Below is the code I have to set all text within my text pane to bold but how can I get only the text that I have highlighted to be bold and achieve the following?
private void jButtonBoldActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
// TODO add your handling code here:
If the highlighted text is normal, change it to bold when I click the button
If the highlighted text is in bold, change it to normal when I click the same button
Can't be done with a (J)TextField. If you need this functionality, you can use a JTextPane with a StyledEditorKit and a StyledDocument
How to add button with layout "icon only" to pdf using PDFBOX?
create a button with this properties
I have try this example before, but just can't set to the button properties I want.
This the button I created using acrobat.
And This the button i created using PDFBOX
My question is in PDFBOX how to create a button similar to the button created in acrobat?
The desired layout information may be stored in the TP entry of the appearance characteristics dictionary:
(Optional; pushbutton fields only) A code indicating where to position the text of the widget annotation’s caption relative to its icon:0 No icon; caption only1 No caption; icon only2 Caption below the icon3 Caption above the icon4 Caption to the right of the icon5 Caption to the left of the icon6 Caption overlaid directly on the iconDefault value: 0.
(ISO 32000-1, Table 189 – Entries in an appearance characteristics dictionary)
Thus, you may want to try setting the TP entry of the PDAppearanceCharacteristicsDictionary fieldAppearance in the referenced code to 1.
I looked for a solution on this particular issue & found a few ones on Silverlight & JavaScript, but not on JavaFX.
Now on the issue:
I am designing a GUI in JavaFX where I have added two buttons: ADD & REMOVE
I have styled the ADD button using CSS, but it has lost its hovering & onclick effect. I have attached a couple of images for better understanding of the issue
If you look at this photo here, you'll see that when the REMOVE button is clicked, it slightly changes its color to give the effect that it is being clicked currently. Also when the cursor hovers over it, it turns slightly brighter than it usually is.
The code for this button is given below
VBox rightBox = new VBox(remBttn);
rightBox.setPadding(new Insets(10));
remBttn.setPadding(new Insets(100,0,100,0));
new EventHandler<ActionEvent>()
public void handle(ActionEvent ae)
myLabel.setText("You Clicked The REMOVE Button");
However, if you look at this photo here, you'll notice that hovering and clicking have no effects on it. I don't know much about CSS, so I copied a snippet of code from a random Website to style my button. But I think that is where I messed it all up.
The code for that give below:
VBox leftBox = new VBox(addBttn);
leftBox.setPadding(new Insets(10));
addBttn.setPadding(new Insets(100,0,100,0));
addBttn.setStyle("-fx-background-color: #c3c4c4, linear-gradient(#d6d6d6 50%, white 100%), radial-gradient(center 50% -40%, radius 200%, #e6e6e6 45%, rgba(230,230,230,0) 50%); -fx-background-radius: 30; -fx-background-insets: 0,1,1; -fx-text-fill: black; -fx-effect: dropshadow( three-pass-box , rgba(0,0,0,0.6) , 3, 0.0 , 0 , 1 ); -fx-focus-color: transparent; -fx-base: coral;");
So I want to know what methods or properties can be used to bring back the same effects without changing the style.
The moment you change the background of the button,It will lose its default hover and click effect,So I think the better way of doing it is to set the hover and click effect in css.
By the way instead of setting style again in code, just create a css file in your src folder then link it to your scene using this.
Then add an id to your add button using addBttn.setId("addBttn"); Then
refer to it in your_file_name.css like
/*Your custom default button style*/
/*Your button style on hover*/
/*Your button style on pressed*/
Hope this solves your problem.
I've got a Button in my FXML file and i give a style to it by below CSS
.button {
-fx-background-color: linear-gradient(#ff5400, #be1d00);
-fx-background-radius: 30;
-fx-background-insets: 0;
-fx-text-fill: white;
as you can see the button has a new awesome style, but whenever i click on it, it remains as like as before and you can't understand is it clicked or not...
As I searched, I found one solution in this link: Pressed CSS, but if you notice it is The CSS that is used by Web Browsers and JavaFX does not support it.
so what is the solution? I want my button changes its appearance when the users hit or click it.
You need to add the psuedoclass state pressed to you css and add new css to it, which will differentiate your current button css with that when pressed :
.button:pressed {
// Your new css
For changing the style while hovering the button use :
.button:hover {
// Your new css
For better understanding of what style you can add for styling the button, you can go through How to make a button appear to have been clicked or selected?
for arrayLists on javaFX, try this on the CSS to change colors on mouse click:
.list-cell:selected { -fx-background-color: yellow; }
I am implementing an editor in Swing. It shows plain text with hyperlinks. The problem statement is that when a user clicks on a hyperlink, a popup menu must appear at the mouse position or just below the hyperlink text. User can select the option from the menu and the text of hyperlink will be updated to the text in the option user selected. Moreover, after selecting the option, the menu disappears.
I am trying it on both jTextPane and jEditor pane. I used hyperlinkUpdate listener to display popup menu, but it always appears at the top left corner of the GUI.
Moreover, I could not find how to update the text of the hyperlink.
Here is the code of hyperlinkUpdate event:
private void jEditorPane1HyperlinkUpdate(javax.swing.event.HyperlinkEvent evt) {
if(evt.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED){
Someone kindly guide me in this matter.
Thanks in advance.
The call should be like this
JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu();
popup.add("Item 1");
popup.add("Item 2");,mouseEvent.getX(),mouseEvent.getY());
See an example here
Action myAction= new Action("LABEL", ImageCache.getImageDescriptor("IMAGE"));
This code shows me a button without any text. Instead it only shows the image.
What should I do to display them both side by side?
I tried using setText() and setDescription() and setImageDescriptor() but none helped.
Text is not normally shown for an action in a ToolBar if there is also an image.
If you are adding the Action to the tool bar manager using an ActionContributionItem you can call ActionContributionItem.setMode(ActionContributionItem.MODE_FORCE_TEXT);