Parameter in SELECT clause for #Query? - java

While using a verbatim entered column name works fine in an SQL/JPA query, is it possible to use a variable?
#Query(value = "select distinct ?1 from Product", nativeQuery = true)
List<String> findOneColumn(String columnName);
This code appears to fail. It seems that it's not allowed to use parameters in SELECT clause (but works with WHERE clause). Is there any alternatives?
How can I set the column name dynamically?

Seems that Parameter in SELECT clause for #Query is not allowed pleasure :)


How to convert a select statement in mysql into a query in java?

I have a select statement inside MySQL.
select * from tbl_user where path like '%,id,%'
How can I convert it to a query in Java? What I want to pass id.
#Query(value = "select * from tbl_user where path like CONCAT('%,',?1,',%')", nativeQuery = true)
Iterable<Tbl_user> findAllChildUsers(int id);
will help
It depends of what framework/library are you using.
in hibernate you can use :id, but you have to also check that it is native query.
In some libraries you just pass a String as a query.

SQL error an expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'AND'

I have the below sql
I am replacing this programatically
#Query(value = "SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE ?1", nativeQuery = true)
List<Items> getAllItems(String param);
I had to append these OR conditions based on the user inputs so the conditions varies hence I used it as a combined OR statements.
How do I resolve this error?
Thanks in advance
Well, let's say I call getAllItems("Hello"). That means you end up trying to run SQL: "SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE 'Hello'" which is invalid SQL for the exact reason stated: 'Hello' isn't a boolean. You can't put SQLese in that string (you can't call getAllItems("column like CONCAT('%', 'CMP1', '%')") - the point of these queries is that the SQL gets hardcoded and the dynamic data (the string param) is escaped.
You'd have to find a way to write this as a single SQL statement, or, don't use #Query.

Setting a collection parameter as a list for column values

I'm trying to write a query with a Collection parameter. It is assumed that query would turn this collection to a column of its values for the further operations. I'm using Spring, so now my query looks like:
#Query(value = "SELECT id FROM unnest(array[?1]) id", nativeQuery = true)
List<Object> getIds(Collection<String> ids);
It doesn't work, because Hibernate set collections as parameters in braces, so the real query will be send to DB:
SELECT id FROM unnest(array[('1', '2')]) id
This is not a valid query, the error is raising:
ERROR: a column definition list is required for functions returning
"record" SQL state: 42601
Right version of it must be:
SELECT id FROM unnest(array['1', '2']) id
So please can anybody tell me, if there is a way I could set a collection as query parameter without braces? Or maybe there is an another way to turn collection to column?

jOOQ - error with alias and quotes

I have this query:
Field<String> yearMonth = DSL.field("FORMATDATETIME({0}, 'yyyy-MM')",
String.class, LICENZE.CREATION_DATE).as("anno_mese");
List<Record3<Integer, String, String>> records ="num_licenze"), LICENZE.EDIZIONE, yearMonth).
groupBy(LICENZE.EDIZIONE, yearMonth).
this query generates:
count(*) "num_licenze",
group by
order by "anno_mese" asc
executing it i get: Column "anno_mese" not found; SQL statement
Testing the generated query and removing the quotes from anno_mese in every parts of the query make the query works instead.
Is my query wrong or am I using jooq in the wrong way?
The alias in this query is not so important, I can run the query without using it too but just to understand how it works.
I am using h2 as database.
Thanks for the help
I suspect this is a bug in H2, which I've reported here, because the query looks fine to me. Here are some workarounds that you can do from the jOOQ side:
Don't reference the "anno_mese" column by name
While SQL is a bit repetitive otherwise, you won't notice the difference with jOOQ. I simply moved the as("anno_mese") method call into the SELECT clause. You don't really need it in the GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses.
Field<String> yearMonth = DSL.field("FORMATDATETIME({0}, 'yyyy-MM')",
List<Record3<Integer, String, String>> records ="num_licenze"),
groupBy(LICENZE.EDIZIONE, yearMonth).
Disable quoting in jOOQ generated queries
You can use jOOQ's Settings to prevent schema / table / column names from being quoted. Example:
DSLContext create = DSL.using(connection, SQLDialect.H2,
new Settings().withRenderNameStyle(RenderNameStyle.AS_IS);
Use upper case column names
This will probably work: DSL.field(...).as("ANNO_MESE")

java.lang.String cannot be cast HQL

Error says:
ava.lang.String cannot be cast to com.test.test.classes.TblTaxType
what is happening is when I add the tag select distinct taxtcode error is appearing. But when I removed the select tag like FROM tblTaxType tbl_tax_type WHERE bfnsCode = ? everything is fine. What is the cause? this is my code:
try {
List <TblTaxType> resultList = getSession().createSQLQuery(hql)
.setString(0, bfnsCode)
Your entity is probably named TblTaxType, not tblTaxType. Case matters.
Side note: don't name sql an HQL query. SQL and HQL are different languages.
Solved it using GROUP BY instead by using DISTINCT.
String hql = "FROM TblTaxType tbl_tax_type WHERE bfnsCode = ? GROUP BY taxtCode";
Your query returns TAXT_CODE, this field is a property of your TblTaxType entity, so you can't cast one property (string) in your main entity. This is the reason of your error.
If you need complete entity you must change your query but DISTINCT is not useful in this case because if you extract complete entity, there's ID field (different for each row). If you want a first element, you can add in your query ORDER BY clause with LIMIT 1 (is MySql).
A solution with GROUP BY works only if you use MySql as DBMS because if you have Sql Server the correct behaviour of field list / group by is: a field in field list must be in GROUP BY cluse or must be in aggregate function.
