I am trying to build a 4 x 4 sudoku solver by using the genetic algorithm. I have some issues with values converging to local minima. I am using a ranked approach and removing the bottom two ranked answer possibilities and replacing them with a crossover between the two highest ranked answer possibilities. For additional help avoiding local mininma, I am also using mutation. If an answer is not determined within a specific amount of generation, my population is filled with completely new and random state values. However, my algorithm seems to get stuck in local minima. As a fitness function, I am using:
(Total Amount of Open Squares * 7 (possible violations at each square; row, column, and box)) - total Violations
population is an ArrayList of integer arrays in which each array is a possible end state for sudoku based on the input. Fitness is determined for each array in the population.
Would someone be able to assist me in determining why my algorithm converges on local minima or perhaps recommend a technique to use to avoid local minima. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Fitness Function:
public int[] fitnessFunction(ArrayList<int[]> population)
int emptySpaces = this.blankData.size();
int maxError = emptySpaces*7;
int[] fitness = new int[populationSize];
for(int i=0; i<population.size();i++)
int[] temp = population.get(i);
int value = evaluationFunc(temp);
fitness[i] = maxError - value;
System.out.println("Fitness(i)" + fitness[i]);
return fitness;
Crossover Function:
public void crossover(ArrayList<int[]> population, int indexWeakest, int indexStrong, int indexSecStrong, int indexSecWeak)
int[] tempWeak = new int[16];
int[] tempStrong = new int[16];
int[] tempSecStrong = new int[16];
int[] tempSecWeak = new int[16];
tempStrong = population.get(indexStrong);
tempSecStrong = population.get(indexSecStrong);
tempWeak = population.get(indexWeakest);
tempSecWeak = population.get(indexSecWeak);
int crossoverSite = random.nextInt(14)+1;
for(int i=0;i<tempWeak.length;i++)
tempWeak[i] = tempStrong[i];
tempSecWeak[i] = tempSecStrong[i];
tempWeak[i] = tempSecStrong[i];
tempSecWeak[i] = tempStrong[i];
for(int j=0; j<tempWeak.length;j++)
System.out.print(tempWeak[j] + ", ");
for(int j=0; j<tempWeak.length;j++)
System.out.print(tempSecWeak[j] + ", ");
Mutation Function:
public void mutation(int[] mutate)
if(this.blankData.size() > 2)
Blank blank = this.blankData.get(0);
int x = blank.getPosition();
Blank blank2 = this.blankData.get(1);
int y = blank2.getPosition();
Blank blank3 = this.blankData.get(2);
int z = blank3.getPosition();
int rando = random.nextInt(4) + 1;
if(rando == 2)
int rando2 = random.nextInt(4) + 1;
mutate[x] = rando2;
if(rando == 3)
int rando2 = random.nextInt(4) + 1;
mutate[y] = rando2;
int rando3 = random.nextInt(4) + 1;
mutate[z] = rando3;
The reason you see rapid convergence is that your methodology for "mating" is not very good. You are always producing two offspring from "mating" of the top two scoring individuals. Imagine what happens when one of the new offspring is the same as your top individual (by chance, no crossover and no mutation, or at least none that have an effect on the fitness). Once this occurs, the top two individuals are identical which eliminates the effectiveness of crossover.
A more typical approach is to replace EVERY individual on every generation. There are lots of possible variations here, but you might do a random choice of two parents weighted fitness.
Regarding population size: I don't know how hard of a problem sudoku is given your genetic representation and fitness function, but I suggest that you think about millions of individuals, not dozens.
If you are working on really hard problems, genetic algorithms are much more effective when you place your population on a 2-D grid and choosing "parents" for each point in the grid from the nearby individuals. You will get local convergence, but each locality will have converged on different solutions; you get a huge amount of variation produced from the borders between the locally-converged areas of the grid.
Another technique you might think about is running to convergence from random populations many times and store the top individual from each run. After you build up a bunch of different local minima genomes, build a new random population from those top individuals.
I think the Sudoku is a permutation problem. therefore i suggest you to use random permutation numbers for initializing population and use the crossover method which Compatible to permutation problems.
I have an ArrayList of colors and their frequency of appearance. My program should calculate a reordering of those items that maximizes the minimum distance between two equal bricks.
For example, given input consisting of 4*brick 1 (x), 3*brick 2 (y), and 5*brick 3 (z), one correct output would be: z y x z x z y x z x y.
