How to test jersey2 request filters? - java

In my jersey-2 application I'm using a very simple ContainerRequestFilter that will check for basic authentication (probably reinventing the wheel, but bear with me). Filter goes somewhat like this
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext context) throws IOException {
String authHeader = context.getHeaderString(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(authHeader)) {"Auth header is missing.");
Now I'd like to write a test for it, mocking the ContainerRequestContext object.
public void emptyHeader() throws Exception {
Response r = Response.status(Response.Status.UNAUTHORIZED)
This test fails on the eq(r) call, even if looking at the string representation of the Response objects they are the same. Any idea what's wrong?

Since I had the same question, I did it like this:
public void abort() {
new MyFilter().filter(requestContext);
ArgumentCaptor<Response> responseCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Response.class);
Response response = responseCaptor.getValue();

I don't believe you need the eq() method. You should verify that context. abortWith(r) was called. I might be missing something though because you've not included what eq(r) is.


What is the purpose of mockMvc .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)?

I don't understand the point of this method and can't find any info about it. What is the reason of using it, especially for void methods like in example below? I've tried deleting it in my tests and seems like everything is the same.
public void deletePatientById_success() throws Exception {
Controller to be tested
#DeleteMapping(value = "{patientId}")
public void deletePatientById(#PathVariable(value = "patientId") Long patientId) throws NotFoundException {
if (patientRecordRepository.findById(patientId).isEmpty()) {
throw new NotFoundException("Patient with ID " + patientId + " does not exist.");
The contentType method does not belong to the mockMvc class but to the MockHttpServletRequestBuilder class and it sets the 'Content-Type' header of the request to a specific type (in this case you inform the endpoint that the request body format of your request is JSON).
This basically sets the Content-Type header of the request (in your case JSON).
Check for additional information in

Spring's WebClient hanging on bodyToMono(Pojo) with MockServer

I want to mock an external API, which I am calling as part of my service. Therefore, I wanted to use the MockWebServer from okhttp3. My problem is that the call to bodyToMono works fine, if I want to retrieve the body as string, but does not work when retrieving it as data class. I tried to trim it down using the following code snippet:
public class MockWebClientTest {
private MockWebServer server;
public void setUp() throws IOException {
server = new MockWebServer();
public void tearDown() throws IOException {
public void stringWorks() throws JsonProcessingException {
Mono<String> response = WebClient.create(this.server.url("/").toString())
public void classDoesNotWork() {
Mono<AuthToken> response = WebClient.create(this.server.url("/").toString())
private void createMockedTokenCall() {
server.enqueue(new MockResponse().setBody("{\"accessToken\":\"BARBAR\",\"refreshToken\":\"FOOFOO\"}"));
class AuthToken {
private String accessToken;
private String refreshToken;
The first Test (stringWorks) is working fine and return the correct json representation. However, the second test (classDoesNotWork) hangs forever on the bodyToMono call.
My guess is that it has nothing to do with the okttp3 library directly, since I had the same error using Wiremock. The same code works however when targeting a real API endpoint. Unfortunately, I could not find another way to test my calls using WebClient since Spring currently has no direct mocking support for it (see SPR-15286).
I am really looking forward to help on that matter! Thanks in advance!
General remark: This is basically a more or less copy of test case shouldReceiveJsonAsPojo in
Ok, after looking at the linked test and doing a bit of comparison, I found the solution (or my bug so to say): I forgot the correct Content-Type header. So it works using the following:
private void createMockedTokenCall() {
server.enqueue(new MockResponse().setHeader("Content-Type", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE).setBody("{\"accessToken\":\"BARBAR\",\"refreshToken\":\"FOOFOO\"}"));
Apart from me doing a mistake, I really think that this should not result in an infinite hanging of the application...

