I have a handfull of groovy files that I compile into java class files with groovyc (because it's a good bit quicker to start java than starting up groovy just to run a short script.) All the scripts are in the default package but they share some common functionality defined in a ".support" package.
I was just reworking it and found an amazingly strange problem--when I use:
cd /D c:\scripts
groovyc -d c:\destPath *.groovy
cd support
groovyc -d c:\destPath *.groovy
Everything worked fine.
But when I compile the way I'd expect to:
groovyc -d c:\destPath c:\scripts\*.groovy
It would only compile one of the scripts (I believe it was the last one alphabetically).
Anyone have an explanation for this behavior?
This seems due to the wrapper batch script that executes the groovyc executable.
On Windows, the groovyc command will start a batch script called startGroovy.bat:
"%DIRNAME%\startGroovy.bat" "%DIRNAME%" org.codehaus.groovy.tools.FileSystemCompiler %*
I'm no expert in batch files but If you take a close look at startGroovy.bat, you can easily notice that there is some kind of a hack that is being done on the * wildcard that is passed as an argument to the script (e.g. c:\scripts\*.groovy):
rem escape minus (-d), quotes (-q), star (-s).
set _ARGS=%*
if not defined _ARGS goto execute
set _ARGS=%_ARGS:-=-d%
set _ARGS=%_ARGS:"=-q%
rem Windowz will try to match * with files so we escape it here
rem but it is also a meta char for env var string substitution
rem so it can't be first char here, hack just for common cases.
rem If in doubt use a space or bracket before * if using -e.
set _ARGS=%_ARGS: *= -s%
set _ARGS=%_ARGS:)*=)-s%
set _ARGS=%_ARGS:0*=0-s%
set _ARGS=%_ARGS:1*=1-s%
set _ARGS=%_ARGS:2*=2-s%
set _ARGS=%_ARGS:3*=3-s%
set _ARGS=%_ARGS:4*=4-s%
set _ARGS=%_ARGS:5*=5-s%
set _ARGS=%_ARGS:6*=6-s%
set _ARGS=%_ARGS:7*=7-s%
set _ARGS=%_ARGS:8*=8-s%
set _ARGS=%_ARGS:9*=9-s%
If you turn echoing on by executing set DEBUG=on in the command line, and then execute the groovyc command again, you will obtain the output of the batch script where you can see how the wildcard is being processed. Below is a sample log with a scenario where we have 3 files named File1.groovy, File2.groovy and File3.groovy.
groovyc -d c:\destPath c:\scripts\*.groovy
Sample output:
C:\scripts>set _ARG=C:\scripts\File3.groovy
C:\scripts>set _ARG=C:\scripts\File3.groovy
C:\scripts>set _ARG=C:\scripts\File3.groovy
C:\scripts>set CMD_LINE_ARGS= C:\scripts\File3.groovy
C:\scripts>set _ARG=
It seems the script is ignoring the first two files and eventually only the last one is passed to the org.codehaus.groovy.tools.FileSystemCompiler class (the actual compiler). This behavior does not exist when the * wildcard is the first character in the path to the source files.
I am trying to use a class into a jar using a Nashorn Shebang script with the -cp option (java version "1.8.0_31"). However it does not works. I have perform some test. The following shebang line works:
#!/usr/bin/jjs -scripting
#!/usr/bin/jjs -fv (returns nashorn full version 1.8.0_31-b13)
while the following not:
#!/usr/bin/jjs -cp ./some/lib/lib.jar will return the following error message: "-cp ./some/lib/lib.jar" is not a recognized option.
#!/usr/bin/jjs -scripting -fv will return the error message: "-scripting -fv" is not a recognized option. Use "-h" or "-help" to see a list of all supported options"
All options are theoretically valid. The classpath option should also works as seen on http://www.adam-bien.com/roller/abien/entry/setting_the_classpath_for_nashorn .
More info about nashorn and Shebang: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/scripting/nashorn/shell.html#CHDEGHJJ
You ran into an issue which doesn’t have anything to do with Nashorn nor Java. According to this answer the command line argument handling with shebang never was clearly specified and it seems to be a common behavior to treat everything encountered after the first white-space as one single argument.
So one solution would be to write a shell script containing an invocation of jjs with the actual arguments and use that shell script as the interpreter in the shebang line of your Nashorn script.
