Reply-To in SpringAMQP being set beforehand? - java

I am using SpringBoot to start a SpringAMQP application that connect to RabbitMQ queues. I would like to be able to send a message from the producer, specifying the reply-queue so that the consumer would only need to send without having to investigate the destination (hence not having to pass the reply data in the message itself).
this is the configuration I have (shared between producer and consumer)
private static final String QUEUE_NAME = "testQueue";
private static final String ROUTING_KEY = QUEUE_NAME;
public static final String REPLY_QUEUE = "replyQueue";
private static final String USERNAME = "guest";
private static final String PASSWORD = "guest";
private static final String IP = "localhost";
private static final String VHOST = "/";
private static final int PORT = 5672;
public RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate() {
RabbitTemplate template = new RabbitTemplate(connectionFactory());
amqpAdmin().declareQueue(new Queue(QUEUE_NAME));
amqpAdmin().declareQueue(new Queue(REPLY_QUEUE));
return template;
public AmqpAdmin amqpAdmin() {
return new RabbitAdmin(connectionFactory());
public ConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
CachingConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new CachingConnectionFactory(IP);
return connectionFactory;
I am sending a message as follows :
public Object sendAndReply(String queue, String content){
return template.convertSendAndReceive(queue, new Data(content), new MessagePostProcessor() {
public Message postProcessMessage(Message message) throws AmqpException {
return message;
and awaiting a reply as follows:
public void replyToQueue(String queue){
template.receiveAndReply(queue, new ReceiveAndReplyCallback<Data, Data>() {
public Data handle(Data payload) {
System.out.println("Received: "+payload.toString());
return new Data("This is a reply for: "+payload.toString());
When sending however, I get the following exception:
Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.amqp.UncategorizedAmqpException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Send-and-receive methods can only be used if the Message does not already have a replyTo property.
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.RabbitAccessor.convertRabbitAccessException(
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitTemplate.doExecute(
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitTemplate.execute(
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitTemplate.doSendAndReceiveWithTemporary(
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitTemplate.doSendAndReceive(
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitTemplate.convertSendAndReceive(
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitTemplate.convertSendAndReceive(
at prodsend.Prod.sendAndReply(
at prodsend.ReplyTester.sendMessages(
at prodsend.ReplyTester.main(
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Send-and-receive methods can only be used if the Message does not already have a replyTo property.
at org.springframework.util.Assert.isNull(
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitTemplate$6.doInRabbit(
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitTemplate$6.doInRabbit(
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitTemplate.doExecute(
... 8 more
the line ReplyTest.137 points to the return line in the sendAndReply method above.
Here is the Data class that is mentioned above :)
class Data{
public String d;
public Data(String s){ d = s; }
public String toString() { return d; }

From the documentation:
Basic RPC pattern. Send a message to a default exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout.
So the method convertSendAndReceive handles setting the replyTo header and returns a Messaage - the response. This is a synchronous pattern - RPC.
If you want to do this asynchronously - which you seem to - do not use this method. Use the appropriate convertAndSend method and use the appropriate MessagePostProcessor to add your replyTo header.
As this is asynchronous, you need to register a separate handler for receiving the reply. This needs to be done before sending the message to the other party. This handler will then be called at some point after sending the message - when is unknown. Read section 3.5.2 Asynchronous Consumer of the Spring AQMP Documentation.
So, asynchronous process flow:
sender registers a handler on replyTo queueue
sender sends message with replyTo set
client calls receiveAndReply, processes the message, and sends a reply to the replyTo
sender callback method is triggered
The synchronous process flow is:
sender sends message using sendAndReceive and blocks
client calls receiveAndReply, processes the message, and sends a reply to the replyTo
sender receives the reply, wakes and processes it
So the latter case requires the sender to wait. As you are using receiveXXX rather than registering asynchronous handlers, the sender could be waiting a very long time if the client takes a while to get around to calling receiveXXX.
Incidentally, if you want to use the synchronous approach but use a specific replyTo you can always call setReplyQueue. There is also a setReplyTimeout for the case I mention where the client either doesn't bother to read the message or forgets to reply.


How to rollback in saga pattern when a service fails

I am starting with Saga pattern using Spring cloud and rabbit mq. Following is the problem statement:
I call /service1 (producer) which publishes a message in rabbit mq and that message is consumed by the consumer service.
Now occurs tow cases:
Case 1: Consumer service does its part successfully.
Case 2: Consumer service fails to do its part, thus /service1 has to rollback its changes.
How does /service1 know if consumer is successful or not, so that it can send a success/failure response. Following is the project structure:
public class ProducerController {
private MessageChannel greet;
public ProducerController(HelloBinding binding) {
greet = binding.greeting();
public void publish(#PathVariable String name) {
String greeting = "Hello, "+name+"!";
Message<String> msg = MessageBuilder.withPayload(greeting)
System.out.println("Message sent to the queue");
public class HelloListener {
public void processHelloChannelGreeting(String msg) {
System.out.println("Message received:- "+msg);
Now how do I tell the producer whether consumer's action is a success or a failure so that producer service sends appropriate response?
The producer can not know what happens after a message has been successfully published to a topic. If you want feedback from the consumer then you need to create a new "response" topic on which the consumer communicates success or failure of processing that message.
You can map the messages by keys.

