I have two classes. One is intended to be a common library and another a client that consumes from the library.
The library is structured as below:
public class Library
public Library()
String pathToResourceA="src/main/resources/A.xls";// A.xls is present within resources
String key="apples";
Resource res= loadResourceBasedOnDoc(pathToResource,key);
...//process resource
It's corresponding test class
public class LibraryTest
public void testLibrary()
new Library();// works as expected- the test passes and the resource is loaded.//ie. A.xls is found in the right place
However, when I try to access the library from my client in the following manner
import packagename.Library
public class Client{
Library lib;
public Client()
lib= new Library();// throws a FileNotFoundException!
I get a FileNotFoundException. I'm guessing this is something to do with defining the right value to pathToResourceA in class A but cant figure out what it is. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!
Code for loadResourcesBasedonDoc
protected Resource loadResourceBasedOnDoc(String filename,String password)
InputStream in = null;
try {
in = new FileInputStream(filename);
//further in is processed...
The problem is that you are using relative file paths:
String pathToResourceA="src/main/resources/A.xls";// A.xls is present within resources
This is then processed in the loadResourceBasedOnDoc method as follows:
in = new FileInputStream(filename);
This call looks for the file (src/main/resources/A.xls) on the file system. Because the path is relative, it looks for the file in a directory that is relative to the current working directory. In your unit test, the current working directory is probably the directory from which the test is launched. Assuming that is the root of your project, the test likely finds A.xls on the file system within your project.
To solve this, I recommend using full pathnames in the loadResourceBasedOnDoc as follows:
String programLaunchDir = System.getProperty("user.dir")
in = new FileInputStream(programLaunchDir + File.separator + filename);
The user.dir system property should be the current working directory. So if you can enforce that the program is launched from that dir, you are all set. Otherwise, you might want to wrap you program in a batch file or shell script that passes the directory to the program.
I know this question has been asked several times but I still can't get it work by those solutions.
I have a maven project. And one Config.java file located in consumer/src/main/java. Here's the content:
import java.util.Properties;
public class Config {
Properties configFile;
public Config() {
configFile = new Properties();
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
public String getProperty(String key) {
String value = this.configFile.getProperty(key);
return value;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Config config = new Config();
System.out.println("URL: " + config.getProperty("URL"));
System.out.println("PASSWORD: " + config.getProperty("PASSWORD"));
I kept getting nullpointer exception. I know that's because it can't find the file property_table.config.txt.
At first I put the property_table_config.txt file in the same folder(consumer/src/main/java/) as Config.java file. And tried use /property_table_config.txt and 'property_table_config.txt`. Neither of them work.
And then I tried using absolute path, not working. And tried using /main/java/property_table_config, not working either.
Then I saw this solution: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2103625/8159477.
So I make a directory called resources and put it under main folder (i.e. the path of the folder is consumer/src/main/resources, and create a sub-folder config under resources. After putting the property_table_config.txt file there, I changed the code into this:
But this still didn't work. Can anyone give some hint on this? Any suggestions will be appreciated!!
According to Class.getResourceAsStream:
This method delegates to this object's class loader. If this object was loaded by the bootstrap class loader, the method delegates to ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream.
Before delegation, an absolute resource name is constructed from the given resource name using this algorithm:
If the name begins with a '/' ('\u002f'), then the absolute name of the resource is the portion of the name following the '/'.
Otherwise, the absolute name is of the following form:
Where the modified_package_name is the package name of this object with '/' substituted for '.' ('\u002e').
This is how I understand the comments:
If you use ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream, send the absolute path from package root, but omitting the first /.
If you use Class.getResourceAsStream, send either a path relative the the current Class object (and the method will take the package into account), or send the absolute path from package root, starting with a /.
But in addition to this, you need to be cognizant of your build system. With maven, resource files are stored under src/main/resources.
So, in your case, I believe making the following changes should resolve the issue:
Put the file in src/main/resources.
