Rotation of rectangular Slick2d image with LWJGL causing distortion - java

I'm trying to rotate a rectangular Slick2d image with pixel size 666 x 333 using LWJGL. I was able to rotate a square image with pixel size 666 x 666 around its center, but the rectangular image does distort during the rotation and this is my problem.
Here is the image I use for testing purposes:
The left window shows the image before the rotation, the right window shows the image how it looks when I rotate it 90 degrees, it's distorted:
Here is my source code snippet for the rotation:
float x = 0.335f;
float y = 0.335f;
glTranslatef(x, y, 0f);
glRotatef(angle, 0f, 0f, 1f);
glTranslatef(-x, -y, 0f);
You may wonder why I don't use the function “setRotation” or “rotate” of a Slick2d Image. The reason I don't use this does not matter here, but I simply can't use it in my real project and furthermore I want to do it with gl.
It's the first time ever I touch LWJGL and Slick2d and I need it only for a small part of my project. If you know how to rotate the image like above without the distortion, please help me. Thank you.

The problem could be because:
You are using Slick-2D. glRotatef and glTranslatef require a Z coordinate. This could confuse slick 2D. Also what is your angle variable? glTranslatef translates the position of a quad. With lwjgl 3D this would be used to translate the object. glRotatef uses vector rotation. Try researching vector rotation.
Here is a simple pseudocode formula:
Calculate the sine and cosine of the angle once. Dim cosTheta As Double, sinTheta As Single cosTheta = Cos(DegreesToRadians(Angle)) sinTheta = Sin(DegreesToRadians(Angle)) ' Get the disance between the center and the point. Dim dblDistanceX As Double, dblDistanceY As Double dblDistanceX = (PointX - CenterX) dblDistanceY = (PointY - CenterY) ' Set the default position. ReturnX = CenterX ReturnY = CenterY 'Update with the Y offset ReturnX = (ReturnX + dblDistanceY * sinTheta) ReturnY = (ReturnY + dblDistanceY * cosTheta) 'Update with the X offset ReturnX = (ReturnX + dblDistanceX * cosTheta) ReturnY = (ReturnY - dblDistanceX * sinTheta)
90 degree rotation is extremely simple. Just rotate the quad and rebind texture. If you can't do this, then make a 90 degree rotated texture. Just ask if you want another answer with my 90 degree rotation code. I tried to explain how you could use vectors for 360 degree rotation.


How to rotate sprite via draw method

I have not found answer for this question anywhere, so let's go.
What i expect:
I want to render rocket. Rocket is flying from given start point with evaluated angle. I'm evaluating angle like this:
getVelocity().angle() - 90f
My problem is to calibrate rocket position on top of the rocket. Image below shows how should it work:
In the top picture is how libgdx render not rotated texture region. In the bottom picture is what i expect: I want to move and rotate texture region with given angle to have (x,y) coordinate on the top of rocket.
What i have:
I tired to write method to draw sprite how i expect but i failed. I think it is caused due to fact that i don't understand documentation of this method.
Following manual:
void region, float x, float y, float originX, float originY, float width, float height, float scaleX, float scaleY, float rotation)
Draws a rectangle with the bottom left corner at x,y and stretching the region to cover the given width and height. The rectangle is offset by originX, originY relative to the origin. Scale specifies the scaling factor by which the rectangle should be scaled around originX, originY. Rotation specifies the angle of counter clockwise rotation of the rectangle around originX, originY.
My code:
public static void drawRotatedTex(SpriteBatch pmRenderer, TextureRegion pmTex, float pmPosX, float pmPosY, float pmAngle)
pmTex, pmPosX, pmPosY, -pmTex.getRegionWidth()/2, pmTex.getRegionHeight(), pmTex.getRegionWidth(), pmTex.getRegionHeight(), 1f, 1f, pmAngle);
It is moment of collision. As we can see coordinates are offset in relation to rocket.
I don't ask about full solution. For me will be sufficient if someone explain me (on drawing or something) like this method works.
Moderation suggested that this question is duplicate of:
libgdx: Rotate a texture when drawing it with spritebatch
I read this topic, but it is not my solution. I know how to rotate my sprite by i don't have idea why coordinates of rocket are offset in relation to rocket top.
Invocation of my drawRotatedTex from rocket class:
public void render(Renderer pmRenderer, float pmX, float pmY) {
SpriteBatch lvSpritebatch = pmRenderer.getSpriteBatch();
Sprite lvSprite = null;
if((lvSprite = mExplosion.getTexture()) != null)
lvSpritebatch.draw(lvSprite, pmX + lvSprite.getWidth()/2, pmY - lvSprite.getHeight()/2);
lvSprite = mAnimation.getTexture();
RendererTools.drawRotatedTex(lvSpritebatch,lvSprite,pmX,pmY,getVelocity().angle() - 90f);
It is not very clear what you are asking, if it's only about moving the origin you would not need that much text. Anyway, I will take a shot at it.
If you want to accomplish what you have in your picture you setup your sprite like this:
sprite.setOrigin(s.getWidth()/2, s.getHeight()); //Centers sprite on top of image.
If I now rotate it in the draw method it rotates around the top center.
Despite being rotated around the center top of itself it remains position remains the same. If I would set the origin far away from the image and rotate it then the image would travel very far but the position remains the same. Still if you would move it's position 10 pixels to the right the image (wherever it may be) will be moved to the right.
Hope this helps.

