console log not goes to tomcat.log(catalina start -security > tomcat.log) - java

Im using security manager in my tomcat.
I need all the consol logs to be written in the tomcat.log file.
Fo this im using this cmd
catalina start -security > tomcat.log
But the log not goes to tomcat.log rather it is again writing in console only.
How can i write this log into a separate file?

Check out your catalina.out file. By default logs are redirected to $CATALINA_BASE/logs/catalina.out file. To override default configuration ,you can set Tomcat environment variables CATALINA_OUT in which is full path to the file where stdout and stderr will be redirected.


How can I deploy cloudfoundry-uaa as a docker image based on tomcat?

We were using the cf-uaa's gradle tasks to create a docker image but those have been removed in the latest version. I've loaded the war in a recent version, but the service does not seem to be starting correctly.
I've been building the war from the v74 tag, adding it to tomcat:8.5.45-jdk12-openjdk-oracle or tomcat:9.0.24-jdk12-openjdk-oracle, and setting the various env vars that we were passing in to the previous image. I'm not seeing any log entries after the initial tomcat output stating that my war has been deployed and the server startup time.
The Dockerfile is basically just an adaptation of what was being passed in the previous image:
FROM tomcat:8.5.45-jdk12-openjdk-oracle
#FROM tomcat:9.0.24-jdk12-openjdk-oracle
ENV LOGIN_CONFIG_URL WEB-INF/classes/required_configuration.yml
RUN bash -c "rm -r /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT"
RUN bash -c "rm -r /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/host-manager"
RUN bash -c "rm -r /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/manager"
RUN bash -c "rm -r /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/examples"
RUN bash -c "rm -r /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/docs"
ADD *.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/uaa.war
RUN bash -c "echo $LOGIN_CONFIG_URL"
I would expect to see the service responding to my requests, or some errors in the log indicating that the war failed to deploy. I am not currently getting any log output generated from the application code. When I send a request to the service, the response is a 500 with the an error header from the service.
X-Cf-Uaa-Error:Server failed to start. Possible configuration error.
update: I've located the uaa logs within .../tomcat/logs/uaa.log I'm not seeing anything indicating that the service failed to deploy, but I am also not seeing anything to indicate that it is picking up the env vars I have set in the container. I recreated the service using the war from the original setup which started successfully using the uaa.yml which I mounted as a volume. Comparing the logs, the original setup's first log entry is YamlProcessor which does not show up in the v75 logs at all. In fact, no debug entries show up at all, which suggests to me that my LOG_LEVEL env var is not propagating either.
Update 2: We reverted the image base to FROM tomcat:8.5-jre8 and started seeing flyway errors in the uaa.log. Our previous datasource url format was url: jdbc:postgresql://${POSTGRES_NAME}:5432/${DB}?currentSchema=uaa which caused a flyway exception. After removing the schema reference, it created the tables in the public schema. By creating the uaa schema manually before starting the service, it was able to run with the original format. The flyway version has updated, so perhaps there something new that needs to be set.
The application seems to be running, but when I try to get a token at /uaa/oauth/token I get a 500 with this error in the logs: Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.nio.CharBuffer.limit(I)Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;
Since Jan 2021, UAA server docker images is now be available on cloudfoundry/uaa dockerhub repository.
docker pull cloudfoundry/uaa:75.0.0
See its Dockerfile for more details.
Can you try following ?
This works very well.