My code does not produce good solutions. In particular, sometimes there are 2 equal bricks at the end, which is the worst case.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
public class Calc {
// private ArrayList<Wimpel> w = new ArrayList<Brick>();
private String bKette = "";
public String bestOrder(ArrayList<Brick> w) {
while (!w.isEmpty()) {
if (w.get(0).getFrequency() > 0) {
bChain += w.get(0).getColor() + "|";
Brick brick = new Wimpel(w.get(0).getVariant(), w.get(0).getFrequency() - 1);
// bestOrder(w);
} else {
return bOrder;
public int Solutions(ArrayList<Wimpel> w) {
ArrayList<Brick> tmp = new ArrayList<Brick>(w);
int l = 1;
int counter = (int) w.stream().filter(c -> Collections.max(tmp).getFrequency() == c.getFrequency()).count();
l = (int) (fakultaet(counter) * fakultaet((tmp.size() - counter)));
return l;
public static long fakultaet(int n) {
return n == 0 ? 1 : n * fakultaet(n - 1);
How can make my code choose an optimal order?
We will not perform your exercise for you, but we will give you some advice.
Consider your current approach: it operates by filling the result string by cycling through the bricks, choosing one item from each brick in turn as long as any items remain in that brick. But this approach is certain to fail when one brick contains at least two items more than any other, because then only that brick remains at the end, and all its remaining items have to be inserted one after the other.
That is, the problem is not that your code is buggy per se, but rather that your whole strategy is incorrect for the problem. You need something different.
Now, consider the problem itself. Which items will appear at the shortest distance apart in a correct ordering? Those having the highest frequency, of course. And you can compute that minimum distance based on the frequency and total number of items.
Suppose you arrange these most-constrained items first, at the known best distance.
What's left to do at this point? Well, you potentially have some more bricks with lesser frequency, and some more slots in which to accommodate their items. If you ignore the occupied slots altogether, you can treat this as a smaller version of the same problem you had before.
Please help me,
I try to implement GA in java to resolve minimize of summation of (Xi)^2 function that X value is double between [-100,100] , i = 1,2,3,...,30 and have 4 populations.
I can't get the correct result.
Check Source Code
Thanks you
public Population evolvePopulation(Population population) {
Population newPopulation = new Population(population.size());
for (int i = 0; i < population.size(); ++i) {
Individual firstIndividual = randomSelection(population);
Individual secondIndividual = randomSelection(population);
Individual newIndividual = crossover(firstIndividual, secondIndividual);
newPopulation.saveIndividual(i, newIndividual);
for (int i = 0; i < newPopulation.size(); ++i) {
return newPopulation;
public Individual randomSelection(Population population) {
Population newPopulation = new Population(Constants.TOURNAMENT_SIZE);
for (int i = 0; i < Constants.TOURNAMENT_SIZE; ++i) {
int randomIndex = (int)(Math.random()*population.size());
newPopulation.saveIndividual(i, population.getIndividual(randomIndex));
Individual fittestIndividual = newPopulation.getFittestIndividual();
return fittestIndividual;
public Population evolvePopulation(Population population) {
Population newPopulation = new Population(population.size());
for (int i = 0; i < population.size(); ++i) {
Individual firstIndividual = randomSelection(population);
Individual secondIndividual = randomSelection(population);
Individual newIndividual = crossover(firstIndividual, secondIndividual);
newPopulation.saveIndividual(i, newIndividual);
for (int i = 0; i < newPopulation.size(); ++i) {
return newPopulation;
public void generateIndividual() {
df = new DecimalFormat(".##");
for (int i = 0; i < Constants.CHROMOSOME_LENGTH; i++) {
String gen = df.format((randomGenerator.nextDouble()*(201))-100);
double gene = Double.parseDouble(gen);
genes[i] = gene;
Generation: 1 - fittest is: 187840.0388
Generation: 2 - fittest is: 145642.2474
Generation: 3 - fittest is: 143804.0066
Generation: 4 - fittest is: 164595.30819999994
Generation: 5 - fittest is: 192525.51659999997
Generation: 6 - fittest is: 176011.80959999998
Generation: 7 - fittest is: 165286.99679999996
Generation: 8 - fittest is: 181544.71279999998
Generation: 9 - fittest is: 180144.33559999996
Generation: 10 - fittest is: 178226.74199999994
First of all, genetic search is not guaranteed to find an optimal solution in any finite amount of time, although it might converge very fast in its immediate neighborhood. Also, genetic exploration does not provide any mean to certify that a given solution is actually optimal, so it should be used only when a good enough solution is fine.
