will <selectKey> generate new id for each insert in MyBatis? - java

<insert id="insertIntoScheduleReportUserLink" parameterType="com.mypackage.model.ScheduleReport">
<selectKey keyProperty="id" resultType="java.lang.Integer" order="BEFORE">
select NEXTVAL('schedule_report_user_link_sequence')
INSERT INTO schedule_report_user_link(
id, schedule_report_detail_id, to_user_id)
<foreach collection="selectedUsers" item="user" separator=",">
VALUES (#{id}, #{scheduleReportDetail.id}, #{user.id})
Here I am using for each loop to multiple insert. I need to know if selectKey generate new id for each insert?
Is there any better approach?

The loop is running only of the insert section not on the key generation part.
So its seems the key will be generated once.
Don't depend on hypothesis run for a little data and see it for your self.


MyBatis insert all with generated ID

I'm trying to make an insert all method inside my mapper.
The problem is with the the selectKey inside the foreach (it seems I cannot use it).
If I call, from the outside, a nextVal method it returns always the same number.
<select id="nextValKey" resultType="java.lang.Long">
SELECT MY_SEQUENCE.nextVal from dual
<insert id="insertAll" parameterType="list">
<foreach collection="items" item="item" index="i">
into MY_TABLE (ID)
values (
#{item.id, jdbcType=DECIMAL}
If I understand correctly you generate ids for items via call to nextValKey.
The problem is that mybatis used cached value if you invoke the same select statement for the second time in the same session.
If you have query that returns different values each time you can instruct mybatis to clear the cache after statement execution (by default this is off for select and is on for insert, update and delete):
<select id="nextValKey" resultType="java.lang.Long" flushCache="true">
SELECT MY_SEQUENCE.nextVal from dual
I don't know Java nor MyBatis.
However, why would you want to use INSERT ALL in this case? It is usually used when you want to insert rows into different tables, using the same INSERT statement.
In your case, though - as far as I understand it - all you do is (pseudocode)
insert into my_table (id) a_sequence_of_numbers
If that's so, and as that "sequence_of_numbers" gets its value from my_sequence, then just do it as
insert into my_table (id)
select my_sequence.nextval
from dual
connect by level <= 10; -- it would insert 10 numbers
[EDIT: how to insert bunch of values]
You'd do it as simple as that:
SQL> create table my_table (id number);
Table created.
SQL> set timing on
SQL> insert into my_table
2 select level from dual
3 connect by level <= 10000;
10000 rows created.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.02
Or, if you insist on a sequence you created,
SQL> insert into my_table
2 select seqa.nextval from dual
3 connect by level <= 10000;
10000 rows created.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.08

Mybatis selectKey not returning sequence value

I'm using the below insert query in mybatis. In ibatis, the same query returned seq_consumer_id.nextval to the calling method in java, and inserted the same into the consumer_id column. But in mybatis, return value of the method is always 1 (I'm assuming its the no of rows inserted), though consumer_id column is correctly updated from sequence. Can't we generate the key, insert it and return the same to java class in mybatis ?
<insert id="insertConsumer" parameterType="com.enrollment.vo.ConsumerVO">
<selectKey keyProperty="id" resultType="int" order="BEFORE">
select seq_consumer_id.nextval as id from dual
insert into quotation_consumer (consumer_id, consumer_type, dob,
values(#{id},#{type.id}, #{birthdate, jdbcType=DATE}, default, #{enrollmentIndicator},
Indeed the method returns the number of affected rows.
Sequence id is stored in ìd property of com.enrollment.vo.ConsumerVO passed as parameter.

How to autogenerate two values when inserting at runtime?

I'm using MyBatis as DB framework in JAVA and I'm trying to generate automatically two values when inserting rows in a table: the task id and another value. This is my query:
<insert id="insertTwoValuesSequentialluy" parameterType="com.example.autogenerated.Task" >
<selectKey resultType="java.lang.String" keyProperty="taskId" order="BEFORE" >
select MY_TASK_ID_SEQUENCE.nextval from dual
insert into DYDA_D.TASK_TABLE (taskId, otherVariable, autogeneratedValue)
values ( #{taskId,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
MY_SECOND_SEQUENCE.nextval = #{autogeneratedValue,jdbcType=VARCHAR})
The code works fine but I'm having the following problem: while at runtime the Task instance gets its member taskId setted, it doesn't happen the same with autogeneratedValue, although when I check the database I can see the column matching autogeneratedValue isn't null for this new row. How can I get autogeneratedValue setted at runtime with no need of making a select query?
PS: don't pay attention to commas and the like, I have lots of columns and I've deleted most of them and changed names on the rest for this snippet. My point with the code is for you to see how I've generated the values, tags I've used etc.
You can do this like this:
<insert id="insertTwoValuesSequentialluy"
insert into DYDA_D.TASK_TABLE (taskId, otherVariable, autogeneratedValue)
values (MY_TASK_ID_SEQUENCE.nextval,