Change the code to
//or `Config.class.getResource...
Alternatively, use
I've tried this with a similar setup, and it works as expected.
ClassLoader().getResourceAsStream() is looking files only in classpath.
What you need is to have your config file in directory which is in classpath.
So, you have options:
when you run your java application from command line you can set path to directory in -cp parameter or CLASSPATH system variable. point there is: directory from where you need to get config file must be in class path - not a file. (e.g. if file location is c:\my_projects\test-project\config\my_config.properties and c:\my_projects\test-project\ is in classpath then getResourceAsStream call will be ClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("config/my_config.properties")
you can package your file into jar file and root of jar file is starting point for getResourceAsStream("config/my_config.properties")
If your Maven project is a jar project you need to use Maven resource plugin to put additional resource(s) into jar.
BTW: Maven does not put anything into jar file from src/main/java/ directory (if you do not explicitly specify it for resource plugin)
If you use IDE like Eclipse with your Maven project src/main/resources is a part of build classpath. Double check is it there and if it is not - do "Update Maven Project" or add it manually.
Still ClassLoader will see your properties file from src/main/resources folder only when you run project in IDE not from standalone Jar file - if you did not package your file or provide location in classpath.
hi can you try this one
String dirBase = new ClassPathResource("property_table.config.txt").getURI().getPath().replace("property_table.config.txt", "");
Can you try following code.
This is the code I tried.
package test;
import java.util.Properties;
public class Config
Properties configFile;
public Config()
configFile = new Properties();
catch (Exception e)
public String getProperty(String key)
String value = this.configFile.getProperty(key);
return value;
public static void main(String[] args)
Config config = new Config();
System.out.println("URL: " + config.getProperty("URL"));
System.out.println("PASSWORD: " + config.getProperty("PASSWORD"));
And I placed property_table.config.txt file withn test package and it worked.
i am developping an application where i have to specify the path of a file called dao.properties it works just fine but when i execute the jar using the cmd : java -jar StockManagement.jar i get the error that the file is not found (it works fine in netbeans)
the class and the file are in the same folder.
i've tried a lot of relative paths and nothing works so this is my last hope
here is the code and the hierarchy:
thank y in advance
If your file is in your code base you should use the classLoader to load it.
If I'm not mistaken, the way you're using ClassLoader is it looking for a file path relative to where it is being called.
From the picture, it seems that you're using ClassLoader from the DAOFactory class, is that right? You're declaring the path to your file to be
If you're calling it from DAOFactory, Java looks for the file in
<where DAOFactory is>/stock/DAO/dao.properties
If DAOFactory and dao.properties reside in the same file I think your file path should just be
So it looks in the same folder that DAOFactory is in.
EDIT: Use DAOFactory class to read in properties file.
Using something like the following code snippet, call this function from the DAOFactory class using just the main method to try to see if you can read the properties file without anything else. Change any classes or names you need to to work on your local machine.
public static String getProperty(String property) {
String value = "";
try (InputStream is = DAOFactory.class.getResourceAsStream("dao.properties")) {
Properties prop = new Properties();
value = prop.getProperty(property);
} catch (Exception e) {
return value;
I am using maven and the standard directory layout. So I have added a testdata.xml file in the src/test/resources folder, and I also added it as:
.addAsWebInfResource("testdata.xml", "testdata.xml")
in the deployment method, and I have confirmed that it is there. This will make the file appear in /WEB-INF/testdata.xml. Now I need to have a reference to this file in my code and I tried several different getClass().getResourceAsStream(...) and failing again and again so I need some advise now.
I need it for my DBUnit integration test. Is this not possible?
Option A) Use ServletContext.getResourceXXX()
You should have a Aquillarian MockHttpSession and a MockServletContext. E.g.:
public void myTest()
HttpSession session = new MockHttpSession(new MockServletContext());
// You can obtain a ServletContext (will actually be a MockServletContext
// implementation):
ServletContext sc = session.getServletContext();
URL url = sc.getResource("/WEB-INF/testdata.xml")
Path resPath = new Path(url);
File resFile = new File(url);
FileReader resRdr = new FileReader(resFile);
You can create resource files & subdirectories in:
the web module document root - resources are accessible from the browser and from classes
WEB-INF/classes/ - resources are accessible to classes
WEB-INF/lib/*.jar source jar - accessible to classes
WEB-INF/lib/*.jar dedicated resource-only jar - accessible to classes
WEB-INF/ directly within directory - accessible to classes. This is what you are asking for.
In all cases the resource can be accessed via:
URL url = sc.getResource("/<path from web doc root>/<resourceFileName>");
InputStream resIS = sc.getResourceAsStream("/<path from web doc root>/<resourceFileName>");
These will be packaged into the WAR file and may be exploded into directories on the deployed app server OR they may stay within the WAR file on the app server. Either way - same behaviour for accessing resources: use ServletContext.getResourceXXX().
Note that as a general principle, (5) the top-level WEB-INF directory itself is intended for use by the server. It is 'polite' not to put your web resources directly in here or create your own directory directly in here. Instead, better to use (2) above.
JEE5 tutorial web modules
JEE6 tutorial web modules
Option B): Use Class.getResourceXXX()
First move the resource out of WEB-INF folder into WEB-INF/classes (or inside a jar WEB-INF/lib/*.jar).
If your test class is:
com.abc.pkg.test.MyTest in file WEB-INF/classes/com/abc/pkg/test/MyTest.class
And your resource file is
WEB-INF/classes/com/abc/pkg/test/resources/testdata.xml (or equivalent in a jar file)
Access File using Relative File Location, via the Java ClassLoader - finds Folders/Jars relative to Classpath:
java.net.URL resFileURL = MyTest.class.getResource("resources/testdata.xml");
File resFile = new File(fileURL);
InputStream resFileIS =
Access File Using full Package-like Qualification, Using the Java ClassLoader - finds Folders/Jars relative to Classpath:
java.net.URL resFileURL = MyTest.class.getResource("/com/abc/pkg/test/resources/testdata.xml");
File resFile = new File(fileURL);
InputStream resFileIS =
java.net.URL resFileURL = MyTest.class.getClassLoader().getResource("com/abc/pkg/test/resources/testdata.xml");
File resFile = new File(fileURL);
InputStream resFileIS =
Hope that nails it! #B)
The way to access files under WEB-INF is via three methods of ServletContext:
getResource("/WEB-INF/testdata.xml") gives you a URL
getResourceAsStream gives you an input stream
getRealPath gives you the path on disk of the relevant file.
The first two should always work, the third may fail if there is no direct correspondence between resource paths and files on disk, for example if your web application is being run directly from a WAR file rather than an unpacked directory structure.
Today I was struggling with the same requirement and haven't found any full source sample, so here I go with smallest self contained test I could put together:
public class AttachResourceTest {
public static WebArchive createDeployment() {
WebArchive archive = ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class).addPackages(true, "org.apache.commons.io")
.addAsWebInfResource("hello-kitty.png", "classes/hello-kitty.png");
return archive;
public void attachCatTest() {
InputStream stream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/hello-kitty.png");
byte[] bytes = null;
try {
bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(stream);
} catch (IOException e) {
In your project hello-kitty.png file goes to src/test/resources. In the test archive it is packed into the /WEB-INF/classes folder which is on classpath and therefore you can load it with the same class loader the container used for your test scenario.
IOUtils is from apache commons-io.
