Get the weeknumber from a given date in Java FX - java

I have a javafx.scene.control.DatePicker. I want to extract the (Locale) week number from the selected date. Until now i haven't found a solution and i prefer not to write my own algorithm. I use Java8 and hope it is possible in the new java time library.

The Java-8-solution can take into account the local definition of a week using the value of a date-picker:
LocalDate date = datePicker.getValue(); // input from your date picker
Locale locale = Locale.US;
int weekOfYear = date.get(WeekFields.of(locale).weekOfWeekBasedYear());
Also keep in mind that the popular alternative Joda-Time does not support such a localized week-of-year fields. For example: In ISO-8601 (widely used) the week starts with Monday, in US with Sunday. Also the item when the first week of year starts in a given calendar year is dependent on the locale.

You can use
LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.of(2014, 9, 18); // assuming we picked 18 September 2014
int weekNumber = localDate.get(IsoFields.WEEK_OF_WEEK_BASED_YEAR);
This will give you the week number based on ISO convention.
For a locale based evaluation :
LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.of(2014, 9, 18); // assuming we picked 18 September 2014
WeekFields weekFields = WeekFields.of(Locale.US);
int weekNumber = localDate.get(weekFields.weekOfWeekBasedYear());

FX DatePicker is based on the new (to jdk8) Date/Time api - time to learn how-to use it (not entirely sure I found the shortest way, though - corrections welcome :-)
The picker's value is a LocalDate, which can be queried for certain TemporalFields. Locale-aware week-related fields are provided by the WeekFields class, f.i. weekOfYear:
DatePicker picker = new DatePicker();
picker.valueProperty().addListener((p, oldValue, newValue) -> {
if (newValue == null) return;
WeekFields fields = WeekFields.of(Locale.getDefault());
// # may range from 0 ... 54 without overlapping the boundaries of calendar year
int week = newValue.get(fields.weekOfYear());
// # may range from 1 ... 53 with overlapping
int weekBased = newValue.get(fields.weekOfWeekBasedYear());"week/Based " + week + "/" + weekBased);
To see the difference, choose f.i. January 2012 (in locales that start a week at Monday). Which one to actually use, depends on context - the picker itself uses weekOfYear (if showWeekNumbers is enabled)

You can also use the DateTimeFormatter, looks easier for me :
LocalDate date =;
DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("w");
int week = Integer.parseInt(date.format(dtf));


I want to get last date of the month and add n months to it but calendar instance is taking only 30 days in Java

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
Calendar calender = Calendar.getInstance();
calender.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, calender.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE));
int months = 1;
calender.add(Calendar.MONTH, months );
String time = sdf .format(calender .getTime());
Since current month is April and last date is 2020-04-30
Next month last date I should get 2020-05-31
but I am getting last date as 2020-05-30
Any thing am i doing wrong ?
I recommend that you use java.time, the modern Java date and time API, for your date work. It’s much nicer to work with than the old classes Calendar and SimpleDateFormat.
LocalDate endOfNextMonth =
YearMonth // Represent an entire month in a particular year.
.now(ZoneId.of("Europe/Volgograd")) // Capture the current year-month as seen in a particular time zone. Returns a `YearMonth` object.
.plusMonths(1) // Move to the next month. Returns another `YearMonth` object.
.atEndOfMonth(); // Determine the last day of that year-month. Returns a `LocalDate` object.
String time = endOfNextMonth.toString(); // Represent the content of the `LocalDate` object by generating text in standard ISO 8601 format.
System.out.println("Last day of next month: " + time);
Output when running today:
Last day of next month: 2020-05-31
A YearMonth, as the name maybe says, is a year and month without day of month. It has an atEndOfMonth method that conveniently gives us the last day of the month as a LocalDate. A LocalDate is a date without time of day, so what we need here. And its toString method conveniently gives the format that you wanted (it’s ISO 8601).
Depending on the reason why you want the last day of another month there are a couple of other approaches you may consider. If you need to handle date ranges that always start and end on month boundaries, you may either:
Represent your range as a range of YearMonth objects. Would this free you from knowing the last day of the month altogether?
Represent the end of your range as the first of the following month exclusive. Doing math on the 1st of each month is simpler since it is always day 1 regardless of the length of the month.
What went wrong in your code?
No matter if using Calendar, LocalDate or some other class you need to do things in the opposite order: first add one month, then find the end of the month. As you know, months have different lengths, so the important part is getting the end of that month where you want to get the last day. Putting it the other way: setting either a LocalDate or a Calendar to the last day of the month correctly sets it to the last day of the month in qustion but does not instruct it to stay at the last day of the month after subsequent changes to its value, such as adding a month. If you add a month to April 29, you get May 29. If you add a month to April 30, you get May 30. Here it doesn’t matter that 30 is the last day of April while 30 is not the last day of May.
Oracle tutorial: Date Time explaining how to use java.time.
Wikipedia article: ISO 8601
You'd better use LocalDate like this:
LocalDate now =;
LocalDate lastDay = now.withDayOfMonth(now.lengthOfMonth());
LocalDate nextMonth = lastDay.plusMonths(1);
Don't use deprecated classes from java.util.*.
Use classes from java.time.*.
Example with LocalDate :
public class Testing {
public static void main(String args[]) {
DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd");
LocalDate date =;
int months = 1;
date = date.plusMonths(months);
date = date.withDayOfMonth(date.lengthOfMonth());
Output :
Example with Calendar :
public class Testing {
public static void main(String args[]) {
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
Calendar calender = Calendar.getInstance();
int months = 1;
calender.add(Calendar.MONTH, months);
calender.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, calender.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
String time = sdf.format(calender.getTime());
Output :

