I'm having a horrible time coming up with a good question Title... sorry/please edit if your brain is less shot than mine.
I am having some issues handling my game's maps client side. My game is tile based using 32x32 pixel tiles. My first game map was 1750 x 1750 tiles. I had a bunch of layers client side, but managed to cut it down to 2 (ground and buildings). I was previously loading the entire map's layers into memory(short arrays). When I jumped to 2200 x 2200 tiles I noticed an older pc having some issues with out of memory (1GB+). I wish there was a data type between byte and short(I am aiming for ~1000 different tiles). My game supports multiple resolutions so the players visible space may show 23,17 tiles for a 800x600 resolution all the way up to 45,29 tiles for 1440x1024 (plus) resolutions. I use Tiled to draw my maps and output the 2 layers into separate text files using a format similar to the following (0, 0, 2, 0, 3, 6, 0, 74, 2...) all on one line.
With the help of many SO questions and some research I came up with a map chunking strategy. Using the player's current coordinates, as the center point, I load enough tiles for 5 times the size of the visual map(largest would be 45*5,29*5 = 225,145 tiles). The player is always drawn in the center and the ground moves beneath him/her(when you walk east the ground moves west). The minimap is drawn showing one screen away in all directions, to be three times the size of the visible map. Please see the below(very scaled down) visual representation to explain better than I likely explained it.
My issue is this: When the player moves "1/5th the chunk size tiles away" from the original center point (chunkX/Y) coordinates, I call for the game to re scan the file. The new scan will use the current coordinates of the player as it's center point. Currently this issue I'm having is the rechunking takes like .5s on my pc(which is pretty high spec). The map does not update for like 1-2 tile moves.
To combat the issue above I tried to run the file scanning in a new thread (before hitting the 1/5th point) into a temporary arraybuffer. Then once it was done scanning, I would copy the buffer into the real array, and call repaint(). Randomly I saw some skipping issues with this which was no big deal. Even worse I saw it drawing a random part of the map for 1-2 frames. Code sample below:
private void checkIfWithinAndPossiblyReloadChunkMap(){
if (Math.abs(MyClient.characterX - MyClient.chunkX) + 10 > (MyClient.chunkWidth / 5)){ //arbitrary number away (10)
Runnable myRunnable = new Runnable(){
public void run(){
logger.info("FillMapChunkBuffer started.");
short chunkXBuffer = MyClient.characterX;
short chunkYBuffer = MyClient.characterY;
int topLeftChunkIndex = MyClient.characterX - (MyClient.chunkWidth / 2) + ((MyClient.characterY - (MyClient.chunkHeight / 2)) * MyClient.mapWidth); //get top left coordinate of chunk
int topRightChunkIndex = topLeftChunkIndex + MyClient.chunkWidth - 1; //top right coordinate of chunk
int[] leftChunkSides = new int[MyClient.chunkHeight];
int[] rightChunkSides = new int[MyClient.chunkHeight];
for (int i = 0; i < MyClient.chunkHeight; i++){ //figure out the left and right index points for the chunk
leftChunkSides[i] = topLeftChunkIndex + (MyClient.mapWidth * i);
rightChunkSides[i] = topRightChunkIndex + (MyClient.mapWidth * i);
MyClient.groundLayerBuffer = MyClient.FillGroundBuffer(leftChunkSides, rightChunkSides);
MyClient.buildingLayerBuffer = MyClient.FillBuildingBuffer(leftChunkSides, rightChunkSides);
MyClient.groundLayer = MyClient.groundLayerBuffer;
MyClient.buildingLayer = MyClient.buildingLayerBuffer;
MyClient.chunkX = chunkXBuffer;
MyClient.chunkY = chunkYBuffer;
logger.info("FillMapChunkBuffer done.");
Thread thread = new Thread(myRunnable);
} else if (Math.abs(MyClient.characterY - MyClient.chunkY) + 10 > (MyClient.chunkHeight / 5)){ //arbitrary number away (10)
//same code as above for Y
public static short[] FillGroundBuffer(int[] leftChunkSides, int[] rightChunkSides){
try {
return scanMapFile("res/images/tiles/MyFirstMap-ground-p.json", leftChunkSides, rightChunkSides);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
logger.fatal("ReadMapFile(ground)", e);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(theDesktop, getStringChecked("message_file_locks") + "\n\n" + e.getMessage(), getStringChecked("message_error"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
return null;
private static short[] scanMapFile(String path, int[] leftChunkSides, int[] rightChunkSides) throws FileNotFoundException {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File(path));
scanner.useDelimiter(", ");
int topLeftChunkIndex = leftChunkSides[0];
int bottomRightChunkIndex = rightChunkSides[rightChunkSides.length - 1];
short[] tmpMap = new short[chunkWidth * chunkHeight];
int count = 0;
int arrayIndex = 0;
if (count >= topLeftChunkIndex && count <= bottomRightChunkIndex){ //within or outside (east and west) of map chunk
if (count == bottomRightChunkIndex){ //last entry
tmpMap[arrayIndex] = scanner.nextShort();
} else { //not last entry
if (isInsideMapChunk(count, leftChunkSides, rightChunkSides)){
tmpMap[arrayIndex] = scanner.nextShort();
} else {
} else {
return tmpMap;
I really am at my wits end with this. I want to be able to move on past this GUI crap and work on real game mechanics. Any help would be tremendously appreciated. Sorry for the long post, but trust me a lot of thought/sleepless nights has gone into this. I need the SO experts ideas. Thanks so much!!
p.s. I came up with some potential optimization ideas (but not sure these would solve some of the issue):
split the map files into multiple lines so I can call scanner.nextLine() 1 time, rather than scanner.next() 2200 times
come up with a formula that given the 4 corners of the map chunk will know if a given coordinate lies within it. this would allow me to call scanner.nextLine() when at the farthest point on chunk for a given line. this would require the multiline map file approach above.
throw away only 1/5th of the chunk, shift the array, and load the next 1/5th of the chunk
Make sure scanning the file has finished before starting a new scan.
Currently you'll start scanning again (possibly in every frame) while your centre is too far away from the previous scan centre. To fix this remember you are scanning before you even start and enhance your far away condition accordingly.
// MyClient.worker represents the currently running worker thread (if any)
if(far away condition && MyClient.worker == null) {
Runnable myRunnable = new Runnable() {
public void run(){
logger.info("FillMapChunkBuffer started.");
try {
short chunkXBuffer = MyClient.nextChunkX;
short chunkYBuffer = MyClient.nextChunkY;
int topLeftChunkIndex = MyClient.characterX - (MyClient.chunkWidth / 2) + ((MyClient.characterY - (MyClient.chunkHeight / 2)) * MyClient.mapWidth); //get top left coordinate of chunk
int topRightChunkIndex = topLeftChunkIndex + MyClient.chunkWidth - 1; //top right coordinate of chunk
int[] leftChunkSides = new int[MyClient.chunkHeight];
int[] rightChunkSides = new int[MyClient.chunkHeight];
for (int i = 0; i < MyClient.chunkHeight; i++){ //figure out the left and right index points for the chunk
leftChunkSides[i] = topLeftChunkIndex + (MyClient.mapWidth * i);
rightChunkSides[i] = topRightChunkIndex + (MyClient.mapWidth * i);
// no reason for them to be a member of MyClient
short[] groundLayerBuffer = MyClient.FillGroundBuffer(leftChunkSides, rightChunkSides);
short[] buildingLayerBuffer = MyClient.FillBuildingBuffer(leftChunkSides, rightChunkSides);
MyClient.groundLayer = groundLayerBuffer;
MyClient.buildingLayer = buildingLayerBuffer;
MyClient.chunkX = chunkXBuffer;
MyClient.chunkY = chunkYBuffer;
logger.info("FillMapChunkBuffer done.");
} finally {
// in any case clear the worker thread
MyClient.worker = null;
// remember that we're currently scanning by remembering the worker directly
MyClient.worker = new Thread(myRunnable);
// start worker
Preventing a rescan before the previous rescan has completed presents another challenge: what to do if you walk diagonally i.e. you reach the situation where in x you're meeting the far away condition, start scanning and during that scan you'll meet the condition for y to be far away. Since you choose the next scan centre according to your current position, this problem should not arise as long as you have a large enough chunk size.
Remembering the worker directly comes with a bonus: what do you do if you need to teleport the player/camera at some point while you are scanning? You can now simply terminate the worker thread and start scanning at the new location: you'll have to check the termination flag manually in MyClient.FillGroundBuffer and MyClient.FillBuildingBuffer, reject the (partially computed) result in the Runnable and stop the reset of MyClient.worker in case of an abort.
If you need to stream more data from the file system in your game think of implementing a streaming service (extend the idea of the worker to one that's processing arbitrary file parsing jobs). You should also check if your hard drive is able to perform reading from multiple files concurrently faster than reading a single stream from a single file.
Turning to a binary file format is an option, but won't save much in terms of file size. And since Scanner already uses an internal buffer to do its parsing (parsing integers from a buffer is faster than filling a buffer from a file), you should first focus on getting your worker running optimally.
Try to speed up the reading speed by using a binary file instead of a csv-file.
Use DataInputStream and readShort() for that. (This will also cut down the size of the map.)
You also can also use 32x32 tiles chunks and save them into several files.
So you haven't to load the tiles which are already loaded.
I'm creating a game where you pick a nation and you have to manage it, but I can't find a way to load the map without crashing the program due to massive computation (lack of performance).
I made an algorithm that loops trough every pixel of an image containing the provinces (the spatial unit in the game) of the map, each has their own color, this way, when I encounter a color not yet seen in a pixel, I know that's a new province, and I can therefor load it the new Province() instance with the information from a file.
Everything above said works just fine and takes almost no time at all, but to edit the map when various nations attack each other I need a way to render singularly every province to give it its nation's color with a shader.
I've added this piece of code that gets the current pixel position and it scales it down to openGL coordinates, saving it in an arrayList (currVertices), this is then put into an another ArrayList (provinceVertices) of float[] once a new province is found.
(I know the code is not beautiful and I'm not an expert programmer (also I'm 14) so please try to be kind when telling me what I did wrong,
I've tried just storing a vertex every 4 pixel to make the list smaller, but it still crashes)
List<Float> currVertices = new ArrayList<Float>(); // the vertices of the current province
for (int y = 0; y < worldImage.getHeight(); y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < worldImage.getWidth(); x++) {
if (!currColors.contains(worldImage.getRGB(x, y))) {
if (!currVertices.isEmpty())
provinceVertices.add(Utils.toFloatArray(currVertices)); // store the current province's vertices into the total database
if (x % 4 == 0)
currVertices.add((float) (x) / EngineManager.getWindowWidth());
if (y % 4 == 0)
currVertices.add((float) (y) / EngineManager.getWindowHeight());
I've only included the code representing the loading of the vertices
public static float[] toFloatArray(List<Float> list) {
float[] array = new float[list.size()];
ListIterator<Float> iterator = list.listIterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
array[iterator.nextIndex()] = list.get(iterator.nextIndex());
return array;
the goal would be for the second ArrayList to have all the vertices in the right order, but when I try and add the currVertices to the provinceVertices the game just crashes with no error message, which is why I'm guessing the problem is performance-related.
(The vertices load fine into the currVertices list)
Using nextIndex() doesn't increse the index. Try to use instead:
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
array[iterator.nextIndex()] = iterator.next();
I have created a gameboard (5x5) and I now want to decide when a move is legal as fast as possible. For example a piece at (0,0) wants to go to (1,1), is that legal? First I tried to find this out with computations but that seemed bothersome. I would like to hard-code the possible moves based on a position on the board and then iterate through all the possible moves to see if they match the destinations of the piece. I have problems getting this on paper. This is what I would like:
//game piece is at 0,0 now, decide if 1,1 is legal
Point destination = new Point(1,1);
The first problem I face is that I don't know how to put a list of possible moves in an array at for example index [0][0]. This must be fairly obvious but I am stuck at this for some time. I would like to create an array in which there is a list of Point objects. So in semi-code: legalMoves[0][0] = {Point(1,1),Point(0,1),Point(1,0)}
I am not sure if this is efficient but it makes logically move sense than maybe [[1,1],[0,1],[1,0]] but I am not sold on this.
The second problem I have is that instead of creating the object at every start of the game with an instance variable legalMoves, I would rather have it read from disk. I think that it should be quicker this way? Is the serializable class the way to go?
My 3rd small problem is that for the 25 positions the legal moves are unbalanced. Some have 8 possible legal moves, others have 3. Maybe this is not a problem at all.
You are looking for a structure that will give you the candidate for a given point, i.e. Point -> List<Point>.
Typically, I would go for a Map<Point, List<Point>>.
You can initialise this structure statically at program start or dynamically when needing. For instance, here I use 2 helpers arrays that contains the possible translations from a point, and these will yield the neighbours of the point.
