parse json object in deeper hierarchy different - java

My JSON lokes something like this:
"name":"some reason",
"content" :
"name": "pet",
"phone": "some value",
"owner": "123"
"id": "123",
"name": "peter"
My owner class looks like this:
public class Owner {
private String id;
private String name;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) { = id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
I get this error: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING
I made a pojo for the owner, but my problem is that the owner on hierarchy level 3 is only a String and on lower levels it is a custom object. How can i tell my parser to handle the owner object starting from the third level different than before ?

Use the google Gson parser lob to create the java object from the jSON

ok i just created another Pojo with the same name + '_' one pojo contains the owner as String and one as owner object. was more easy than expected, there was no parsing neccesarry


How can I retrieve many values of a same field in a GET request

I have the json to retrieve below:
"name": "João",
"name": "Maria",
"name": "José"
I made this way:
ResponseEntity<List<Users>> responseEntityUsers =, HttpMethod.GET, requestEntity, Users.class);
But I got error.
My Users class is below:
public class Users {
private String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
You need to design your JSON correctly, it is not well-formed JSON. It should be using an array of values for a specific attribute, like this:
“names”: [“João”, “Maria”, "José"]
Notice that I have propositionally changed the attribute name to "names". Which is a good practice when designing your JSON to transport your data.
That change also will impact your Model class, that instead of String must have a String array:
public class Users {
private String[] names;
public String[] getNames() {
return names;
public void setNames(String[] names) {
this.names = names;
I wish you the best, cheers!
You need to design your JSON for this class:

An Attribute in JSON response can be of more than one type

I am making an Android native app that makes requests Using Retrofit2 to the WooCommerce API and gets the JSON responses mapping them with Model Classes (POJO) with the help of GSON. I use a plugin in Android Studio that generates the POJOs from JSON responses automatically.
When sending requests to the WC API, some end-points have this kind of responses:
"meta_data": [
"id": 2881,
"key": "wc_productdata_options",
"value": [
"_bubble_new": "\"yes\"",
"_bubble_text": "معجون أسنان",
"_custom_tab_title": "معجون أسنان Oral-B",
"_custom_tab": "",
"_product_video": "",
"_product_video_size": "",
"_product_video_placement": "",
"_top_content": "",
"_bottom_content": ""
"id": 3077,
"key": "_wp_page_template",
"value": "default"
The attribute value can be either a String or a List<Value> but the POJO plugin defines value as only List<Value>
So when parsing the response I get an error that GSON expects BEGIN_ARRAY but got STRING instead when it reaches "value" : "default".
How can I represent that value can be a string OR a list in the Model Class.
Here's the automatically generated POJO of meta_data
import java.util.List;
public class MetaDatum {
private Long mId;
private String mKey;
private List<Value> mValue;
public Long getId() {
return mId;
public void setId(Long id) {
mId = id;
public String getKey() {
return mKey;
public void setKey(String key) {
mKey = key;
public List<Value> getValue() {
return mValue;
public void setValue(List<Value> value) {
mValue = value;
I defined value as of type Object so it can be cast somehow to whatever comes in the JSON. It worked!

