How Cassandra select the node to send request? - java

Imagine a Cassandra cluster needs to be accessed by a client application. In Java api we create a cluster instance and send the read or write request via a Session. If we use read/write consistency ONE, how the api select the actual node (coordinator node) in order to forward the request. Is it a random selection? please help to figure this out.

Cassandra drivers use the "gossip" protocol (and a process called node discovery) to gain information about the cluster. If a node becomes unavailable, the client driver automatically tries other nodes and schedules reconnection times with the dead one(s). According to the DataStax docs:
Gossip is a peer-to-peer communication protocol in which nodes
periodically exchange state information about themselves and about
other nodes they know about. The gossip process runs every second and
exchanges state messages with up to three other nodes in the cluster.
The nodes exchange information about themselves and about the other
nodes that they have gossiped about, so all nodes quickly learn about
all other nodes in the cluster.
Essentially, the list of nodes that you provide your client to connect to, are the initial contact points for gaining information on the entire cluster. This is why your client can communicate with all nodes in the cluster (if need be) even though you may only provide a small subset of nodes in your connection string.
Once your driver has the gossip information on the cluster, it can then make intelligent decisions about which node to run a query on. Node selection is not a process of voting or random selection. Based on the gossip information returned, the client driver applies its Load Balancing Policy. While it does take several factors into consideration, basically it tries to pick the node with the lowest network "distance" from the client.
Edit 20200322
Let me expand a bit on the point about the Load Balancing policy. I encourage developers of high-performance applications to use the TokenAwarePolicy. This policy hashes the partition key values to a "token," and uses this hash to determine which node(s) is responsible for the resulting token range. This has the effect of skipping the intermediate step of selecting a "coordinator" node, and sends the queries directly to the node which contains the requested data.
However, if you are using a non-token aware load balancing policy, or running a query which does not filter on a partition key, then the original process described above applies.


Does Hazelcast store MultiMap values in the local instance when backup is disabled?

I am configuring a Hazelcast Multimap without backups (on purpose):
My goal is that each instance stores its own values in the MultiMap, so that when a server disappears, those values are lost. Is above configuration correct?
Example: Server instances in a cluster host user sessions. I want to store users in a MultiMap, so that each user is physically stored on the local instance, but other instances can look up where a user session exists. When a server crashes, the user sessions disappear, and so should the entries in the MultiMap. [Users are actually stored in rooms, like MultiMap<roomId, Set<userId>>, where a room may span multiple instances. If one instance goes down, the room may survive, but I want the users on the current instance to become unavailable in the MultiMap as well.]
Only if above is guaranteed: In a controlled shutdown, is it worth to clean up the local entries before shutting down, or is it cheaper to just make the instance disappear?
The manual at doesn't clearly spell out what actually happens (or I am too blind to find it).
If you set backup counts to zero, it means that each entry will only be stored in one partition (the primary). But it doesn't mean that partition will be hosted on the "local" cluster node.
The partition where any entry is stored is determined by a hashing algorithm, but the mapping of partitions to cluster nodes will change as cluster membership changes (nodes are added or removed). So I don't think trying to manipulate the hashcode is a good way to go.
Since you mention the "local instance", I'm guessing you're using Hazelcast in embedded mode, and the Hazelcast cluster nodes are on the same servers that host the "rooms". You might want to configure a MembershipListener; this listener would be notified whenever a node leaves the cluster, and the listener could then remove map entries related to user sessions hosted in rooms on that node.
Thats a wrong use case for a partition-based distributed system. When you store in a partitioned distributed data-structure such as Map or MultiMap, you do not have control over which partition would host your key-value data. The host partition to your data is determined by consistent hashing algorithm applied on the key. This applies to both - write as well as read operations. And with backup enabled, the data is replicated in backup partitions on each node so that data can be recovered in case of a node failure.
So in your case, you don't even know whether a particular entry is indeed local to your instance (unless you are manually recording this mapping of key-partition using Hazelcast APIs). You are looking up an entry hoping it to be local to that instance because you executed the write operation of that entry from that same node but in reality, that entry may be stored on a partition in some other node in the cluster.
I believe what you want is NearCache which in other words can also be addressed as L1 cache - local to your application. If you loose the app instance, you loose the NearCache and is not available with MultiMap. But even with NearCache, you will never receive "null" or "data not found" because NearCache in principle, loads the data from partition owner (cluster node) if the data is not found in NearCache.
You can also turning off backup but that will mean loosing data on the lost node which may not be local to your application.
Hope that helps.

