HashSet Java find words according to length - java

Write a method that takes two parameters (1) the original string and (2) the word length and
returns a new string that contains the words of the specified length from the original string without
any duplicates. Here is an example of program execution:
getWordsOfLengthN(“We are the best, are we ?”, 3)  “are the”
getWordsOfLengthN(“We are the best, are we ?”, 2)  “we”
Notice that the method considers does not differentiate between the upper and lower cases.
 Tokenize string into an array of words
 Change all the words to be become lowercase
 Store all the words into a HashSet
 Retrieve all the items from the HashSet and store them into the resulting string
I am new to java, I am taking an online course so everything I do know is self taught. I'm not sure how to go about this method, it is really stumping me. Can anyone offer me some ideas? Thanks

public static String getWordsOfLengthN(String originalString, int wordLegth) {
Set<String> hashSet = new HashSet<String>();
String[] words = originalString.split(" ");
for (String word : words) {
if(word.length() == wordLegth) {
return hashSet.toString();


Algorithm for word match percentage between two text files

I have two Strings with many words in it.
My task is to find the percentage of word match between two strings. Can someone suggest me the algorithm we already have to get precise percentage/matched word.
Example :
1. Mason natural fish oil 1000 mg omega-3 softgels - 200 ea
2. Mason Vitamins Omega 3 Fish Oil, 1000mg. Softgels, Bonus Size 200-Count Bottle
**Output** should be 8 words matched between two strings.
You can use method as below. I have added inline comments to discribe the each step you can try it. Note that on this code example I have used space character to split the words. If you have any concerns you can add comment.
Note that I have did the matching words ignoring the case because otherwise there was no possibility to have 8 matching words in your given example.
public static int matchStrings(String firstString, String SecondString) {
int matchingCount = 0;
//Getting the whole set of words in to array.
String[] allWords = firstString.split("\\s");
Set<String> firstInputset = new HashSet<String>();
//getting unique words in to set
for (String string : allWords) {
//Loop through the set and check whether number of words occurrence in second String
for (String string : firstInputset) {
if (SecondString.toLowerCase().contains(string.toLowerCase())) {
return matchingCount;

