I am creating a platformer and I have a class called Platform that takes an x position, and y position, a width, a height and a color, then sets them inside of that platform.
platform = new Platform(100, 250, 100, 10, Color.BLUE);
Like this.
I can call the variables as such:
g.fillRect(platform.x, platform.y, platform.width, platform.height);
and when I want to get the color of the platform I do this:
I also have a player that works very similarly.
I have a collision method:
int LXOff = (platform.x - player.width); // boundaries
int LYOff = (platform.y - player.height); // boundaries
int RXOff = (platform.x + platform.width); // boundaries
int RYOff = (platform.y + platform.height); // boundaries
int LXOff2 = (platform2.x - player.width);
int LYOff2 = (platform2.y - player.height);
int RXOff2 = (platform2.x + platform2.width);
int RYOff2 = (platform2.y + platform2.height);
if(x <= 5 || y <= 29) // numbers are specific to the perfect border of the screen
return true;
if(x >= 495 - player.width || y >= 495 - player.height) // numbers are specific to the perfect border of the screen
return true;
if(x >= LXOff && y >= LYOff && x <= RXOff && y <= RYOff)
return true;
if(x >= LXOff2 && y >= LYOff2 && x <= RXOff2 && y <= RYOff2)
return true;
return false;
My problem is that I need to create a whole extra set of variables that represent the boundaries that a second platform uses. I'm wondering that for future use if I were to use a larger amount of platforms, how would I simplify it using an array or something like that of Platforms, then I could draw all the platforms in the array using some loop.
I believe for a platform you will use you will create a new Platform object. create a Map to create a map of platform names as key and platform objects as values. Retrieve the Platform object by the platform name when required
Platform android = new Platform(....);
Platform windows = new Platform(....);
Map<String, Platform> map = new HashMap<String, Platform>();
map.put("android", android);
map.put("windows", windows);
//for retrieval
If the borders are variable the I would suggest to create an abstract class with the common logic and a platform specific class for each Platform.
Platform[] platforms = new Platform[N]
where N is size of array.
If you do not no size of array at the moment of creation of array, you should better use
List<Platform> platforms = new ArrayList<Platform>()
If I understand your question, you have several Platforms to draw, but you also want to draw some Boundaries? The O-O way would be to define a common interface for both.
One option would be to define an interface, perhaps RectangleLike, with getX(), getWidth(), getColor() etc... Then you loop over a big array (note: better to use a List) of RectangleLike and call the appropriate code.
Alternatively, and, IMO better, define an interface, perhaps CanDrawIntoGraphics, with one method, drawYourself(Graphics g). Loop over a List of them calling drawYourself().
As Java docs states that
A Collection — sometimes called a container — is simply an object that groups multiple elements into a single unit. Collections are used to store, retrieve, manipulate, and communicate aggregate data. Typically, they represent data items that form a natural group, such as a poker hand (a collection of cards), a mail folder (a collection of letters), or a telephone directory (a mapping of names to phone numbers).
So In order to Maintain Number of Platform for future use , You can make a collection of Platform instead of Array , because Collection has the ability to expand and shrink dynamically .
Coming to Coding side either use Map or List of Platforms and if you want to remove duplicay Use Set Interface
Suppose You are having 2 Platform then you can use this
List<Platform> platformList=Arrays.asList(platform1,platform2);
To Iterate through any collection Implementation Use , Iterator Interface
For Map You can see example posted by #dc.sashwat
I got this solution you have to send an arraylist of Platform
List <Platform> platformList =new ArrayList<Platform> ();
Send this platformList to your method than there
foreach(Platform platform:platformList){
int LXOff = (platform.x - player.width);
int LYOff = (platform.y - player.height);
int RXOff = (platform.x + platform.width);
int RYOff = (platform.y + platform.height);
if(x >= LXOff && y >= LYOff && x <= RXOff && y <= RYOff)
return true;
it's my first time with CGAL, some of you may argue why do I have to learn CGAL from something like that, but it's a new project that I must do (and... yes, I must use CGAL and Java combined) :/ Long story short... I only have:
Two double arrays, representing x and y coordinates of my vertices. Let's call them double[] x, y;.
Both arrays have S random values.