Looking at the code snippets you posted here on S.O., I would make the following observations:
In randomSelection(), you randomly select a subset of the initial population, and then return the best individual among that group. My take on this is that you want to give a reproductive advantage to those individuals that, according to the fitness function, carry a better genome. Is that correct?
In evolvePopulation(), you randomly select two parents, and then combine them with a crossover step. You then apply a random mutation to the resulting genome, and add it to the new population.
At this point I see the following issue: if both parents are randomly selected, there is absolutely no guarantee that the best individuals of your population actually get the chance to reproduce. I would instead select only one of the two parents randomly, so to ensure that every individual has at least one child.
It is also unclear to me, because it is not shown, whether mutate() does always change some part of the genome, or whether this is only done with a given, low, probability.
It is important to keep in mind that both crossover() and mutate() can have a destructive effect on your population: it is not written anywhere that the offspring resulting from applying these operators is better than the previous generation.
Thus, what you seem to be missing out is a selection() step. One should generate many more individuals than it intends to keep inside the new generation, and then kill off all the worst ones before letting them to reproduce again.
Moreover, if you don't want your search to temporarily degenerate, you should save the best individual (or the best first N individuals) across two subsequent generations.
I am trying to build an OCR by calculating the Coefficient Correlation between characters extracted from an image with every character I have pre-stored in a database. My implementation is based on Java and pre-stored characters are loaded into an ArrayList upon the beginning of the application, i.e.
ArrayList<byte []> storedCharacters, extractedCharacters;
storedCharacters = load_all_characters_from_database();
extractedCharacters = extract_characters_from_image();
// Calculate the coefficent between every extracted character
// and every character in database.
double maxCorr = -1;
for(byte [] extractedCharacter : extractedCharacters)
for(byte [] storedCharacter : storedCharactes)
corr = findCorrelation(extractedCharacter, storedCharacter)
if (corr > maxCorr)
maxCorr = corr;
public double findCorrelation(byte [] extractedCharacter, byte [] storedCharacter)
double mag1, mag2, corr = 0;
for(int i=0; i < extractedCharacter.length; i++)
mag1 += extractedCharacter[i] * extractedCharacter[i];
mag2 += storedCharacter[i] * storedCharacter[i];
corr += extractedCharacter[i] * storedCharacter[i];
} // for
corr /= Math.sqrt(mag1*mag2);
return corr;
The number of extractedCharacters are around 100-150 per image but the database has 15600 stored binary characters. Checking the coefficient correlation between every extracted character and every stored character has an impact on the performance as it needs around 15-20 seconds to complete for every image, with an Intel i5 CPU.
Is there a way to improve the speed of this program, or suggesting another path of building this bringing similar results. (The results produced by comparing every character with such a large dataset is quite good).
Thank you in advance
public static void run() {
ArrayList<byte []> storedCharacters, extractedCharacters;
storedCharacters = load_all_characters_from_database();
extractedCharacters = extract_characters_from_image();
// Calculate the coefficent between every extracted character
// and every character in database.
computeNorms(charComps, extractedCharacters);
double maxCorr = -1;
for(byte [] extractedCharacter : extractedCharacters)
for(byte [] storedCharacter : storedCharactes)
corr = findCorrelation(extractedCharacter, storedCharacter)
if (corr > maxCorr)
maxCorr = corr;
private static double[] storedNorms;
private static double[] extractedNorms;
// Correlation between to binary images
public static double findCorrelation(byte[] arr1, byte[] arr2, int strCharIndex, int extCharNo){
final int dotProduct = dotProduct(arr1, arr2);
final double corr = dotProduct * storedNorms[strCharIndex] * extractedNorms[extCharNo];
return corr;
public static void computeNorms(ArrayList<byte[]> storedCharacters, ArrayList<byte[]> extractedCharacters) {
storedNorms = computeInvNorms(storedCharacters);
extractedNorms = computeInvNorms(extractedCharacters);
private static double[] computeInvNorms(List<byte []> a) {
final double[] result = new double[a.size()];
for (int i=0; i < result.length; ++i)
result[i] = 1 / Math.sqrt(dotProduct(a.get(i), a.get(i)));
return result;
private static int dotProduct(byte[] arr1, byte[] arr2) {
int dotProduct = 0;
for(int i = 0; i< arr1.length; i++)
dotProduct += arr1[i] * arr2[i];
return dotProduct;
Nowadays, it's hard to find a CPU with a single core (even in mobiles). As the tasks are nicely separated, you can do it with a few lines only. So I'd go for it, though the gain is limited.