Looping through an ArrayList with another Arraylist in Java

I have a large array list of sentences and another array list of words.
My program loops through the array list and removes an element from that array list if the sentence contains any of the words from the other.
The sentences array list can be very large and I coded a quick and dirty nested for loop. While this works for when there are not many sentences, in cases where their are, the time it takes to finish this operation is ridiculously long.
for (int i = 0; i < SENTENCES.size(); i++) {
for (int k = 0; k < WORDS.size(); k++) {
if (SENTENCES.get(i).contains(" " + WORDS.get(k) + " ") == true) {
//Do something
Is there a more efficient way of doing this then a nested for loop?
There's a few inefficiencies in your code, but at the end of the day, if you've got to search for sentences containing words then there's no getting away from loops.
That said, there are couple of things to try.
First, make WORDS a HashSet, the contains method will be far quicker than for an ArrayList because it's doing a hash look-up to get the value.
Second, switch the logic about a bit like this:
Iterator<String> sentenceIterator = SENTENCES.iterator();
while (sentenceIterator.hasNext())
String sentence = sentenceIterator.next();
for (String word : sentence.replaceAll("\\p{P}", " ").toLowerCase().split("\\s+"))
if (WORDS.contains(word))
continue sentenceLoop;
This code (which assumes you're trying to remove sentences that contain certain words) uses Iterators and avoids the string concatenation and parsing logic you had in your original code (replacing it with a single regex) both of which should be quicker.
But bear in mind, as with all things performance you'll need to test these changes to see they improve the situation.
I̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶s̶a̶y̶ ̶n̶o̶,̶ ̶b̶u̶t̶ what you must change is the way you handle the removal of the data. This is noted by this part of the explanation of your problem:
The sentences array list can be very large (...). While this works for when there are not many sentences, in cases where their are, the time it takes to finish this operation is ridiculously long.
The cause of this is that removal time in ArrayList takes O(N), and since you're doing this inside a loop, then it will take at least O(N^2).
I recommend using LinkedList rather than ArrayList to store the sentences, and use Iterator rather than your naive List#get since it already offers Iterator#remove in time O(1) for LinkedList.
In case you cannot change the design to LinkedList, I recommend storing the sentences that are valid in a new List, and in the end replace the contents of your original List with this new List, thus saving lot of time.
Apart from this big improvement, you can improve the algorithm even more by using a Set to store the words to lookup rather than using another List since the lookup in a Set is O(1).
What you could do is put all your words into a HashSet. This allows you to check if a word is in the set very quickly. See https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/HashSet.html for documentation.
HashSet<String> wordSet = new HashSet();
for (String word : WORDS) {
Then it's just a matter of splitting each sentence into the words that make it up, and checking if any of those words are in the set.
for (String sentence : SENTENCES) {
String[] sentenceWords = sentence.split(" "); // You probably want to use a regex here instead of just splitting on a " ", but this is just an example.
for (String word : sentenceWords) {
if (wordSet.contains(word)) {
// The sentence contains one of the special words.
I will create a set of words from second ArrayList:
Set<String> listOfWords = new HashSet<String>();
I will then iterate over the set and the first ArrayList and use Contains:
for (String word : listOfWords) {
for(String sentence : Sentences) {
if (sentence.contains(word)) {
// do something
Also, if you are free to use any open source jar, check this out:
searching string in another string
First, your program has a bug: it would not count words at the beginning and at the end of a sentence.
Your current program has runtime complexity of O(s*w), where s is the length, in characters, of all sentences, and w is the length of all words, also in characters.
If words is relatively small (a few hundred items or so) you could use regex to speed things up considerably: construct a pattern like this, and use it in a loop:
StringBuilder regex = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
// Let's say WORDS={"quick", "brown", "fox"}
for (String w : WORDS) {
if (!first) {
} else {
first = false;
// Now regex is "\b(?:quick|brown|fox)\b", i.e. your list of words
// separated by OR signs, enclosed in non-capturing groups
// anchored to word boundaries by '\b's on both sides.
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex.toString());
for (int i = 0; i < SENTENCES.size(); i++) {
if (p.matcher(SENTENCES.get(i)).find()) {
// Do something
Since regex gets pre-compiled into a structure more suitable for fast searches, your program would run in O(s*max(w)), where s is the length, in characters, of all sentences, and w is the length of the longest word. Given that the number of words in your collection is about 200 or 300, this could give you an order of magnitude decrease in running time.
If you have enough memory you can tokenize SENTENCES and put them in a Set. Then it would be better in performance and also more correct than current implementation.
Well, looking at your code I would suggest two things that will improve the performance from each iteration:
Remove " == true". The contains operation already returns a boolean, so it is enough for the if, comparing it with true adds one extra operation for each iteration that is not needed.
Do not concatenate Strings inside a loop (" " + WORDS.get(k) + " ") as it is a quite expensive operation because + operator creates new objects. Better use a string buffer / builder and clear it after each iteration with stringBuffer.setLength(0);.
Besides that, for this case I do not know any other approach, maybe you can use regular expressions if you can abstract a pattern out of those words you want to remove and have then only one loop.
Hope it helps!
If you concern about the efficiency, I think that the most effective way to do this is to use Aho-Corasick's algorithm. While you have 2 nested loops here and a contains() method (that I think takes at the best length of sentence + length of word time), Aho-Corasick gives you one loop over sentences and for checking of containing words it takes length of sentence, which is length of word times faster (+ a preprocessing time for creation of finite state machine, which is relatively small).
I'll approach this in more theoretical view.. If you don't have memory limitation, you can try to mimic the logic in counting sort
say M1 = sentences.size, M2 = number of word per sentences, and N = word.size
Assume all sentences has the same number of words just for simplicity
your current approach's complexity is O(M1.M2.N)
We can create a mapping of words - position in sentences.
Loop through your arraylist of sentences, and change them into two dimensional jagged array of words. Loop through the new array, create a HashMap where key,value = words, arraylist of word position (say with length X). That's O(2M1.M2.X) = O(M1.M2.X)
Then loop through your words arraylist, access your word hashmap, loop through the list of word position. remove each one. That's O(N.X)
Say you're need to give the result in arraylist of string, we need another loop and concat everything. That's O(M1.M2)
Total complexity is O(M1.M2.X) + O(N.X) + O(M1.M2)
assumming X is way smaller than N, you'll probably get better performance

