I have several gradle projects in my eclipse workspace. For the sake of simplicity I'm only really interested in 2 of them, let's just use A and B for this.
So the problem I'm having is that Project A has an included dependency on JBoss, which pulls in javax validation-api 1.0.0.GA, and Project B has a dependency on javax validation-api 1.1.0.Final. Since Gradle itself resolves the conflict by using the newer library first, B is happy when built by gradle. But Eclipse itself includes errors which are very distracting while editing.
The correct version of the validation-api jar ends up in B's class path but the problem is that the Gradle IDE plugin changes the project(':A') dependency to a project reference, and Eclipse seems to give the project reference precedence over the external jar. So the old jar is preferred by extension.
I tried adding { exclude module: 'validation-api' } in B's build.gradle for the dependency on A which works according to the output of 'gradle dependencies', however since Eclipse just gets as far as making it a project reference, it won't exclude the jar and the problem remains.
Also per this question I tried adding { transitive = false } and the same thing happens. I don't think even the hack posed there would work for me since the .classpath contains a single reference to the Gradle container so there's nothing to remove.
I've managed to get around this by explicitly including a reference to the correct version of the jar from my gradle cache and then moving it above the Gradle Classpath Container so that eclipse sees that version first.
My question is: Is there a better/more generic way to do this? Preferably one that I can commit to source control without breaking other people's builds or requiring them to manually modify paths or properties somewhere? There is another project with what appears to be a similar issue so something I can fix in the build.gradle file would be awesome.
Worst case scenario, I could probably switch to IntelliJ if that behaves itself better than the Eclipse-Gradle integration?
These kind of transitive dependency issues are long-standing problem with Gradle Eclipse integration (both in STS tooling and also commandline generated .classpath metadata from Gradle's Eclipse plugin. The problem is the way that Eclipse computes transitive classpaths.
Only recently we found a reasonable solution to this problem. Actually there are now two solutions, one better than the other but depending on your situation you might want to use either of them.
The first solution is a bug fix that changes the classpath order of project dependencies so that they are no longer 'preferred' over jar dependencies PR-74. To get this fix you may need to install gradle tooling from a snapshot update site because the fix went in after 3.6.3.
This solution doesn't fix the real problem (you still have the 'wrong' stuff on the classpath) but just makes it less likely to cause real problem in your projects.
The second solution is to enable use of the 'Custom Tooling API model' PR-55 introduced in STS 3.6.3. This is a bit experimental and only works for recent version of Gradle, at least 1.12 but probably better to use 2.x. It also only works for projects that have 'Dependency management' enabled (if not enabled you are using the .classpath generated by Gradle's eclipse plugin which has the same 'broken' classpath issues as the STS tooling).
The 'custom tooling model' is really the better solution in principle as it fixes the way gradle classpath get mapped to eclipse projects so that project dependencies are no longer exported and each project gets its own classpath considering dependencies conflict resolution.
To enable this go to "Window >> Preferences >> Gradle" and enable checkbox "Use Custom Tooling Model".
We are running our Java EE applications in WAS 8.5 and Gradle 5.* to build them.
In the past we packaged our .war application in an .ear archive, which we then deployed on our server. We had to separate our libraries from our applications and include them as shared libraries, because in our experience it made deploying much slower and in some cases used up all system memory, crashing the server.
After some experimentation, we realized that we don't need to extract the dependencies into shared libraries, because we can include them in the lib folder of our .ear archive.
Currently, we get this done by defining the dependencies of our .war application as compileOnly and redefining them as earlib in the root project (which generates the .ear archive). I'm looking for a way to automate this procedure.
The script I used looks something like this:
project.configurations.named('deploy').getAllDependencies().withType(ProjectDependency.class).forEach({dependency ->
// This loosely resembles the actual code I used. The thought process is right, it just might have a couple syntax errors.
// Obviously, I defined an `earlib` configuration in the subproject
I tried running this code in the configuration phase, as well as in the doFirst{} section of the ear task. They all had different problems.
The former didn't work, because it seems like in the configuration phase when this code ran, the dependencies weren't configured yet.
The latter didn't work, because I can't just add dependencies during runtime (thinking back, it sounds ridiculous that I even tried it).
My question is: Can I find a phase in the build lifecycle, where I can find and modify the dependencies? Is there another workaround to solve my problem?
The technical answer to your questions is that you can use either:
A configuration.incoming.beforeResolve hook to do it last minute, only when the configuration really needs to be resolved.
Use an afterEvaluate block, assuming all the other dependencies are not defined in an afterEvaluate themselves.
However, the right solution would be to leverage the dependency management engine of Gradle and effectively declare that your root project, the one building the EAR, has dependencies on the specific configurations of the subprojects.
Not knowing your full setup and details, I believe the above would still be the more correct solution, though you may have to filter the subproject artifacts from the resulting graph.
Ideas on how this works in recent Gradle version: https://docs.gradle.org/6.2/userguide/cross_project_publications.html Most of the things explained there should work with the latest 5.x versions.
I use both Intellij IDEA (2018.3.5) & Eclipse IDEs, but I prefer Intellij. I have a maven based Java project with multiple poms. I added some dependencies to one of the pom files. I need to find out if there are any dependency conflicts which could prevent the build from running when its deployed, and then exclude them. I tried the steps given below to find conflicts which could cause problems. Are they enough or do I need to do more ?
Check if there are any compile time dependency conflicts with mvn clean install -DskipTests. Build was successful with no errors.
Check if Intellij shows no problems under File > Project Structure > Problems. There are no problems.
I also saw the dependency tree with mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose. It has a lot of "omitted for duplicate" and "omitted for conflict with" items, but the build was successful. I don't see any errors though. Does this mean that everything is okay or do I have to do something more about these conflicts ?
