I am planning to develop an adventure-like game.
For that I am going to have a lot of instances of classes with different texts (basicly strings).
I dont want to hardcode this many texts, so i am looking for a way to do it better.
The guy in this video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CDePunJlck ) is using json to write text files for each class instance manually and parse them automatically into instances. That goes into the right direction.
I´m looking for more information on that, so how is this procedure called?
Its said in the video that this also works with databases?
Is there a way to design a little bit more complex stuff with things like this?
E.g. I have the case that I would like to output different texts if e.g. a local or global variable is over a treshold etc. Can I do this without hardcoding and write an own class for each of my proposed instances?
Thank you!
Your question is quite broad, and it is hard to give a definitive answer. Here are some thoughts - hope you find it helpful.
You are right that you don't want to hardcode strings. The alternative to this is storing strings as external resources, and loading them into your game at start. There are numerous ways the resource can be organized; the choice depends on your programming platform, game architecture etc. For example, you can use simple name-value approach:
AREA_1_DESCRIPTION: You stand next o a small white house.
ITEM_22_DESTRUCTION: The nasty snake disappears with a loud "Bang!"
Using JSON or XML will give you more structured storage, which can be of great help, since you can organize your texts so that it is easier to use them in the code:
<item id="375" name="Great Sword">
<short_description>A Great Sword of Darkness</short_description>
<long_description>The sword has almost black blade with some unknown runes engraved</long_description>
If your programming system can access a database, then you can do something similar and store texts in the tables; this, however, might make it more difficult to edit texts later. If you want to go this way, I would still recommend using XML or JSON to store the texts, and making the game import texts in DB on the first run.
You probably will also need some sort of simple template-handling engine to be able to re-use some strings. You can start with creating your version of Java String.format() method. Your method might take as a first argument an ID of a string in your string catalog, and use some simple placeholders for the parameters. Suppose you have the following entry in your catalog:
FIRE_GEM_ACTION: "The Fire Gem touches %% and in %% seconds it turns into ashes."
Then you can write a method that will do something like this:
int delaySeconds = 5;
String message = MyTemplateProcessor.process(FIRE_GEM_ACTION, "old map", delaySeconds);
The function will take the string from the catalog, search for the occurrences of the placeholders (%%) and replace them sequentially with the parameters, so in the message you will get: The Fire Gem touches old map and in 5 seconds it turns into ashes.
In general, I would recommend you to have a look at some systems specially designed for creation of adventure games. Inform 7 will be a good starting place: http://inform7.com/learn/
I have been given the task to make a text based game and I am opting to go with a dating sim. I have all the dialogue written out but I am stuck on where I would store the dialogue. At first I thought of just making a lot of if statement ex( if you pick this option it takes you to this) but this seems to be really inefficient. So I dont know whether it would be better to have them in an array or array list and just go to that specific place in that array. Sorry if that was confusing that was some background I guess im asking what is the best way to store strings in a game revolving around conversations.
Your question is too vague but of course, other people before has been working on it.
A good starting point (with lot of references) could be, "Gameplay Design Patterns for Game Dialogues" Jenny Brusk and Staffan Björk
On the other hand, Dialog Trees (and here and here) is a way to store dialogs but can work or not for your specific needs.
I have been working on an app and have encountered some limitations relating to my lack of experience in Java IO and data persistence. Basically I need to store information on a few Spinner objects. So far I have saved information on each Spinner into a text file using the format of:
//Blank Line
Name //the first drop-down entry of the spinner
Type //an enum value
Entries //a semicolon-separated list of the drop-down entry String values
//Blank line
And then, assuming this rigid syntax is followed always, I've extracted this information from the saved .txt whenever the app is started. But things such as editing these entries and working with certain aspects of the Scanner have been an absolute nightmare. If anything is off by even one line or space of blankness BAM! everything is ruined. There must be a better way to store information for easy access, something with some search-eability, something that won't be erased the moment the app closes and that isn't completely laxed in its layout to the extent that the most minor of changes destroys everything.
Any recommendations for how to save a simple String, a simple int, and an array of String outside the app? I am looking for a recommendation from an experienced developer here. I have seen the storage options, but am unsure which would be best for just a few simple things. Everything I need could be represented in a 3 X n table wherein n is the number of spinners.
Since your requirements are so minimal, I think the shared preferences approach is probably the best option. If your requirements were more complicated, then a using a database would start to make more sense.
Using shared preferences for simple data like yours really is as simple as the example shown on the storage options page.
I know there are other posts about this, but I cannot seem to find one strictly for handwriting. I am going to have a form and all I need to read in is 8 squares in the left hand corner that will have 3 letters proceeded by 5 numbers.
The problem with most posts is that people either post about software for writing on the screen or software that doesn't recognize handwriting yet. I would prefer to have something in java, but something simple in another language would work.
What would really work is if people could scan their documents and just type the job number for the document name, but apparently they cant do that right...
Can you change the form? This problem will simplify a lot if you can change the form to be something that is easier for a machine to read. To recognize an arbitrary handwriting is hard as well as error prone.