Get the id of last inserted record in mybatis

I am newbie to mybatis. I am trying to get the id of last inserted record. My database is mysql and my mapper xml is
<insert id="insertSelective" parameterType="com.mycom.myproject.db.mybatis.model.FileAttachment" >
<selectKey resultType="java.lang.Long" keyProperty="id" order="AFTER" >
insert into fileAttachment
<trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides="," >
<if test="name != null" >
<if test="attachmentFileSize != null" >
<trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides="," >
<if test="name != null" >
<if test="attachmentFileSize != null" >
I thought statement written here 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() as id' should return id of last inserted record but I am getting always 1 after inserting the record.
My mapper.java class I have method
int insertSelective(FileAttachment record);
In my dao class I am using
int id = fileAttachmentMapper.insertSelective(fileAttachment);
I am getting value of Id always 1 when new record is inserted. my Id field is auto incremented and records are inserting properly.
The id is injected in the object:
int num_of_record_inserted = fileAttachmentMapper.insertSelective(fileAttachment);
int id = fileAttachment.getId();
What selectKey does is to set the id in the object you are inserting, in this case in fileAttachment in its property id and AFTER record is inserted.
You only need to use
<insert id="insert" parameterType="com.mycom.myproject.db.mybatis.model.FileAttachment" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id" keyColumn="id">
There is no need of executing select query inside insert tag in MyBatis. It provides you new parameter for insert operation.Here define useGeneratedKeys="true", keyProperty="id", keyColumn="id".You can retrive value for id in following way
FileAttachment fileAttachment=fileAttachmentMapper.insertSelective(fileAttachment);
Integer id=fileAttachment.getId();
fileAttachment.getId() is used because in insert tag keyColumn="id" is define and you will get all return values inside fileAttachment reference of FileAttachment.
In fact, MyBatis has already provided this feature.You can use the option : "useGeneratedKeys" to get the last insert id.
Here is the explanation from MyBatis.(If you want to know more detailed info, you can go to MyBatis official page).
useGeneratedKeys (insert and update only) This tells MyBatis to use the JDBC getGeneratedKeys method to retrieve keys generated internally by the database (e.g. auto increment fields in RDBMS like MySQL or SQL Server). Default: false
If you are using xml:
<insert id="" parameterType="" useGeneratedKeys="true">
If you are using annotation:
#Insert("your sql goes here")
#Options(useGeneratedKeys = true, keyProperty = "id", keyColumn = "id")
int insert(FileAttachment fileAttachment) throws Exception;
Once you finish insert operation, the fileAttachment's setId() method will be invoked, and is set to id of last inserted record. You can use fileAttachment's getId() to get the last insert id.
I do hope this will help you.
I think the 1 that is being returned refers to the number of records that is updated/inserted. I think the id is set on the fileAttachment parameter that you passed to the call to insertSelective.
I hope in the writer, you can have a custom composite writer and there you can get the inserted ids.
(1) Adding on to Ruju's answer, in the insert statement you need to define attribute useGeneratedKeys=true, parameterType="object", keyProperty="objectId" and keyColumn="objectId" should be set with same primary key column name (objectId) from the table that stores the object record. The primary key column (objectId) should be set to AUTO_INCREMENT in the database table.
(2) When the insert statement is triggered the new generated primary key (objectId) will be stored in object, and u can retrieve it by accessing objectId property through using this methods (object.getObjectId() or object.objectId). Now this should give the exact and new generated primary. It worked for me....
Configuration need with codeGenerator :
<table schema="catalogue" tableName="my_table" >
<generatedKey column="my_table_id" sqlStatement="JDBC" identity="true" />
<columnOverride column="my_table_id" isGeneratedAlways="true"/>
after code generation the insert include auto update for the id field
After struggling alot, I got the following solution:
Use Case: if you are using sequence for generating primary key. and you want the id inserted to db
in xml:
<insert id="createEmployee"
<selectKey keyProperty="employeeId" keyColumn="EMPLOYEE_ID"
resultType="Long" order="BEFORE">
in java side:
public void createEmployee(EmployeeModel request);
in dao
Long employeeId= model.getEmployeeId();
System.out.println("Recent Employee Id: "+employeeId)

Insert a list of objects using MyBatis 3

I've tried to insert a list in a database but I've got some the error: org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: SqlSession operation; bad SQL grammar []; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00913: too many values (...).
The code that I've used:
<insert id="insertListMyObject" parameterType="java.util.List" >
INSERT INTO my_table
<foreach collection="list" item="item" index="index" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
#{item.idItem, jdbcType=BIGINT},
#{item.att1, jdbcType=INTEGER},
#{item.att2, jdbcType=STRING}
My dao cals the method:
SqlSessionTemplate().insert(MAPPER+".insertListMyObject", parameterList);
Where the parameterList is:
Does someone have a clue about what's this error? Or if does exists a better way to do multiples inserts operation.
Many thanks!
Set the separator as given below
by using following query you may insert multiple records at a time using Mybatis and Oracle.
<insert id="insertListMyObject" parameterType="map" >
insert into table_name values (11,11);
insert into table_name2 values (11,112);
this is how i did for oracle and it works. Note that parameterType=map is not necessary a map it can be anything according to your needs.
config log4j to mybatis ,you can find the bugs.
<insert id="insertListMyObject" parameterType="java.util.List" >
INSERT INTO my_table
<foreach collection="list" item="item" index="index" separator=",">
(#{item.idItem, jdbcType=BIGINT},
#{item.att1, jdbcType=INTEGER},
#{item.att2, jdbcType=STRING})
I wonder if you can do this with an oracle INSERT statement. The INSERT with VALUES (other than the one with the subquery) does allow values for one row only!
To do so, try a batch insert. An MyBatis example can be found here.
something like this in your DAO layer might help
public class MyBatisDao
private SqlSessionFactory mSqlSessionFactory;
public void insertUsers(List<User> users) {
SqlSession session = mSqlSessionFactory.openSession(ExecutorType.BATCH);
try {
for(User user:users)
}catch(Exception e) {
} finally {
I suggest you to use batch, it is much better, and it is standard. This query will not work on some databases (Oracle for example).