Instant time from week of year

I need to get Instant time from week number of year. Now I'm using old Calendar API to calculate time:
int week = 1; // week of year
final Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
cal.set(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); // reset calendar
cal.set(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, week);
final Instant start = cal.getTime().toInstant();
final Instant end =;
Is it possible to get Instant from week of year using new Java time API (java.time package)?
WeekFields wf = WeekFields.of(Locale.getDefault());
int week = 1; // week of year
LocalDate startDate =
.with(wf.weekOfWeekBasedYear(), week)
.with(wf.dayOfWeek(), 1);
Instant startInstant = startDate.atStartOfDay(ZoneOffset.UTC).toInstant();
LocalDate endDate = startDate.plusWeeks(1);
Instant endInstant = endDate.atStartOfDay(ZoneOffset.UTC).toInstant();
System.out.println("" + startInstant + " - " + endInstant);
My locale uses ISO week numbers. The output here was:
2019-12-29T00:00:00Z - 2020-01-05T00:00:00Z
If you want ISO weeks independently of the locale, set wf to WeekFields.ISO. If you want some other week numbering scheme, set wf accordingly.
In case any other readers were wondering, Kirill is defining the end of the week as the first moment of the following week. This is recommended. It’s known as using half-open intervals for time intervals.
I also agree with the question that one should clearly prefer using java.time for this task rather than Calendar. Calendar is poorly designed and long outdated, and I believe that the code using java.time is clearer to read.
Furthermore, the code in the question using Calendar doesn’t set the day to the first day of the week, so will not give you that day. And while I haven’t tested, I suspect that the code will sometimes produce unexpected results around New Year.
My code using WeekFields from java.time will stay within the current week-based year, which is not the same as the calendar year. For example, if I had run it on December 30, 2019, it would still have given med week 1 of 2020 because we were already in that week.
You could adjust the week using the following methods:
LocalDateTime localDateTime = LocalDateTime.of(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0);
System.out.println(localDateTime); //2020-01-01T00:00
localDateTime = localDateTime.with(ChronoField.ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_YEAR, 2);
System.out.println(localDateTime); //2020-01-08T00:00
localDateTime = localDateTime.plusWeeks(10);
System.out.println(localDateTime); //2020-03-18T00:00
and to parse it to Instant depends on what class from the API you are using:"+04:00"));;
The LocalDateTime doest not have a Zone, so you must a provide a ZoneOffset to parse it to a Instant.
In order to set the month you can use this lambda expression:
-> temporal.with(ChronoField.ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_YEAR, 1l)
Now get instant is easy:
LocalDate localDate =
-> temporal.with(ChronoField.ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_YEAR, 1l)
Instant instant = localDate.atStartOfDay().atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant();
If you don't want cto change time, then you can use this instead of last line:
Instant instant = localDate.atTime(;