Two vertices, u and w are connected if distance(x[u], y[u], x[w], y[w]) < CONSTANT (ofc. I do distanceSquared(x[u], y[u], x[w], y[w]) < CONSTANT_SQUARED, so I avoid to call sqrt()).
x and y are filled randomly with values from 0 to UPPER_LIMIT, no other infos are given.
Question, do x and y describes a connected graph?
Right now I have two algoritms:
Algorithm 1:
Build adjacency list (Arraylist<Integer>[] adjLists;) for each vertex (only upper triangular matrix explored). Complexity O(|V|^2) (V = vertices set).
Recursive graph exploration, vertex marking and counting, if visited vertex equals S my graph have only one connected component, my graph is connected. Complexity O(|E|) (E = edges set).
Algorithm 2:
private static boolean algorithmGraph(double[] x, double[] y) {
int unchecked, inside = 0, current = 0;
double switchVar;
while (current <= inside && inside != S - 1) {
unchecked = inside + 1;
while (unchecked < S) {
if ((x[current] - x[unchecked]) * (x[current] - x[unchecked]) + (y[current] - y[unchecked]) * (y[current] - y[unchecked]) <= CONSTANT_SQUARED) {
// switch x coordinates | unchecked <-> inside
switchVar = x[unchecked];
x[unchecked] = x[inside];
x[inside] = switchVar;
// switch y coordinates | unchecked <-> inside
switchVar = y[unchecked];
y[unchecked] = y[inside];
y[inside] = switchVar;
return inside == S - 1;
Funny thing the second one is slower, I do not use data structures, the code is iterative and in-place but the heavy use of switch makes it slow as hell.
The problem spec changed and now I must do it with CGAL and Java, I'll read the whole "https://github.com/CGAL/cgal-swig-bindings" to learn how to use CGAL within Java.... but I'd like some help about this specific instance of CGAL code... Are there faster algorithms already implemented in CGAL?
Thank you for your times guys! Happy coding!
I believe that, without a method of spatial indexing, the best performance you are going to achieve in the worst-case-scenario (all connected) is going to be O(n*(n-1)/2).
If you can afford to build a spatial index (have enough memory to pay for the boost in speed), you may consider R-tree and variants - insertion is O(n) searching is O(log2(n)): this will get your "outlier detection by examining distances" approach for a cost of of O(n*log2(n)) in the worst-case-scenario.
A notable result
I found recently the default renderable sort function in LibGDX wasn't quite up to my needs. (see; Draw order changes strangely as camera moves? )
Essentially a few objects rendered in front when they should render behind.
Fortunately, the renderables in question always have a guarantied relationship. The objects are attached to eachother so when one moves the other moves. One object can be seen as being literally "pinned" to the other, so always in front.
This gave me the idea that if I specified a "z-index" (int) and "groupname" (String) for each object, I could manually take over the draw order, and for things with the same groupname, ensure they are positioned next to eachother in the list, in the order specified by the z-index. (low to high)
//For example an array of renderables like
3.(no zindex attribute)
//Should sort to become
2.(no zindex attribute)
// assuming the object2 in testgroup2 are closer to the camera, the one without a index second closest, and the rest furthest<br>
//(It is assumed that things within the same group wont be drastically different distances)
I implemented a sort system in libgdx to do this as followed;
* The goal of this sorter is to sort the renderables the same way LibGDX would do normally (in DefaultRenderableSorter)<br>
* except if they have a ZIndex Attribute.<br>
* A Zindex attribute provides a groupname string and a number.<br>
* Renderables with the attribute are placed next to others of the same group, with the order within the group determined by the number<br>
* For example an array of renderables like;<br><br>
* 0."testgroup",20<br>
* 1."testgroup2",10<br>
* 2.(no zindex attribute)<br>
* 3."testgroup",50<br>
* <br>Should become;<br><br>
* 0."testgroup",20<br>
* 1."testgroup",50<br>
* 2.(no zindex attribute)<br>
* 3."testgroup2",10<br>
* <br>
* assuming the object in testgroup2 is closer to the camera, the one without a index second closest, and the rest furthest<br>
* (It is assumed that things within the same group wont be drastically different distances)<br>
* #param camera - the camera in use to determine normal sort order when we cant place in a existing group
* #param resultList - an array of renderables to change the order of
private void customSorter(Camera camera, Array<Renderable> resultList) {
//make a copy of the list to sort. (This is probably a bad start)
Array <Renderable> renderables = new Array <Renderable> (resultList);
//we work by clearing and rebuilding the Renderables array (probably not a good method)
//loop over the copy we made
for (Renderable o1 : renderables) {
//depending of if the Renderable as a ZIndexAttribute or not, we sort it differently
//if it has one we do the following....
if (o1.material.has(ZIndexAttribute.ID)){
//get the index and index group name of it.
int o1Index = ((ZIndexAttribute)o1.material.get(ZIndexAttribute.ID)).zIndex;
String o1GroupName = ((ZIndexAttribute)o1.material.get(ZIndexAttribute.ID)).group;
//setup some variables
boolean placementFound = false; //Determines if a placement was found for this renderable (this happens if it comes across another with the same groupname)
int defaultPosition = -1; //if it doesn't find another renderable with the same groupname, this will be its position in the list. Consider this the "natural" position based on distance from camera
//start looping over all objects so far in the results (urg, told you this was probably not a good method)
for (int i = 0; i < resultList.size; i++) {
//first get the renderable and its ZIndexAttribute (null if none found)
Renderable o2 = resultList.get(i);
ZIndexAttribute o2szindex = ((ZIndexAttribute)o2.material.get(ZIndexAttribute.ID));
if (o2szindex!=null){
//if the renderable we are comparing too has a zindex, then we get its information
int o2index = o2szindex.zIndex;
String o2groupname = o2szindex.group;
//if its in the same group as o1, then we start the processing of placing them nexto eachother
if (o2groupname.equals(o1GroupName)){
//we either place it in front or behind based on zindex
if (o1Index<o2index){
//if lower z-index then behind it
resultList.insert(i, o1);
placementFound = true;
if (o1Index>o2index){
//if higher z-index then it should go in front UNLESS there is another of this group already there too
//in which case we just continue (which will cause this to fire again on the next renderable in the inner loop)
if (resultList.size>(i+1)){
Renderable o3 = resultList.get(i+1);
ZIndexAttribute o3szindex = ((ZIndexAttribute)o3.material.get(ZIndexAttribute.ID));
if (o3szindex!=null){
String o3groupname = o3szindex.group;
if (o3groupname!=null && o3groupname.equals(o1GroupName)){
//the next element is also a renderable with the same groupname, so we loop and test that one instead
// Gdx.app.log("zindex", "__..placeing at:"+(i+1));
//else we place after the current one
resultList.insert(i+1, o1);
placementFound = true;
//if no matching groupname found we need to work out a default placement.
int placement = normalcompare(o1, o2); //normal compare is the compare function in DefaultRenderableSorter.
if (placement>0){
//after then we skip
//(we are waiting till we are either under something or at the end
} else {
//if placement is before, then we remember this position as the default (but keep looking as there still might be matching groupname, which should take priority)
defaultPosition = i;
//break; //break out the loop
//if we have checked all the renderables positioned in the results list, and none were found with matching groupname
//then we use the defaultposition to insert it
if (!placementFound){
//Gdx.app.log("zindex", "__no placement found using default which is:"+defaultPosition);
if (defaultPosition>-1){
resultList.insert(defaultPosition, o1);
} else {
//...(breath out)...
//ok NOW we do placement for things that have no got a ZIndexSpecified
boolean placementFound = false;
//again, loop over all the elements in results
for (int i = 0; i < resultList.size; i++) {
Renderable o2 = resultList.get(i);
//if not we compare by default to place before/after
int placement = normalcompare(o1, o2);
if (placement>0){
//after then we skip
//(we are waiting till we are either under something or at the end)
} else {
resultList.insert(i, o1);
placementFound = true;
break; //break out the loop
//if no placement found we go at the end by default
if (!placementFound){
} //go back to check the next element in the incomeing list of renderables (that is, the copy we made at the start)
//Copy of the default sorters compare function
private Camera camera;
private final Vector3 tmpV1 = new Vector3();
private final Vector3 tmpV2 = new Vector3();
public int normalcompare (final Renderable o1, final Renderable o2) {
final boolean b1 = o1.material.has(BlendingAttribute.Type) && ((BlendingAttribute)o1.material.get(BlendingAttribute.Type)).blended;
final boolean b2 = o2.material.has(BlendingAttribute.Type) && ((BlendingAttribute)o2.material.get(BlendingAttribute.Type)).blended;
if (b1 != b2) return b1 ? 1 : -1;
// FIXME implement better sorting algorithm
// final boolean same = o1.shader == o2.shader && o1.mesh == o2.mesh && (o1.lights == null) == (o2.lights == null) &&
// o1.material.equals(o2.material);
final float dst = (int)(1000f * camera.position.dst2(tmpV1)) - (int)(1000f * camera.position.dst2(tmpV2));
final int result = dst < 0 ? -1 : (dst > 0 ? 1 : 0);
return b1 ? -result : result;
As far as I can tell my customSorter function produces the order I want - the renderables now look like they are drawn in the right order.
However, this also seems like a hackjob, and I am sure my sorting algorithm is horrendously inefficient.
I would like advice on how to either;
a) Improve my own algorithm, especially in regards to any quirks to bare in mind when doing cross-platform LibGDX development (ie, array types, memory management in regards to android/web etc)
b) Alternative more efficient solutions having a similar "z index override" of the normal draw-order sorting.
. The grouping is necessary. This is because while things are firmly stuck relatively to eachother within a group, groups themselves can also move about in front/behind eachother. (but not between). This makes it tricky to do a "global" override of the draw order, rather then a local one per group.
. If it helps, I can add/change the zindexattribute object in any way.
. I am thinking somehow "pre-storeing" each group of objects in a array could help things, but not 100% sure how.
First of all do never copy a list if not needed. The list with renderables could be really huge since it also could contain resources. Copying will be very very slow. If you need something local and you need performance try to make it final since it can improve the performance.
So a simple approach would be the default sorting of Java. You need to implement a Comperator for your class for example the Class with z index could look like this:
public class MyRenderable {
private float z_index;
public MyRenderable(float i)
z_index = i;
public float getZ_index() {
return z_index;
public void setZ_index(float z_index) {
this.z_index = z_index;
If you want a faster sort since your list wont change that much on runtime you could implement a insertion sort since it does a faster job if the list is kind of presorted. If it is not pre sorted it does take longer but in general it should only be the first sort call where it is alot disordered in your case.
private void sortList(ArrayList<MyRenderable> array) {
// double starttime = System.nanoTime();
for (int i = 1; i < array.size(); i++) {
final MyRenderable temp = array.get(i);
int j = i - 1;
while (j >= 0 && array.get(j).getZ_index() < temp.getZ_index()) {
array.set(j + 1, array.get(j));
array.set(j + 1, temp);
// System.out.println("Time taken: " + (System.nanoTime() - starttime));
To use this method you simply call it with your Array
In your case you need to take care of the ones that do not have a Z index. Maybe you could give them a 0 since they'll get sorted at the right position(i guess). Else you can use the given methods in z case and the regular in no z case as you do already.
After the conversation in the comments. I dont think it is a good idea to push everything into one list. It's hard to sort and would be very slow. A better approach would be a list of groups. Since you want to have groups, programm a group. Do not use String names, use IDs or types (way more easy to sort and it doesn't really matter). So a simple group would be this:
public class Group{
//think about privates and getters or methods to add things which also checks some conditions and so on
public int groupType;
public ArrayList<MyRenderable> renderables;
And now all your groups into a list. (this contains all your renderbales then)
ArrayList<Group> allRenderables = new ArrayList<>();
Last but not least sort the groups and sort the renderables. Since i dont think that your group ids/names will change on runtime, sort them once or even use a SortedSet instead of a ArrayList. But basically the whole sorting looks like this:
for(Group g: allRenderables)
sortRenderables(g.renderables); //now every group is sorted
//now sort by group names
With the following insertionsorts as shown above
public static void sortRenderables(ArrayList<MyRenderable> array) {
for (int i = 1; i < array.size(); i++) {
final MyRenderable temp = array.get(i);
int j = i - 1;
while (j >= 0 && array.get(j).getZ_index() < temp.getZ_index()) {
array.set(j + 1, array.get(j));
array.set(j + 1, temp);
public static void sortGroup(ArrayList<Group> array) {
for (int i = 1; i < array.size(); i++) {
final Group temp = array.get(i);
int j = i - 1;
while (j >= 0 && array.get(j).groupType < temp.groupType) {
array.set(j + 1, array.get(j));
array.set(j + 1, temp);
I'm working on a 2D game for android so performance is a real issue and a must. In this game there might occur a lot of collisions between any objects and I don't want to check in bruteforce o(n^2) whether any gameobject collides with another one. In order to reduce the possible amount of collision checks I decided to use spatial hashing as broadphase algorithm becouse it seems quite simple and efficient - dividing the scene on rows and columns and checking collisions between objects residing only in the same grid element.
