is it ok that two spring batch job overlaps? - java

Suppose I have a spring job run every 5 minute, usually the job will take about one minute to complete, but if something goes wrong the job will last more than 5 minute. Before last job finished , another job will start. So, the two jobs will interfere with each other?
ps: I use the spring schedule annotation to schedule jobs.

You can control this behavior. If you want to leave a fixed amount of time between the end of one job and the start of the next, use the fixedDelay
If you use the fixedRate, then jobs may overlap. Whether that's "ok" depends on what your job does. But you can prevent this from happening with fixedDelay if you want.


is it possible to restart a job after stopping?

I am working on a project in which I can hit maximum 15k hit a day to Google API. So I want to stop the job after 15k and resume it next day. Please let me know how can I do the same.
Please let me know how can I achieve the same. Right now I am thinking of using quartz scheduler to schedule the job every day.
If anyone needs full explanation, I can explain it more.
Thanks in advance.
You can stop a step execution (and its surrounding job) using StepExecution#setTerminateOnly. So in your case, you can use for example a ItemReadListener#afterRead or ItemWriteListener#afterWrite that has access to the step execution and set the terminateOnly flag after processing 15k items. When you stop the job gracefully like this, its status will be STOPPED and you will be able to restart it again the next day as you mentioned.
You can find an example in the Stopping a Job Manually for Business Reasons section of the reference documentation.
Hope this helps.
I had something similar where I needed to stop a 24/7 job 5 minutes before server maintenance was scheduled to start.
The easiest I found was to use the Reader and return null to indicate the job should stop. In your case, return null when 15k API requests were processed.
This will likely mean you'll need a bean (could be just an AtomicInteger) available to the Reader and updated by the Processor. But also a Job Listener (sorry, I don't have the code) which also knows about the bean. If the maximum is reached the Listener sets up a custom job exit value to be returned to the scheduler when the job stops. The scheduler has to be configurable enough to know the particular exit value means to start the job again the next day. (Any other non-zero value was treated as an error.)
This means there is a small possibility the job hits 15k but also that it is the last item, so the job is scheduled again for the next day even though there is nothing more to be processed. It shouldn't matter though - the job will start the next day and stop immediately with a normal complete status so the scheduler will not schedule again.

Quartz scheduled job being triggered after a long delay with 15 minutes delay

I have a non-concurrent quartz job running on 6 application server instances. A high level responsibility of the job is to walk through a DB table and process and update which ever row is expired. Now I see a behavior of the job which is not understandable.
I have a configuration by which the job should be triggered after 15 minutes, but as the span of a single run can be multiple days, each of this trigger after 15 minutes should be suppressed by a lock already acquired by running job instance.
So, the ideal behavior is, job starts running on one of the 6 server instances, it completes a single DB table iteration in let us say 3 days. Meanwhile, quartz is trying to push in another job every minutes, but as lock is already acquired, it should not. After 3 days when the first job run finishes quartz scheduler should succeed in starting another job, within <= 15 minutes of the first run endtime.
But, in reality I see a behavior, where the the job has run for some days and has not run for some of the days. some time this gap is as long as 8-10 days. I am unable to explain this scenario.
The closest theory I can think of, is that it might be the case that during a particular job run, the server instance got killed(due to deployment/redeployment), because of which the quartz did not get a chance to remove shared lock. So, all the attempts of acquiring a lock for next job run keep on failing till the orphan lock is not expired by an expiry date. The moment it got expired, a new job kicks in.
My question here is, what could be the possible explanations to this, and more importantly, how to debug it? Any leads to Quartz Lock management documentation for non-concurrent jobs can helpful.
I use DisallowConcurrentExecution annotation for non-concurrency.

