I am looking for a way to include all the modules in a project from another pom.xml. So in my case I have a parent pom with packaging set to pom. It contains 3 child modules that implement my interfaces in another api module. I want to dynamically include all the child modules in my project in maven.
In this case I want to include the connector1, connector2, connector3 in another module without having to specifiy the connector1,2,3 implicitly.
connectors - packaging: pom
connector1 - packaging: jar
connector2 - packaging: jar
connector3 - packaging: jar
I tried including the connectors pom in my project but this did not work. I was hoping that specifying the parent package with pom would include the child modules but this did not work. Are there any workarounds for how to do this?
This was more of peeve of mine because I wanted to simply add a single connector and have all the child module dependency jars for the project be included. This would make the pom a little simpler to read.
Instead of having to register all the child dependencies like so
This is just an example to clarify the original question. It does not exist and would probably have reprocussions if it did work.
If I remember correctly I was creating a modular project for an ordering system where I had a common api that our internal system would use (REST). I was creating a routing system where I could route an order to a single fulfillment center based on a criteria of the order (country, priority taxes etc). Each of the fulfillment centers had their own api (connectors).
The example is greatly simplified in the original question to make it more the problem more concise. In the real project each connector (1,2,3) would have been a separate pom with multiple dependency jars. One for their client api, then some etl code to match with my original api.
I don't remember how I solved this. I think I just had to include the all the child dependencies.
One way is to create a fourth module which "wraps" the 3 modules as dependencies. This way you could depend on this wrapper module which would.
connectors - packaging: pom
connector1 - packaging: jar
connector2 - packaging: jar
connector3 - packaging: jar
connectorWrapper - packaging: pom (depends on the above three)
Although it would make more sense to explicitly declare a dependency for each connector especially that they are only three.
Alternative solution:
A more dynamic approach (although very much an overkill IMO) is to have this fourth module package the implementation modules in an assembly using a custom assembly descriptor. For example, inside connectorWrapper, you could write an assembly.xml:
<assembly xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/assembly/1.1.3"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/assembly/1.1.3 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/assembly-1.1.3.xsd">
Note that the descriptor tells the assembly plugin to:
include all modules in the current project reactor, so when you run mvn clean package in the root project, it will include all modules
include only implementation modules (the connector modules), as specified in the include element having *:connector*.
Of course you'll need to configure the assembly plugin to use this descriptor in the connectorWrapper (or whatever other name you choose for this wrapper):
Then you can run mvn install on the root project to install the assembly artifact, after which you can depend on it from the other project:
<classifier>impl-modules</classifier> <!-- note the classifier -->
Not entirely sure whether it exactly does what you need but within the latest maven releases you can use the scope import on your dependencies.
The first step would be to create a pom containing all the dependencies you would like to include in other projects:
In the projects you would like to include the connectors you have:
See Importing Dependencies for more information.
An alternative approach could be to use the maven assembly plugin and create a single (huge) jar containing all the classes you would like to include (single jar packaging); (for that you also need to create once a pom with all the dependencies and the assembly plugin).
I would write my own maven plugin for this. Judging from your reputation and the question, you could probably have something ready within the hour. Most probably sooner than researching and trying out solutions to do what you want.
Is it possible to retrieve the version of a specific maven dependency at runtime?
E.g. for the pom.xml:
I would like to retrieve the version 1.0 of a specific dependency with artifact ID foobar.
The most problematic part here is to find a JAR by its name. Unfortunately, there is no 100% reliable way for this in Java. To get a JAR by name, you need to scan classpath of the running application which may not always be present (e.g. because custom class loaders are used or module path is used instead of classpath).
But let's assume you are not using any fancy features like custom class loaders and you got your classpath which contains all your Maven dependencies. What do you need to do now? I'll try to describe a rough algorithm:
Retrieve paths of all JAR files from your classpath.
Scan each JAR file and find the file pom.properties. It's located in META-INF/maven/{groupId}/{artifactId}.
Find the value of the version property in pom.properties.
Again, this solution will not be completely reliable. You have to decide: do you really need the version information and for what purposes?
Are you looking at jars you created yourself? Or third-party libaries? I have published a lightweight solution for the former. So if the packaging of the jars you are looking for at runtime is in your own hands, go ahead and give it a try ;-). It may be a little more elegant than having to read XML or properties from jar files.
The idea
use a Java service loader approach to be able to add as many components/artifacts later, which can contribute their own versions at runtime. Create a very lightweight library with just a few lines of code to read, find, filter and sort all of the artifact versions on the classpath.
Create a maven source code generator plugin that generates the service implementation for each of the modules at compile time, package a very simple service in each of the jars.
The solution
Part one of the solution is the artifact-version-service library, which can be found on github and MavenCentral now. It covers the service definition and a few ways to get the artifact versions at runtime.