// (-1 1) (0 1) (1 1)
// (-1 0) (----) (1 0)
// (-1 -1) (0 -1) (1 -1)
// from (1 0) anti-clockwise:
static int[] xOffset = {1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0,1};
static int[] yOffset = {0,1,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1};
The following Map contains the actual neighbours for a Point with a function that compute, store and return these neighbours. You can choose to initialise all neighbours in one pass, but given the small numbers, I would not think this a problem performance wise.
static Map<Point, List<Point>> neighbours = new HashMap<>();
static List<Point> getNeighbours(Point a) {
List<Point> nb = neighbours.get(a);
if (nb == null) {
nb = new ArrayList<>(xOffset.length); // size the list
for (int i=0; i < xOffset.length; i++) {
int x = a.getX() + xOffset[i];
int y = a.getY() + yOffset[i];
if (x>=0 && y>=0 && x < 5 && y < 5) {
nb.add(new Point(x, y));
neighbours.put(a, nb);
return nb;
Now checking a legal move is a matter of finding the point in the neighbours:
static boolean isLegalMove(Point from, Point to) {
boolean legal = false;
for (Point p : getNeighbours(from)) {
if (p.equals(to)) {
legal = true;
return legal;
Note: the class Point must define equals() and hashCode() for the map to behave as expected.
The first problem I face is that I don't know how to put a list of possible moves in an array at for example index [0][0]
Since the board is 2D, and the number of legal moves could generally be more than one, you would end up with a 3D data structure:
Point legalMoves[][][] = new legalMoves[5][5][];
legalMoves[0][0] = new Point[] {Point(1,1),Point(0,1),Point(1,0)};
instead of creating the object at every start of the game with an instance variable legalMoves, I would rather have it read from disk. I think that it should be quicker this way? Is the serializable class the way to go?
This cannot be answered without profiling. I cannot imagine that computing legal moves of any kind for a 5x5 board could be so intense computationally as to justify any kind of additional I/O operation.
for the 25 positions the legal moves are unbalanced. Some have 8 possible legal moves, others have 3. Maybe this is not a problem at all.
This can be handled nicely with a 3D "jagged array" described above, so it is not a problem at all.
I am trying to implement a chess game with alpha beta pruning. The following is almost working, but it returns wrong moves.
For example, the following can occur.
White (user) to move, white king position - a1 / Black (computer), black king position - h1
White moves its king from a1 - a2, then black return the move g2 - g1???
It appears that the computer returns a move for the wrong node (board representation), as if the best evaluation of a given board position is not being propagated all the way back up the tree. So in one of the simulated positions explored, the computer "imagines" its king moving to g2 and then returns the move to be made from this position, not realising that this position is a simulated position and not the representation of the actual board (the root node?).
How can I correct the code to make the computer return a move for the actual board representation and not one of the simulations by mistake?
Thank you.
Initial call alphaBeta(3, ChessEngine.invertBoard(ChessEngine.board), -10000, 10000, true);
private static int alphaBetaEvaluate = 0;
private static int alphaBetaSelectedSquare = 0;
private static int alphaBetaMoveToSquare = 0;
public static int alphaBeta(int depth, char[] board, int alpha, int beta, boolean maxPlayer) {
//create a copy of the board
char[] boardCopy = board.clone();
//if terminal state has not been met, keep searching
if (maxPlayer == true && depth > 0) {
//for all of the moves that max can make
for (int i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
for (int move : ChessEngine.getValidMoves(i, boardCopy)) {
//make the move
boardCopy[move] = boardCopy[i];
boardCopy[i] = '.';
alphaBetaEvaluate = rating(board, boardCopy, i, move);
//store the best move to make
int temp = alphaBeta(--depth, ChessEngine.invertBoard(boardCopy), -10000, 10000, false);
if (temp > alpha) {
alphaBetaSelectedSquare = i;
alphaBetaMoveToSquare = move;
alpha = temp;
//reset the board for the next simulated move
boardCopy = board.clone();
if (beta <= alpha) {
return alpha;
} else if (maxPlayer == false && depth > 0) {
//for all of the moves that min can make
for (int i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
for (int move : ChessEngine.getValidMoves(i, boardCopy)) {
//make the move
boardCopy[move] = boardCopy[i];
boardCopy[i] = '.';
beta = Math.min(beta, alphaBeta(--depth, ChessEngine.invertBoard(boardCopy), -10000, 10000, true));
//reset the board for the next simulated move
boardCopy = board.clone();
if (beta <= alpha) {
return beta;
return alphaBetaEvaluate;
I dont get your implementation after all. First of all what you want to do is create a tree. A decision tree and propagates the decision up. You want to maximize your evaluation and also expect that the enemy will select the move that minimizes your evaluation in return.