What I have in mind is a form like this:
form example http://shareworldonline.com/w3/testprep/images/test%20form.jpg
However, if you have to have handwriting, check out the solutions in this thread.
if i got you correctly, you are doing offline hwr,
when i was doing offline hwr, i found most difficult separating characters in word, seems like you have them in squares, so all what you need to do is find your boxes (ie by using histogram)
and compare content of your box with each element in yours characters database (i used levenshtein distance for that)
I know it maybe not very helpful, but maybe push you on right track.
Just wondering if there are a set of design patterns for complex string manipulation?
Basically the problem I am trying to solve is I need to be able to read in a string, like the following:
"[name_of_kicker] looks to make a clearance kick, but is under some real pressure from the [name_of_defending_team] players. He gets a [length_of_kick] kick away, but it drifts into touch on the full."
"[name_of_kicker] receives the ball from [name_of_passer] and launches the bomb. [name_of_kicker] has really made good contact, it's given a couple of [name_of_attacking_team] chasers ample time to get under the ball as it comes down."
And replace each "tag" with a possible value and check if the string is equal to another string.
So for example, any tag that represents a player I need to be able to replace with anyone of 22 string values that represent a player. But I also need to be able to make sure I have looped through each combination of players for the various tags, that I may find in a string. NOTE, the tags listed in the above 2 samples, are not the only tags possible, there are countless other ones that could come up in any sentence.
I had tried to create a load of nested for loops to go through the collection of players, etc and attempt to replace the tags each time, but with there being many possibilities of tags I was just creating one nested for loop within another, and it has become unmanageable, and also I suspect inefficient, since I need to loop through over 1,000 base string like the samples above, and replace difference tags with players, etc for each one...
So are there any String manipulation patterns I could look into, or does anyone have any possible solutions to solving a problem like this.
Firstly, to answer your question.
Just wondering if there are a set of design patterns for complex string manipulation?
Not really. There are some techniques, but they hardly qualify as design patterns. The two techniques that spring to mind are template expansion and pattern matching.
What you are currently doing / proposing to do is a form of template expansion. However, typical templating engines don't support the combinatorial expansion that you are trying to do, and as you expect anticipate, it would appear to be an inefficient way to solve your problem.
A better technique would appear to be pattern matching. Let's take your first example, and turn it into a pattern:
"(Ronaldino|Maradonna|Peter Shilton|Jackie Charlton) looks to make a clearance kick, but is under some real pressure from the (Everton|Real Madrid|Adelaide United) players. He gets a ([0-9]+ metre) kick away, but it drifts into touch on the full."
What I've done is insert all of the possible alternatives into the pseudo-template, to turn it into a regex. I can now compile this regex to a java.util.Pattern, and use it to match against your list of other strings.
Having said that, if you are trying to do this to "analyse" text, I don't rate your chances of success. I think you would be better off going down the NLP route.
What you're describing looks a bit like what template engines are used for.
Two popular ones for Java are:
But there are many, many more, of course.
MY two cents,As you stated "I was just creating one nested for loop within another, and it has become unmanageable,"
You are looking in the wrong direction my friend there is whole universe of solutions to the problem you are facing ,simply know as a rule engine.
There are various type of rule engines(business rule engines,web template engines etc.) but for above requirement i suggest business rule engines.
Can't comment on which one to use as it depends upon
Open Source/Commercial.
Load factor/Processing time etc.
Hope it helps
[read the summary section it gives best advice.]
Welcome to the world of rule engines :)
I was wondering what would be the most efficient way to make a map in 2D for a java game?
I know this does depend on the way the game will be seen and made so I have included info about this.
View: From Top of Player
Game Type: 2D Shooter
The game cam will focus on the player.
I am going to create my own "map maker", but was wondering if it should be stored in xml or something. Not exactly sure how to go about this. Are there any good books on this? I was reading 'killer java games', but it did not cover this particular topic very well for what I was trying to do.
Now to show you I have been thinking...
I was thinking that the best way would be .xml
Here is an example:
e = entrance / exit
b = block
. = open space
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Crack House</name>
<date>9:49PM 5/8/2011</date>
It depends on what kind of efficiency is most important to you:
efficient loading of maps (time taken),
efficient storage of maps (space utilization),
efficient use of developer time.
It also depends on your developer skills, and other characteristics of the problem that you have not outlined.
But the bottom line is that your best strategy is probably to just implement it the simple way to start with, and worry about efficiency later ... if it turns out to be a REAL problem.
One piece of advice. Try to design / structure your software so that you can change the way that the maps are stored without too much effort.
XML would be easy to parse and work with, and it should be easy to make changes to if you needed to add more information to it later. However it would take up more disk space, and could potentially be slower to parse it when loading a map initially.
Some form of custom binary map format would take up less space on disk and could be faster to parse, but it would not be as flexible if you need to change the format later on.
Edit: If you plan on having a really large number of maps or a lot of them you may not want to use XML to save space. If you need maps to load in really short amount of time, you may not want to use XML to save time loading. If you want a map format that is easier to change later on and would be easy to modify by hand, XML may be better. It might also be easier to implement the XML map format. Overall its up to you, though I'd say go with whatever is easier/faster for you to implement and switch later if you feel its necessary.
I used for a 2D strategy game a simple plain text file.
The file looks like this:
0 = blocked tile
1 = grass tile
2 = road tile
I think that is a really compact methode.
My parser implementation works really fast and after parsing i get a 2-dimensional Array -> tile[colum][row]