Kafka-connect logs in docker container

I have a kafka connect jar which needs to be run as a docker container. I need to capture all my connect logs on a log file in the container (preferably at a directory/file - /etc/kafka/kafka-connect-logs) which can later be pushed to localhost (on which docker engine is running) using volumes in docker. When I change my to append into a log file, I see that no log file is created. If I try the same without docker and run the kafka connect on a local linux VM by changing to write logs to a log file, it works perfectly but not from docker. Any suggestions will be very helpful.
Docker File
FROM confluent/platform
COPY Test.jar /usr/local/bin/
COPY /usr/local/bin/
COPY /usr/local/bin/
COPY /etc/kafka/
RUN ["apt-get", "update"]
RUN ["apt-get", "install", "-yq", "curl"]
RUN ["chown", "-R", "confluent:confluent", "/usr/local/bin/", "/usr/local/bin/", "/usr/local/bin/Test.jar"]
RUN ["chmod", "+x", "/usr/local/bin/", "/usr/local/bin/", "/usr/local/bin/Test.jar"]
RUN ["chown", "-R", "confluent:confluent", "/etc/kafka/"]
RUN ["chmod", "777", "/usr/local/bin/", "/etc/kafka/"]
CMD [ "/usr/local/bin/" ]
# Root logger option
log4j.rootLogger = INFO, FILE
# Direct log messages to stdout
# Define the layout for file appender
export CLASSPATH=/usr/local/bin/Test.jar
exec /usr/bin/connect-distributed /usr/local/bin/
It works fine when I am using the default (appends logs to console), but am unable to create a log file in docker. Also, same process without docker works fine (creates log file ) in local VM.
Result of the discussion:
Declare the volume right away in the dockerfile and configure your logging configuration to place the log output directly to the volume. On docker run (or however you start your container) mount the volume and you should be fine.