In case you really mean cross-correlation, then a transform like DFT or DCT could help. They surely do for big images, but with yours 12x16, I'm not sure.
Maybe you mean just a dot product? And maybe you should tell us?
Note that you actually don't need to compute the correlation, most of the time you only need is find out if it's bigger than a threshold:
corr = findCorrelation(extractedCharacter, storedCharacter)
..... more code to check if this is the best match ......
This may lead to some optimizations or not, depending on how the images look like.
Note also that a simple low level optimization can give you nearly a factor of 4 as in this question of mine. Maybe you really should tell us what you're doing?
I guess that due to the computation of three products in the loop, there's enough instruction level parallelism, so a manual loop unrolling like in my above question is not necessary.
However, I see that those three products get computed some 100 * 15600 times, while only one of them depends on both extractedCharacter and storedCharacter. So you can compute
100 + 15600 + 100 * 15600
dot products instead of
3 * 100 * 15600
This way you may get a factor of three pretty easily.
Or not. After this step there's a single sum computed in the relevant step and the problem linked above applies. And so does its solution (unrolling manually).
Factor 5.2
While byte[] is nicely compact, the computation involves extending them to ints, which costs some time as my benchmark shows. Converting the byte[]s to int[]s before all the correlations gets computed saves time. Even better is to make use of the fact that this conversion for storedCharacters can be done beforehand.
Manual loop unrolling twice helps but unrolling more doesn't.
I was wondering if I could get some advice on increasing the overall efficiency of a program that implements a genetic algorithm. Yes this is an assignment question, but I have already completed the assignment on my own and am simply looking for a way to get it to perform better
Problem Description
My program at the moment reads a given chain made of the types of constituents, h or p. (For example: hphpphhphpphphhpphph) For each H and P it generated a random move (Up, Down, Left, Right) and adds the move to an arrayList contained in the "Chromosome" Object. At the start the program is generating 19 moves for 10,000 Chromosomes
SecureRandom sec = new SecureRandom();
byte[] sbuf = sec.generateSeed(8);
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(sbuf);
Random numberGen = new Random(bb.getLong());
int numberMoves = chromosoneData.length();
moveList = new ArrayList(numberMoves);
for (int a = 0; a < numberMoves; a++) {
int randomMove = numberGen.nextInt(4);
char typeChro = chromosoneData.charAt(a);
if (randomMove == 0) {
} else if (randomMove == 1) {
} else if (randomMove == 2) {
} else if (randomMove == 3) {
After this comes the selection of chromosomes from the Population to crossover. My crossover function selections the first chromosome at random from the fittest 20% of the population and the other at random from outside of the top 20%. The chosen chromosomes are then crossed and a mutation function is called. I believe the area in which I am taking the biggest hit is calculating the fitness of each Chromosome. Currently my fitness function creates a 2d Array to act as a grid, places the moves in order from the move list generated by the function shown above, and then loops through the array to do the fitness calculation. (I.E. found and H at location [2,1] is Cord [1,1] [3,1] [2,0] or [2,2] also an H and if an H is found it just increments the count of bonds found)
After the calculation is complete the least fit chromosome is removed from my population and the new one is added and then the array list of chromosomes is sorted. Rinse and repeat until target solution is found
If you guys want to see more of my code to prove I actually did the work before asking for help just let me know (dont want to post to much so other students cant just copy pasta my stuff)
As suggested in the comments I have ran the profiler on my application (have never used it before, only a first year CS student) and my initial guess on where i am having issues was somewhat incorrect. It seems from what the profiler is telling me is that the big hotspots are:
When comparing the new chromosome to the others in the population to determine its position. I am doing this by implementing Comparable:
public int compareTo(Chromosome other) {
if(this.fitness >= other.fitness)
return 1;
if(this.fitness ==other.fitness )
return 0;
return -1;
The other area of issue described is in my actual evolution function, consuming about 40% of the CPU time. A codesample from said method below
double topPercentile = highestValue;
topPercentile = topPercentile * .20;
topPercentile = Math.ceil(topPercentile);
randomOne = numberGen.nextInt((int) topPercentile);
//Lower Bount for random two so it comes from outside of top 20%
int randomTwo = numberGen.nextInt(highestValue - (int) topPercentile);
randomTwo = randomTwo + 25;
//System.out.println("Selecting First: " + randomOne + " Selecting Second: " + randomTwo);
Chromosome firstChrom = (Chromosome) populationList.get(randomOne);
Chromosome secondChrom = (Chromosome) populationList.get(randomTwo);
//System.out.println("Selected 2 Chromosones Crossing Over");
Chromosome resultantChromosome = firstChrom.crossOver(secondChrom);
Chromosome bestResult = (Chromosome) populationList.get(0);
The other main preformance hit is the inital population seeding which is performed by the first code sample in the post
I believe the area in which I am taking the biggest hit is calculating the fitness of each Chromosome
If you are not sure then I assume you have not run a profiler on the program yet.