How does the rotation angle using a rotation matrix correspond to a degree

I am trying to rotate a box in java using a rotation matrix.
(I am using the LWJGL and Slick 2D libraries)
my code to rotate 1 point around the center point is this:
point1X = (float) (centerX * Math.cos(rotation) - centerY * Math.sin(rotation));
point1Y = (float) (centerX * Math.sin(rotation) + centerY * Math.cos(rotation));
Right now I just update the rotation every update like so:
rotation += delta * 0.001;
This works great except the rotation number does not seem to correspond to a degree from 0˚ to 360˚
Is there a formula or something that will translate the rotation number to a readable degree and vice versa?
Normally, trig functions expect their arguments to be in radians, not degrees.
2*pi radians = 360 degrees.

how can I rotate an opengl 3d object to point to a GPS position (lat, long)?

I have a 3D arrow drawn with OpenGL that points to the coordinates (0, 0, 0) and I want it to point to a specific GPS location depending on my GPS position and Orientation.
I've tried calculating the azimuth (with my phone's orientation) and adjusting it to be the real north (not the magnetic north).
SensorManager.getOrientation(remappedRotationMatrix, orientation);
// convert radians to degrees
float azimuth = orientation[0];
azimuth = azimuth * 360 / (2 * (float) Math.PI);
GeomagneticField geoField = new GeomagneticField(
// converts magnetic north into true north
azimuth -= geoField.getDeclination();
Then getting the bearing from my Location to the Location I want to point.
float bearing = loc.bearingTo(target); // (it's already in degrees)
if (bearing < 0) {
bearing = bearing + 360;
float degrees = bearing - azimuth;
if (degrees < 0) {
degrees = degrees + 360;
and calculating the degrees I have to rotate the arrow
gl.glRotatef(degrees, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
Is there someway to do it? Could another possibility be to convert the GPS position to the OpenGL coordinates and use GLU.gluLookAt to point to it?
This seem to be purely a math problem.
Your question is pretty vague, I don't think I can help you without understanding more precisely how your scene is set up and what you want.
Do you know how to use 3D rotation matrices? If not, you probably should learn how they work.
It shouldn't be complicated to calculate the bearing and then rotate the arrow by the degrees you get. I have done the same in 2D although not in OpenGL. I based my code on the Radar sample ( Here is how I draw the 2D arrow:
double bearingToTarget = mBearing - mOrientation;
// Draw an arrow in direction of target
canvas.rotate((float) bearingToTarget, center, center);
final int tipX = center;
final int tipY = center-radius;
canvas.drawLine(center, center, tipX, tipY, mArrowPaint);
final int tipLen = 30;
final int tipWidth = 20;
Path path = new Path();
path.moveTo(tipX, tipY);
path.lineTo(tipX + tipWidth/2, tipY + tipLen);
path.lineTo(tipX - tipWidth/2, tipY + tipLen);
path.lineTo(tipX, tipY);
canvas.drawPath(path, mArrowPaint);
mBearing is calculated using the method GeoUtils.bearing from the Radar sample which takes care of the complicated math. mOrientation is just the orientation from the sensor listener. So the idea is to compute the difference between the bearing of the GPS location you want to point to (mBearing) and the current orientation of the phone (mOrientation). This gives us the angle bearingToTarget. We then rotate the view about its center by that angle before drawing the arrow along the y axis. This is the same as drawing the arrow rotated by bearingToTarget degrees.
You should be able to apply the same logic in OpenGL by rotating the view about the center of the screen by bearingToTarget degrees before you draw the arrow. Exactly what point you rotate about depends on how your view is set up. To make it simple, make the starting point of your arrow at the origin. Then you can simply rotate about the origin using glRotatef. Otherwise you would first need to translate to the center of the rotation, rotate and then translate back again (this is the common OpenGL technique for rotation about a point).