How to Optionally Protect a Resource with Custom Dropwizard Filter

I'm using Dropwizard 0.9.2 and I want to create a resource that requires no authentication for GET and requires basic authentication for POST.
I have tried
public class ProtectedPing {
public String everybody() {
return "pingpong";
public String authenticated(){
return "secret pingpong";
CachingAuthenticator<BasicCredentials, User> ca = new CachingAuthenticator<>(environment.metrics(), ldapAuthenticator, cbSpec);
AdminAuthorizer authorizer = new AdminAuthorizer();
BasicCredentialAuthFilter<User> bcaf = new BasicCredentialAuthFilter.Builder<User>().setAuthenticator(ca).setRealm("test-oauth").setAuthorizer(authorizer).buildAuthFilter();
environment.jersey().register(new AuthValueFactoryProvider.Binder<>(User.class));
environment.jersey().register(new ProtectedPing());
This seems to result in all requests to "/protectedPing" requiring basic auth.
In Dropwizard 0.9.2 the documentation says to create a custom filter if I have a resource that is optionally protected. I'm assuming I need to do that, but I don't know where to start, or if that I what I actually need to do.
this is more of a jersey problem than a dropwizard problem. You can have a look here:
Essentially what you want is:
Create an annotation that indicates that you want to test for authentication (e.g. #AuthenticatePost)
Create the resource and annotate the correct method with #AuthenticatePost
Create your authentication filter (probably kind of like what you did above).
In the dynamic feature, test for the annotation to be present on the passed in resource. This will hold true for post, false for get. Then register the AuthenticationFilter directly on the resource method instead of globally on the resource.
This would be a semi-complete example of how I would solve this:
public class MyDynamicFeature implements DynamicFeature {
public void configure(ResourceInfo resourceInfo, FeatureContext context) {
if(resourceInfo.getResourceMethod().getAnnotation(AuthenticateMe.class) != null ) {
public class MyAuthFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
// do authentication here
public #interface AuthenticateMe {
public class MyResource {
public String get() {
return "get-method";
public String post() {
return "post-method";
Note, the DynamicFeature checks that the Authenticate Annotation is present, before registering the authentication with the feature context.
I hope that helps,
let me know if you have any questions.

How to mock a SecurityContext

Endpoints with Jersey.
I want to secure an endpoint with a ContainerRequestFilter
public class AuthorizationRequestFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
final SecurityContext securityContext =
//TODO: on logger here...
System.out.printf("Filtering %s request... AuthorizationRequestFilter\n", requestContext.getMethod());
requestContext.getHeaders().add("X-Secured-By", "Jersey >_<");
System.out.printf("SecurityContext: %s (%s).\n", securityContext, securityContext.getAuthenticationScheme());
if (securityContext == null || !securityContext.isUserInRole("privileged")) {
requestContext.abortWith(new UnauthorizedResponse().getResponse());
The annotation #Secured:
public #interface Secured {}
So I can do this:
public class FooResource {
SecurityContext securityContext;
#Path(value = "foo")
public Response getFoo(#Context SecurityContext sc, #Context UriInfo ui, #Context HttpHeaders hh) {
// ...
And I'm doing it right (I think), because with my test I don't even pass through the getFoo endpoint but is the ContainerRequestFilter that kicks me out. In fact I receive this (the "X-Secured-By" header is hand-made):
Headers: {X-Secured-By=[Jersey >_< kicked you out!], Content-Length=[97], Date=[Wed, 03 Dec 2014 17:46:50 GMT], Content-Type=[application/json], X-Powered-By=[Jersey ^_^]}
Response: InboundJaxrsResponse{ClientResponse{method=GET, uri=http://localhost:9998/urler/test, status=401, reason=Unauthorized}}
Now it would be nice to mock the SecurityContext.
This is what I'm doing... and if I'm here, it's obviously silly and/or wrong.
public class UrlerResourceTest extends JerseyTest {
public TestContainerFactory getTestContainerFactory() {
GrizzlyTestContainerFactory grizzlyTestContainerFactory = new GrizzlyTestContainerFactory();
System.out.printf("The GrizzlyTestContainerFactory: %s ", grizzlyTestContainerFactory);
// just for debugging...
return grizzlyTestContainerFactory;
public void testSecuredEndpoint() throws JSONException {
SecurityContext securityContext = Mockito.mock(SecurityContext.class);
Mockito.when(securityContext.getAuthenticationScheme()).thenReturn("Just Mocking...");
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(resource, "securityContext", securityContext, SecurityContext.class);
final Response response = target("foobar")
JSONObject entity = new JSONObject(response.readEntity(String.class));
assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus());
How can I mock the SecurityContext in my tests?
Thank you so much in advance.
Disclaimer: I'm not really a Mockito user, but from what I understand, mocking is used for situations where you have injected class dependencies (fields), and you mock those dependencies. In which case you still need to set the field with the mocked object. For example
public class TestClass {
TestService testService;
public void doTest() {
public void setTestService(TestService testService) {
this.testService = testService;
public class TestService {
public String getString() {
return "Hello world";
public void toTest() {
TestService testService = Mockito.mock(TestService.class);
Mockito.when(testService.getString()).thenReturn("Hello Squirrel");
TestClass testClass = new TestClass();
You can see we are setting the the TestService in the TestClass with the mocked object. It's not greatest example, as we could simple instantiate TestService, but it shows, from my understanding, how the mocking should work.
That being said, I don't see how it is possible to do this with the AuthorizationRequestFilter, as it's handled by the test container, and we are not instantiating it for a unit test. Even if we were, it would seem intrusive (and redundant) to add a SecurityContext field.
So without a full integration test, where we are starting the server, and using the server's authentication capabilities, it will be difficult to handle the SecurityContext per this use case, as the SecurityContext is created by the container, taking information from the underlying servlet containers authentication mechanism.
One way you can achieve this though (which IMO doesn't seem very elegant - but works), without a full integration test, is to create a a filter which performs before your AuthorizationRequestFilter, and set the SecurityContext from there. Testing aside, this is actually pretty common in cases where we need to implement outr own custom authentication mechanism.
An example of how you might do this for your unit test, might be something like:
public class UrlerResourceTest extends JerseyTest {
public Application configure() {
return new ResourceConfig(FooResource.class)
public static class AuthenticationFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
requestContext.setSecurityContext(new SecurityContext() {
public Principal getUserPrincipal() {
return new Principal() {
public String getName() {
return "Stackoverflow";
public boolean isUserInRole(String string) {
return "privileged".equals(string);
public boolean isSecure() { return true; }
public String getAuthenticationScheme() { return "BASIC"; }
This filter will perform before the AuthorizationRequestFilter because of the #Priority annotation. We've set it to Priorities.AUTHENTICATION which will before before any other filter without such annotation. (See Priorities API and Priorities with Jersey. Also the SecurityContext will be passed along between filters and also be injected into your resource class.
As I said, I don't think this is very elegant to have to create another filter, but it works for this purpose. Also I am not too familiar with the Jersey Test Framework, as I'm still beginning with it, but there are many configuration options for deployment within a servlet context. I don't know if we can configure the needed authentication mechanism for this case, but it might be something worth looking into.
Edit: In the beginning I explained about setting the field for the test object, but we can also pass the mocked object to a method. For example we could mock the ContainterRequestContext in the filter method, and call filter ourselves, passing the mocked ContainerRequestContext. But this is only useful when we are actually unit testing the filter class and instantiating it ourselves, which is not the case here.