Part two is the artifact-version-maven-plugin, which can also be found on github and MavenCentral. It is used to have a hassle-free generator implementing the service definition for each of the artifacts.
Fetching all modules with coordinates
No more reading jar manifests, just a simple method call:
// iterate list of artifact dependencies
for (Artifact artifact : ArtifactVersionCollector.collectArtifacts()) {
// print simple artifact string example
System.out.println("artifact = " + artifact);
A sorted set of artifacts is returned. To modify the sorting order, provide a custom comparator:
new ArtifactVersionCollector(Comparator.comparing(Artifact::getVersion)).collect();
This way the list of artifacts is returned sorted by version numbers.
Find a specific artifact
ArtifactVersionCollector.findArtifact("foo.bar", "foobar");
Fetches the version details for a specific artifact.
Find artifacts with matching groupId(s)
Find all artifacts with groupId foo.bar (exact match):
ArtifactVersionCollector.findArtifactsByGroupId("foo.bar", true);
Find all artifacts where groupId starts with foo.bar:
ArtifactVersionCollector.findArtifactsByGroupId("foo.bar", false);
Sort result by version number:
new ArtifactVersionCollector(Comparator.comparing(Artifact::getVersion)).artifactsByGroupId("foo.", false);
Implement custom actions on list of artifacts
By supplying a lambda, the very first example could be implemented like this:
ArtifactVersionCollector.iterateArtifacts(a -> {
return false;
Add these two tags to all pom.xml files, or maybe to a company master pom somewhere:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.github.bonigarcia/webdrivermanager -->
<pluginManagement><!-- lock down plugins versions to avoid using Maven defaults (may be moved to parent pom) -->
<!-- clean lifecycle, see https://maven.apache.org/ref/current/maven-core/lifecycles.html#clean_Lifecycle -->
<!-- default lifecycle, jar packaging: see https://maven.apache.org/ref/current/maven-core/default-bindings.html#Plugin_bindings_for_jar_packaging -->
<!-- site lifecycle, see https://maven.apache.org/ref/current/maven-core/lifecycles.html#site_Lifecycle -->
Although what you want is to search for a specific dependency, the below code retrieves all the details of the dependencies available in pom file.
You just need to create a wrapper method to retrieve details of specific dependencies.
import org.apache.maven.model.Model;
import org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParserException;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
class SampleMavenDependencyReader {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException {
MavenXpp3Reader reader = new MavenXpp3Reader();
Model model = reader.read(new FileReader("/Users/nonadmin/bins/projects/IdeaProjects/WDProject/pom.xml"));
for (int i = 0; i < model.getDependencies().size(); i++) {
Dependency {groupId=junit, artifactId=junit, version=4.11, type=jar}
Dependency {groupId=io.github.bonigarcia, artifactId=webdrivermanager, version=${webdrivermanager.version}, type=jar}
Dependency {groupId=org.seleniumhq.selenium, artifactId=selenium-api, version=${selenium.version}, type=jar}
Dependency {groupId=org.seleniumhq.selenium, artifactId=selenium-server, version=${selenium.version}, type=jar}
Dependency {groupId=org.seleniumhq.selenium, artifactId=selenium-remote-driver, version=${selenium.version}, type=jar}
Dependency {groupId=org.seleniumhq.selenium, artifactId=selenium-java, version=${selenium.version}, type=jar}
Dependency {groupId=net.lingala.zip4j, artifactId=zip4j, version=2.2.4, type=jar}
Dependency {groupId=org.apache.maven, artifactId=maven-model, version=3.3.9, type=jar}~~~
Sorry Im newbie in Java and I wonder how to avoid test execution of my dependencies projects.
I have a Proj3 which has two dependencies, Proj1 and Proj2 (among other things).
If I execute mvn clean install not only execute tests of my current Proj3 but also from my dependencies Proj1 and Proj2.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
Many thanks,
The POM you are showing is for environment_Api_Tests project which is aggregation (parent) project. That means
... if a Maven command is invoked against the parent project, that Maven command will then be executed to the parent's modules as well.
Thus it is not very clear what exactly is your case.
Depending on what it has to do with the Proj3 you mentioned, there are different answers:
If the environment_Api_Tests project (the POM you posted) is what you call Proj3
It is perfectly normal to execute commands against its modules (do not confuse it with dependencies) and it really makes no sense to exclude tests from modules. Moreover you can not have tests in aggregation (parent) project itself. So if you only want to execute some modules, then it's best to introduce another aggregation project with only those modules. You can further aggregate aggregation projects.
The <dependencies> here have nothing to do with that. The only thing that section does in a aggregation project is to provide dependencies for all <modules>. In your case that means that:
Proj1 depends on Proj1 and Proj2.
Proj2 depends on Proj1 and Proj2.
which is probably not what you want!