2d rotation around a point using Canvas and Path

The issue involves an Android Path shape. It's a triangle that I'm using as an arrow to point towards objects on a screen Canvas. This is for a 2d game. player in the middle of the screen, objects around him and offscreen.
These arrows are supposed to rotate around the center of the screen, with a radius so that they rotate in a circle around the player. The arrows point towards objects that the player needs to move towards.
What I have right now is somewhat working, but the arrows are zipping around the circle at ridiculous speeds. Funny enough, they're pointing in the right direction, but they aren't staying at the right point on the circle. (if arrow is pointing northeast, arrow should be on the northeast part of the circle, etc)
I'm sure it's because of the math. I'm probably using atan2 wrong. Or canvas.translate wrong. Or maybe I shouldn't be using atan2 at all. Help! :)
Here is the code:
// set the shape of our radar blips
oBlipPath.moveTo(0, -5);
oBlipPath.lineTo(5, 0);
oBlipPath.lineTo(0, 5);
// Paint all the enemies and radar blips!
for(int i=0; i<iNumEnemies; i++){
if (oEnemies[i].draw(canvas, (int)worldX, (int)worldY)){
//calculate the degree the object is from the center of the screen.
//(user is the player. this could be done easier using iWidth and iHeight probably)
//we use a world coordinate system. worldY and worldX are subtracted
fDegrees = (float)Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2((oEnemies[i].getEnemyCenterY()-worldY)-user.getShipCenterY(), (oEnemies[i].getEnemyCenterX()-worldX)-user.getShipCenterX()));;
//get to the center
canvas.translate((iWidth / 2) , (iHeight / 2) );
//move a little bit depending on direction (trying to make arrows appear around a circle)
canvas.translate((float)(20 * Math.cos(fDegrees)), (float)(20* Math.sin(fDegrees)));
//rotate canvas so arrows will rotate and point in the right direction
//draw arrows
canvas.drawPath(oBlipPath, oBlipPaint);
Affine transformations are are not commutative. They are typically applied in an apparent last-specified-first-applied order. As an alternative, consider the rotate() variation that rotates about a point.
Well, I've got it doing what I wanted, but I don't really know how. I threw in some random numbers until things showed up on the screen the way I wanted. If anyone wants to clue me in as to a better way to do this, I'm all ears.
The code:
// set the shape of our radar blips
oBlipPath.moveTo(0, -5);
oBlipPath.lineTo(6, 0);
oBlipPath.lineTo(0, 5);
oBlipMatrix.setRotate(45, 0, 0);
// Paint all the enemies and radar blips!
for(int i=0; i<iNumEnemies; i++){
oEnemies[i].draw(canvas, (int)worldX, (int)worldY);
if (oEnemies[i].bActive){
//calculate the degree the object is from the center of the screen.
//(user is the player. this could be done easier using iWidth and iHeight probably)
//we use a world coordinate system. worldY and worldX are subtracted
fDegrees = (float)Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2((oEnemies[i].getEnemyCenterY()-worldY)-(iHeight / 2), (oEnemies[i].getEnemyCenterX()-worldX)-(iWidth / 2)));;
//get to the center
canvas.translate((iWidth / 2 + 50) , (iHeight / 2 + 50) );
//move a little bit depending on direction (trying to make arrows appear around a circle)
//canvas.translate((float)(20 * Math.cos(fDegrees)), (float)(20* Math.sin(fDegrees)));
//rotate canvas so arrows will rotate and point in the right direction
canvas.rotate(fDegrees-45, -50, -50);
//draw arrows
canvas.drawPath(oBlipPath, oBlipPaint);
For whatever reason, I have to subtract 45 degrees from the canvas rotation, but add 45 degrees to the matrix rotation of the path shape. It works, but why?! :)