getting Monday date from given week and year using java.time package

I want to get Monday date from given week and year using Java 8 package java.time.
But at some point I am facing issue as it's not returning proper date.
private LocalDate getDateFromWeekAndYear(final String week,final String year){
LocalDate date =;
date = date.with(WeekFields.ISO.dayOfWeek(), 1);
date = date.with(WeekFields.ISO.weekOfWeekBasedYear(), Long.parseLong(week));
date = date.with(WeekFields.ISO.weekBasedYear(), Long.parseLong(year));
return date;
For example:
If I pass week=1 and year=2013 then date is : 2012-12-31.
But if I pass week=53 and year=2015 then date is : 2014-12-29. I expected 2014-12-28.
Is there any logical mistake I am making or some other issue ?
This is astonishingly more difficult than the partially invalid expectations of OP and most answers show.
First to say: It is very important to define the correct order of week-based-manipulations. The OP has first applied day-manipulation, then year-based manipulation. The correct approach is in reverse! I will show the right helper method implementation:
public static void main(String... args) {
getDateFromWeekAndYear("53", "2015")); // 2015-12-28, NOT 2014-12-28
getDateFromWeekAndYear("53", "2015").get(WeekFields.ISO.weekOfWeekBasedYear())); // 53
getDateFromWeekAndYear("53", "2014")); // 2014-12-29
getDateFromWeekAndYear("53", "2014").get(WeekFields.ISO.weekOfWeekBasedYear())); // 1
private static LocalDate getDateFromWeekAndYear(final String week,final String year) {
int y = Integer.parseInt(year);
LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(y, 7, 1); // safer than choosing current date
// date = date.with(WeekFields.ISO.weekBasedYear(), y); // no longer necessary
date = date.with(WeekFields.ISO.weekOfWeekBasedYear(), Long.parseLong(week));
date = date.with(WeekFields.ISO.dayOfWeek(), 1);
return date;
If you don't respect this specific order then you will indeed get sometimes a 2014-date for the input 2015-W53 (depending on the current date).
Second problem: I have also avoided to start with current date in order to be not near start or end of calendar year (calendar year != week-based-year) and instead chosen midth of year as starting point.
The third problem is lenient handling of week 53 in (week-based)-year 2014. It does not exist because 2014 had only 52 weeks!!! A strict algorithm should recognize and reject such an input. Therefore I advise against using YearWeek.of(2014, 53) (in the external library Threeten-Extra) resulting in the first week of 2015, see also its javadoc. Better than such lenient handling would have been
YearWeek yw = YearWeek.of(2014, 52);
if (yw.is53WeekYear()) {
yw = YearWeek.of(2014, 53);
or using this code from my own time library Time4J (whose class CalendarWeek has extra i18n-features and extra week arithmetic in comparison with YearWeek):
CalendarWeek.of(2014, 53); // throws an exception
System.out.println(CalendarWeek.of(2014, 1).withLastWeekOfYear()); // 2014-W52
Only using java.time-package:
Using such external libraries would at least have helped to solve the first problem in a transparent way. If you are not willing to add an extra dependency then you can do this to handle week 53 if invalid:
If the expression WeekFields.ISO.weekOfWeekBasedYear() applied on the result of your helper method yields the value 1 then you know that week 53 was invalid. And then you can decide if you want to accept lenient handling or to throw an exception. But silent adjusting such an invalid input is IMHO bad design.
First, you need to calculate the first Monday of the first week of the year,
then simply plus multi of 7 to the date.
public static LocalDate firstMonday(int week, int year) {
LocalDate firstMonOfFirstWeek =
.with(IsoFields.WEEK_BASED_YEAR, year) // year
.with(IsoFields.WEEK_OF_WEEK_BASED_YEAR, 1) // First week of the year
.with(ChronoField.DAY_OF_WEEK, 1); // Monday
// Plus multi of 7
return firstMonOfFirstWeek.plusDays( (week - 1) * 7);
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(firstMonday(1, 2013)); // 2012-12-31
System.out.println(firstMonday(53 ,2015 )); // 2015-12-28
YearWeek.of ( 2013 , 1 ).atDay ( DayOfWeek.MONDAY )
Incorrect expectations
Your expectations are not correct. The Monday of 2015-W53 is 2015-12-28, not 2014-12-28, year 2015 rather than 2014. There is no reason to expect 2014. Please edit your Question to explain your thoughts, if you need more explanation.
You may be confused about a calendar-year versus a week-based year. In the ISO 8601 definition of a week based year, week number one contains the first Thursday of the calendar-year. This means we have some overlap between the years. The last few days of a calendar-year may reside in the following week-based-year. And vice-versa, the first few days of a calendar-year may reside in the previous week-based-year.
As an example, you can see in the screenshot below, the last day of calendar 2012 (December 31) falls in week one of the following week-based-year of 2013 at week number 1. And in the other screen shot, we have the opposite, where the first three days of calendar 2016 (January 1, 2, & 3) land in the week-based-year of 2015 at week number 53.
The Monday of 2013-W01 is 2012-12-31.
The Monday of 2015-W53 is 2015-12-28.
I suggest adding the ThreeTen-Extra library to your project to make use of of the YearWeek class. Rather than pass around mere integer numbers for year and week, pass around objects of this class. Doing so makes your code more self-documenting, provides type-safety, and ensures valid values.
// Pass ( week-based-year-number, week-number ). *Not* calendar year! See the ISO 8601 standard.
YearWeek yw = YearWeek.of( 2013 , 1 );
You can pull any day from that week.
LocalDate ld = yw.atDay( DayOfWeek.MONDAY );
Let's try this kind of code.
YearWeek yw1 = YearWeek.of ( 2013 , 1 );
LocalDate ld1 = yw1.atDay ( DayOfWeek.MONDAY );
YearWeek yw2 = YearWeek.of ( 2015 , 53 );
LocalDate ld2 = yw2.atDay ( DayOfWeek.MONDAY );
System.out.println ( "yw1: " + yw1 + " Monday: " + ld1 );
System.out.println ( "yw2: " + yw2 + " Monday: " + ld2 );
yw1: 2013-W01 Monday: 2012-12-31
yw2: 2015-W53 Monday: 2015-12-28
Tip: To see those ISO 8601 standard week numbers on a Mac in, set System Preferences > Language & Region > Calendar > ISO 8601. Then in, set Preferences > Advanced > Show week numbers.
I wanted Monday of a week about 6 month ago - to be specific 26 weeks ago.. below code gave me the required date:, DayOfWeek.MONDAY.getValue())

