Java 8: how to use lambda expressions on JoinRowSets? - java

I'm developing a feature that will be used among some of my company's products so I can't have product-specific code.
I have the results of 2 queries stored on 2 JoinRowSet objects (I do have to use JoinRowSet because I have to join other queries' results with these ones later). Then, I need to intersect those 2 JoinRowSets but I don't know what class they "belong" to (I don't know if the query will return People, Contacts, Departments or any other thing). I was told I should use lambda expressions to do this but I'm finding some problems.
I have converted one of the JoinRowSet to a Collection (I don't know how to use lambda expressions directly on a JoinRowSet), then I'm looping over one of the JoinRowSets and, for each column of this JoinRowSet, I want to get the records on the initial Collection that have the same value on that column. But, as I don't know the class of the data, I can't do something like u.getAge() because I don't have the property name.
This is my method:
public static void testLambdas() throws SQLException {
... //set the needed stuff to connect to database and query data
JoinRowSet jrs1 = ... //result from query 1
JoinRowSet jrs2 = ... //result from query 2
Collection<Row> jrs2Collection = (Collection<Row>) jrs2.getRowSets();//collection to use on lambda expression
while ( {
ResultSetMetaData metadata = jrs1.getMetaData();
for (int j = 1; j <= metadata.getColumnCount(); j++) {
String dataType = metadata.getColumnTypeName(j);
Object colValue = null;
if (dataType.equals("NUMBER")) {
colValue = jrs1.getBigDecimal(j);
} else if (dataType.equals("VARCHAR2")) {
colValue = jrs1.getString(j);
} else if (dataType.equals("DATE")) {
colValue = jrs1.getTimestamp(j);
System.out.println(metadata.getColumnName(j)+ " (" + dataType +"): "+ colValue);
Object o =
.filter(u -> {
try {
return (u.getColumnObject(j).equals(colValue));
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
Please ignore the fact that this use of a lambda expression is inside a while and not being re-used on each iteration. I will take care of that if I can solve the issues I have now.
I had to add the try-catch to the filter because it was returning Unhandled exception type SQLException. After adding this try-catch, I get a Local variable j defined in an enclosing scope must be final or effectively final on u.getColumnObject(j).
I have no idea if what I'm doing is the best way to do this or if I'm doing something really wrong (2 of my colleagues have looked at my code and also have no idea how to solve this).
I would appreciate any inputs on this, please.

It’s not clear what you are trying to do as you are creating collections inside a loop without using them. So I can’t tell you whether there’s a better solution for this.
Regarding the error, the error message is pretty clear. You can’t use a mutable local variable inside a lambda. However, the solution is quite simple: you can assign the content of the mutable variable to an immutable variable:
for (int j = 1; j <= metadata.getColumnCount(); j++) {
// …
int currentJ = j;
Object currentColValue = colValue;
Object o =
.filter(u -> {
try {
return (u.getColumnObject(currentJ).equals(currentColValue));
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
Note that currentJ and currentColValue are effectively final which means you could add a final modifier to them without changing the program. It’s a requirement that local variables you use inside a lambda expression are either final or effectively final.
By the way, don’t think about “re-using lambda between iterations”. In most cases, the JRE will take care of reusing the instances created for lambda expressions where possible. And the JDBC operations outweigh any overhead imposed by temporary objects created for lambda expressions anyway.