You can use -Dnashorn.args=-cp in a shebang script. See also https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8072138
As it appears you want a way to automatically add JARs to your classpath, I'll highlight a little wrapper I've written which allows you to define Maven co-ordinate dependencies (including transitives) to be added to the classpath of your script, so you can write a script using the "# dep" lines:
#!/usr/bin/env jjs-with-deps
# The line below is parsed by the jjs-with-deps script to build a new
# classloader in which the script is really executed, including logback
# and its transitive dependencies.
# dep:ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.1.2
var log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger("com.example.app.Logger");
log.info("Hello World!");
It does require Maven to be installed somewhere on your PATH, and it does slightly increase startup time (but then again, you're already starting up a JVM ;). First invocation of a given script will be much slower while any dependencies are downloaded to the local M2 repository.
Link is https://github.com/stevestorey/jjs-with-deps
I have created one java program on my Linux system which indents and formats the given file. I want to make that program work like a command in Linux which will take file names and other options as arguments and then will produce the output. I can do this with a C program by just copying the compiled executable in /bin folder but I don't know how to do it with java.
Sample script that can might further help-
#Set whatever number of arguments you expect for the Java jar you have
if [ $# -ne $ARGS_EXPECTED ]
echo "[$HOSTNAME]: Usage: `basename $0` filename arg1 arg2"
exit 1
java -cp yourfile.jar com.yourpkg.Driver $1 $2 $3
Save the above content to a file, say test.sh
and use the command to give an executable permission chmod +x test.sh
run like ./test.sh filename arg1 arg2 from current directory where test.sh is
I thing this can be useful for your case: http://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/Documentation/binfmt_misc.txt?id=HEAD
You can simply run a Java class file or jar file with "java" command from command line. Example:
java -jar yourprogram.jar argument1 argument2
If you save this line in a text file saved for example as "script.sh" and then give it the permission for execution you can run it double clicking or from terminal typing ./script.sh in the same folder containing the file script.sh.
You can also produce scripts that use arguments with $1 $2 etc. avoiding the need of editing file.
You can use named parameters, too.
You can also produce a C program for a new command like you suggested that run the "java" command. In this case you can introduce arguments directly from terminal and pass them to java command in the C source.
As others have pointed out it is probably best to use a small shell script to run the Java application. There are several open source products that will help you wrap your Java code to produce a runnable (set of) .jar(s).
If you have correctly separated your business logic from your interface (as you should) then it is probably best if your Java application parses the parameters given on the command line interface. To do this create a separate class for parsing such parameters and calling the classes making up the business logic. Of course this will lead quickly - if not immediately - in writing a parser for Linux like CLI parameters. When this happens you may wish to consider the Apache Commons CLI project.
If you don't want to use any wrapping application/runtime, my method is generally pointing to all the class file containers in the classpath and directly pointing to the class containing the static main method:
java -cp "path_to_jar;path_to_class_folder;etc" "nl.owlstead.stackoverflow.LinuxMain"
I'm trying to compile a Java project under Cygwin using a native Win32 Java.
The Java binaries are correctly found under /cygdrive/c/jdk/bin on my machine.
The following command works fine:
javac -d . ./gnu/kawa/util/PreProcess.java
The PreProcess.class file is generated in ./gnu/kawa/util/. Trying to invoke Java on this fails however:
CLASSPATH=.:$CLASSPATH java gnu.kawa.util.PreProcess \
%java6 +use:com.sun.net.httpserver +enable:XML \
`sed -e 's|\([^ ]*\)|./\1|' < ./patch-source-list`
Error: Could not find or load main class gnu.kawa.util.PreProcess
This command was invoked by make, that's where the $CLASSPATH variable is set dynamically. patch-source-list is just a list of class names. The : in the classpath looks suspicious, but I'm not sure how to test ; while not annoying sh.
My only other suspicion is that the native Java is trying gnu\kawa\util\PreProcess, but I think cygwin can transparently handle that.
Any ideas? Thanks for your time.
Another option would be to build your path using the ':' and then fix the results using cygpath. This is probably overkill in your specific situation, but in a general case where you may have references to multiple directories, some of which may be referenced as absolute rather than relative paths, or if you are working with cygwin symlinks, it is much more useful.
$ ln -s /cygdrive/c/development/libraries/ ../libs
$ cygpath -pw /cygdrive/c/development/:.:../libs
so then you'd build your CLASSPATH variable as before, and in the final stage run
CLASSPATH="`cygpath -pw "$CLASSPATH"`" java (whatever)
Remember, the JVM has no idea that you are using the cygwin bash shell.