Joda-Time: convert day of week from joda to java.util [duplicate]

How do you determine which day of the week is considered the “start” according to a given Locale using Joda-Time?
Point: Most countries use the international standard Monday as first day of week (!). A bunch others use Sunday (notably USA). Others apparently Saturday. Some apparently Wednesday?!
Wikipedia "Seven-day week"#Week_number
Joda-Time uses the ISO standard Monday to Sunday week.
It does not have the ability to obtain the first day of week, nor to return the day of week index based on any day other than the standard Monday. Finally, weeks are always calculated wrt ISO rules.
There's no reason you can't make use of the JDK at least to find the "customary start of the week" for the given Locale. The only tricky part is translating constants for weekdays, where both are 1 through 7, but java.util.Calendar is shifted by one, with Calendar.MONDAY = 2 vs. DateTimeConstants.MONDAY = 1.
Anyway, use this function:
* Gets the first day of the week, in the default locale.
* #return a value in the range of {#link DateTimeConstants#MONDAY} to
* {#link DateTimeConstants#SUNDAY}.
private static final int getFirstDayOfWeek() {
return ((Calendar.getInstance().getFirstDayOfWeek() + 5) % 7) + 1;
Add a Locale to Calendar.getInstance() to get a result for some Locale other than the default.
Here is how one might work around Joda time to get the U.S. first day of the week:
DateTime getFirstDayOfWeek(DateTime other) {
if(other.dayOfWeek.get == 7)
return other;
return other.minusWeeks(1).withDayOfWeek(7);
Or in Scala
def getFirstDayOfWeek(other: DateTime) = other.dayOfWeek.get match {
case 7 => other
case _ => other.minusWeeks(1).withDayOfWeek(7)
Seems like you're out of luck, it looks like all of the provided Chronologies inherit the implementation from baseChronology, which supports only ISO definitions,
i.e. Monday=1 ... Sunday=7.
You would have to define your own LocaleChronology, possibly modeled on StrictChronology or LenientChronology, add a factory method:
public static LocaleChronology getInstance(Chronology base, Locale locale)
and override the implementation of
public final DateTimeField dayOfWeek()
with a re-implementation of java.util.Calendar.setWeekCountData(Locale desiredLocale) which relies on sun.util.resources.LocaleData..getCalendarData(desiredLocale).
This is what I came up with. The startOfWeek will always be the start of a Sunday and the endOfweek will always be an end of a Saturday(Start a of Monday).
DateTime startOfWeek;
DateTime endOfWeek;
// make sure Sunday is the first day of the week, not Monday
if (dateTime.getDayOfWeek() == 7) {
startOfWeek = dateTime.plusDays(1).weekOfWeekyear().roundFloorCopy().minusDays(1);
endOfWeek = dateTime.plusDays(1).weekOfWeekyear().roundCeilingCopy().minusDays(1);
} else {
startOfWeek = dateTime.weekOfWeekyear().roundFloorCopy().minusDays(1);
endOfWeek = dateTime.weekOfWeekyear().roundCeilingCopy().minusDays(1);
Here is the Scala code to get start and end day of week dynamically.
Note:- Make sure start and end are in order for example when start day is Sunday then Monday is end day of week
def shiftWeeksBy(startDayOfWeek: Int, currentWeekDay: Int) : Int = (startDayOfWeek, currentWeekDay) match {
case (s, c) if s <= c | s == 1 => 0 //start day of week is Monday -OR- start day of week <= current week day
case _ => 1
def getStartAndEndDays(initialTime: DateTime, startDayOfWeek: Int, endDayOfWeek: Int): (Option[DateTime], Option[DateTime]) = {