Identify record that is culprit - coding practices

Is method chaining good?
I am not against functional programming that uses method chaining a lot, but against a herd mentality where people mindlessly run behind something that is new.
The example, if I am processing a list of items using stream programming and need to find out the exact row that resulted into throwing NullPointerException.
private void test() {
List<User> aList = new ArrayList<>();
// fill aList with some data -> doSomethingMeaningFul(x.getAddress()));
private void doSomethingMeaningFul(Address x) {
// Do something
So in the example above if any object in list is null, it will lead to NullPointerException while calling x.getAddress() and come out, without giving us a hook to identify a User record which has this problem.
I may be missing something that offers this feature in stream programming, any help is appreciated.
Edit 1:
NPE is just an example, but there are several other RuntimeExceptions that could occur. Writing filter would essentially mean checking for every RTE condition based on the operation I am performing. And checking for every operation will become a pain.
To give a better idea about what I mean following is the snippet using older methods; I couldn't find any equivalent with streams / functional programming methods.
List<User> aList = new ArrayList<>();
// Fill list with some data
int counter = 0;
User u = null;
try {
for (;counter < aList.size(); counter++) {
u = aList.get(counter);
int result = u.getX() / u.getY();
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error processing at index:" + counter + " with User record:" + u);
System.out.println("Exception:" + e);
This will be a boon during the maintenance phase(longest phase) pointing exact data related issues which are difficult to reproduce.
- Find exact index causing issue, pointing to data
- Any RTE is recorded and analyzed against the user record
- Smaller stacktrace to look at
Is method chaining good?
As so often, the simple answer is: it depends.
When you
know what you are doing
are be very sure that elements will never be null, thus the chance for an NPE in such a construct is (close to) 0
and the chaining of calls leads to improved readability
then sure, chain calls.
If any of the above criteria isn't clearly fulfilled, then consider not doing that.
In any case, it might be helpful to distribute your method calls on new lines. Tools like IntelliJ actually give you advanced type information for each line, when you do that (well, not always, see my own question ;)
From a different perspective: to the compiler, it doesn't matter much if you chain call. That really only matters to humans. Either for readability, or during debugging.
There are a few aspects to this.
1) Nulls
It's best to avoid the problem of checking for nulls, by never assigning null. This applies whether you're doing functional programming or not. Unfortunately a lot of library code does expose the possibility of a null return value, but try to limit exposure to this by handling it in one place.
Regardless of whether you're doing FP or not, you'll find you get a lot less frustrated if you never have to write null checks when calling your own methods, because your own methods can never return null.
An alternative to variables that might be null, is to use Java 8's Optional class.
Instead of:
public String myMethod(int i) {
if(i>0) {
return "Hello";
} else {
return null;
public Optional<String> myMethod(int i) {
if(i>0) {
return Optional.of("Hello");
} else {
return Optional.empty();
Look at Optional Javadoc to see how this forces the caller to think about the possibility of an Optional.empty() response.
As a bridge between the worlds of "null represents absent" and "Optional.empty() represents absent", you can use Optional.ofNullable(val) which returns Empty when val == null. But do bear in mind that Optional.empty() and Optional.of(null) are different values.
2) Exceptions
It's true that throwing an exception in a stream handler doesn't work very well. Exceptions aren't a very FP-friendly mechanism. The FP-friendly alternative is Either -- which isn't a standard part of Java but is easy to write yourself or find in third party libraries: Is there an equivalent of Scala's Either in Java 8?
public Either<Exception, Result> meaningfulMethod(Value val) {
try {
return Either.right(methodThatMightThrow(val));
} catch (Exception e) {
return Either.left(e);
... then:
List<Either<Exception, Result>> results =;
3) Indexes
You want to know the index of the stream element, when you're using a stream made from a List? See Is there a concise way to iterate over a stream with indices in Java 8?
In your test() function you are creating an emptylist List<User> aList = new ArrayList<>();
And doing for each on it. First add some element to
If you want to handle null values you can add .filter(x-> x != null) this before foreach it will filter out all null value
Below is code
private void test() {
List<User> aList = new ArrayList<>();> x != null).forEach(x -> doSomethingMeaningFul(x.getAddress()));
private void doSomethingMeaningFul(Address x) {
// Do something
You can write a black of code in streams. And you can find out the list item which might result in NullPointerException. I hope this code might help
private void test() {
List<User> aList = new ArrayList<>(); -> {
if(x.getAddress() != null)
return doSomethingMeaningFul(x.getAddress())
system.out.println(x+ "doesn't have address");
private void doSomethingMeaningFul(Address x) {
// Do something
If you want you can throw NullPointerException or custom excption like AddressNotFoundException in the else part

Java : What is the best way to check variable type in runtime?