JSON Array of objects to plain old java object

this is my first time making an external api call in Java, so please bear with me as I'm not very experienced. I got the http request working and got a response, but now I need to parse it.
I'm trying to convert a json array to java objects. I understand the gist of it, but all examples I've seen don't apply to my issue.
I need the 'entities' objects from the json string. The details (which are an array, too) can contain any key/value pair, so I was thinking of putting that in a hashmap in each Entity object. I've tried the gson library, but I can't find any gson example that goes deeper than a single dimensional json array.
I realize this is kind of a broad question, and I don't expect anyone to deliver me a working solution, but a few tips or a link to a relevant guide would go a long way. :)
"return": {
"entities": [
"id": 2385,
"details": [
"name": "Other Known Name",
"value": "John Wick",
"match": false
"proofs": [],
"link": ""
"id": 2384,
"details": [
"name": "Discord ID",
"value": "159985870458322944",
"match": false
"name": "SteamID64",
"value": "76561197991558078",
"match": true
"name": "SteamVanity",
"value": "test",
"match": false
"name": "PS4",
"value": "John_S",
"match": false
"name": "XBox",
"value": "John S",
"match": false
"name": "Email",
"value": "",
"match": true
"name": "Comment",
"value": "Test user",
"match": false
"name": "Other Known Name",
"value": "Jonathan",
"match": false
"name": "Reddit",
"value": "/u/johns",
"match": true
"proofs": [],
"link": ""
"id": 1680,
"details": [
"name": "Other Known Name",
"value": "Johny",
"match": false
"name": "SteamID64",
"value": "76561198213003675",
"match": true
"proofs": [],
"link": ""
"id": 1689,
"details": [
"name": "Other Known Name",
"value": "JohnnyPeto",
"match": false
"name": "SteamID64",
"value": "76561198094228192",
"match": true
"proofs": [],
"link": ""
"notice": "Showing 4 out of 4 matches."
There are many json serialization/deserialization frameworks available. I would recommend having a look at Jackson.
Basically, you have to create Model corresponding to json schema and deserialize json into object. Based on the example in the question, model will look like this:
#JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
class Response {
private ResponseObject responseObject;
public ResponseObject getResponseObject() {
return responseObject;
public void setResponseObject(ResponseObject responseObject) {
this.responseObject = responseObject;
#JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
class ResponseObject {
private List<Entity> entities;
public List<Entity> getEntities() {
return entities;
public void setEntities(List<Entity> entities) {
this.entities = entities;
#JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
class Entity {
private String id;
private List<Details> details;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) { = id;
public List<Details> getDetails() {
return details;
public void setDetails(List<Details> details) {
this.details = details;
#JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
class Details {
private String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
Once the model is defined, you can use ObjectMapper class to perform serialization/deserialization, e.g.:
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Response response = mapper.readValue("{\"return\": {\"entities\": [{\"id\": 2385,\"details\": [{\"name\": \"Other Known Name\",\"value\": \"John Wick\",\"match\": false}],\"proofs\": [],\"link\": \"\"},{\"id\": 2384,\"details\": [{\"name\": \"Discord ID\",\"value\": \"159985870458322944\",\"match\": false},{\"name\": \"SteamID64\",\"value\": \"76561197991558078\",\"match\": true},{\"name\": \"SteamVanity\",\"value\": \"test\",\"match\": false},{\"name\": \"PS4\",\"value\": \"John_S\",\"match\": false},{\"name\": \"XBox\",\"value\": \"John S\",\"match\": false},{\"name\": \"Email\",\"value\": \"\",\"match\": true},{\"name\": \"Comment\",\"value\": \"Test user\",\"match\": false},{\"name\": \"Other Known Name\",\"value\": \"Jonathan\",\"match\": false},{\"name\": \"Reddit\",\"value\": \"/u/johns\",\"match\": true}],\"proofs\": [],\"link\": \"\"},{\"id\": 1680,\"details\": [{\"name\": \"Other Known Name\",\"value\": \"Johny\",\"match\": false},{\"name\": \"SteamID64\",\"value\": \"76561198213003675\",\"match\": true}],\"proofs\": [],\"link\": \"\"},{\"id\": 1689,\"details\": [{\"name\": \"Other Known Name\",\"value\": \"JohnnyPeto\",\"match\": false},{\"name\": \"SteamID64\",\"value\": \"76561198094228192\",\"match\": true}],\"proofs\": [],\"link\": \"\"}],\"notice\": \"Showing 4 out of 4 matches.\"}}", Response.class);
Here's the Javadoc.
If I were you, I'd use Jackson, not GSON. It's specialized on JavaBeans-style mapping. Write classes like this:
public class Detail{
private String name;
private String value;
private boolean match;
// + getters / setters
public class Entity{
private int id;
private List<Detail> details;
private String link;
private List<String> proofs;
// you don't have any example data for this, so I'm assuming strings
// + getters / setters
public class Result{
private List<Entity> entities;
private String notice;
// + getters / setters
and do the conversion with something like
Result result = new ObjectMapper().readValue(json, Result.class);
As my fellow stackoverflow users have previously posted, for this kind of initilization Jackson API would be better. I have however posted the solution for your question with Gson.
I noticed that you like your details to be stored as a HashMap with id as key. However, it seems like this id is actually related to the entities and not to the details.
Disclaimer, I got lazy and used an online POJO generator because I did not want to create objects for all of the Json elements ;) It still showcases how it should be done:
class Main{
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
//this is just to load the json file
String input = new Scanner(new File("test.txt")).useDelimiter("\\Z").next();
Gson gson = new Gson();
Example arr = gson.fromJson(input, Example.class);
public class Detail {
public String name;
public String value;
public Boolean match;
public String toString() {
return "Detail [name=" + name + ", value=" + value + ", match=" + match + "]";
public class Entity {
public Integer id;
public List<Detail> details = null;
public List<Object> proofs = null;
public String link;
public String toString() {
return "Entity [id=" + id + ", details=" + details + ", proofs=" + proofs + ", link=" + link + "]";
public class Example {
public Return _return;
public String toString() {
return "Example [_return=" + _return + "]";
public class Return {
public List<Entity> entities = null;
public String notice;
public String toString() {
return "Return [entities=" + entities + ", notice=" + notice + "]";
Example [_return=Return [entities=[Entity [id=2385, details=[Detail [name=Other Known Name, value=John Wick, match=false]], proofs=[], link=], Entity [id=2384, details=[Detail [name=Discord ID, value=159985870458322944, match=false], Detail [name=SteamID64, value=76561197991558078, match=true], Detail [name=SteamVanity, value=test, match=false], Detail [name=PS4, value=John_S, match=false], Detail [name=XBox, value=John S, match=false], Detail [name=Email,, match=true], Detail [name=Comment, value=Test user, match=false], Detail [name=Other Known Name, value=Jonathan, match=false], Detail [name=Reddit, value=/u/johns, match=true]], proofs=[], link=], Entity [id=1680, details=[Detail [name=Other Known Name, value=Johny, match=false], Detail [name=SteamID64, value=76561198213003675, match=true]], proofs=[], link=], Entity [id=1689, details=[Detail [name=Other Known Name, value=JohnnyPeto, match=false], Detail [name=SteamID64, value=76561198094228192, match=true]], proofs=[], link=]], notice=Showing 4 out of 4 matches.]]
Despite there are answers suggesting you to use Jackson, you can still accomplish easily with Gson with its default configuration just creating proper relations between mappings:
// A generic response, parameterized with <T>, can hold any type except of primitives
final class Response<T> {
final T ret = null;
final class EntitiesAndNotice {
final List<Entity> entities = null;
final String notice = null;
final class Entity {
// Unlike Object and any its subclasses, `int` being a primitive cannot be nulled
// Simple 0 won't work either, because the compiler will inline it
// So it's a sort of cheating javac to return a value that holds 0 already
final int id = Integer.valueOf(0);
final List<Detail> details = null;
// Your JSON document does not provide enough info on the elements type
// So it depends on how Gson parses JSON tokens
final List<Object> proofs = null;
final URL link = null;
final class Detail {
final String name = null;
final String value = null;
// The same for primitive booleans, or Boolean.FALSE
final boolean match = Boolean.valueOf(false);
Example use:
private static final String JSON = "{\"return\":{\"entities\":[{\"id\":2385,\"details\":[{\"name\":\"Other Known Name\",\"value\":\"John Wick\",\"match\":false}],\"proofs\":[],\"link\":\"\"},{\"id\":2384,\"details\":[{\"name\":\"Discord ID\",\"value\":\"159985870458322944\",\"match\":false},{\"name\":\"SteamID64\",\"value\":\"76561197991558078\",\"match\":true},{\"name\":\"SteamVanity\",\"value\":\"test\",\"match\":false},{\"name\":\"PS4\",\"value\":\"John_S\",\"match\":false},{\"name\":\"XBox\",\"value\":\"John S\",\"match\":false},{\"name\":\"Email\",\"value\":\"\",\"match\":true},{\"name\":\"Comment\",\"value\":\"Test user\",\"match\":false},{\"name\":\"Other Known Name\",\"value\":\"Jonathan\",\"match\":false},{\"name\":\"Reddit\",\"value\":\"/u/johns\",\"match\":true}],\"proofs\":[],\"link\":\"\"},{\"id\":1680,\"details\":[{\"name\":\"Other Known Name\",\"value\":\"Johny\",\"match\":false},{\"name\":\"SteamID64\",\"value\":\"76561198213003675\",\"match\":true}],\"proofs\":[],\"link\":\"\"},{\"id\":1689,\"details\":[{\"name\":\"Other Known Name\",\"value\":\"JohnnyPeto\",\"match\":false},{\"name\":\"SteamID64\",\"value\":\"76561198094228192\",\"match\":true}],\"proofs\":[],\"link\":\"\"}],\"notice\":\"Showing 4 out of 4 matches.\"}}";
private static final Gson gson = new Gson();
private static final TypeToken<Response<EntitiesAndNotice>> responseTypeToken = new TypeToken<Response<EntitiesAndNotice>>() {
public static void main(final String... args) {
final Response<EntitiesAndNotice> response = gson.fromJson(JSON, responseTypeToken.getType());
final String value = response.ret.entities.get(1).details.get(3).value;