If there is another Proj3 that is also a module in environment_Api_Tests
Then you just need to execute the tests on that project and not on environment_Api_Tests. Even if Proj3 depends on Proj1 and Proj2 their tests will not be executed
If Proj3 is environment_Api_Tests but it was not meant to be an aggregation project
Then you need to change the packaging from pom to jar (or whatever your target is) and remove the <modules> but keep the <dependencies>. That way the project can have own tests and will not execute tests of dependencies.
Note on test dependencies
One thing to keep in mind is how test dependencies work in multi-module projects. If tests in one module depends on tests in another module, you will have to create a jar containing test classes.
Following is my project structure.
|_ src
| |_java
And my pom.xml
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<!-- The resources tag will be used if prop file is under src location. -->
<!-- <resources>
</resources> -->
Prop.properties file has
I have tried to use maven-read properties plugin to read the properties and substitute the same in the place of spring version. But it throws up error saying 'dependencies.dependency.version' for org.springframework:spring-beans:jar must be a valid version but is '${spring-version}'.
I tried to use validate phase instead of initialize in the maven execution phase. But still the problem persists. Instead of context path, i tried replacing the property file location to be an absolute path D:\test-proj\prop.properties in configuration which didnt help me either. I am using maven compiler plugin version 2.3.2. Am I missing something? Please let me know if its feasible to substitute dependency versions by some other plugin as well.
Note: I will not be able to use parent-child pom relationship as all my projects are modular and they don't depend on the same parent
If you want multiple unrelated project share dependecies version you can use Bill of Material concept http://howtodoinjava.com/maven/maven-bom-bill-of-materials-dependency/
Create unrelated BOM project with packaging pom. Add shared dependencies to the project
Each your project must import the BOM project
Below is snippet from the example page
How to add BOM [Bill Of Materials] dependency
Maven provides a tag dependencyManagement for this purpose. You need to add the bom information in this tag as follows. I am taking the example of Spring bom file.
An added benefit of using the BOM is that you no longer need to specify the version attribute when depending on Spring Framework artifacts. So it will work perfectly fine.
I cannot imagine that this is going to work. AFAIU Maven has to resolve dependencies prior to any build execution since how should it be able to create a proper classpath for executions otherwise?
I will not be able to use parent-child pom relationship as all my projects are modular and they don't depend on the same parent.
I think you are able. Establish a super-parent POM that contains appropriate setting(s) to be inherited by all and make all your projects' parents childs of this:
+- super-parent
+- pom.xml ... containing setting(s) for all
+- parent-project-1
+- ...
+- parent-project-2
+- ...
+- ...
I'm trying to generate java classes for OGC KML 2.2 as part of the maven generate-sources process using the org.codehaus.mojo xmlbeans-maven-plugin. The java code appears to be generated correctly, but I get tons of errors during compilation complaining that 'package org.apache.xmlbeans'. XMLBeans is clearly a dependency, it exists in my ~/.m2 repository, and I've been peek in the jar to make sure the classes are there. It looks like XMLBeans is successfully generating java files in target/generated-sources, but somehow its absent from the classpath during compilation.
I've tried changing the scope of the org.apache.xmlbeans dependency, but to no avail.
Here's the pom.xml
The project consists of a single src/main/xsd folder containing the two xsds from http://schemas.opengis.net/kml/2.2.0/. The entire folder structure is at https://github.com/iancw/maven-xmlbeans-question.
I can compile the classes by hand if I put the xmlbeans jar from my ~/.m2 repo on the classpath, e.g.
xmlbeans$ javac -classpath ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/xmlbeans/xmlbeans/2.4.0/xmlbeans-2.4.0.jar org/w3/x2005/atom/*.java org/w3/x2005/atom/impl/*.java net/opengis/kml/x22/*.java x0/oasisNamesTcCiqXsdschemaXAL2/*.java x0/oasisNamesTcCiqXsdschemaXAL2/impl/*.java net/opengis/kml/x22/*.java net/opengis/kml/x22/impl/*.java
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
I've looked through a number of examples and it seems like I'm doing this right. I haven't seen anyone else complain of this issue. Any maven mavens have suggestions?
(A curious side note is that although i've tried both 2.4.0 and 2.6.0 of the xmlbeans dependency, maven hasn't ever seemed to download the 2.6.0 version into my repository)
From the POM file that you've included in your question you have only defined the xmlbeans dependency in the dependencyManagement section. You also need to define it in your dependencies section of your POM before it will be included in the classpath at build time.
So for example your POM would be:
One Additional issue that may look similar,
Check your java install jdk and ext folders for older beans jar.
The plugin puts the project dependencies at the end of the classpath.
I've a web application configured with Maven which uses a library, also configured with Maven and when I package geronimo-servlet_3.0_spec-1.0.jar is included in WEB-INF/lib and I don't understand why.
