Best Way to Design database for AutoComplete Functionality.
I have following usecase(using technologies JAVA,SPRING,HIBERNATE,Mysql):
I have Professional Details Which is Associated with Skills(Many to Many Relationship).
public class ProfessionalDetailsDTO {
private Integer professionalId;
//many to many
private List<SkillsDTO> profileSkills;
setter and getter ...
public class SkillsDTO {
private String skillName;
private Integer skillRating;
private Integer skillId;
setter and getter
Now From UI When I type Type Skills I should get the Valid Skills Suggestion (like JAVA,Hibernate).people might Save Dummy Skills or abrupt value
(e.g XYZ )in Skill Table ,So I don't Want to Show This as suggestion in autoComplete.
I Can Think of Following Approaches Right Now:-
Approach 1 : Having Four Tables as mentioned below
4. PreDefinedSkill
Is it BestPractice to have one more table for preDefined Skills Which will be used for AutoSuggestion and The SkillName Fetched from the
predefined Table will be stored in the skills table?
Cons:SkillName Will be Duplicates in the Skills Tables.
Approach 2 : In this Approach SkillRating is Moved to professional_Skills Table and Skillname is unique in skillTable
Here I have to Map SkillDTO to Tables.I have to use annotaion Such as #secondaryTable.
Approach 3 .Same as Approach 2 but instead of using hibernate annotation use query's to insert into professional_Skills table.
Please Suggest me Some Best Industry Practices To Implement the Above usecase
Thanks in Advance.
The Best Solution to Implement the Above use case(i.e Many to many with Additional Columns) is described in the Below Link:
Posting this as this might Help others.
I am starting to learn Spring Boot and Hibernate by building small rest services.
I am using MySQL as my database.
I am able to understand relationship annotation used in hibernate though sometimes it's tricky to write with all the verbose syntax.
Right now I am struggling with how to map 3 entities together.
The following is what I am trying to achieve.
I have a teacher entity, a grade entity, and a section entity.
Now, each Grade can have multiple sections.
public class Grade {
private String name;
private List<Section> sections;
public class Section {
private String name;
And, a teacher can teach in multiple grades or multiple sections of the same grade.
Imagine grade 1 to 5, each grade has section A to D.
Teacher, let's say John can teach Grade 1 (sec A, B) and Grade 2 ( sec C, D).
I am failing to understand the syntax to implement the above relationhip.
One way is to use another Entity called Class which will have grade and section as property.
public class Class {
private Grade grade;
private Section section;
another way can be to use a map data structure like Map<Grade, List<Section>> class;
Still, I am looking for help to write it down with JPA annotations.
Any lead is appreciated.
First of all I want to mention that your question is not specific to Hibernate, as you can solely rely on the JPA Specification for this task. However, Hibernate is the default ORM for Spring and will implement the JPA spec in your program by default.
Second, I do not think that you need separate database tables for Section and Grade, and they could be modeled as simple Java Enums. In the following I made a quick sketch of a class diagram (not DB Model!) that came to my mind.
Note that Grade and Section are Enums, to restrict entering corrupted values. In the database the Grade and Section object can be mapped as either ordinal or String, see here for reference. I would recommend persisting as String by using this annotation #Enumerated(EnumType.STRING). With regard to mapping the one to many relationship between teacher and class, I would recommend a bidirectional relation such as shown here. However, note that there are multiple ways to model this relationship in JPA. I hope I was able to help. Good luck!
I'm creating a very simple application in Java that will be storing questions in an embedded Derby database. I've decided to use the DAO pattern for accessing the data in the database. I cannot make use of an ORM for this project.
A question will have data that I would normally model using a many to one relationship in a relational database. An example of this data would be:
A question will have one category. One category will have multiple questions.
A question will have a score of 1000, 2000 or 3000. A score will have many questions.
With the above in mind, I would create three tables (brackets indicate columns):
Question (id, question, scoreId, categoryId)
Score (id, score)
Category (id, category)
My first question is:
Would modelling my data across three tables like I suggest above be bad practice/the wrong way to go about this? Is there any benefit in storing score and category in separate tables? Or would it be better to combine them into the Question table? A many to one relationship that links to a table with a single column (with the exception of id) seems redundant to me, as instead of storing an id referencing the Score/Category table, we can simply store the value of the category/score (since the category/score table does not store any additional information).
My second question is:
If modelling my data across separate tables is the correct approach, then how would I access the data using the DAO pattern? My confusion comes from the following:
I would create a DAO to populate a Question model object that would look a little something like this:
public class Question {
String question;
String category;
Integer score;
I would create a concrete implementation of the DAO interface like this:
public class QuestionAccessObject implements QuestionDao {
private static final String TABLE_1 = "QUESTION";
private static final String TABLE_2 = "SCORE";
private static final String TABLE_3 = "CATEGORY";
public List<Question> getAllQuestions() {
List<Question> questions = new ArrayList<>();
//Run a query with joins across the three tables and iterate over the result to populate the list
return questions;
Shouldn't each DAO object only be concerned with a single table in the database? My approach listed above doesn't seem like the most correct way to go about this. Seperate tables would also make inserting data into the database very messy (I don't understand how I could take clean approach using the DAO pattern and multiple tables). Creating a DAO for the Score and Category tables just wouldn't really make sense.. (and if I did this, how would I populate my model?)
Would modelling my data across three tables like I suggest above be bad practice/the wrong way to go about this? Is there any benefit in storing score and category in separate tables....?
It's a matter of discussion. In case of score I rather stick this information with the question. On the other hand, the category would be in the separated table since more of the question would share the same category, so it makes a perfect sense.
Shouldn't each DAO object only be concerned with a single table in the database?
Yes, DAO, an object should be concerned with a single source of data - as you say. I would certainly try to avoid any ComplexDao since those classes tend to get more complex and the number of methods increases over the time.
There exist a service layer to combine those results together and provide an output to the controller using the very same service.
Modeling the data across separate tables is A correct approach (not necessarily the best).
Separating tables helps database normalization:
One could argue that the DAO pattern implies that each DAO object is concerned with a single entity . Similar to how ORMs work, an entity could easily reference other entities.
When you query for a question you could also just return the category and score ids inside the question object and force the library user to fetch the score value and category value (lazy fetch) using those id values with their respective DAOs (score and category).
So I believe that what you're doing seems fine
Hope this helps
To end 2014 year I got a simple question I think.
I would like to use "DDD" a bit more, and I'm currently trying to experiment various usecases to learn more about DDD.
My current usecase is the following :
we have a new database schema that is using a classic pattern in our company : modeling our nomenclature table as "id / code / label". I think it's a pretty classic case when using hibernate for example.
But in the OO world things get "complciated" for something this simple when using a API like JDBC or QueryDSL. I need to fetch an object by its code, retrieve its id or load the full object and then set it as a one to one relation in another object.
I wondering :
this kind of nomenclature can be an enum (or a class with String cosnatnts depending on the developer). in DDD terms, it is my ValueObject
the id /code / label in the database is not i18n friendly (it's not a prerequisite) so I don't see its advantages. Except when the table can be updated dynamically and the usecase is "pick something in a combobox loaded from this table and build a relation with another object : but that's all because if you have business rules that must be applied you need to know the new code etc etc).
My questions are :
do you often use the id / ocde / label pattern in your database model.
how do your model your nomenclature data ? (country is perhaps not the best example :) but no matter what how do you model it ? without thinking much I would say database table for country; but for some status : "valid, waiting validation, rejected" ?
do you model your valueObjects using this pattern ?
or do you use lots of enum and only store their toString (or ordinal) in the database ?
In the Java OO objects world, I'm currently thinking that it is easier to manipulate enum that objects loaded from the database. I need to build repositories to load them for example. And it will be so simple to use them as enums. I'm searching some recomfort here or perhaps am I missing something so obvious ?
see you in 2015 !
Update 1 :
We can create a "Budget" and the first one is mark as Initial and the next ones are marked as "Corrective" (with a increment). For example, we can have a list of Budgets :"Initial Budget", "Corrective budget #1", "Corrective budget #2".
For this we have this database design : a Budget Table, a Version Budge with a foreign key between the two. the Version budget only contains an ID, a CODE and a LABEL.
Personnaly, I would like to remove this table. I don't see the advantages of this structure. And from the OO perspective, when I'm creating a budget I can query the databse to see if I need to create an Inital or Corrective budget (using a count query) then I can set the right enum to my new budget. But with the current design I need to query the database using the CODE that I want, select the ID and set the ID. So yes, it's really database oriented. Where is the DDD part ? a ValueObject is something that describe, quantify something. In my case seems good to me. A Version describe the current status of my Budget. I can comapre two versions just but checking their code, they don't have lifecycle (I don't want this one in particular).
How to you handle this type of usecases ?
It's only a simple example because I found that if you ask a database admin he would surely said that all seems good : using primary key, modeling relations, enforing constraints, using foreign key and avoid data duplication.
Thanks again Mike and Doctor for their comments.
I will hook in in your country example. In most cases, country will be a value object. There is nothing that will reference a country entity and that should know that if the values of the country changes it is still the same country. In fact, the country could be represented as an enum, and some nasty resource lookup functions that translate the Iso3 into a usefull display text. What we do is, we define it as a value object class with iso3, displayname and some other static information. Now out of this value object we define a kind of "power enum" (I still miss a standard term here). The class implementing the country value object gets a private constructor and static properties for each of its values (for each country) and explicit cast operators from and to int. Now you can treat it just like a normal enum of your programing language. The advantage to a normal enum beside having more property fields is, that it also can have methods (of course query methods, that don't change the state of the object). You can even use polymorphism (some countries with different behaviour than others). You could also load the content of the enums from a database table (without the statics then and a static lookupByIso3 method instead).
This you could make with some other "enum like" value objects, too. Imagine Currencies (it could have conversion methods that are implemented polymorphic). The handling of the daily exchange rates is a different topic though.
If the set of values is not fixed (for example another value object candidate like postal adress) then it is not a value object enum, but a standard value object that could be instantiated with the values you want.
To decide if you can live with something as a value object, you can use the following question: Do you want copy semantic, or reference semantic? If you ever change a property of the object, should all places where you used it update, too, or should they stay as they are? If the latter, than the "changed" object is a new and different value object. Another question would be, if you need to track changes to an object realizing that it remains the "same" despite of changing values. And if you have a value object, where you only want specific instances to exist, it is a kind of enum described above.
Does that somehow help you?
I'd like to explore Hibernate and used it in my project instead of JDBC.
My table design is highly normalized.
Suppose, I have this use case: Each insurance applied by a customer has one associated rateplan. Usually, in RDBMS this is implemented using two tables like below.
Table Insurance:
id long;
accountHolder varchar;
ratePlanId int; -->Rate Plan Id is Foreign Key to the RatePlanTable
Table RatePlan:
ratePlanId int;
ratePlanDesc varchar;
discountRate double;
Now, my question is..does this qualify as a onetomany relationship?
Most of the examples that I am seeing on the net regarding onetomany, involves some sort of collections (e.g An Order has a list of products). And when represented in class is translated below, which I think is really a one to many case?
public class Order{
private List products;
But how about my case? I don't think that it is a onetomany or I am just mislead by the examples?
How can I do a hbm mapping for my two classes? In my case, I would create two class to represent the two tables, but I am not sure how the hbm.xml would look like for the two class.
Yes, it is a one to many relationship, in that one rate plan is associated with many insurance policies. In entity traversal, when you would go from the Policy, you would get one Plan object, and conversely, from a Plan object, you would get a list of Policy objects.
I need to allow client users to extend the data contained by a JPA entity at runtime. In other words I need to add a virtual column to the entity table at runtime. This virtual column will only be applicable to certain data rows and there could possibly be quite a few of these virtual columns. As such I don't want to create an actual additional column in the database, but rather I want to make use of additional entities that represent these virtual columns.
As an example, consider the following situation. I have a Company entity which has a field labelled Owner, which contains a reference to the Owner of the Company. At runtime a client user decides that all Companies that belong to a specific Owner should have the extra field labelled ContactDetails.
My preliminary design uses two additional entities to accomplish this. The first basically represents the virtual column and contains information such as the field name and type of value expected. The other represents the actual data and connects an entity row to a virtual column. For example, the first entity might contain the data "ContactDetails" while the second entity contains say "555-5555."
Is this the right way to go about doing this? Is there a better alternative? Also, what would be the easiest way to automatically load this data when the original entity is loaded? I want my DAO call to return the entity together with its extensions.
EDIT: I changed the example from a field labelled Type which could be a Partner or a Customer to the present version as it was confusing.
Perhaps a simpler alternative could be to add a CLOB column to each Company and store the extensions as an XML. There is a different set of tradeoffs here compared to your solution but as long as the extra data doesn't need to be SQL accessible (no indexes, fkeys and so on) it will probably be simple than what you do now.