List of Objects returned as JSON object [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Expected an array of objects but got an object in an object
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
While developing a web service, I build a GET method to return a JSON list of System objects (a custom object, not the java.lang kind). Against expectations I receive a JSON object with 1 parameter containing the array that I initially expected. What am I missing here?
System Class
public class System
private long id;
private String name;
public long getId()
return id;
public void setId(long pId)
id = pId;
public String getName()
return name;
public void setName(String pName)
name = pName;
REST service
public class SystemHandler
public List<System> getSystems(#Context SecurityContext sc)
List<System> list = null;
//Populate the list
return list;
Result of /systems/list
"system": [
"id": "248",
"name": "FOO"
"id": "617",
"name": "BAR"
While I was expecting
"id": "248",
"name": "FOO"
"id": "617",
"name": "BAR"
Remove the #XmlRootElement annotation, this is telling Jackson to wrap the list in the system property and isn't required.

How to parse a JSON with a property which could be a String or an Object using GSON?

I have a class that should be deserialized accordingly the header request.
If header is on V1 version, ww should output the information field of Product class, like a String. Otherwise it output an Info object.
Is there another solution to do this, instead duplicate the class?
public class Product{
private String name;
private Integer id;
private Info information;
public class Info{
private String generalInfo;
private String fullDescription;
private String code;
public class Product{
private String name;
private Integer id;
private String information;
Above the JSON when use INFO object and when information is a string.
"name": "Paul",
"id": "123123,
"information": {
"generalInfo":"Business Product",
"name": "Paul",
"id": "123123,
"information": "Business Product - 23 - 9487987289929222-3 "
