read xml with java e mapper in json with objectmapper - java

I have this question for your.
I've a simple file xml and I have to convert it to file Json. So far that's all right but, the output that gives me back isn't well formatted.
Here is the code:
<modalities type="mod">
<modality id="001">
<modality id="002">
<modality id="003">
<modality id="004">
{ ...
String path = "modalities.xml";
ModalitiesMapperImpXml modXml = new ModalitiesMapperImpXml();
if (modality.equals("list"))
modXml.load(path); //The method return the list that contain the name of modality ( CC - US )
try {
ObjectMapper mp = new ObjectMapper();
return mp.writeValueAsString(modXml);
catch (JsonProcessingException jpe) {
return jpe.getMessage();
how can I delete the spaces and the tab character?
Can you help me? Thanks

Problem is how you iterate over the XML:
should be replaced by


Google Translate API double quotes

I am using Google Translate API with Java and whenever I send an English text with double quotes to be translated, I get this weird formatting:
Source text (en):
"Fresh Air"
Google's response (pt):
"Ar Fresco"
Google's response (es):
"Aire Fresco"
Desired result:
"Ar Fresco" (for Portuguese) and "Aire Fresco" (for Spanish)
Java code used to retrieve translations:
String google_key = "SOME_GOOGLE_API_KEY";
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
try {
Translate t = new Translate.Builder(,, null)
List<String> totranslate = new ArrayList<String>();
Translate.Translations.List list = Translations().list(
TranslationsListResponse response = list.execute();
for (TranslationsResource tr : response.getTranslations()) {
System.out.println("Google translation: ["+sourceText+"]("+targetLanguage+"): "+result.get(0));
return result.get(0);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
What am I missing? Is there a way to avoid this kind of result and get the double quotes as in the original source text?
google api translation is considering the input by default as HTML, you can change the format to "text" or "text/plain"

How to catch and modify data over exception occurred during Stream usage

I am currently working over CSV exports. I am fetching header from properties file with below code -
String[] csvHeader = exportables.get(0).getCSVHeaderMap(currentUser).keySet().stream().
map(s ->messageSource.getMessage("report."+s, null, locale)).toArray(String[]::new);
The above code works well. But i need to find a way to handle exception and also fetch data from another file, if it is not found in above file. I am expecting to use somewhat below code -
map(s ->messageSource.getMessage("report."+s, null, locale)).toArray(String[]::new);
}catch(NoSuchMessageException e){
// code to work over lacking properties
I want to catch the 's' element in catch block (or in other good way). So that i can fetch it from another file and also add its return to current csvHeader.
One way is to make for each element a try catch block like:
map(s -> {
String result;//Put the class to which you map
result = messageSource.getMessage("report."+s, null, locale);
}catch(NoSuchMessageException e){
// code to work over lacking properties here you have access to s
return result;
Another solution will be to check for specific problems and then there is no need to catch exceptions. For example if s is null and then you want to get the data from another place:
map(s -> {
String result;//Put the class to which you map
if(null == s)// Some condition that you want to check.
//get info from another place
//result = ....
result = messageSource.getMessage("report."+s, null, locale);
return result;

How to save and load the object's list to SharedPreferences with/without using Gson?

In my Android app, I used Gson in order to save/load the object's Arraylist in SharedPreferences. Follows are my code using Gson.
public static ArrayList<RequestModal> getModalList(Context ctx) {
Gson gson = new Gson();
String json = getSharedPreferences(ctx).getString("ModalList", new Gson().toJson(new ArrayList<>()));
Type type = new TypeToken<ArrayList<RequestModal>>() {}.getType();
return gson.fromJson(json, type);
In here "RequestModal" is the simple object include a bit of strings and integers.
It works well in case "online". But if internet is offline, forever works on below code.
Type type = new TypeToken<ArrayList<RequestModal>>() {}.getType();
How can I solve it? What is the way implement the feature like this with/without using Gson? Please help me anyone having a good idea.
Thank you in advance.
You can implement this without Gson:
public static EpisodeDetails parseEpisodeDetails(String content) {
EpisodeDetails episodeDetails = new EpisodeDetails();
try {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(content);
episodeDetails.title = jsonObject.getString("title");
episodeDetails.subTitle = jsonObject.getString("subtitle");
episodeDetails.synopsis = jsonObject.getString("synopsis");
episodeDetails.ends_on = jsonObject.getString("ends_on");
JSONArray images = jsonObject.getJSONArray("image_urls");
if (images.length() > 0) {
episodeDetails.image_url = images.getString(0);
} catch (JSONException e) {
return null;
return episodeDetails;
What I'm doing is just taking the String, in your case the one saved on the shared prefs called ModalList and inserting the values on my structure, on my code the structure is called EpisodeDetails, on your code the correspondent is RequestModal. If you don't want to do it via code and want to try another library I recommend Jackson.
Another thing, on this line:
String json = getSharedPreferences(ctx).getString("ModalList", new Gson().toJson(new ArrayList<>()));
Your second parameter is not necessary. getString takes the key to load as first parameter and a default value as second paramter (in the case of empty result). You could change this to "" or null.
Well, another solution to your problem could be TinyDB. It makes use of Gson to save ArrayLists of objects in sharedPrefs, its usage is so simple as:
Person person = new Person("john", 24);
tinydb.putObject("user1", person);
ArrayList<Person> usersWhoWon = new ArrayList<Person>();
tinydb.putListObject("allWinners", usersWhoWon);
and that's it, check out my link given above to see the usage details.