RemoteSwingLibraryTimeoutError: Agent port not received before timeout

I am trying to run a basic robotframework test with RemoteSwingLibrary, but I can't seem to get it to work.
I was able to run the following test just fine with SwingLibrary:
*** Settings ***
Library SwingLibrary
*** Test Cases ***
Foobar Test
Start Application
I am running it from within Eclipse via the robot framework standalone jar. I put robotframework-3.0.2.jar and swinglibrary-1.9.7.jar on my class path, created a new run configuration using my projects default classpath with the main class being org.robotframework.RobotFramework. In the arguments, I specify the name of my test file.
So, that seems to work fine. Then I tried to do almost exactly the same thing with RemoteSwingLibrary:
*** Settings ***
Library RemoteSwingLibrary
*** Test Cases ***
Foobar Test
Start Application my_app java
I replaced the swinglibrary jar on my classpath with remoteswinglibrary-2.2.1.jar and I ran the same test. The output says:
console: Failed to install '': java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException: cp0.
Foobar Test | FAIL |
RemoteSwingLibraryTimeoutError: Agent port not received before timeout
Remotetest | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Output: C:\<path>\output.xml
Log: C:\<path>\log.html
Report: C:\<path>\report.html
(note that the "console: Failed to install..." part is normal and I don't think I need to be concerned about it)
When I dig into the report for the Start Application Keyword, it says
13:48:40.070 INFO Link to stdout
13:48:40.070 INFO Link to stderr
13:48:40.070 INFO -javaagent:"C:<pathToProject>\__pyclasspath__"=
13:48:40.071 INFO Starting process:
13:49:40.145 INFO Failed to start application: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "__pyclasspath__/", line 307, in start_application
File "__pyclasspath__/", line 353, in _application_started
File "__pyclasspath__/", line 373, in _get_agent_address
RemoteSwingLibraryTimeoutError: Agent port not received before timeout
13:49:40.155 INFO Waiting for process to complete.
13:49:40.165 INFO Process completed.
13:49:40.165 INFO STDOUT: Error occurred during initialization of VM
agent library failed to init: instrument
13:49:40.175 INFO STDERR: Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : C:<pathToProject>\__pyclasspath__
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:"C:<pathToProject>\__pyclasspath__"=
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS:"C:\<UserFolder>\
13:49:40.195 FAIL RemoteSwingLibraryTimeoutError: Agent port not received before timeout
I'm not sure if this hunch is really founded on anything, but my suspicion is that there's a classpath issue. I would think that when I call the Start Application keyword with "java" I would probably have to pass along my classpath. I was hoping that maybe I wouldn't since the non-remote version seems to handle that just fine (probably because its running my app in the same JVM as I launched robot framework in, and that already included everything I needed in my classpath).
So if that's the issue, I can probably fix it by using the -cp option in my java command. However, the classpath for this particular project is actually quite long (my project is dependent on a lot of other projects) and I would rather not have to list it all out. Also, when I add a new dependency down the road, I would rather not have to update the classpath in my test file as well.
Is there some magic way that I can pass the current classpath along to the remote app? Or perhaps some other solution to this problem?
I tried again with -cp and my giant classpath and it gave me the same errors, so its possible that my classpath has nothing to do with whatever is going on.
I also tried specifying the port number explicitly and it gives me slightly different output (though it still doesn't work). I also discovered that there's a debug setting that gives a little more detail. Here's me new setup:
*** Settings ***
Library RemoteSwingLibrary debug=True port=8242
*** Test Cases ***
Foobar Test
Start Application my_app java -cp <classpath> <> remote_port=8242
And here is my new output:
13:48:40.070 INFO Link to stdout
13:48:40.070 INFO Link to stderr
13:48:40.070 DEBUG Picked old JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=''
13:48:40.070 DEBUG Picked old _JAVA_OPTIONS=''
13:48:40.070 INFO -javaagent:"C:<pathToProject>\__pyclasspath__"=
13:48:40.070 DEBUG Set JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS='-javaagent:"C:<pathToProject>\__pyclasspath__"='
13:48:40.070 DEBUG SET _JAVA_OPTIONS='"C:\<UserFolder>\AppData\Local\Temp\4\grant_all_haud6t.policy"'
13:48:40.071 INFO Starting process:
java -cp <classpath> <>
13:48:40.071 DEBUG Process configuration:
cwd: C:<PathToProject>
shell: True
stdout: C:<PathToProject>\<someBigPath>.txt
stderr: C:<PathToProject>\<someBigPath>.txt
alias: my_app
env: None
13:48:40.100 DEBUG Returned old JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=''
13:48:40.100 DEBUG Returned old _JAVA_OPTIONS=''
13:48:40.102 INFO connection to started application at
13:48:40.120 DEBUG remote swinglibrary instantiated
13:48:40.121 DEBUG remote services instantiated
13:48:40.121 INFO waiting for api at
13:49:40.145 INFO Failed to start application: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "__pyclasspath__/", line 307, in start_application
File "__pyclasspath__/", line 357, in _application_started
File "__pyclasspath__/", line 344, in _wait_for_api
RuntimeError: Connecting to api at 127.00.1:8242 has failed: ''
13:49:40.155 INFO Waiting for process to complete.
13:49:40.165 INFO Process completed.
13:49:40.165 INFO STDOUT: Error occurred during initialization of VM
agent library failed to init: instrument
13:49:40.175 INFO STDERR: Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : C:<pathToProject>\__pyclasspath__
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:"C:<pathToProject>\__pyclasspath__"=
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS:"C:\<UserFolder>\
13:49:40.195 FAIL Connecting to api at has failed: ''
13:49:40.195 DEBUG Traceback (most recent call last):
File "__pyclasspath__/", line 498, in run_keyword
File "__pyclasspath__/", line 307, in start_application
File "__pyclasspath__/", line 357, in _application_started
File "__pyclasspath__/", line 344, in _wait_for_api
Yet another update
I think that this may have something to do with the "__pyclasspath__" that shows up in the error message. I put my java command in a .bat file preceded by a "set" command to list my environment variables. I can run the .bat file from the command line just fine (it launches the java app).
Then I modified my .robot file to do:
Foobar Test
Start Application my_app cd robotframework/tests && Run.bat remote_port=8242
I get essentially the same error output that I got before:
Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : C:<pathToProject>\__pyclasspath__
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:"__pyclasspath__"=
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS:"C:\\AppData\Local\Temp\1\grant_all_lgirs7.policy"
The environment that my batch script prints out appears the same except for JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS and _JAVA_OPTIONS (which match with what the error output says). There is no environment variable called __pyclasspath__ so I'm wondering if that's the issue.
I set JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS in my cmd environment to match the output that I saw from my robot run and now I get the same error message when I try to run my .bat script from the command line, so that environment variable seems to be the issue.
Well, I came up with a fix, though its definitely not an ideal fix.
I found out that when the framework kicks of my remote app, it sets:
But __pyclasspath__ is not actually an environment variable. I figured out that the javaagent has to point to the remote framework library, so I decided to just set it explicitly.
So now I changed my robot file to something like this:
*** Settings ***
Library RemoteSwingLibrary
*** Test Cases ***
Foobar Test
Start Application my_app run.bat remote_port=1234
And then made a file called run.bat that does:
set JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-javaagent:"C:\<pathToProject\lib\remoteswinglibrary-2.2.1.jar"=
java -cp <classPath>
This is obviously sort of a hacky solution and it will take a little work to make it portable (I'll need to get rid of the hardcoded "pathToProject" and also make it support Linux environments as well). It also requires hardcoding in a port, whereas it would be nice if the robotframework could just select a port for me.
So, I would definitely like to see a better solution if anyone can find one, but for now, this will at least work.