I want to know the best way to check variable type at runtime.
public Iterator<?> read(String entityName, String propertyName, Object propertyValue) {
String query = "select * from " + entityName + " where " + propertyName + "=";
try {
int value = Integer.parseInt((String)propertyValue);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// failed
try {
String value = (String)propertyValue;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
// failed
try {
float value = Float.parseFloat((String)propertyValue);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// failed
//Creating JDBC connection and execute query
Iterator<Element> result=queryConn.execute();
return result;
I need to check the variable type is int, float or String during runtime. Is there any other best way to do this?
Or Do I need to write seperate method for each variable type?
try this code :
if(floatVariable instanceof Float){}
if(intVariable instanceof Integer){}
if(stringVariable instanceof String){}
There are many ways to handle this scenario.
Use function overloading for different data types
Use instanceof operator to determine data type
Try to cast property value in any numeric data type, if successfully castes then ignore single quotes otherwise apply single quotes
since you are getting object as input you can always check using instanceof keyword.And instead of using primitives try using classes like(Integer.class).And one more thing is you should use PreparedStatement always.Your code is prone to SqlInjection.
Is there any other best way to do this?
I would recommend that you name the columns you want to select in your actual query. If you take this approach, you can parse each column as the appropriate type without worrying about type casting issues. If, for example, the first column selected were an integer type, then you would just call Integer.parseInt() without worrying about having the wrong type.
And here is an argument why using SELECT * is an anti-pattern:
If you use SELECT * as your query, then we don't even know how many columns are being returned. To even take a guess at that, we would have to analyze how many columns your code seems to expect. But, what would happen if someone were to change the schema, thereby possibly changing the order in which the RDBMS returns columns? Then your entire application logic might have to change.

Returning an arraylist and iterating throught the returned list

Im trying to return an arraylist from the method getNumbers (which contains strings)
public ArrayList<String> getNumbers(){
return (numeros);
Then by using a searcher im trying to compare between a variable m (which contains the desired info to look for) and the returned list.
public class NumberSearcher {
Reader reader = new KeyboardReader();
public NumberSearcher(ArrayList<Contacto> contactos){
String m =;
for(int i = 0; i<contactos.size();i++){
I have succeded in creating a searcher using this very same style but only when using methods that return String alone.
The problem is its not working. If there there would be a match it should display the contact information but it seem it isnt "comparing" properly because nothing happens.
It's difficult to understand what you're asking here. Your getNumbers method doesn't get called from the second code block, so I don't see where that is relating to anything. It's also unclear what you mean the problem is. Can you try to give us a more detailed description of what is going wrong?
Anyways, I'll try to give you some general advice here, but without knowing the issue it's hard to say how much this will help.
Firstly, it is almost always recommended to have your method's return type as the List interface, rather than a specific implementation (ArrayList, etc). You can specify a return type from within the method but this way they client doesn't need to know what the underlying data structure is, and you are also flexible to future data structure changes.
public List<String> getNumbers(){
return (numeros);
Secondly, I would probably change the name 'getNumbers' to something slightly more precise - if I see a 'getNumbers' method I expect it to return some numeric entities, not a list of strings. If they are phone numbers then explicity call it 'getPhoneNumbers'.
Though I'm not entirely sure I understand what you asking, I think this may solve your issues:
for(int i = 0; i < contactos.size(); i++) {
Contacto next = contactos.get(i);
if(next.getEmails().contains(m)) {
And as an afterthought, is there any specific reason you're only checking string containment? I would suggest that you check case-insensitive equality unless you really do want to find out if the string just contains the element.
Is this what you are looking for?
public class EmailSearcher {
Reader reader = new KeyboardReader();
public EmailSearcher(ArrayList<Contacto> contactos){
while( != 'keyThatTerminates') {
String m =;
for(int i = 0; i<contactos.size();i++){
var row = contactos.get(i);