Here's the basic concept I quickly scratched:
public class SpatialHashGridElement
HashSet<GameObject> gameObjects = new HashSet<GameObject>();
static final int SPATIAL_HASH_GRID_ROWS = 4;
static final int SPATIAL_HASH_GRID_COLUMNS = 5;
static SpatialHashGridElement[] spatialHashGrid = new SpatialHashGridElement[SPATIAL_HASH_GRID_ROWS * SPATIAL_HASH_GRID_COLUMNS];
void updateGrid()
float spatialHashGridElementWidth = screenWidth / SPATIAL_HASH_GRID_COLUMNS;
float spatialHashGridElementHeight = screenHeight / SPATIAL_HASH_GRID_ROWS;
for(SpatialHashGridElement e : spatialHashGrid)
for(GameObject go : displayList)
for(int i = 0; i < go.vertices.length/3; i++)
int row = (int) Math.abs(((go.vertices[i*3 + 1] / spatialHashGridElementHeight) % SPATIAL_HASH_GRID_ROWS));
int col = (int) Math.abs(((go.vertices[i*3 + 0] / spatialHashGridElementWidth) % SPATIAL_HASH_GRID_COLUMNS));
if(!spatialHashGrid[row * SPATIAL_HASH_GRID_COLUMNS + col].gameObjects.contains(go))
spatialHashGrid[row * SPATIAL_HASH_GRID_COLUMNS + col].gameObjects.add(go);
The code isn't probably of the highest quality so if you spot anything to improve please don't hesitate to tell me but the most worrying problem that arises currently is that in 2 grid cells there might be same collision pairs checked. Worst case example (assuming none of the objects spans more than 2 cells):
Here we have 2 gameObjects colliding(red and blue). Each of them resides in 4 cells => therefore in each cell there will be the same pair to check.
I can't come up with some efficient approach to remove the possibility of duplicate pairs without a need to filter the grid after creating it in updateGrid(). Is there some brilliant way to detect that some collision pair has been already inserted even during the updateGrid function? I will be very grateful for any tips!
I'm trying to explain my idea using some pseudo-code (C# language elements):
public partial class GameObject {
// ...
Set<GameObject> collidedSinceLastTick = new HashSet<GameObject>();
public boolean collidesWith(GameObject other) {
if (collidedSinceLastTick.contains(other)) {
return true; // or even false, see below
boolean collided = false;
// TODO: your costly logic here
if (collided) {
// maybe return false if other actions depend on a GameObject just colliding once per tick
return collided;
// ...
HashSet and .hashCode() both can be tuned in some cases. Maybe you could even remove displayList and "hold" everything in spatialHashGrid to reduce the memory foot-print a little bit. Of course do that only if you don't need special access to displayList - in XML's DocumentObjectModel objects can be accessed by a path throught the tree, and "hot spots" can be accessed by ID where the ID has to be assigned explicitely. For serializing (saving game state or whatever) it should not be an issue to iterate through spatialHashGrid performance-wise (it's a bit slower than serializing the gameObject set because you may have to suppress duplicates - using Java serialization it even does not save the same object twice using the default settings, saving just a reference after the first occurence of an object).
I have created a gameboard (5x5) and I now want to decide when a move is legal as fast as possible. For example a piece at (0,0) wants to go to (1,1), is that legal? First I tried to find this out with computations but that seemed bothersome. I would like to hard-code the possible moves based on a position on the board and then iterate through all the possible moves to see if they match the destinations of the piece. I have problems getting this on paper. This is what I would like:
//game piece is at 0,0 now, decide if 1,1 is legal
Point destination = new Point(1,1);
The first problem I face is that I don't know how to put a list of possible moves in an array at for example index [0][0]. This must be fairly obvious but I am stuck at this for some time. I would like to create an array in which there is a list of Point objects. So in semi-code: legalMoves[0][0] = {Point(1,1),Point(0,1),Point(1,0)}
I am not sure if this is efficient but it makes logically move sense than maybe [[1,1],[0,1],[1,0]] but I am not sold on this.