GSON JsonReader giving me values instead of names?

I have to refactor some areas of my app to use the streaming API in Gson, but very quickly I'm running into a strange problem I'm not sure how to get around. The following constructor on my class receives a JsonReader and is supposed to loop through the properties of the object. LogCat shows the name of the first property output, then an exception "Expected a name but was BOOLEAN". I only asked for the name using reader.nextName(). What gives?
JSON Object:
Class constructor:
public AppLocation(JsonReader reader){
try {
final String pName = reader.nextName();
final boolean isNull = reader.peek() == JsonToken.NULL;
Log.d("MENET", pName);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e("MENET", e.getMessage());
The streaming method of using this reader works with "elements" i.e. names or values.
So after the first "element", which is a name, you would get a value.
Except your code is calling reader.nextName() which is why it says "Expected a name..."
There is a good example on the Android site under JsonReader:

Parsing JSON in J2ME

So, I've been trying for some time to parse this nested JSON string. If this was regular Java, or even php,I'm sure this would have been done long ago. Unfortunately I'm stuck with J2ME on this one. Through some searching I found that there exits a lone JSON parser. This I found through some digging on a similar question. I've tried some work on my own, with an example on another question. However, I'm still having a few difficulties. I will explain now.
This is the JSON string I'm trying to parse:
{"Result":"Success","Code":"200","CustomerInfo":"{\"clientDisplay\":{\"customerId\":429,\"globalCustNum\":\"0012-000000429\",\"displayName\":\"Hugo Daley\",\"parentCustomerDisplayName\":\"G-KINGSTON\",\"branchId\":12,\"branchName\":\"Bangalore_branch1244724101456\",\"externalId\":\"123000890\",\"customerFormedByDisplayName\":\"New User1244724101456\",\"customerActivationDate\":\"2012-06-17\",\"customerLevelId\":1,\"customerStatusId\":3,\"customerStatusName\":\"Active\",\"trainedDate\":null,\"dateOfBirth\":\"1950-10-10\",\"age\":61,\"governmentId\":\"100000090\",\"clientUnderGroup\":true,\"blackListed\":false,\"loanOfficerId\":17,\"loanOfficerName\":\"New User1244724101456\",\"businessActivities\":null,\"handicapped\":null,\"maritalStatus\":null,\"citizenship\":null,\"ethnicity\":null,\"educationLevel\":null,\"povertyStatus\":null,\"numChildren\":null,\"areFamilyDetailsRequired\":false,\"spouseFatherValue\":null,\"spouseFatherName\":null,\"familyDetails\":null},\"customerAccountSummary\":{\"globalAccountNum\":\"001200000001259\",\"nextDueAmount\":\"2128.0\"},\"clientPerformanceHistory\":{\"loanCycleNumber\":0,\"lastLoanAmount\":\"0.0\",\"noOfActiveLoans\":0,\"delinquentPortfolioAmount\":\"0.0\",\"totalSavingsAmount\":\"1750.0\",\"meetingsAttended\":0,\"meetingsMissed\":0,\"loanCycleCounters\":[],\"delinquentPortfolioAmountInvalid\":false},\"address\":{\"displayAddress\":null,\"city\":\"\",\"state\":\"\",\"zip\":\"\",\"country\":\"\",\"phoneNumber\":\"\"},\"recentCustomerNotes\":[{\"commentDate\":\"2012-06-17\",\"comment\":\"appr\",\"personnelName\":\"New User1244724101456\"}],\"customerFlags\":[],\"loanAccountsInUse\":[{\"globalAccountNum\":\"001200000001262\",\"prdOfferingName\":\"Hawker Loan\",\"accountStateId\":3,\"accountStateName\":\"Application Approved\",\"outstandingBalance\":\"15643.0\",\"totalAmountDue\":\"8977.0\"},{\"globalAccountNum\":\"001200000001279\",\"prdOfferingName\":\"Hazina Micro Loan\",\"accountStateId\":2,\"accountStateName\":\"Application Pending Approval\",\"outstandingBalance\":\"6439.0\",\"totalAmountDue\":\"1716.0\"},{\"globalAccountNum\":\"001200000001280\",\"prdOfferingName\":\"Car