How to TDD for Restful client code example

I did some TDDs before, but they were just straightforward and simple.
However, I will implement a restful client and invoke a restful API of third parties (Twitter, or Jira).
I used Resteasy client framework to implement that. The code is:
public void invokePUT() {
ClientRequest request =
new ClientRequest("");
ClientResponse<Customer> response = request.put(Customer.class);
try {
if (response.getStatus() != 201)
throw new RuntimeException("Failed!");
} finally {
If I want to write a test for this method (should write test before implement this method), what kind of the code should I write.
For GET, I can test the return Entity is equals to my expected entity and for POST, I can test the created entity's id is not null.
But how about for PUT and DELETE. Thanks.
Try to use REST Assured testing framework. It is great tool for testing REST services. On their website you'll find tons of examples how to use it. Just use it together with JUnit or TestNG to check assertions and you are done.
Here's how I'd go about the problem in the short term:
1) Extract the request into a parameter to the method. invokePUT() now becomes:
public void invokePUT(ClientRequest request) {
ClientResponse<Customer> response = request.put(Customer.class);
try {
if (response.getStatus() != 201)
throw new RuntimeException("Failed!");
} finally {
2) In your test, use a stubbed version of ClientRequest
public void sendsPayloadAsXml() {
StubbedClientRequest request = new StubbedClientRequest(new StubbedResponse());
assertEquals("application/xml", request.acceptHeader);
public void makesTheCallUsingPut() {
StubbedClientRequest request = new StubbedClientRequest(new StubbedResponse());
public void releasesTheConnectionWhenComplete() {
StubbedResponse success = new StubbedResponse();
StubbedClientRequest request = new StubbedClientRequest(success);
#Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void raisesAnExceptionWhenInvalidResponseReceived() {
StubbedClientRequest request = new StubbedClientRequest(new StubbedResponse(400));
private static class StubbedClientRequest extends ClientRequest {
public String acceptHeader = "";
public boolean putWasCalled;
public ClientResponse response
public StubbedRequest(ClientResponse response) {
this.response = response;
public ClientResponse put(Class klass) {
putWasCalled = true;
return response;
public void accept(String header) {
acceptHeader += header;
private static class StubbedResponse extends ClientResponse {
public boolean connectionWasReleased;
public int status = 201;
public StubbedResponse(int status) {
this.status = status;
public StubbedResponse() { }
This may not be a perfect design (Handing the ClientRequest to the class and having the RestEasy stuff exposed to the outside world) but it's a start.
Hope that helps!
i would inject mocked classes that test, if put and delete was called as intended (with expected parameters and so on). easymock or similar is good for that
(same with post and get)
in case you want to test the rest client, use dependency injection to inject the request, then use easymock to mock it like this (for example to test, if delete is called properly):
#Test void myTest(){
ClientRequest mock = EasyMock.createMock(ClientRequest.class);
mock.delete(2); //test if resource with id=2 is deleted or something similar
