Apache spark on eclipse [closed] - java

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Closed 8 years ago.
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The question I asked was marked as too broad. After searching around more I got my basics more clear. So hopefully I will be much more specific now.
Basically I was trying to run the sample examples given on eclipse rather than on terminal. My first doubt has already been answered correctly. Using setMaster("local"). I got the example running n it displayed output quite correctly. Now if I change this to setMaster("yarn-client") now it connects to yarn, also submits the job then runs it but finally I get classnotfoundexception and hence reduce not completed. If I want to use yarn-client do I need to add some extra specification for my class so that I don't get classnotfoundexception. For this entire process I used the inbuilt JavaPiSpark example program in my version of spark. Any help or suggestion is welcome.

You should use JavaSparkContext .setMaster("local") to run on your local machine or replace the "local" with a specific master URL to run on clusters.
Please refer spark programming guide - initializing-spark and master-urls


Gatling DSL in Java [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm struggling to make a Gatling test running in Java code.
Anybody here please know an example code of reference of how to use the DSL of Gatling from Java?
This isn't exist at the current moment but it will be supported in the next version of 3.7.0
Honestly, you should give up on trying to use Gatling's Scala DSL from Java. Way too complicated.
As #Amerousful said, we'll be releasing a Java DSL in Gatling 3.7 in a few weeks (currently working on polishing and revamping all the doc). I recommend you wait for it.

How to run Java Code with html..? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am starting to build my first website with Angular&Bootstrap. I am using the Spring Tool Suite. So far my website looks pretty boring but learning CSS takes me a while.
On my website I have an input (style=file) and a button to submit. So far I managed to press a button to upload a file. I can see is as a String in the console when I log it, its working.
Now to the point where I need help:
I got a java-program that I have to use which gets the path to an XML-File and parses it. It checks if it has the right special format and reads it in. This is only a part of the whole program.
How can I use this in my Code to upload an XML-File and then check it and read it with this program? How do I use the Java-Code? So far I am only using HTML, CSS and Javascript.
Thank you for your help!
There are two options precisely available for you:
1) convert the logic which is in Java to Java script
2) make it a web application and run it on tomcat(or a similar web server)
There are others too but there are a bit heavy to understand and implement.

Find least used icons/files/folders on desktop in windows [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have an assignment to find least used icons on desktop in Windows.
I need to code using JAVA. Which property of the File object in JAVA will be useful?
I have started analysis on it. A help will be much appreciated.
Have you checked out the File API? File#lastAccessTime is probably what you are looking for. Keep in mind that this only works in Java 7.
As for FREQUENCY of use, I do not think Windows keeps any data per-file... So you will have to rely on the last time of modification, possibly vs time of creation. The Java function you will need to rely on is lastModified(), eg

How do I profile applications on Windows and Linux to get CPU and RAM usuage values? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am busy doing some research and I need to do a comparison between two methods of system monitoring. I have to compare the total memory of overhead and computation required when queries are made to an external software package (i.e one that I did not create but running on the same system) as well the overhead in my software package (written in JAVA) when including all the libraries and making all the queries.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can approach this task to achieve these goals? Are there any general profiling solutions available that just "plug" into your system monitor and retrieve the system statistics this way? Or just a pointer in the right direction would be more than helpful right now as I am completely stuck :/
Thanks in advance.
You can use VisualVM (For sure in Windows, but don't know about Linux) (or) You can write a simple program using JMX API.

Access website without browser [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am just learning java. I just want to make a simple application to access a web-site.
there is a website onto which i want to log-in through java:
and then interact with it through my interface, basically after log in, i would be writing in some text boxes and sending it.
I tried many places to do it, studied HTTP protocol but still cant make it.
can someone help me out?
Accessing a web site, logging in and interacting with forms on it is somewhat complex work, so it might not be the best choice for a first java project.
But if you want to do it, you should probably use Apache HttpComponents/HttpClient.
There are useful examples at the above link as well, which may help you get started.