Two things:
for the classpath locations, use the windows path names. Thus, no "/cygdrive/c/somepath", but "c:\somepath\" ("/" and "\" can be used interchangeably however)
use ';' instead of ':' in the classpath list
This should work:
export CLASSPATH="./gnu/kawa/util/PreProcess.class"
CLASSPATH=".;$CLASSPATH" java gnu.kawa.util.PreProcess
The : in the classpath looks suspicious, but I'm not sure how to test ; while not annoying sh.
You're exactly right: you need to use ; instead of :. As for how to use it — as Mat alludes to above, you need to "quote" the semicolon. Any of these will work:
You can use whichever one you like best. (The first uses a backslash, which quotes a single following character. The second and third use single-quotes, which quote a sequence of zero or more characters. The fourth uses double-quotes, which are like single-quotes except that they still allow the variable $CLASSPATH to be expanded. For that matter, you could also write something like
if you want. See the above link for lots more information about quoting in Bash.)
I observe a strange behavior of wildcard expansion behavior for Java7 on Windows.
For centuries there was a clean difference between "*" versus *.
Seems this it not longer true for Java7 (at least on Windows7).
I noticed the problem when using a wildcard classpath.
In despite of quoting the wildcard-classpath it gets expanded.
Thus it seems not possible any more to pass a wildcard to the java application.
So using java -cp "somewhere/*" will fail (as does "somewhere\*").
A workaround seems to be: java -cp "somewhere/*;" which inhibits the expansion.
To verify the behavior I wrote a small Echo.java class.
I found that using java 1.6.0 quoted "*" and plain * works like expected,
whereas on Java7 I always got the expanded wildcard.
Until now this was observed on Windows7, don't know what happens on XP.
The problem arises, since wildcards on Windows are never ever expanded by dark age CMD.EXE (like any shell does on UNIX). Instead each executable has to perform this explicitly using setargv.obj.
I found two related issues which seem to describe a similar problem:
Multiple command line wildcard expansion confuses Windows users
setargv.obj wildcard handling broken
Is this observed by someone else?
Or are there some obscure Windows or batch-file settings to control this?
Yes, I noticed the same issue.
It's explained as a 'known issue' in the release notes for Java7 update 4.
Here is the bug report. The fix will be delivered in Java7 update 8 (current release is update 6).
Note that there isn't a shell-options workaround, because in Windows, the shell doesn't handle wildcard expansion. (Whereas in Unixes, the shell performs the expansion).
Not a direct solution to the broken /* issue but I hope you could use the following script to ease your situation.
libDir2Scan4jars="../test";cp=""; for j in `ls ${libDir2Scan4jars}/*.jar`; do if [ "$j" != "" ]; then cp=$cp:$j; fi; done; echo $cp| cut -c2-${#cp} > .tmpCP.tmp; export tmpCLASSPATH=`cat .tmpCP.tmp`; if [ "$tmpCLASSPATH" != "" ]; then echo .; echo "classpath set, you can now use ~> java -cp \$tmpCLASSPATH"; echo .; else echo .; echo "Error please check libDir2Scan4jars path"; echo .; fi;
Scripted for Linux, could have a similar one for windows too. If proper directory is provided as input to the "libDir2Scan4jars"; the script will scan all the jars and create a classpath string and export it to a env variable "tmpCLASSPATH".
I found a generic workaround for the Windows-Java-launcher-argument-wildcard-expansion problem:
Arguments from an #argfile do not undergo wildcard expansion. E.g.
java foo.Echo '*.txt' => 1.txt 2.txt
echo "foo.Echo *.txt" >argfile
java #argfile => *.txt
So if you have a wrapper BASH script, you can do:
echo foo.Echo "$#" >$argfile;
java #$argfile;
, and your command line args will not be wildcard-expanded by the launcher.
Tested with:
This question already has answers here:
How do I auto load a database jar in Groovy without using the -cp switch?
(5 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a groovy script that needs a library in a jar. How do I add that to the classpath? I want the script to be executable so I'm using #!/usr/bin/env groovy at the top of my script.
Starting a groovy script with #!/usr/bin/env groovy has a very important limitation - No additional arguments can be added. No classpath can be configured, no running groovy with defines or in debug. This is not a groovy issue, but a limitation in how the shebang (#!) works - all additional arguments are treated as single argument so #!/usr/bin/env groovy -d is telling /usr/bin/env to run the command groovy -d rathen then groovy with an argument of d.