So inverting the board does not sound so reasonable for me unless you know that the evaluation you do uppon the situation is correctly adjusting.
Another serious problem for me is that you always call the min/max for the next move with -10k and 10k as the bounderies for alpha and beta. This way your algorithm does not 'learn' from previous moves.
What you need is to check the algorithm again (wikipedia for instance, which I used) and see that they use alpha and beta being modified by former evaluation. This way the calculation in higher depth can firstly stop and secondly evaluate the best move better.
I am no expert in this. its decades ago when I wrote my implementation and I used something different.
Another idea is not to use min and max within the same method but use the min and max methods instead. It makes it more likely you spot other defects.
Also do not use two kings for evaluation. There is no goal in that. Two kings are random, cant win. One thing might be two knights or four queens and alike. It is not so random and you can see the queens dancing around without being able to catch each other. Or use three knights versus a single queen.
And try to create yourself some unit tests around your other parts. Just to insure that the parts are working correctly independently. And why are you using characters? Why not using enums or objects. You can reuse the objets for each field (its more like kinds of figures).
But anyhow this is style and not algorithm correctness.
I am attempting to implement the following Basic Sliding Window algorithm in Java. I get the basic idea of it, but I am a bit confused by some the wording, specifically the sentence in bold:
A sliding window of fixed width w is moved across the file,
and at every position k in the file, the fingerprint of
its content is computed. Let k be a chunk boundary
(i.e., Fk mod n = 0). Instead of taking the hash of the
entire chunk, we choose the numerically smallest fingerprint
of a sliding window within this chunk. Then we compute a hash
of this randomly chosen window within the chunk. Intuitively,
this approach would permit small edits within the chunks to
have less impact on the similarity computation. This method
produces a variable length document signature, where the
number of fingerprints in the signature is proportional to
the document length.
Please see my code/results below. Am I understanding the basic idea of the algorithm? As per the text in bold, what does it mean to "choose the numerically smallest fingerprint of a sliding window within its chunk"? I am currently just hashing the entire chunk.
public class BSW {
* #param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
int w = 15; // fixed width of sliding window
char[] chars = "Once upon a time there lived in a certain village a little
country girl, the prettiest creature who was ever seen. Her mother was
excessively fond of her; and her grandmother doted on her still more. This
good woman had a little red riding hood made for her. It suited the girl so
extremely well that everybody called her Little Red Riding Hood."
List<String> fingerprints = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i = i + w) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (i + w < chars.length) {
sb.append(chars, i, w);
System.out.println(i + ". " + sb.toString());
} else {
sb.append(chars, i, chars.length - i);
System.out.println(i + ". " + sb.toString());
private static String hash(StringBuffer sb) {
// Implement hash (MD5)
return sb.toString();
0. Once upon a tim
15. e there lived i
30. n a certain vil
45. lage a little c
60. ountry girl, th
75. e prettiest cre
90. ature who was e
105. ver seen. Her m
120. other was exces
135. sively fond of
150. her; and her gr
165. andmother doted
180. on her still m
195. ore. This good
210. woman had a lit
225. tle red riding
240. hood made for h
255. er. It suited t
270. he girl so extr
285. emely well that
300. everybody call
315. ed her Little R
330. ed Riding Hood.
That is not a sliding window. All you have done is break up the input into disjoint chunks. An example of a sliding window would be
Once upon a time
upon a time there
a time there lived
The simple answer is NO per my understanding (I once studied sliding window algorithm years ago, so I just remember the principles, while cannot remember some details. Correct me if you have more insightful understanding).
As the name of the algorithm 'Sliding Window', your window should be sliding not jumping as it says
at every position k in the file, the fingerprint of its content is computed
in your quotes. That is to say the window slides one character each time.
Per my knowledge, the concept of chunks and windows should be distinguished. So should be fingerprint and hash, although they could be the same. Given it too expense to compute hash as fingerprint, I think Rabin fingerprint is a more proper choice. The chunk is a large block of text in the document and a window highlight a small portion in a chunk.
IIRC, the sliding windows algorithm works like this:
The text file is chunked at first;
For each chunk, you slide the window (a 15-char block in your running case) and compute their fingerprint for each window of text;
You now have the fingerprint of the chunk, whose length is proportional to the length of chunk.
The next is how you use the fingerprint to compute the similarity between different documents, which is out of my knowledge. Could you please give us the pointer to the article you referred in the OP. As an exchange, I recommend you this paper, which introduce a variance of sliding window algorithm to compute document similarity.