Pass varargs from Java code to SQL or PL/SQL

I need to bind at maximum 8 variables. Each one of them could be null.
Is there any recommended way to achieve this? I know that I could simply check for null, but this seems tedious.
Additional details:
I'm going to call this sql from java code. It may be written using JPA 2.0 Criteria API, but most likely it's going to be a native query. The database is Oracle 10g, so I think I could make use of PL/SQL as well.
Maybe the title is a bit misleading, so I'll try to elaborate.
The resulting SQL would be something like:
WHERE var1 = :var1
AND var2 = :var2
AND var = :var8
Now I need to bind parameters from java code in the way like:
nativeQuery.setParameter("var1", var1)
nativeQuery.setParameter("var8", var8)
Some parameters could be null, so there is no need to bind them. But I see no way I can omit them in SQL.
I'm expecting to see SQL or PL/SQL procedure in your answers (if it's ever possible without null checking).
In fact, all of these variables are of the same type. I think it's not possible to find a solution using ANSI SQL, but maybe there are some PL/SQL procedures which allow to work with varargs?
The use of a criteria query is appropriate in this case, because if I understood correctly, you need to construct the SQL query dynamically. If all the variables except var1 are null, the where clause would be
where var1 = :var1
and if all variables except var2 and var5 are non null you would have
where var2 = :var2 and var5 = :var5
Is that right?
If so, then do what you plan to do, and construct the query dynamically using a criteria query. Something like this must be done:
CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
Predicate conjunction = builder.conjunction();
if (var1 != null) {
conjunction = builder.and(conjunction,
if (var2 != null) {
conjunction = builder.and(conjunction,
You don't specify the type of the objects you want to pass. So in this example I'm considering you will pass Object.
public void testMyMethod() {
List<Object> testList = new ArrayList<Object>();
public void myMethod(List<Object> limitedList) {
final int MAX_SIZE = 2;
if (limitedList.size() > MAX_SIZE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Size exceeded");
//my logic
In this example I'm passing the arguments as a List of Objects but you could use array (varargs) or another type of collection if you need to. If the client sends me more than the expected objects it will throw an IllegalArgumentException.
Also if you don't want to throw an exception you could just continue and iterate the list to bind the parameters but using the list size or MAX_SIZE as your limit. For example:
public void myMethod2(List<Object> limitedList) {
final int MAX_SIZE = 2;
int size = MAX_SIZE;
if (limitedList.size() < MAX_SIZE) {
size = limitedList.size();
//Iterate through the list
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Object obj = limitedList.get(i);
//Logic to bind the obj to the criteria.

Problem with db4o (java) when running a query

I'm glancing through parts of the official db4o tutorial, and I'm trying to make a modification to the code they give you for running native queries:
//the original
List<Pilot> pilots = db.query(new Predicate<Pilot>() {
public boolean match(Pilot pilot) {
return pilot.getPoints() == 100;
List<Pilot> pilots = db.query(new Predicate<Pilot>() {
public boolean match(Pilot pilot) {
return pilot.getGames() >= 100;
I've added this to their Pilot class:
//in declarations
private ArrayList<String> games;
//modified constructors
public Pilot() {;
public Pilot(String name,int points) {;
this.points=points; = new ArrayList<String>();
int numGames = (int) (Math.random() * 1000 + 1);
for(int i=0;i<numGames;i++) {" vs Computer");
//new method
public int getGames() {
return games.size();
I've already populated a database with 500 objects using the second constructor, and all the data in the db looks correct with the OME eclipse addon. I've tested getGames() and it works as expected.
My problem is that when I run the modified query, it returns all the objects in the db and I don't understand why. I've tried changing the query to include a more standard if true, else false structure and changing the query to include requiring a certain amount of points to no avail. Whatever I do, it seems it always evaluates (pilot.getGames() >= 100) to be true.
Can anyone help me as to understand why?
I think you've found a bug. db4o tries to translate the native-queries into a soda-query. This avoid instantiating to objects to perform queries. Now here this translation somehow does not work!
When you turn the optimization off it works. You can do this via configuration:
EmbeddedConfiguration cfg = Db4oEmbedded.newConfiguration();
ObjectContainer db = Db4oEmbedded.openFile(cfg,DB_FILE)
However I don't recommend this because then all queries will run slowly. I've found an easy workaround. Change the declaration of the games-field to List<String>. (And other, future List-fields). Like this:
class Pilot {
private List<String> games;
// rest
This will 'deoptimize' a native query as soon as you access the size() or other methods, hence avoids this bug.
Now a 'deoptimized' query can run quite slow. So if you have lots of objects and the performance is unacceptable I would do this for this query: Create an addional field which stores the current size of the list. Then you use this additional size-field for this kind of query. Additionally you can then index the size-field.
I've reported this as a bug:
