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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to make a Telnet and SSH connection in java (similar to the one we have in Putty).
Can you suggest me a good Java library that support both Telnet and SSH?
If somebody can also give me some code example it will be wonderful.
Why do you need one library for both?!
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm new into web hosting and wanted to host a .war file, that uses Spring technology, for free. It is just a small application and I don't want to pay any money for the hosting. Has anyone an idea?
By the way, I'm not really into networking, unfortunately.
Try heroku, you can find details here:
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Closed 7 years ago.
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i want to use some sensors for the RPi which i can access with java.
can i use any sensors that I connect to the GPIO?
e.g.: sunfounder starter kit?
thank you for your answers ;)
You can use Pi4J to use "devices" connected to the GPIO
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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is it possible to do a reverse ssh connection using JSCH? If it is not, is there any other pure Java library that I can use to do a reverse tunnel SSH connection?
The command I want to mimic is similar than:
ssh -fN -R 7000:localhost:22 username#yourMachine-ipaddress
There is an example gist that shows how to do it here:
The method you want to look at is session.setPortForwardingR()
session.setPortForwardingR(rport, lhost, lport);
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Closed 3 years ago.
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Is there any C++ network library similar to JBoss's Netty? I need an architecture where I can add protocol handlers to a list and process network packets as objects.
I have used ACE although I wasn't especially happy with it.
I have used LibSoup, which is a C http client and server library. It has a c++ libsoupmm.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm looking for a lightweight and easy to install user management system made in JAVA. It should use a free Database System (MySQL for example) and handle basic security after logging (access or not with error message). I'm not looking for anything fancy/flexible like SpringSecurity.
Thank you!
I think OpenLdap would meet your requirements although not written in java, but which db other then derby is written in java?
Here is a tutorial how you access it using JNDI.