Convert WebSphere to Liferay project - java

Currently, I'm migrating my WebSphere project to a Liferay project in Eclipse. I have IBM portlets and JSR 168 portlets. I'm using Eclipse Kepler with Liferay IDE 2.2, but there is no option to "Convert to Liferay project."
What's the best way to change my WebSphere project? I'm newbie at this point and any information about this problem it will be a great help.

I developed portlets with Liferay Portal and IBM Portal, and migration between the two does not exist because both portals depend on their internal APIs.
The simplest is to create new portlets in Liferay and go migrating layer by layer :
Data Access Layer.
Business Layer .
View Layer.
I recommend you use Spring MVC portlet to develop your portlets because that way your migration to another portal will be a little easier.
Liferay 6.2.x use Spring 3.0.7


How to migrate from JBoss Portal to GateIn?

I am new to GateIn portal.
We have developed portal using JBoss Portal 2.7, which has simple UIs.
How can I migrate my portal application from JBoss portal 2.7 to GateIn final release?
From where to get the idea about how to create a new simple portal using gatein and all the configuration that need to be done for that.
If your portlet/web application is based on EJB Components, then it can only be deployed on an application server, such as JBoss, which underlies all Entreprise Edition features.
GateIn portal is nothing but a portlet container, internally a web applcation that must be deployed in an application server such as Tomcat AS or JBoss AS, but a full EE Server is a must in order to have all entreprise java beans and services functional.
So the essence is, if you are using EJBs in your development, then you can only use an Applciation server with EJB container.

Clarification in Spring

I'm starting to learn spring and I came across one definition which says "Spring enables developers to do enterprise development without an application server".
What does this exactly mean and what's the harm in using an application server for enterprise development.
But don't developers use tomcat while developing enterprise development and isn't Tomcat an application server.
I'm confused here.
Can someone clarify the two points mentioned above.
I think what's meant by "Spring enables developers to do enterprise development without an application server", is that you don't need a full Java EE application server like JBoss, WebLocic, WebSphere ... but can do everything with a 'simple' servlet container like Tomcat.
Springframework provides services like dependency injection, declarative transaction management and others which are provided by Java Application Server for Java EE applications. The difference is that Spring based app can work standalone while Java EE app can't. It may be the reason to favor Springframework over a Java AS.
Tomcat is a servlet container which implements only Servlet and JavaServer Pages specifications, Java Application Server is supposed to support all of Java EE specifications like EJB, JMS, JPA, JTA and many others

How to know what glassfish is - full plaform or web profile?

I have installed glassfish. I can run
asadmin version
It shows what version it is, but how to know it is "Full Platform" or "Web profile"?
You could use the
glassfish4\bin>asadmin list-containers
command. Which lists all known application containers. A full profile server reports this:
A web profile server reports this:
Not much difference but it should be enough ;)
You can look at the license file name to determine if it is Full profile or Web profile
<glassfish install dir>/glassfish/legal/3RD-PARTY-LICENSE.txt
<glassfish install dir>/glassfish/legal/3RD-PARTY-LICENSE-WEB-PROFILE.txt
GlassFish Web Profile: It is a lighter version of GlassFish that is designed for web applications and only includes a subset of the Java EE technologies.
GlassFish Full Platform: It is the complete version of GlassFish that includes all Java EE technologies.
Which one to download depends on the requirements of your project. If you are developing a web application and do not need the full Java EE stack, then the GlassFish Web Profile would be a good choice. If you are developing a more complex application that requires the full Java EE stack, then the GlassFish Full Platform would be a better choice.

Running OSGi Container Inside Embedded Jetty Web Container. Possible?

Working on a project that runs an embedded Jetty web server withing its infrastructure. We are looking at addings a new web application that would benefit greatly from allowing views to be plugged in using OSGi. Vaadin is our web framework of choice.
There is a great tutorial on creating an OSGi pluggable Vaadin application in GlassFish where the web container and OSGi container are bridged. That is, the web container is not running in the OSGi container. Here is the tutorial:
My question is. Would it be possible to bridge an embedded Jetty web container and OSGi container in the same way as described in this tutorial.
Running jetty in an OSGi container is simply not an option for us as we have to work with existing deployment.
You should be able to embed any 4.2 compliant framework via the org.osgi.framework.launch.FrameworkFactory class. There's a few good examples if you google, two good ones are on the Felix site, and Neil Barlett's blog.
Configuring it will be far more work - you'll need to export all the Jetty and servlet packages via a system property org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra and use something like Felix fileinstall or a console and pax-url to un/deploy bundles.
While your Vaadin app will be dynamic - nothing from Jetty or the embedding application will be (i.e. domain entities, services etc).
Could you embed a different container? Eclipse Virgo and JBoss AS are both OSGi and J2EE containers.

What do I need to download to start developing apps using the Spring framework?

I need to start developing applications using the Spring framework, and am wondering what tools I need to download to have me up and running.
On the SpringSource website I am seeing all these applications to download and I am wondering, do I really need all this? And what versions should I use, especially for Spring Framework?
Spring Framework
SpringSource dm Server Samples
Spring Security
Spring Web Flow
Spring Web Services
Spring Dynamic Modules
Spring Integration
Spring Batch
Spring JavaConfig
Spring LDAP
Spring Extensions
Spring IDE
Spring BlazeDS Integration
SpringSource Bundlor
Spring ROO
What other applications do I need to download (eg. Struts, Glassfish, Apache, etc.)?
This depends on what you want to use Spring for. Typically that's Web applications. If so you only need two things:
Spring framework (with minimal dependencies); and
A servlet container (eg Tomcat) or a full-blown application server (eg Glassfish, JBoss).
Everything else is optional. I believe the only required dependency is Apache Commons logging. Depending on what features you use, you may well need more.
If so, here is a [tutorial][1] that creates a barebones Spring MVC project. There are countless others around for that and other topics.
It's entirely possible to use Spring in, say, a Swing application in which case you obviously don't need a servlet container.
All you need from SpringSource is the Spring Framework.
Spring 3.0 is on the way, but for now, use 2.5.6.SEC01, the current production release.
You can get started with a simple servlet container (ie: Tomcat) rather than a full blown application server (eg: JBoss, Glassfish).
The Spring Framework comes bundled with jars for web development - ie: spring-web and spring-webmvc.
See #117535 for a simple example of using Spring MVC.
It mainly dependent on what you need Spring for. Each and every piece of Spring can, actually, be used in separation from the rest. You may use it only for IOC, in this case you don't need, for example, MVC and Servlets, etc...
The easiest way to start is to dowload the main package from
You can use Spring from any IDE
The best way is to use Maven with your project. Basically all you have to do is edit your pom.xml file and tell it that you want to use Spring. Then when you compile your code, Maven will go out and automatically download the Spring libraries you need from their public repository.
Here's an example:
