath = "//input[contains(#name, 'ticket') and contains(#value, '3')]";
WebElement rb = driver.findElement(By.xpath(xpath));
But selenium doesn't found the element.
If change it to
String xpath = "//input[contains(#name, 'ticket')]";
List<WebElement> rbs = driver.findElements(By.xpath(xpath));
String xpath = "//input[contains(#value, '3')]";
List<WebElement> rbs = driver.findElements(By.xpath(xpath));
It works, selenium returns a list of elements, including the one that I need. The problem occurs only when I try to use both conditions in a same xpath.
Of course that I could iterate over the list and test each value, but I would like to understand if I'm doing something wrong or not. Since IE doesn´t have native xpath support, I thought this could be a selenium implementation issue.
I'm using Selenium WebDriver (2.37.1) with IE Driver.
Not sure whether this is a Selenium implementation issue but this should work:
"//input[contains(#name, 'ticket')][contains(#value, '3')]"
The use of and is basically the same so the result should be correct here.
I am unsure why that doesn't work, and this technically isn't an answer, but you can replicate precisely what Selenium does to ensure it's not Selenium or any of it's tools at fault.
Selenium uses a library called "Wicked Good XPath" for a Javascript-based implementation of an XPath engine because IE doesn't have a "native" one.
So, to reproduce the scenario, take a copy of your page and add Wicked Good XPath to the script headers. Documentation on the front page of that website is very simple, and very easy to follow.
Once loaded in IE, open the Developer Tools and go into the Console. Wicked Good XPath will need to be "initialised" as such, and therefore you'll need to call wgxpath.install() in the console.
Once done, you now have access to the same library that Selenium would be using. Now, you can call a function within IE's developer console to access the DOM using XPath:
document.evaluate("//input[contains(#name, 'ticket') and contains(#value, '3')]", document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue
The exact element you need will be returned, at least for me.
Now, admittedly, you don't need XPath at all for this, you can get away with using CSS selectors:
We can use the following css
For Checking the Radio Buttons.