Winnowing: local algorithms for document fingerprinting
Another application you can refer to is rsync, which is a data synchronisation tool with block-level (corresponding to your chunk) deduplication. See this short article for how it works.
package com.perturbation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class BSW {
* #param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
int w = 2; // fixed width of sliding window
char[] chars = "umang shukla"
List<String> fingerprints = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length+w; i++) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (i + w < chars.length) {
sb.append(chars, i, w);
System.out.println(i + ". " + sb.toString());
} else {
sb.append(chars, i, chars.length - i);
System.out.println(i + ". " + sb.toString());
private static String hash(StringBuffer sb) {
// Implement hash (MD5)
return sb.toString();
this program may help you. and please try to make more efficent
I've been trying to make a dynamic light system in java, without using libraries. For some reason, though, it seems I can't get light to run efficiently. It flickers and lags a ton. I'm doing this with no previous understanding of lighting engines in games, so I'm open to suggestions. Here is my current update method:
public void updateLight( ArrayList<Block> blocks )
//reset light
//add the x and y of this light
light.addPoint( x, y );
//precision for loops
int ires = 1;
int jres = 2;
for( int i = 0; i < width; i += ires )
//get radians of current angle
float rdir = (float)Math.toRadians( dir + i - width/2 );
//set up pixel vars
int px, py;
for( int j = 0; j < length; j += jres )
//get position of pixel
px = (int)ZZmath.getVectorX( x, rdir, j );
py = (int)ZZmath.getVectorY( y, rdir, j );
//if point gets found
boolean foundpoint = false;
for( int n = 0; n < blocks.size(); n ++ )
//check if block is solid
//also check that collision is possible really quickly for efficiency
if( blocks.get( n ).solid )
//get info on block
int bx = blocks.get( n ).x;
int by = blocks.get( n ).y;
//quick trim
if( Math.abs( bx - px ) <= 32 && Math.abs( by - py ) <= 32 )
int bw = blocks.get( n ).w;
int bh = blocks.get( n ).h;
if( ZZmath.pointInBounds( px, py, bx, by, bw, bh ) )
//add point to polygon
light.addPoint( px, py );
//found point
foundpoint = true;
//if a point is found, break
if( foundpoint )
//if at end of loop, add point
//loose definition of "end" to prevent flickers
if( j >= length - jres*2 )
light.addPoint( px, py );
This modifies a polygon that displays for light. I'll change that later. Any idea of ways I can make this run better? Also, no, no libraries. I don't have anything against them, just don't want to use one now.
You implementation doesn't appear to use much of the stuff I see here:
I'd recommend digesting this completely. If your objective is to understand ray tracing deeply, that's how it should be done.
Maybe your objective was to learn by writing your own raytracer. In my experience I would end up rewriting this code several times and still not get it completely right. It's good to get your hands dirty but it's not necessarily the most effective way to go about things.
Overall it looks like you need to study (object oriented) programming concepts, and take a data structures and algorithms course.
The biggest thing is readability. Document your code, for your future self if no one else. This means Clear comments before and during updateLight(). The existing comments are alright (though they paraphrase the code more than justify it), but "really quickly for efficiency" is a lie.
For a small issue of readability that could be a tiny drag on performance, make a local variable for blocks.get(n). Name it something short but descriptive, save typing and only make one method call to retrieve it.
"if at end of loop": I have no idea which loop you mean, and the for loops have definite ends. A comment }//end for or }//end for width is often helpful.
Checking if the block is solid is unnecessary! Just store your blocks in two lists, and only go through the solid blocks. Even if you have some desire to have flickering blocks, one remove and add is cheaper than O(width*length*numbernotsolid) extra work.
There are many ways you could structure how the blocks are stored to facilitate quick testing. You only want or need to test blocks whose coordinates are near to a particular light. The basic strategy is divide the space into a grid, and sort the blocks based on what section of the grid they fall into. Then when you have light in a particular section of the grid, you know you only need to test blocks in that section (and possibly a neighboring section - there are details depending on their width and the light's).
I have no idea whether that is along the lines of the right approach or not. I don't know much about raytracing, although it is or used to be rather slow. It looks like you have a decent naive implementation. There might be a slightly different naive approach that is faster and some more difficult (to code to completion) algorithms that are moderately yet more fast.
Also, I see no need to do this breadth first. Why not solve for one line (you call them pixels?) at a time. Count the number of times this code calls Math.toRadians. It looks like it's just an extraneous line because you could work along the same angle until ready for the next.