Additional Note:
One thing that got me to scratch my head was related to spaces in path to my server and the way getResourceAsStream() escapes such special characters: sysLoader.getResource() problem in java
Add this class to your project:
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
public class Init {
private static final String WEB_INF_DIR_NAME="WEB-INF";
private static String web_inf_path;
public static String getWebInfPath() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
if (web_inf_path == null) {
web_inf_path = URLDecoder.decode(Init.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath(), "UTF8");
return web_inf_path;
Now wherever you want to get the full path of the file "testdata.xml" use this or similar code:
String testdata_file_location = Init.getWebInfPath() + "/testdata.xml";
I have two resources folders.
src - here are my .java files
resources - here are my resources files (images, .properties) organized in folders (packages).
Is there a way to programmatically add another .properties file in that resources folder?
I tried something like this:
public static void savePropertiesToFile(Properties properties, File propertiesFile) throws IOException {
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(propertiesFile);
properties.store(out, null);
and before that created:
new File("/folderInResources/newProperties.properties");
But it looks for that path on the file system. How can I force it to look in the resources folder?
EDIT: Let me say what is it about. I have a GUI application and I support 2 languages (2 .properties files in resources folder). Now I added a option that user can easily translate application and when he finishes I save that new .properties on a disk in some hidden folder and read it from there. But I was hoping I could save that new .properties files (new language) next to the current languages (resources folder). I have a static Messages class which knows how to load resources both from the disk and both the default ones in resources folder. But if user takes this .jar file on some other machine, he would't have that new languages since they are on disk on that computer, not inside .jar file.
Java 8 Solution
Path source = Paths.get(this.getClass().getResource("/").getPath());
Path newFolder = Paths.get(source.toAbsolutePath() + "/newFolder/");
This will surely create new folder in resource folder. but you will find new folder in your target runtime.
which will be ProjectName/target/test-classes/newFolder. if you are running this code in test case. Other wise it would be in target/classes
Don't try to find new folder in your src/resources.
it will be surely in target/test-classes or target/classes.
As other people have mentioned, resources are obtained through a ClassLoader. What the two current responses have failed to stress, however, is these points:
ClassLoaders are meant to abstract the process of obtaining classes and other resources. A resource does not have to be a file in a filesystem; it can be a remote URL, or anything at all that you or somebody else might implement by extending java.lang.ClassLoader.
ClassLoaders exist in a child/parent delegation chain. The normal behavior for a ClassLoader is to first attempt to obtain the resource from the parent, and only then search its own resources—but some classloaders do the opposite order (e.g., in servlet containers). In any case, you'd need to identify which classloader's place for getting stuff you'd want to put stuff into, and even then another classloader above or below it might "steal" your client code's resource requests.
As Lionel Port points out, even a single ClassLoader may have multiple locations from which it loads stuff.
ClassLoaders are used to, well, load classes. If your program can write files to a location where classes are loaded from, this can easily become a security risk, because it might be possible for a user to inject code into your running application.
Short version: don't do it. Write a more abstract interface for the concept of "repository of resource-like stuff that I can get stuff from," and subinterface for "repository of resource-like stuff that I can get stuff from, but also add stuff from." Implement the latter in a way that both uses ClassLoader.getContextClassLoader().getResource() (to search the classpath) and, if that fails, uses some other mechanism to get stuff that the program may have added from some location.
Problem would be the classpath can contain multiple root directories so distinguishing which one to store would be hard without an existing file or directory.
If you have an existing file loaded.
File existingFile = ...;
File parentDirectory = existingFile.getParentFile();
new File(parentDirectory, "newProperties.properties");
Otherwise try an get a handle on a directory you know is unique in your resources directory. (Not sure if this works)
URL url = this.getClass().getResource("/parentDirectory");
File parentDirectory = new File(new URI(url.toString()));
new File(parentDirectory, "newProperties.properties");
Cut the main project folder of the compiled subfolders ("/target/classes", "target/test-classes") and you have the basic path to reconstruct your project folders with:
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
public class SubfolderCreator {
public static void main(String... args) throws URISyntaxException, IOException {
File newResourceFolder = createResourceSubFolder("newFolder");
private static File createResourceSubFolder(String folderName) throws URISyntaxException, IOException {
java.net.URL url = SubfolderCreator.class.getResource("/EXISTING_SUBFOLDER/");
File fullPathToSubfolder = new File(url.toURI()).getAbsoluteFile();
String projectFolder = fullPathToSubfolder.getAbsolutePath().split("target")[0];
File testResultsFolder = new File(projectFolder + "src/test/resources/" + folderName);
if (!testResultsFolder.exists()) {
return testResultsFolder;
The following code writes into the classes directory, along with the class files.