Hazelcast data affinity with preferred member as primary

I have a clustered system set up with Hazelcast to store my data. Each node in the cluster is responsible for connecting to a service on localhost and piping data from this service into the Hazelcast cluster.
I would like this data to be stored primarily on the node that received it, and also processed on that node. I'd like the data to be readable and writable on other nodes with moderately less performance requirements.
I started with a naive implementation that does exactly as I described with no special considerations. I noticed performance suffered quite a bit (we had a separate implementation using Infinispan to compare it with). Generally speaking, there is little logical intersection between the data I'm processing from each individual service. It's stored in a Hazelcast cluster so it can be read and occasionally written from all nodes and for failover scenarios. I still need to read the last good state of the failed node if either the Hazelcast member fails on that node or the local service fails on that node.
So my first attempt at co-locating the data and reducing network chatter was to key much of the data with a serverId (number from 1 to 3 on, say, a 3-node system) and include this in the key. The key then implements PartitionAware. I didn't notice an improvement in performance so I decided to execute the logic itself on the cluster and key it the same way (with a PartitionAware/Runnable submitted to a DurableExecutorService). I figured if I couldn't select which member the logic could be processed on, I could at least execute it on the same member consistently and co-located with the data.
That made performance even worse as all data and all execution tasks were being stored and run on a single node. I figured this meant node #1 was getting partitions 1 to 90, node #2 was getting 91 to 180, and node #3 was getting 181 to 271 (or some variant of this without complete knowledge of the key hash algorithm and exactly how my int serverId translates to a partition number). So hashing serverId 1, 2, 3 and resulted in e.g. the oldest member getting all the data and execution tasks.
My next attempt was to set backup count to (member count) - 1 and enable backup reads. That improved things a little.
I then looked into ReplicatedMap but it doesn't support indexing or predicates. One of my motivations to moving to Hazelcast was its more comprehensive support (and, from what I've seen, better performance) for indexing and querying map data.
I'm not convinced any of these are the right approaches (especially since mapping 3 node numbers to partition numbers doesn't match up to how partitions were intended to be used). Is there anything else I can look at that would provide this kind of layout, with one member being a preferred primary for data and still having readable backups on 1 or more other members after failure?
Data grids provide scalability, you can add or remove storage nodes to adjust capacity, and for this to work the grid needs to be able to rebalance the data load. Rebalancing means moving some of the data from one place to another. So as a general rule, the placement of data is out of your control and may change while the grid runs.
Partition awareness will keep related items together, if they move they move together. A runnable/callable accessing both can satisfy this from the one JVM, so will be more efficient.
There are two possible improvements if you really need data local to a particular node, read-backup-data or near-cache. See this answer.
Both or either will help reads, but not writes.

Overview for Persistence in Apache Ignite

I think I don't fully understand yet the Apache Ignite cache persistence. I probably miss an overview.
What I would like to achieve is something like this: Three data nodes that persistently and replicated store the cache data either on their own separate disks or in single 3rd party DB. As long as one of these nodes is available, all data shall be available to the cluster nodes. Configs for these three nodes must have the PersistenceConfiguration, I guess? What about the backups setting? This must be set to 2? What is the correct setting that as long as one of the three node is available all data will be available?
Do all data nodes have to be available for write operations to the cache? Or is one enough and the other two will replicate once they connect?
Other worker nodes shall use the cache but not store on disk. Configs for these node shall not have the Persistent set, I guess?
Sorry for all these questions. You see I may need some background information for the data store.
Thanks for any help!
Ignite native persistence can solve your problem. You can enable it by adding PersistentStoreConfiguration to IgniteConfiguration. Here is documentation on how to use it:
Every node that has persistence enabled will write its primary and backup partitions to disk, so when restarted, it will have this data available locally. If other nodes connect to the cluster after that, they will see the data, and it will be replicated to new nodes if needed.
Judging by your needs, you should use replicated cache. All data in cache will be stored on all nodes at the same time. When node with some data persisted on disk starts its work, it will have all data available, just like you need. Replicated cache is effectively equivalent to having all data backed up on every node, so you don't have to additionally configure backups. Here is documentation on cache modes:
To restrict cache data to be stored on particular nodes only, you can create three server nodes, that will store data, and start other nodes as clients. You can find the difference here:
If you need more than three server nodes, then you can use cache node filter. It is a predicate, that specifies, what nodes should store data of some particular cache. Here is JavaDoc for CacheConfiguration.setNodeFilter method:
Another option to enable persistence is to use CacheStore. It enables you to replicate your data in any external database, but it has lower performance and less features available, so I would recommend to go with the native one. Here is documentation on 3rd pary persistence:

How to shard across a cluster of nodes based on the value of String?

I would like to create a distributed system where the data is sharded across all the nodes. I know there are libraries like Hazelcast or Apache Ignite that do the work for you. In my case, for each sharding key I need to create a socket subscription to another system so it's not just about how data is distributed but also how to actually create these subscriptions in a distributed way.
The idea is to, for each sharding key, create a subscription to the other system. Each subscription would keep a list of entries with data to check for every update coming from the socket connection.
What I had in mind was to send, for each new entry to keep, a message with the sharding key and the data to a topic. Then each node would apply the sharding algorithm to decide which of them is responsible to process the message and then create the subscription to the socket connection if it's not there already and add the data to it.
The complexity with this is to handle cluster topology changes. I would need to rebalance these connections manually by letting one node act as a leader reloading the data from database and resending the data again. Nodes would also need to react to these changes clearing the subscriptions. For that I thought of using a version number that would go alongside the data which increases with every change and allows nodes to identify these changes. Another solution would be to make every node aware of topology changes through events but these are async so I could run into race conditions when clearing the subscriptions.
Is there any other way or a better one of doing this? Maybe with some of the features Ignite provides? (I'm using Ignite for a cache in this case)
This sounds like a use case for continuous queries:

How to handle recovery memcached nodes when using spymemcached & HashAlgorithm.KETAMA_HASH

I am using spymemcached & HashAlgorithm.KETAMA_HASH to connect to a pool of memcached of 5 nodes.
My understanding is when we use a consistent hashing algorithm like, when a node is down, we don't need to worry as the key will be re-distributed (with min. impact)
What if when the down-ed node is going to join the pool. What I need to do?
Should I make sure stale data need to be removed? Or should my program need special handling for this case?
Given that this document is accurate:
If there is any network disruption, and one or more clients decide that a particular
memcached server is not available anymore, they will automatically rehash some data into
the rest of the nodes even if the original one is still available. If the node eventually returns to service (for example after the network outage is resolved), the data on that node will be out of date and the clients without updated key-server remapping info will read stale data.
Assuming this is still up to date:
It would be safe refresh/flush the node before adding it back. Forcing the down-ed node to clear up any stale entry.