Alphabetize individual strings from list - Java

I want to read in a list of words. Then I want alphabetize each of the characters within each word such that I have an entire list of words where each letter is alphabetized. For example if I wanted to read in "cat" "dog" "mouse" from a text file I would have [a,c,t], [d,g,o], and [e,m,o,s,u].
I'm implementing this in Java. I thought about a linked list or some other Collection but I'm not really sure how to implement those with respect to this. I know it's not as simple as converting each string to a char array or using array list. (I already tried those)
Does anyone have any suggestions or examples of doing this?
Basically, I'm just trying to get better with algorithms.
public class AnagramSolver1 {
static List<String> inputList = new ArrayList<String>();
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
List<String> dictionary = new ArrayList<String>();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("src/dictionary.txt"));
String line = null;
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
while (null!=(line=in.readLine()))
char[] word;
for (int i = 0; i < dictionary.size(); i++) {
word = inputList.get(i).toCharArray();
If you have a String called word, you can obtain a sorted char[] of the characters in word via Arrays.sort
char[] chars = word.toCharArray();
I assume you would want to repeat this process for each member of a collection of words.
If you're interested in knowing what happens behind the scenes here, I would urge you to take a look at the source.
Java provides good support for sorting already: all you need is converting your String to an array of char[], call Arrays.sort on it, and then convert that array back to String.
If you want to have some fun with algorithms, however, you could try going for a linear counting sort: count the letters in the original, then go through the counts in alphabetical order, and write out the count number of characters.

How to know whether a string can be segmented into two strings

I was asked in interview following question. I could not figure out how to approach this question. Please guide me.
Question: How to know whether a string can be segmented into two strings - like breadbanana is segmentable into bread and banana, while breadbanan is not. You will be given a dictionary which contains all the valid words.
Build a trie of the words you have in the dictionary, which will make searching faster.
Search the tree according to the following letters of your input string. When you've found a word, which is in the tree, recursively start from the position after that word in the input string. If you get to the end of the input string, you've found one possible fragmentation. If you got stuck, come back and recursively try another words.
EDIT: sorry, missed the fact, that there must be just two words.
In this case, limit the recursion depth to 2.
The pseudocode for 2 words would be:
T = trie of words in the dictionary
for every word in T, which can be found going down the tree by choosing the next letter of the input string each time we move to the child:
p <- length(word)
if T contains input_string[p:length(intput_string)]:
return true
return false
Assuming you can go down to a child node in the trie in O(1) (ascii indexes of children), you can find all prefixes of the input string in O(n+p), where p is the number of prefixes, and n the length of the input. Upper bound on this is O(n+m), where m is the number of words in dictionary. Checking for containing will take O(w) where w is the length of word, for which the upper bound would be m, so the time complexity of the algorithm is O(nm), since O(n) is distributed in the first phase between all found words.
But because we can't find more than n words in the first phase, the complexity is also limited to O(n^2).
So the search complexity would be O(n*min(n, m))
Before that you need to build the trie which will take O(s), where s is the sum of lengths of words in the dictionary. The upper bound on this is O(n*m), since the maximum length of every word is n.
you go through your dictionary and compare every term as a substring with the original term e.g. "breadbanana". If the first term matches with the first substring, cut the first term out of the original search term and compare the next dictionary entries with the rest of the original term...
let me try to explain that in java:
String dictTerm = "bread";
String original = "breadbanana";
// first part matches
if (dictTerm.equals(original.substring(0, dictTerm.length()))) {
// first part matches, get the rest
String lastPart = original.substring(dictTerm.length());
String nextDictTerm = "banana";
if (nextDictTerm.equals(lastPart)) {
System.out.println("String " + original +
" contains the dictionary terms " +
dictTerm + " and " + lastPart);
The simplest solution:
Split the string between every pair of consecutive characters and see whether or not both substrings (to the left of the split point and to the right of it) are in the dictionary.
One approach could be:
Put all elements of dictionary in some set or list
now you can use contains & substring function to remove words which matches dictionary. if at the end string is null -> string can be segmented else not. You can also take care of count.
public boolean canBeSegmented(String s) {
for (String word : dictionary.getWords()) {
if (s.contains(word) {
String sub = s.subString(0, s.indexOf(word));
s = sub + s.subString(s.indexOf(word)+word.length(), s.length()-1);
return s.equals("");
This code checks if your given String can be fully segmented. It checks if a word from the dictionary is inside your string and then subtracks it. If you want to segment it in the process you have to order the subtracted sementents in the order they are inside the word.
Just two words makes it easier:
public boolean canBeSegmented(String s) {
boolean wordDetected = false;
for (String word : dictionary.getWords()) {
if (s.contains(word) {
String sub = s.subString(0, s.indexOf(word));
s = sub + s.subString(s.indexOf(word)+word.length(), s.length()-1);
wordDetected = true;
return s.equals("");
return false;
This code checks for one Word and if there is another word in the String and just these two words it returns true otherwise false.
this is a mere idea , you can implement it better if you want
package farzi;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class StringPossibility {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String str = "breadbanana";
ArrayList<String> dict = new ArrayList<String>();
for(int i=0;i<str.length();i++)
String word1 = str.substring(0,i);
String word2 = str.substring(i,str.length());
System.out.println("word 1 found : "+word1+" at index "+i);
System.out.println("word 2 found : "+ word2+" at index "+i);