There is a workaround for the issue, which involves bootstrapping groovy with bash in the groovy script.
//usr/bin/env groovy -cp extra.jar:spring.jar:etc.jar -d -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/etc/myapp/log4j.xml "$0" $#; exit $?
import org.springframework.class.from.jar
//other groovy code
println 'Hello'
All the magic happens in the first two lines. The first line tells us that this is a bash script. bash starts running and sees the first line. In bash # is for comments and // is collapsed to / which is the root directory. So bash will run /usr/bin/env groovy -cp extra.jar:spring.jar:etc.jar -d -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/etc/myapp/log4j.xml "$0" $# which starts groovy with all our desired arguments. The "$0" is the path to our script, and $# are the arguments. Now groovy runs and it ignores the first two lines and sees our groovy script and then exits back to bash. bash then exits (exit $?1) with status code from groovy.
If you really have to you can also load a JAR at runtime with:
this.getClass().classLoader.rootLoader.addURL(new File("file.jar").toURL())
My Favorite way to do this is with Groovy Grapes. These access the Maven Central Repository, download the referenced jar, and then put it on the classpath. Then you can use the library like any other library. The syntax is really simple:
#Grab(group='com.google.collections', module='google-collections', version='1.0')
You can read more details here. One major advantage here is that you don't need to distribute your dependencies when you distribute your script. The only drawback to this method is that the Jar has to be in the Maven repository.
You can add the jars to $HOME/.groovy/lib
You can also try out Groovy Grape. It lets you use annotations to modify the classpath. Its experimental right now, but pretty cool. See docs.groovy-lang.org/.../grape
The same as you would in Java.
This is an example of running a MySQL status monitoring script. mysql.jar contains the MySQL connector that I call from script status.groovy.
groovy -cp mysql.jar status.groovy ct1
Below is a combination of Patrick's solution, Maarteen Boekhold's solution, and foozbar's comment that works with both Linux and Cygwin:
// 2>/dev/null; SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )"
// 2>/dev/null; OPTS="-cp $SCRIPT_DIR/lib/extra.jar:$SCRIPT_DIR/lib/spring.jar"
// 2>/dev/null; OPTS="$OPTS -d"
// 2>/dev/null; OPTS="$OPTS -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/etc/myapp/log4j.xml"
// 2>/dev/null; exec groovy $OPTS "$0" "$#"; exit $?
import org.springframework.class.from.jar
//other groovy code
println 'Hello'
How it works:
// is a valid groovy comment, so all of the bash commands are ignored by Groovy.
// will return an error, but the error output is redirected to /dev/null and is therefore not displayed.
bash executes commands following a semicolon even though the previous command failed.
exec replaces the current program in the current process without forking a new process. Thus, groovy runs within the original script process (ps shows the process as the script rather than the groovy executable)
The exit $? statement following exec groovy prevents bash from trying to interpret the rest of the script as a bash script, and also preserves the return code from the groovy script.
The above bash trick is more convenient in some cases than the RootLoader trick because you can use regular import statements within the script. Using the RootLoader trick forces you to load all of the classes using reflection. This is fine in some situations (such as when you need to load a JDBC driver), but inconvenient in others.
If you know your script will never be executed on Cygwin, then using Patrick's or Maarteen's solution will likely result in slightly better performance because they avoid the overhead of generating and throwing away an error.
Adding to #Patrick his answer, which helped me a lot, I recently discovered another trick.
If you add lots of jars to the classpath all on one line, things can become quite unreadable. But you can do the following!
//bin/true && OPTS="-cp blah.jar -Dmyopt=value"
//bin/true && OPTS="$OPTS -Dmoreopts=value2"
//usr/bin/env groovy $OPTS "$0" $#; exit $?
println "inside my groovy script"
Let your imagination run wild on how complex a command line you can break down this way into manageable pieces
If you want to use it right away before the import declarations it is possible like this :) :
// printEmployees.groovy
new URL("file:///C:/app/Dustin/product/11.1.0/db_1/jdbc/lib/ojdbc6.jar"))
import groovy.sql.Sql
sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:oracle:thin:#localhost:1521:orcl", "hr", "hr",
sql.eachRow("SELECT employee_id, last_name, first_name FROM employees")
println "The employee's name is ${it.first_name} ${it.last_name}."
Taken from this javaworld.com article.