java, quartz and multiple tasks triggered at certain times saved in a database

I'm building a system where users can set a future date(down to hours and minutes) in calendar. At that date a trigger is calling a certain task, unique for every user.
Every user can set a different date. The system will have 10k+ from the start and a user can create more than one trigger.
So assuming I have 10k users each user create on average 3 triggers => 30k triggers with 30k different dates.
All dates are saved in a database.
I'm new to quartz, can this be done in a more optimized way?
I was thinking about making a task run every minute that will get the tasks that will suppose to run in the next hour and remove them from database.
Do you have any better ideas? Did someone used quartz for a large number of triggers.
You have the schedule backed in the database. If I understand the idea - you want the quartz to load all the upcoming tasks to execute them in the future.
This is problematic approach:
Synchronization Issues: I assume that users can edit, remove and add new tasks to the database. You would have to periodically ask the database to refresh the state of the quartz jobs, remove some jobs, edit other jobs etc. This may not be trivial. The state of the program would be a long living cache which needs to be synchronised often.
Performance and scalability issues: Even if proposed solution may be ok for 30K tasks it may not be ok for 70k or 700k tasks. In your approach it's not easy to scale - adding new machine would require additional layer of synchronisation - which machine should actually execute which job (as all of them have all the tasks).
What I would propose:
Add the "stage" to the Tasks table (new, queued, running, finished, failed)
divide your solution into several components. (Initially they can run on a single machine but it will be easy to scale)
Task Finder: Executed periodically (once every few seconds). Scans the database for tasks that are "new", and due soon. Sends the tasks found to Message Queue and marks the task as "queued" in the db. Marking as "queued" has to be done carefully as there can be multiple "task finders". (As an addition it may find the tasks that have been marked as "queued" or "running" more than N minutes ago and are not "finished" nor "canceled" - probably need to re-run these)
Message Queue: Connector between Taks Finder and Task Executor.
Task Executor: Listens to the Message Queue and process the tasks that it received. Marks the tasks as "running" initially and "finished" or "failed" later on.
With this approach you can have:
multiple Task Executors on multiple machines
multiple Task Schedulers on multiple machines
even if one of the Task Schedulers or Executors will fail it will not be Single Point of Failure. Some of the tasks will be delayed but it will be picked up and run afterwards.
This may not address all the scenarios but would be a good starting point.
I don't see why you need quartz here at all. As far as I remember, quartz is best used to schedule backend internal processes, not user-defined tasks obtained from db.
Just process the trigger as it is created, save a row to your tasks table with start_date based on the trigger and every second select all incomplete tasks with start_date< sysdate. If the job is repeating, calculate next execution time and insert new task row / update previous accordingly.
As Sam pointed out there are some nice topics addressing the same problem:
Quartz Performance
Quartz FAQ
In a system like the mentioned it should not a problem mostly to handle this amount of triggers. But according to my experiance it is a better way to create something like a "JobChecker". If you enable your users to create own triggers it could really break Quartz in some cases. For example if 5000 user creates an event to the exact same time, Quartz will have a hard time to handle them correctly. (It is not likely a situation that will occur often, but it is possible as your specification does not excludes it.) Quartz has difficulties only when a lot of triggers should be fired at the same time.
My recommendation to this problem is to create one job that is running in every hour/minute etc and that should handle every user set events. This way is simmilar to a cron job in bash. With this kind of processing your system will be pretty stable even if the number of "triggers" increases dramatically. Basically your line of thought is correct if you thrive for scalability.

Quartz stop scheduled repeatative Job from 00h35 and 06h15

I have a Job which runs everyday in 15 minutes but now the requirement is that we have to stop this job from 00h35 and 06h15 time .
We are using Quartz scheduler. How can I do this?
I don't use the quartz scheduler but I found the documentation here and had a quick look through it. There is an example 'Build a trigger that will fire now, then repeat every five minutes, until the hour 22:00' on page 23 which sounds similar to what you want to do (starting at 06h15 and finishing at 00h35)
If it's not what you're looking for, how about putting a bit of detail in your question, specifically what you've already tried.

Quartz job tunning

hello there is something i've realized with quartz when working.Say a cron is set to wake up every 2min with the expression 0 0/2 * * * ? .
When you run the project at say 13:10:30, the first action happens at 13:12:00 and the second 13:14:00 and every 2min 0 second for the rest. Obviously between the startup of the project and the first occurence of the action there have been 1mn:30s only.
Is there a way to for the first occurrence to respect the 2min no matter which at seconds the project starts?
Cron jobs are configured in Quartz using the CronTrigger class. The alternative is to use SimpleTrigger, which you can construct using fixed delay intervals. SimpleTrigger has various constructors, allowing you to specify the start time, end time, number of repeats, repeat interval, and so on.
Having said that, I'd recommend against using Quartz for this kind of scheduling, and use java.util.concurrent.Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(). It's much easier than Quartz when it comes to simple repeating tasks.
Quartz may use cron for the scheduling, which is based on date and time, not duration. This means that the cron expression you define is directly related to the current time on the machine, not on when the application started.
I am not aware of a Quartz configuration that will help you to solve your problem. However, a solution is to create your own Thread, which started during the launch of your application and that basically waits 2 minutes before calling a method:
while (running) {
Thread.sleep(1000 * 120);