val currentDateWeekDay = initialTime.dayOfWeek.get
(Some(initialTime.minusWeeks(shiftWeeksBy(startDayOfWeek, currentDateWeekDay)).withDayOfWeek(startDayOfWeek).withTimeAtStartOfDay()),
Some(initialTime.plusWeeks(shiftWeeksBy(currentDateWeekDay, endDayOfWeek)).withDayOfWeek(endDayOfWeek)))
Output:- For 5th Jan 2021 start day of week is Thursday and end day of week is Wednesday then week begins with 2020-12-31 and end with 2021-01-06.
scala> getStartAndEndDays(new DateTime("2021-01-05T00:00:00.000"), 4, 3)
res5: (Option[org.joda.time.DateTime], Option[org.joda.time.DateTime]) = (Some(2020-12-31T00:00:00.000+05:30),Some(2021-01-06T00:00:00.000+05:30))
So your question is, how to get the DayOfWeek from a Joda DateTime object? What about this:
DateTime dt = new DateTime().withYear(2009).plusDays(111);
I used the following stub in Scala to obtain first and last days of the week from Joda DateTime
val today: DateTime = new DateTime()
val dayOfWeek: DateTime.Property = today.dayOfWeek()
val firstDayOfWeek: DateTime = dayOfWeek.withMinimumValue().minusDays(1)
val lastDayOfWeek: DateTime = dayOfWeek.withMaximumValue().minusDays(1)
Note: The minusDays(1) is only meant to make the week span from Sunday to Saturday (instead of the default Monday to Sunday known to Joda). For US (and other similar) locales, you can ignore this part

Get the Date into parameters as integers

How can I get the day_of_month, month and the year into parameters as integers?
DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
Calendar start_date = Calendar.getInstance();
int day = start_date.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
int month = start_date.get(Calendar.MONTH);
int year = start_date.get(Calendar.YEAR);
String result = day + "/" + month + "/" + year;
but, the date today is: 01/12/12, while the result is: 01/11/12.
This is expected behaviour. Month goes from 0 to 11. You can check this by issuing:
Calendar.MONTH in particular
By the way, to convert dates to Strings, you should really use SimpleDateFormat
new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").format(start_date.getTime());
(sidenote, but important: SimpleDateFormat is not thread safe very much not thread safe, so don't try to optimize by using them as static instances in a multithreaded environment! This is also stated in the API doc: Date formats are not synchronized. It is recommended to create separate format instances for each thread. If multiple threads access a format concurrently, it must be synchronized externally.)
month index starts from 0, thats why gives 11
0- january
In Calendar class Month starts with 0 which is January and ends with 11 which is December.
Open JDk 6-
public final static int JANUARY = 0;
public final static int DECEMBER = 11;
From the documentation of MONTH (the emphasis is mine):
MONTH: Field number for get and set indicating the month. This is a calendar-specific value. The first month of the year in the Gregorian and Julian calendars is JANUARY which is 0; the last depends on the number of months in a year.
Human calendars start January at one, not at zero. That is why December ends up at eleven instead of twelve.
Just don't use java.util.Date and other bad parts of java
From Java 8 joda time will be in standard library so I do not see point in using bad code.
You will not have issues with this one, trust me.
According to the documentation, the result of start_date.get(Calendar.MONTH) is a int ranging from 0 to 11, where 0 is January and 11 is December.