The best way to tell if everything is fine with your application is to have good tests.
However normally one doesn't exclude transitive dependencies from project's <dependency> libraries. Doing it can potentially break the dependency in a subtle and hard to notice way. It's usually safer to remove the whole <dependency>.
There are few scenario when one should use <exclude>:
Dealing with incompatible transitive dependencies between different libraries e.g. A requires library C-1.0 but library B requires library C-2.0 while C-1.0 and C-2.0 can't coexist on the classpath.
Having transitive dependencies already provided by system e.g. deploying to Tomcat with additional JARs in the TOMCAT_HOME/lib directory.
If you decide to exclude a dependency it's important that you check the final artifact because sometimes plugins do weird things e.g. there were versions of maven-assembly-plugin affected by a bug that resulted in different dependencies being resolved during shaded JAR creation than maven-dependency-plugin used for compilation.
For several months we've been using Buildship 1.X plus some manual .launch/tasks to build our Eclipse/WTP config files per development environment. I am currently attempting to migrate to using Buildship 2 (which I'm hoping will rid us of the need for the manual bits.)
However, when I import the projects (which have 0 eclipse config files at this point) via the buildship/gradle import, the subprojects are included via 'Libraries' rather than as 'Projects' (see image below.) In contrast, if I use gradle's eclipse task to generate the eclipse config files (i.e. .classpath) then the configuration ends up as I would expect it to be. Is this a current limitation of Buildship, or do I need to do something differently in my gradle files to coerce Buildship to bring them in as Projects?
Ultimately I don't know that I should care about this difference, but I do know that I'm getting compiler errors saying classes from the subprojects are missing from the classpath. As long as I can fix that issue, I'm perfectly happy.
Potentially helpful info
rootProject.name = 'projectroot'
include 'Project2.0'
project(':Project2.0').name = 'projectx'
include 'the-platform'
include 'the-platform:central-repo:central-repo-common'
include 'the-platform:central-repo:central-repo-model'
include 'the-platform:central-repo:central-repo-persist'
include 'the-platform:central-repo:central-repo-service'
Project2.0/build.gradle (snippet):
dependencies {
compile project(':the-platform:central-repo:central-repo-common')
compile project(':the-platform:central-repo:central-repo-model')
compile project(':the-platform:central-repo:central-repo-persist')
compile project(':the-platform:central-repo:central-repo-service')
Hmmm, nevermind. My intuition about the difference between the behavior of buildship vs the eclipse plugin to gradle being responsible for my classpath issues was incorrect. Something else (as yet unexplained) must've been the issue as it is working correctly now.
Is there a way to configure Gradle to shorten the folder names of its cached dependencies?
From the Gradle user guide it does not appear its possible, but figured to check with others.
My use case is because using the 'idea' Gradle plugin it helps with settings up Module dependencies. A problem arises when the Module classpath becomes 'too long' for cmd.exe (I'm not trying to discuss these limitations). Idea loads the project just fine, but its unable to run my program since it states the classpath is too long.
Since this is not an Idea problem, I figured it would be lovely if there was a way Gradle could cache deps using shorter folder names.
from: C:\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2\com.google.application\application\2.0\SVABNSAVSASAMNVSMAVSASN\application.jar
Options 1 To: C:\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2\c.g.a\a\2.0\SVABNSAVSASAMNVSMAVSASN\application.jar
Options 2 To: C:\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2\co.go.ap\ap\2.0\[tinyurl-equivalent]\application.jar
Options 3 To: C:\.g\c\m-2\f-2\c.g.a\a\2.0\[tinyurl-equivalent]\application.jar
Options 4 To: C:\.g\[tinyurl-equivalent]\application.jar
I do know that Idea does recognize the long classpath and prompts to enabled Dynamic Classpaths, but this has been known to cause other problems (some invoked apps cannot see the full classpath) and therefore I'd like to avoid this Idea option.
As of Gradle 2.1, shortening dependency cache paths isn't supported. There are ideas around symlinking or copying dependencies into the project, but nothing concrete has materialized.
I'm new to Maven, using the m2e plugin for Eclipse. I'm still wrapping my head around Maven, but it seems like whenever I need to import a new library, like java.util.List, now I have to manually go through the hassle of finding the right repository for the jar and adding it to the dependencies in the POM. This seems like a major hassle, especially since some jars can't be found in public repositories, so they have to be uploaded into the local repository.
Am I missing something about Maven in Eclipse? Is there a way to automatically update the POM when Eclipse automatically imports a new library?
I'm trying to understand how using Maven saves time/effort...
You picked a bad example. Portions of the actual Java Library that come with the Java Standard Runtime are there regardless of Maven configuration.
With that in mind, if you wanted to add something external, say Log4j, then you would need to add a project dependency on Log4j. Maven would then take the dependency information and create a "signature" to search for, first in the local cache, and then in the external repositories.
Such a signature might look like
or perhaps
This identifies a maven "module" which will then be downloaded and configured into your system. Once in place it adds all of the classes within the module to your configured project.
Maven principally saves time in downloading and organizing JAR files in your build. By defining a "standard" project layout and a "standard" build order, Maven eliminates a lot of the guesswork in the "why isn't my project building" sweepstakes. Also, you can use neat commands like "mvn dependency:tree" to print out a list of all the JARs your project depends on, recursively.
Warning note: If you are using the M2E plugin and Eclipse, you may also run into problems with the plugin itself. The 1.0 version (hosted at eclipse.org) was much less friendly than the previous 0.12 version (hosted at Sonatype). You can get around this to some extent by downloading and installing the "standalone" version of Maven from apache (maven.apache.org) and running Maven from the command line. This is actually much more stable than trying to run Maven inside Eclipse (in my personal experience) and may save you some pain as you try to learn about Maven.