How to position a Node along a circular orbit around a fixed center based on mouse coordinates (JavaFX)?

Im trying to get into some basic JavaFX game development and I'm getting confused with some circle maths.
I have a circle at (x:250, y:250) with a radius of 50.
My objective is to make a smaller circle to be placed on the circumference of the above circle based on the position of the mouse.
Where Im getting confused is with the coordinate space and the Trig behind it all.
My issues come from the fact that the X/Y space on the screen is not centered at 0,0. But the top left of the screen is 0,0 and the bottom right is 500,500.
My calculations are:
var xpos:Number = mouseEvent.getX();
var ypos:Number = mouseEvent.getY();
var center_pos_x:Number = 250;
var center_pos_y:Number = 250;
var length = ypos - center_pos_y;
var height = xpos - center_pos_x;
var angle_deg = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(height / length));
var angle_rad = Math.toRadians(angle_deg);
var radius = 50;
moving_circ_xpos = (radius * Math.cos(angle_rad)) + center_pos_x;
moving_circ_ypos = (radius * Math.sin(angle_rad)) + center_pos_y;
I made the app print out the angle (angle_deg) that I have calculated when I move the mouse and my output is below:
When the mouse is (in degrees moving anti-clockwise):
directly above the circle and horizontally inline with the center, the angle is -0
to the left and vertically centered, the angle is -90
directly below the circle and horizontally inline with the center, the angle is 0
to the right and vertically centered, the angle is 90
So, what can I do to make it 0, 90, 180, 270??
I know it must be something small, but I just cant think of what it is...
Thanks for any help
(and no, this is not an assignment)
atan(height/length) is not enough to get the angle. You need to compensate for each quadrant, as well as the possibility of "division-by-zero". Most programming language libraries supply a method called atan2 which take two arguments; y and x. This method does this calculation for you.
More information on Wikipedia: atan2
You can get away without calculating the angle. Instead, use the center of your circle (250,250) and the position of the mouse (xpos,ypos) to define a line. The line intersects your circle when its length is equal to the radius of your circle:
// Calculate distance from center to mouse.
xlen = xpos - x_center_pos;
ylen = ypos - y_center_pos;
line_len = sqrt(xlen*xlen + ylen*ylen); // Pythagoras: x^2 + y^2 = distance^2
// Find the intersection with the circle.
moving_circ_xpos = x_center_pos + (xlen * radius / line_len);
moving_circ_ypos = y_center_pos + (ylen * radius / line_len);
Just verify that the mouse isn't at the center of your circle, or the line_len will be zero and the mouse will be sucked into a black hole.
There's a great book called "Graphics Gems" that can help with this kind of problem. It is a cookbook of algorithms and source code (in C I think), and allows you to quickly solve a problem using tested functionality. I would totally recommend getting your hands on it - it saved me big time when I quickly needed to add code to do fairly complex operations with normals to surfaces, and collision detections.
