I need to customize my RCP Application and the usage of perspectives a bit. In particular, I want to provide a custom menu item that lets the user save the current perspective, but WITHOUT showing the built-in Dialog:
So I don't want to use the default eclipse way to register the "Save Perspective" Action and put it into the menu. I.e., I don't want to do that:
protected void makeActions(IWorkbenchWindow window)
// ...
// ...
protected void fillMenuBar(IMenuManager menuBar)
// ...
// ...
So, if I write a custom Action, what do I need to do there to save the current perspective?
It's fairly simple. In the custom Action I do the following to save the perspective:
IWorkbenchPage page = window.getActivePage();
IPerspectiveRegistry perspectiveRegistry = window.getWorkbench()
IPerspectiveDescriptor personalPerspectiveDescriptor = perspectiveRegistry
if (page != null && personalPerspectiveDescriptor != null) {
// ... other stuff like different confirm dialogs
A nice example of how to use perspectives for letting the user customize their layouts without showing too much of the built-in perspective functionality can be found here:
i have a little problem when i try to disable an Action of my Netbeans platform project. When the app starts, some Actions must be disabled, and i do that with this method:
It works, because the BuildProjectAction is disabled, but the corresponding items of the MenuBar and the Toolbar remains enabled until i click on one of it.
Only later that i have clicked on it, the comportament start to work correctly.
First question: Why?
If i want disable an Action, it's obvious that i want disable also the relative Icon in the Menu and in the Toolbar, so it must be automatic when i call Action.setEnabled(false).
It doesn't have sense that the Icons are not refreshed if i don't click on they.
Same problem if i try to use .getToolbarPresenter().setEnabled(false); and .getMenuPresenter().setEnabled(false);
For start the application with the icons disabled, I have tried to set the lazy attribute to FALSE and declare the image programmatically with the method setIcon(new ImageIcon(image)); that sets the same image for Menu and Toolbar.
And it works; there is only another problem: Menu and Toolbar have icons of different size (16x16 and 24x24).
It doesn't have sense that the if i set the icon with the #ActionRegistration(iconBase = "image.png") the correct icon is automatically selected, but if i use the method .setIcon(), it doesn't.
I have read some articles about Action, CookieAction, Lookup, but the only thing that i want is disable the graphic elements in the same moment when i disable the Action.
Second question: How i can do that?
This is an example of my Action.
category = "Run",
id = "BuildProjectAction")
lazy = true,
iconBase = "images/icons/compile.png",
displayName = "#CTL_BuildProjectAction")
path = "Menu/Run",
position = 3),
#ActionReference(path = "Toolbars/Run",
position = 3),
path = "Shortcuts",
name = "D-B")
#Messages("CTL_BuildProjectAction=Build Project")
public final class BuildProjectAction extends CallableSystemAction {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {...}
public void performAction() {}
public String getName() {
return Bundle.CTL_BuildProjectAction();
public HelpCtx getHelpCtx() {
return HelpCtx.DEFAULT_HELP;
The easiest way to create an action that is disabled at startup is to use the platform’s New Action Wizard to create your action, and to create one that depends on a "context" -- this is, on finding a specific object in the global lookup. If no object is available in the lookup, as at startup, then the action will be disabled.
The menu and toolbar graphic elements are bundled together with your action via the annotations. This means that enabled/disabled state of your context-aware action will automatically affect the icons in the menu and toolbar as well.
This article by Geertjan Wielenga has a walkthrough on creating a context-aware action:
When you want to enable your action, you will add the object on which the action depends into the global lookup, which will cause the action (and its graphic elements) to be enabled.
This entry in the platform’s Developer FAQ has some examples of how to add an object to the global context:
If you need to create an action that depends on a more complex set of conditions there is some discussion, as well as a code sample illustrating how to do this, in this platform developer list thread:
The grayed-out versions of the icons that are shown when your action is disabled are created automatically by the platform. You only have to provide the "normal" non-grayed-out images.
As for the icons of different sizes, it’s a matter of filename convention. If your annotation declares the icon with #ActionRegistration(iconBase = "image.png”), then you will provide a 16x16 image called “image.png” and a 24x24 version called “image24.png”. The platform will find and use the appropriate size in the menu and toolbar.
How can I show view when specific editor is selected and hide it when another is selected? I was looking for this in extension points but I found nothing :(
Is there any way to do this?
You need to register IPartListener with IPartService and then do appropriate things in partActivated, partBroughtToTop, etc. methods.
Make sure that the part is the editor you want:
public void partActivated(IWorkbenchPart part) {
if (part instanceof MySuperEditor) {
and so on.
Let me know if that helps.
i am trying to create a jface wizard.
In my wizard i have my "startpage". The options i choose in my "startpage" depending on how many pages will follow. But in my opinion its not possible to do that. Because the addPages() method getting called after the wizard was started. The addPage() method is private. But i need to add my pages there, because when i do it somewhere else, the createControl(Composite parent) don't getting called.
Is there any solution how to solve that problem?
I thought about writing a own method sth. like this:
public void addNewPage() {
Page page = new Page("pagename");
But it doesn't work.
Do you guys have any solution for my problem?
You could add all your pages in the wizard addPages and then override getNextPage to control which pages is displayed when Next is pressed.
If that is not enough you can always write your own implementation of the IWizard interface.