If you want to improve the performance, profiling is the first thing you should do.
Instead of repeatedly sorting your population, use a collection that maintains its contents already sorted. (e.g. TreeSet)
If your fitness measure is consistent across generations (i.e. not dependent on other members of the population) then I hope at least that you are storing that in the Chromosome object so you only calculate it once for each member of the population. With that in place you'd only be calculating fitness on the newly generated/assembled chromosome each iteration. Without more information on how fitness if calculated it's difficult to be able to offer any optimisations in that area.
Your random number generator seed doesn't need to be cryptographically strong.
Random numberGen = new Random();
A minor speedup when seeding your population is to remove all the testing and branching:
static Move[] moves = {Move.Down, Move.Up, Move.Left, Move.Right};
I need steps to perform document clustering using k-means algorithm in java.
It will be very useful for me to provide the steps easily.
Thanks in advance.
You need to count the words in each document and make a feature generally called bag of words. Before that you need to remove stop words(very common but not giving much information like the, a etc). You can generally take top n common words from your document. Count the frequency of these words and store them in n dimensional vector.
For distance measure you can use cosine vector.
Here is a simple algorithm for 2 mean for 1 dimensional data points. you can extend it to k mean and n dimensional data point easily. Let me know if you want n dim implementation.
double[] x = {1,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5,5,7,8,8.5,9,9.5,10};
double[] center = new int[2];
double[] precenter = new int[2];
ArrayList[] cluster = new ArrayList[2];
//generate 2 random number from 0 to x.length without replacement
int rand = new int[2];
Random rand = new Random();
rand[0] = rand.nextInt(x.length + 1);
rand[1] = rand.nextInt(x.length + 1);
while(rand[0] == rand[1] ){
rand[1] = rand.nextInt(x.length + 1);
center[0] = x[rand[0]];
center[1] = x[rand[1]];
//there is a better way to generate k random number (w/o replacement) just search.
for(int i = 0; i < x.length; ++i){
if(abs(x[i]-center1[0]) <= abs(x[i]-center1[1])){
precenter[0] = center[0];
precenter[1] = center[1];
center[0] = mean(cluster[0]);
center[1] = mean(cluster[1]);
} while(precenter[0] != center[0] && precenter[1] != center[1]);
double mean(ArrayList list){
double mean = 0;
double sum = 0;
for(int index=0;index
The cluster[0] and cluster [1] contain points in the clusters and center[0], center[1] are the 2 means.
you need to do some debugging because I have written the code in R and just converted it into java for you :)
Does this help you? Also the wiki article has some links to implementations in other languages ready to be ported to java.
Steps of the algorithm:
Define the number of clusters you want to have
Distribute the points radomly in your problem space.
Link every observation to the nearest point.
calculate the center of mass for each cluster and place the point into the middle.
Link the points again to the centerpoints and repeat until the points dont move any more.
What do you want to cluster the documents based on? If it's by similarity you'll need to do some natural language processing first, and then you'll need a metric (some kind of assignment algorithm) to place the documents into clusters (crp works and is relatively straight forward).
The hardest part will be the NLP (language processing) if you're not clustering them based on something like "length". I can provide more info on all of these, but I won't dive down the rabbit hole if you don't need it.