As others have noted, beware of overwriting class files. Best to put your new files into a separate directory; however, that directory needs to already exist. To create it, create a sub-directory within the resources in the source, perhaps containing an empty file. For example src\main\resources\dir\empty.txt.
public class WriteResource {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
String thing = "Text to write to the file";
String dir = WriteResource.class.getResource("/").getFile();
//String dir = WriteResource.class.getResource("/dir").getFile();
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(dir + "/file.txt");
final PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(os);
This does the trick, but I'd be nervous about deploying this outside of a strictly controlled environment. I don't really like the idea of unauthorised persons writing to my classes directory!
Based on the below code you get or create a file and use it as a util method.
public static File getFileFromResource(String filePath) {
ClassLoader classloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
return new File(Objects.requireNonNull(classloader.getResource(filePath)).getFile());
Project structure
You should specify the relative path to file or folder. Usage:
File with path C:\Users\????\IdeaProjects\back-end\target\classes\application.properties
I have this issue of accessing a file in one of the parent directories.
To explain, consider the following dir structure:-
In the CheckTest.java I want to create a File instance for the TestFile.xml
public class Check {
public void checkMethod() {
File f = new File({filePath value I want to determine}, "TestFile.xml");
I tried a few things with getAbsolutePath() and the getParent() etc but was getting a bit complicated and frankly I think I messed it up.
The reason I don't want to use "C:/Workspace/Appl/src/org/abc/bm" while creating the File instance is because the C:/Workspace/Appl is not fixed and in all circumstances will be different at runtime and basically I don't want to hard-code.
What could be the easiest and cleaner way to achieve this ?
Thank you.
You should load it from Classpath in this case.
In your CheckTest.java, try
FileInputStream fileIs = new FileInputStream(CheckTest.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("org/abc/bm/TestFile.xml");
Use System.getProperty to get the base dir or you set the base.dir during application launch
java -Dbase.dir=c:\User\pkg
and use
What could be the easiest and cleaner way to achieve this ?
For accessing static resources use:
URL urlToResource = this.getClasS().getResource("path/to/the.resource");
If the resource is expected to change, write it to a sub-directory of user.home, where it is easy to locate later.
First of all, you can't get a reference to the source file path on runtime.
But, you can access the resrources included at your classpath (where you complied .class files will be).
Normally, your compiler will copy the xml file included at your srouce directory into the build directory, so at last, you could end up having something like this:
Then, with your classpath pointing to the compiled classes root dir, you get the resources from this directory, using the ClassLoader.getResource method (or the equivalent Class.getResource() method).
public class Check {
public void checkMethod() {
java.net.URL fileURL=this.getClass().getResource("/org/abc/bm/tests/TestFile.xml");
File f=new File( fileURL.toURI());
One could do this:
String pathOfTheCurrentClass = this.getClass().getResource(".").getPath();
File file = new File(pathOfTheCurrentClass + "/..", "Testfile.xml");
String pathOfTheCurrentClass = this.getClass().getResource(".").getPath();
File filePath = new File(pathOfTheCurrentClass);
File file = new File(filePath.getParent(), "Testfile.xml");
But as Tomas Naros points out this gives you the file located in the build path.
Did you try
URL some=Test.class.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("org/abc/bm/TestFile.xml");
File file = new File(some.getFile());