The second problem I have is that instead of creating the object at every start of the game with an instance variable legalMoves, I would rather have it read from disk. I think that it should be quicker this way? Is the serializable class the way to go?
My 3rd small problem is that for the 25 positions the legal moves are unbalanced. Some have 8 possible legal moves, others have 3. Maybe this is not a problem at all.
You are looking for a structure that will give you the candidate for a given point, i.e. Point -> List<Point>.
Typically, I would go for a Map<Point, List<Point>>.
You can initialise this structure statically at program start or dynamically when needing. For instance, here I use 2 helpers arrays that contains the possible translations from a point, and these will yield the neighbours of the point.
// (-1 1) (0 1) (1 1)
// (-1 0) (----) (1 0)
// (-1 -1) (0 -1) (1 -1)
// from (1 0) anti-clockwise:
static int[] xOffset = {1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0,1};
static int[] yOffset = {0,1,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1};
The following Map contains the actual neighbours for a Point with a function that compute, store and return these neighbours. You can choose to initialise all neighbours in one pass, but given the small numbers, I would not think this a problem performance wise.
static Map<Point, List<Point>> neighbours = new HashMap<>();
static List<Point> getNeighbours(Point a) {
List<Point> nb = neighbours.get(a);
if (nb == null) {
nb = new ArrayList<>(xOffset.length); // size the list
for (int i=0; i < xOffset.length; i++) {
int x = a.getX() + xOffset[i];
int y = a.getY() + yOffset[i];
if (x>=0 && y>=0 && x < 5 && y < 5) {
nb.add(new Point(x, y));
neighbours.put(a, nb);
return nb;
Now checking a legal move is a matter of finding the point in the neighbours:
static boolean isLegalMove(Point from, Point to) {
boolean legal = false;
for (Point p : getNeighbours(from)) {
if (p.equals(to)) {
legal = true;
return legal;
Note: the class Point must define equals() and hashCode() for the map to behave as expected.
The first problem I face is that I don't know how to put a list of possible moves in an array at for example index [0][0]
Since the board is 2D, and the number of legal moves could generally be more than one, you would end up with a 3D data structure:
Point legalMoves[][][] = new legalMoves[5][5][];
legalMoves[0][0] = new Point[] {Point(1,1),Point(0,1),Point(1,0)};
instead of creating the object at every start of the game with an instance variable legalMoves, I would rather have it read from disk. I think that it should be quicker this way? Is the serializable class the way to go?
This cannot be answered without profiling. I cannot imagine that computing legal moves of any kind for a 5x5 board could be so intense computationally as to justify any kind of additional I/O operation.
for the 25 positions the legal moves are unbalanced. Some have 8 possible legal moves, others have 3. Maybe this is not a problem at all.
This can be handled nicely with a 3D "jagged array" described above, so it is not a problem at all.
I'm trying to create a jslider that moves withing the following ranges.
In short I don't want the values -1 and 0 to be valid values for the JSlider.
But the values from x to -1 should be allowed, and 1 to x should be allowed.
I'm trying to not write hacky code, so I don't want to write a function in the UI code that just gets the value from a different (continuous) range, and then transforms it to the range I want with a bunch of it statements.
Ideally, I should just be able to call slider.getValue() and know that the return value will be in the range I described above.
I think you must do this value adjustment yourself perhaps within overridden method setValue()?
Try out this code:
int x = 10;
public void setValue(int n)
if((n >= -x && n < -1)|| (n =< x && n >= 1))
System.out.println("OI in setValue");
A slider's value is just the ratio between the thumb's current position and the sliders width, in pixels. IIUC, you have three ranges, [-x,-1), [-1,1) and [1,x], so you'll need two thumbs. You might look at JXMultiThumbSlider, which supports a MultiThumbModel.
Addendum: For a related use-case, I started with How to Write a Custom Swing Component. It's laborious, but it may produce a cleaner result.