spring-boot default log location

In a spring-boot application I can specify a custom log file with
java -jar spring-boot-app.jar --logging.file=/home/ubuntu/spring-boot-app.log
But if I don't specify one, where does it go?
I couldn't find it in any of the following folders:
I do not have spring-boot-starter-logging or any additional logging dependencies.
I was hoping to have something similar to catalina.out since the default configuration runs an embedded Tomcat:
INFO 10374 --- [main] s.b.c.e.t.TomcatEmbeddedServletContainer : Tomcat initialized with port(s): 8100 (http)
Spring Boot uses Commons Logging for all internal logging, but leaves the underlying log implementation open.
Default configurations are provided for Java Util Logging, Log4J, Log4J2 and Logback. In each case loggers are pre-configured to use console output with optional file output also available.
From the Spring Boot logging documentation.
The default log configuration will echo messages to the console as they are written.
So until you explicitly specify a file as you described, it stays in the Console.
By default Spring Boot does not output logs to any file. If you want to have logs written in a file (in addition to the console output) then you should use either of logging.file or logging.path properties (not both).
In, just set:
This will create a spring-boot-app.log file under /home/ubuntu.
By default, Spring Boot logs only to the console and does not write log files. If you want to write log files in addition to the console output, you need to set a logging.file or logging.path property (for example, in your
Below codes in your will write the log into /home/user/my.log:
logging.path = /home/user
logging.file = my.log

Tomcat home page is not coming properly

After installing Apache tomcat8 I am getting below home page.
I just installed tomcat8, start service and hit url
I haven't created any project.
It looks to me that the page in your screenshot is being served up by Oracle Application Express (APEX), not Tomcat.
APEX typically uses port 8080, and if you started this before starting Tomcat, Tomcat will be unable to use port 8080. To confirm that this is the case, take a look in your Tomcat stderr log file (it should be under C:\Tomcat 8.0\logs and have a name like tomcat8-stderr.2014-09-21.log). It will quite probably contain an exception whose stacktrace begins as follows:
21-Sep-2014 12:09:15.607 SEVERE [main] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.init Failed to initialize end point associated with ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"] Address already in use: bind
at Method)
I would recommend that you change Tomcat to use another port. To do this, open your server.xml file (in C:\Tomcat 8.0\conf\). There should be a Connector element in here with an attribute port="8080": change this port number to 8081 (say) and restart Tomcat.
Ok, try this
1- Download a tomcat version.
2- unzip it in a folder. (let say C:\Java)
3- open a command prompt window
4- Type C:\Java\ your tomcat installation \bin\startup.bat
5- Access http://localhost:8080
Looks like you have not started tomcat yet.
Are you sure you have followed a guide like this ?