Finance\",\"accountStateId\":3,\"accountStateName\":\"Application Approved\",\"outstandingBalance\":\"381.5\",\"totalAmountDue\":\"120.0\"}],\"savingsAccountsInUse\":[{\"globalAccountNum\":\"001200000001260\",\"prdOfferingName\":\"Current Account\",\"accountStateId\":16,\"accountStateName\":\"Active\",\"savingsBalance\":\"1750.0\",\"prdOfferingId\":null}],\"customerMeeting\":{\"meetingSchedule\":\"Recur every 1 Week(s) on Monday\",\"meetingPlace\":\"KINGSTON\"},\"activeSurveys\":false,\"customerSurveys\":[],\"closedLoanAccounts\":[{\"globalAccountNum\":\"001200000001261\",\"prdOfferingName\":\"AUTO LOAN-2\",\"accountStateId\":10,\"accountStateName\":\"Cancel\",\"outstandingBalance\":\"2576.0\",\"totalAmountDue\":\"206.0\"}],\"closedSavingsAccounts\":[]}"}
Don't worry this is just sample data, nothing real here.
Now I require the Customers No, Name, Address, and Savings Account balance. This is the code I've used to parse it:
public CustomerInfo(String jsonTxt) {
try {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonTxt);
JSONObject customer = json.getJSONObject("CustomerInfo");
custNo = json.getString("globalCustNum");
custName = json.getString("displayName");
address = json.getString("DisplayAddress");
savAcctBal = json.getDouble("totalSavingsAmount");
} catch (final JSONException je) {
This of course throws an JSONException. I've learned that the JSON Library may have a few bugs. I've done some tricks, with print statements. It turns out that it likes to consume the 1st element of the JSON string. This heavily screws up going through nested elements like we have here in the example.
Is there an alternative I can use?
Boy, do I want to shoot myself. I figured out my issue before I went to bed. My approach was correct; it was just a matter of me reading the output of Print statements wrong as well as underestimated just how nested the JSON was.
Internally, the JSONOBject class stores the JSON elements, pairs, etc. in a Hashtable. The Hashtable has a side-effect where it will sort the data that's given to it. This of course through off how the JSON was ordered. I figured it was consuming some parts of the JSON, while it really was just putting them to the back...the waaay back if not the end of the JSON. This greatly through me off. I did not realise this until I just ran toString on the Hashtable itself. I then also realise that the JSON was actually more nested than I thought. The four parts I wanted to get, where in 3 different nested JSON objects.
Thus, my solution was to save myself even more grief and just put the JSON through a pretty printer and looked and the structure properly.
Here is my Solution code:
public CustomerInfo(String jsonTxt) {
try {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonTxt);
JSONObject customer = new JSONObject(json.getString("CustomerInfo"));
JSONObject client = new JSONObject(customer.getString("clientDisplay"));
custNo = client.getString("globalCustNum");
custName = client.getString("displayName");
JSONObject cph = new JSONObject(customer.getString("clientPerformanceHistory"));
JSONObject caddress = new JSONObject(customer.getString("address"));
address = caddress.getString("displayAddress");
savAcctBal = cph.getDouble("totalSavingsAmount");
} catch (final JSONException je) {
protip: Always use a Pretty Printer on your JSON, and appreciate it's structure before you do anything. I swear this wont happen to me again.
You can parse the JSON string by the following example
public CustomerInfo(String jsonTxt) {
try {
JSONObject json= (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(jsonTxt).nextValue();
test = (String) json2.get("displayName");
catch (JSONException e) {