You can do so by overriding org.eclipse.jface.wizard.Wizard.getNextPage to return a new page if conditions are met (conditionForMorePages in the snippet below):
public IWizardPage getNextPage() {
IWizardPage nextPage = super.getNextPage(page);
if (nextPage == null) {
if (conditionForMorePages){
// we need an additional page.
IWizardPage nextPage = new MyAdditionalPage();
return nextPage;
If your wizard start with only one page, "back" and "next" buttons do not appear by default. If there is a chance you have more steps coming up dynamically, you want to display the navigation buttons. You can do so by setting the proper flag using the API
public void setForcePreviousAndNextButtons(boolean b)
In a Wicket app, I have a modal dialog that contains a simple form and a button. User enters values (report parameters), and then clicks the button which starts the download of a report file (typically a PDF). (All form values are required, and Wicket's validation mechanism is used to make sure user entered them before the download can start.)
Maybe this is better explained with a picture:
I'm using here a jQuery UI Dialog (instead of Wicket's ModalWindow which felt a lot clumsier and uglier from user's perspective).
Everything is pretty much working, except closing the dialog when/after clicking the download button.
Current version (irrelevant bits omitted):
public class ReportDownloadLink extends Link {
public ReportDownloadLink(String id, ReportDto report) {
this.report = report;
public void onClick() {
IResourceStream resourceStream = new AbstractResourceStreamWriter() {
public void write(OutputStream output) {
try {
reportService.generateReport(output, report);
} catch (ReportGenerationException e) {
// ...
public String getContentType() {
// ...
ResourceStreamRequestTarget target =
new ResourceStreamRequestTarget(resourceStream, report.getFileName());
The dialog is a Wicket Panel (which makes use of ReportDownloadLink above), which we put in a certain div, and then when a report is selected in a list, the dialog is opened from an AjaxLink's onClick() quite simply like this:
target.appendJavascript(String.format("showReportExportDialog('%s')", ... ));
Which calls this JS function:
function showReportExportDialog(dialogTitle) {
{modal:true, draggable:true, width: 320, height: 330, title: dialogTitle}
Some options:
Make ReportDownloadLink extend something else than Link, perhaps, and/or find an appropriate method to override which would allow me to execute the tiny bit of JavaScript needed to close the jQuery Dialog.
Investigate jQuery + Wicket libraries (such as jqwicket or wiquery) that supposedly make these two work better together.
Latest thing I tried was overriding method getOnClickScript() in ReportDownloadLink which seemed promising (according to the Javadocs, it returns "Any onClick JavaScript that should be used"):
protected CharSequence getOnClickScript(CharSequence url) {
return "closeDownloadDialog()";
Thing is, this causes onClick() not to be called at all, i.e., the download doesn't start.
Could I perhaps override some more "ajaxy" class from Wicket (than Link) to combine these things: first init the download, then call the JS for closing the dialog?
Any recommendations or experiences from similar cases? Note that I want to keep using the jQuery dialog here, even though it makes things like these more complicated. Using a DownloadLink (see related question) is fine too in case that makes things easier.
NB: if you recommend JQWicket or wiQuery, please provide an example of how to do this.
Maybe you can try to bind the close modal code to the button "click" event using only JQuery, in your modal panel page, add something similar to ${"#mySubmit").click(myCloseModalFunction). It should keep Wicket default's behavior and add modal closing in the mix.
The other way is to override the getOnClickScript(...) method but the javascript has to return true in order for the browser to call the continue link evaluation and load the corresponding href. If you return false, the evaluation stops. I would suggest something like
protected CharSequence getOnClickScript(CharSequence url) {
return "closeDownloadDialog();return true;";
Hope it helps...
See https://cwiki.apache.org/WICKET/ajax-update-and-file-download-in-one-blow.html for inspiration.
How do I change the JFileChooser behavior from double-click selection to single-click selection mode?
I'm developing an application to run with either a single-click interface (nothing requires a double-click, just like the KDE interface mode) or a double-click interface (the default Windows interface mode or the regular GNOME interface mode). I want the Java application to behave just like the rest of the system to respect the user current configuration and environment.
The ideal solution should be to set up a configuration value somewhere in the JFileChooser class to have it work either under single-click ordouble-click mode.
Since it seems there is no such a configuration, here is an approximate solution based on Richie_W's idea. I had to extend it a bit in order to allow the user to navigate in many directories and also to avoid reentrant events that get fired when setting the selection. However, as Oscar pointed out, it is not possible to navigate using the keyboard (it always chooses whatever is under focus). If you don't use the keyboard, it works.
JFileChooser _fileChooser=new JFileChooser();
if (ConfigurationManager.isSingleClickDesired()) {
//We will be interested in files only, but we need to allow it to choose both
_fileChooser.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
//To prevent reentry
private boolean handlingEvent=false;
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
//Prevent reentry
if (handlingEvent)
//Mark it as handling the event
String propertyName = e.getPropertyName();
//We are interested in both event types
if(propertyName.equals(JFileChooser.SELECTED_FILE_CHANGED_PROPERTY) ||
File selectedFile = (File) e.getNewValue();
if (selectedFile!=null) {
if (selectedFile.isDirectory()) {
//Allow the user to navigate directories with single click
} else {
if (_fileChooser.getSelectedFile()!=null)
//Accept it
//Allow new events to be processed now
Ps->Sorry for not great looking code format, but StackoverFlow has broken Firefox and Iceweasel code format support under KDE and Gnome.