I check the library with mvn dependency:tree
$ mvn dependency:tree | grep geronimo
[INFO] +- org.apache.geronimo.specs:geronimo-servlet_3.0_spec:jar:1.0:provided
I check my web app:
$ mvn dependency:tree | grep geronimo
However when I run mvn:package the file gets included in WEB-INF/lib.
When I run mvn tomcat:run I can see:
INFO: validateJarFile(/home/stivlo/workspace/private/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/geronimo-servlet_3.0_spec-1.0.jar) - jar not loaded. See Servlet Spec 2.3, section 9.7.2. Offending class: javax/servlet/Servlet.class
Why and how to avoid? Thank you.
UPDATE 1: as requested I add the pom.xml
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
<name>private webapp</name>
<!-- For Jakarta ORO -->
<name>Maven Search</name>
UPDATE 2: I followed the advice of Stephen C and modified the build section as follows:
However geronimo*.jar still gets included. I guess I've made a mistake in this configuration.
UPDATE 3: Stephen C. says that I should use
the groupId the artifactId of the WAR
file that contains the JAR file(s)
that you are trying to exclude.
I didn't know that WAR files could have a groupId and artifactId, in fact in my pom.xml I don't see any. My project builds a WAR file and has a groupId and an artifactId and those were the ones I tested above without success.
The dependency causing the problem is the following (is a JAR, not a WAR):
If I try to use the groupId and artifactId listed in this dependency I've the following error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
(default-war) on project test-webapp:
overlay [ id
is not a dependency of the project. ->
[Help 1]
If I try to use the groupId and artifactId of the JAR included by org.obliquid.helpers:
I have the same error.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
(default-war) on project test-webapp:
overlay [ id
is not a dependency of the project. ->
[Help 1]
Reading the War plugin documentation, I found a section about creating skinny WARs. So I tried the following:
Still without any success, geronimo-servlet_3.0_spec-1.0.jar is still there!
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin:2.1.1:war (default-war) on project test-webapp: overlay [ id org.obliquid.helpers:obliquid-helpers] is not a dependency of the project. -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin:2.1.1:war (default-war) on project test-webapp: overlay [ id org.apache.geronimo.specs:geronimo-servlet_3.0_spec] is not a dependency of the project. -> [Help 1]
UPDATE 4: I discovered that the target/private.war file is not a zip of target/private/ directory, but the exclusions are done at packaging time and not by deleting files in target/private/ -- This means, I've to re-test all the things I did before.
Suggestion of gouki: doesn't work, the JAR is still there also in the WAR file.
Suggestion of Stephen C., maybe mis-understood: actually I just noticed that the pom.xml is always invalid whatever groupId/artifactId I put of the three possibilities explained above. So they didn't work for me.
What I found in the documentation (packagingExcludes), works.
Now, if I had to choose one of he answers I would choose Stephen C., because he helped me pointing at the documentation of the WAR plugin (I was reading in the wrong places). However I'd accept an answer that doesn't work, at least in the way I tried (probably wrong). So I'm not going to accept any answer, and add a new answer myself with the final working configuration.
UPDATE 5: I post the relevant part of the pom.xml of obliquid-helpers, that mentions geronimo-servlet_3.0_spec. I've marked it optional and with scope provided, still it gets included by a web-app, unless I mark it as "packagingExclude" in the maven-war-plugin configuration.
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
Clearly, something has a dependency on that JAR file. If it is not showing up in the dependency tree, perhaps it is due to a dependency of your webapp WAR file on another WAR file that has this dependency.
If that is the case, then you could get add an <excludes> to the <overlay> element of the build descriptor for the WAR file plugin; e.g.
If you are using WAR file overlays, you should always include the clean target in the build. Otherwise you can get old dependencies hanging around in the WAR file. (IIRC, there is a Warning in the Maven output each time you build an overlaid WAR without cleaning!)
In fact, this could be the root cause of your problems. For instance, if previously you had the "geronimo" as an ordinary dependency and you haven't run mvn clean since then, the JAR file could still be hanging around.
Based from your pom.xml, the only dependency that might have dependency on geronimo servlet is
Can you try excluding the geronimo in this dependency?
First I want to thank gouki and Stephen C. for helping me. However their proposed solution didn't work for me. I'm grateful to them, but I can't accept their answer, because it would be misleading since it didn't work for this problem. I've upvoted Stephen C. answer, because he pointed me to the right documentation, which was essential to solve the problem.
Reading the WAR plugin documentation, especially the war:war mojo section, I've found an example on how to create Skinny WARs, which did the trick. So here is below the working configuration, to be added to the build section:
The archive part is probably not really needed, but I will find out when I deploy the WAR. The part that does the trick is the packagingExcludes tag, that can contain a comma separated list of tokens to exclude from the WAR before packaging.