Notifying the Websocket when no message received in PUBSUB

Below is my Message Listener which listens to Redis PUBSUB. It is working fine. I have to implement a feature in such a way that if no messages are received after threshold/specified time, then I have to send a proper message to websocket(subscription URL same as PUBSUB channel). I don't see any way to that as there will be many clients which subscribes to different channels at different times.
Any help or suggestion would be appreciable.
public class PubSubListener implements MessageListener {
private SimpMessagingTemplate simpMessagingTemplate ;
public void onMessage(Message message, byte[] pattern) {" MESSAGE RECEIVED FROM PUBSUB ");
simpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSend(new String(pattern), message.toString());

How to create an asynchronous singleton socket server with spring-integration?

I want to achieve the following using spring-integration: having a singleton open socket that constantly receives and writes data, asyncrhon!
This means I have to open a socket that constantly reads from the single socket, dispatches each message for async processing, and return the responses over the socket also async.
How can I achieve that asynchron pattern?
Especially: how can I use Serializer/Deserializer? As far as I understood, a serializer is only invoked on a new socket connection, so in my case only once at start of the first message?
public class SocketConfig {
public TcpConnectionFactoryFactoryBean tcpFactory(MyConverter converter) {
TcpConnectionFactoryFactoryBean fact = new TcpConnectionFactoryFactoryBean();
fact.setUsingNio(true); //should I use true or false?
fact.setSingleUse(false); //keep socket constantly open
return fact;
public TcpInboundGateway serverGateway(
#Qualifier("tcpFactory") TcpConnectionFactoryFactoryBean factory,
#Qualifier("serverChannel") MessageChannel serverChannel) throws Exception {
TcpInboundGateway g = new TcpInboundGateway();
return g;
public class SocketEndpoint {
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "serverChannel")
public Object run(Object obj) {
public class MyConverter implements Serializer<Object>, Deserializer<Object> {
//read from socket
public Object deserialize(InputStream inputStream) {
//send back to socket
public void serialize(Object message, OutputStream outputStream) {
A gateway is used for individual request/response pairs.
If you need to send multiple responses for a single request, you must use collaborating channel adapters as described in the documentation.
Collaborating adapters can also be used (server-side or client-side) for totally asynchronous communication (rather than with request/reply semantics).
On the server side, care must be taken to populate the ip_connectionId header because it is used to correlate the message to a connection. Messages that originate at the inbound adapter will automatically have the header set. If you wish to construct other messages to send, you will need to set the header. The header value can be captured from an incoming message.

Use #SentTo to send a message with Spring Boot and RabbitMq

Is it possible to send a return value of any method to a queue using an annotation, like
String send() {
return myString;
Do I definitely need a #RabbitListener to use #SendTo? Maybe another way out?
I'm trying to simplify my code.
#SendTo is only currently for replies from a #RabbitListener where the sender didn't set a replyTo header.
You could do what you want with a Spring Integration #Publisher annotation with its channel wired to a rabbitmq outbound channel adapter...
#Publisher(channel = "amqpOutboundChannel")
public String send() {
return myString;
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "amqpOutboundChannel")
public AmqpOutboundEndpoint amqpOutbound(AmqpTemplate amqpTemplate) {
AmqpOutboundEndpoint outbound = new AmqpOutboundEndpoint(amqpTemplate);
outbound.setRoutingKey(""); // default exchange - route to queue ''
return outbound;
The method has to be public and invoked from outside the bean itself.

how to capture subscribe event in my webSocket server with Spring 4

I did a simple web socket communication with spring 4, STOMP and sock.js, following this
Now I want to upgrade it to simple chat. My problem is that when user subscribes to new chat room, he should get past messages. I don't know how to capture the moment when he subscribed to send him the list of the messages.
I tried using #MessageMapping annotation, but didn't reach any success:
public class WebSocketController {
private SimpMessagingTemplate messagingTemplate;
public void chat(ChatMessage message, #DestinationVariable String chatId) {
messagingTemplate.convertAndSend("/chat/" + chatId, new ChatMessage("message: " + message.getText()));
public void chatInit() {
int chatId = 1; //for example
messagingTemplate.convertAndSend("/chat/" + chatId, new ChatMessage("connected"));
Then I created that:
public class ApplicationEventObserverController implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationEvent> {
public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent applicationEvent) {
It works, but captures all possible events, I don't think it is a good practice.
So, my question can be rephrased: how to send initial data when user subscried to sth?
You can return anything directly to a client when it subscribes to a destination using a #SubscribeMapping handler method. The returned object won't go to the broker but will be sent directly to the client:
public Collection<ChatMessage> chatInit() {
return messages;
On the client side:
socket.subscribe("/app/chat", function(message) {
Check out the chat example on GitHub, which shows this exact scenario.