Splitting string N into N/X strings

I would like some guidance on how to split a string into N number of separate strings based on a arithmetical operation; for example string.length()/300.
I am aware of ways to do it with delimiters such as
but how does one uses greedy/reluctant/possessive quantifiers with the split method?
Update: As per request a similar example of what am looking to achieve;
String X = "32028783836295C75546F7272656E745C756E742E657865000032002E002E005C0"
Resulting in X/3 (more or less... done by hand)
X[0] = 32028783836295C75546F
X[1] = 6E745C756E742E6578650
x[2] = 65000032002E002E005C0
Dont worry about explaining how to put it into the array, I have no problem with that, only on how to split without using a delimiter, but an arithmetic operation
You could do that by splitting on (?<=\G.{5}) whereby the string aaaaabbbbbccccceeeeefff would be split into the following parts:
The \G matches the (zero-width) position where the previous match occurred. Initially, \G starts at the beginning of the string. Note that by default the . meta char does not match line breaks, so if you want it to match every character, enable DOT-ALL: (?s)(?<=\G.{5}).
A demo:
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int N = 5;
String text = "aaaaabbbbbccccceeeeefff";
String[] tokens = text.split("(?<=\\G.{" + N + "})");
for(String t : tokens) {
which can be tested online here: http://ideone.com/q6dVB
Since you asked for documentation on regex, here are the specific tutorials for the topics the suggested regex contains:
\G, see: http://www.regular-expressions.info/continue.html
(?<=...), see: http://www.regular-expressions.info/lookaround.html
{...}, see: http://www.regular-expressions.info/repeat.html
If there's a fixed length that you want each String to be, you can use Guava's Splitter:
int length = string.length() / 300;
Iterable<String> splitStrings = Splitter.fixedLength(length).split(string);
Each String in splitStrings with the possible exception of the last will have a length of length. The last may have a length between 1 and length.
Note that unlike String.split, which first builds an ArrayList<String> and then uses toArray() on that to produce the final String[] result, Guava's Splitter is lazy and doesn't do anything with the input string when split is called. The actual splitting and returning of strings is done as you iterate through the resulting Iterable. This allows you to just iterate over the results without allocating a data structure and storing them all or to copy them into any kind of Collection you want without going through the intermediate ArrayList and String[]. Depending on what you want to do with the results, this can be considerably more efficient. It's also much more clear what you're doing than with a regex.
How about plain old String.substring? It's memory friendly (as it reuses the original char array).
well, I think this is probably as efficient a way to do this as any other.
int N=300;
int sublen = testString.length()/N;
String[] subs = new String[N];
for(int i=0; i<testString.length(); i+=sublen){
subs[i] = testString.substring(i,i+sublen);
You can do it faster if you need the items as a char[] array rather as individual Strings - depending on how you need to use the results - e.g. using testString.toCharArray()
Dunno, you'll probably need a method that takes string and int times and returns a list of strings. Pseudo code (haven't checked if it works or not):
public String[] splintInto(String splitString, int parts)
int dlength = splitString.length/parts
ArrayList<String> retVal = new ArrayList<String>()
for(i=0; i<splitString.length;i+=dlength)
return retVal.toArray()