It also means that if you have some fancy logic regarding the extra data you would need to implement it differently. For example if you need a list of all possible extension types you would have to maintain it separately. Or if you need searching capabilities (find customer by phone number) you will require lucene or similar solution.
I can elaborate more if you are interested.
To enable searching you would want something like lucene which is a great engine for doing free text search on arbitrary data. There is also hibernate-search which integrates lucene directly with hibernate using annotations and such - I haven't used it but I heard good things about it.
For fetching/writing/accessing data you are basically dealing with XML so any XML technique should apply. The best approach really depends on the actual content and how it is going to be used. I would suggest looking into XPath for data access, and maybe look into defining your own hibernate usertype so that all the access is encapsulated into a class and not just plain String.
I've run into more problems than I hoped I would and as such I decided to dumb down the requirements for my first iteration. I'm currently trying to allow such Extensions only on the entire Company entity, in other words, I'm dropping the whole Owner requirement. So the problem could be rephrased as "How can I add virtual columns (entries in another entity that act like an additional column) to an entity at runtime?"
My current implementation is as follow (irrelevant parts filtered out):
class Company {
// The set of Extension definitions, for example "Location"
public Set<Extension> getExtensions { .. }
// The actual entry, for example "Atlanta"
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
#JoinColumn(name = "companyId")
public Set<ExtensionEntry> getExtensionEntries { .. }
class Extension {
public String getLabel() { .. }
public ValueType getValueType() { .. } // String, Boolean, Date, etc.
class ExtensionEntry {
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
#JoinColumn(name = "extensionId")
public Extension getExtension() { .. }
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "companyId", insertable = false, updatable = false)
public Company getCompany() { .. }
public String getValueAsString() { .. }
The implementation as is allows me to load a Company entity and Hibernate will ensure that all its ExtensionEntries are also loaded and that I can access the Extensions corresponding to those ExtensionEntries. In other words, if I wanted to, for example, display this additional information on a web page, I could access all of the required information as follow:
Company company = findCompany();
for (ExtensionEntry extensionEntry : company.getExtensionEntries()) {
String label = extensionEntry.getExtension().getLabel();
String value = extensionEntry.getValueAsString();
There are a number of problems with this, however. Firstly, when using FetchType.EAGER with an #OneToMany, Hibernate uses an outer join and as such will return duplicate Companies (one for each ExtensionEntry). This can be solved by using Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY, but that in turn will cause errors in my pagination and as such is an unacceptable answer. The alternative is to change the FetchType to LAZY, but that means that I will always "manually" have to load ExtensionEntries. As far as I understand, if, for example, I loaded a List of 100 Companies, I'd have to loop over and query each of those, generating a 100 SQL statements which isn't acceptable performance-wise.
The other problem which I have is that ideally I'd like to load all the Extensions whenever a Company is loaded. With that I mean that I'd like that #Transient getter named getExtensions() to return all the Extensions for any Company. The problem here is that there is no foreign key relation between Company and Extension, as Extension isn't applicable to any single Company instance, but rather to all of them. Currently I can get past that with code like I present below, but this will not work when accessing referenced entities (if for example I have an entity Employee which has a reference to Company, the Company which I retrieve through employee.getCompany() won't have the Extensions loaded):
List<Company> companies = findAllCompanies();
List<Extension> extensions = findAllExtensions();
for (Company company : companies) {
// Extensions are the same for all Companies, but I need them client side
So that's were I'm at currently, and I have no idea how to proceed in order to get past these problems. I'm thinking that my entire design might be flawed, but I'm unsure of how else to try and approach it.
Any and all ideas and suggestions are welcome!
The example with Company, Partner, and Customer is actually good application for polymorphism which is supported by means of inheritance with JPA: you will have one the following 3 strategies to choose from: single table, table per class, and joined. Your description sounds more like joined strategy but not necessarily.
You may also consider just one-to-one( or zero) relationship instead. Then you will need to have such relationship for each value of your virtual column since its values represent different entities. Hence, you'll have a relationship with Partner entity and another relationship with Customer entity and either, both or none can be null.
Use pattern decorator and hide your entity inside decoratorClass bye
Using EAV pattern is IMHO bad choice, because of performance problems and problems with reporting (many joins). Digging for solution I've found something else here: