Estimating Entropy From Stream of Integers - java

I have a continuous stream of integers across the space of all the 32-bit integers, and upon each update I want to know either the exact or approximate entropy of the distributions of integers I have encountered. It can be global entropy across the lifetime or a windowed approximation that attenuates older information as time passes.
Does anyone know of a library that does this already or an algorithm that has this property?
Clearly, this is a streaming algorithm as it is too expensive to iterate over the range each time and calculate the entropy on each update. Does anyone know of such an algorithm or sketch data structure that can do this?
The motivation and use case is that I want to detect skew in the stream of integers. It is supposed to be uniform across the range of integers but at certain times, due to other conditions, the uniformity may be disturbed and I think entropy is the best way to detect this kind of condition. I'd ideally have an alert on low entropy for the calculating component.
Thanks for any help!
EDIT: I actually found a paper that does exactly this but I know of no existing implementation. Reusing tested, verified code would be way better than having to implement it myself. :)


BOBYQA Algorithm

I am working with BOBYQA Algorithm for optimisation issues. I have a question about the efficiency of this algorithm and how to set the right parameters.
Bobyqa is based on trust region and for this purpose one needs to set a number of interpolated value to approximate the function with quadratic formula. It is strongly recommended to choose this number between n+2 and 2n+1. I have some difficulties to see how to choose the right one. I have a problem with 9 unknown and I select empirically the best number. I have also noticed that this parameter could dramatically increase calculation time.
If someone can share his own experience with this algorithm, it would be helpful.

frequency / pitch detection for dummies

While I have many questions on this site dealing with the concept of pitch detection... They all deal with this magical FFT with which I am not familiar. I am trying to build an Android application that needs to implement pitch detection. I have absolutely no understanding for the algorithms that are used to do this.
It can't be that hard can it? There are around 8 billion guitar tuner apps on the android market after all.
Can someone help?
The FFT is not really the best way to implement pitch detection or pitch tracking. One issue is that the loudest frequency is not always the fundamental frequency. Another is that the FFT, by itself, requires a pretty large amount of data and processing to obtain the resolution you need to tune an instrument, so it can appear slow to respond (i.e. latency). Yet another issue is that the result of an FFT is necessarily intuitive to work with: you get an array of complex numbers and you have to know how to interpret them.
If you really want to use an FFT, here is one approach:
Low-pass your signal. This will help prevent noise and higher harmonics from creating spurious results. Conceivably, you could do skip this step and instead weight your results towards the lower values of the FFT instead. For some instruments with strong fundamental frequencies, this might not be necessary.
Window your signal. Windows should be at lest 4096 in size. Larger is better to a point because it gives you better frequency resolution. If you go too large, it will end up increasing your computation time and latency. The hann function is a good choice for your window.
FFT the windowed signal as often as you can. Even overlapping windows are good.
The results of the FFT are complex numbers. Find the magnitude of each complex number using sqrt( real^2 + imag^2 ). The index in the FFT array with the largest magnitude is the index with your peak frequency.
You may want to average multiple FFTs for more consistent results.
How do you calculate the frequency from the index? Well, let's say you've got a window of size N. After you FFT, you will have N complex numbers. If your peak is the nth one, and your sample rate is 44100, then your peak frequency will be near (44100/2)*n/N. Why near? well you have an error of (44100/2)*1/N. For a bin size of 4096, this is about 5.3 Hz -- easily audible at A440. You can improve on that by 1. taking phase into account (I've only described how to take magnitude into account), 2. using larger windows (which will increase latency and processing requirements as the FFT is an N Log N algorithm), or 3. use a better algorithm like YIN
You can skip the windowing step and just break the audio into discrete chunks of however many samples you want to analyze. This is equivalent to using a square window, which works, but you may get more noise in your results.
BTW: Many of those tuner apps license code form third parties, such as z-plane, and iZotope.
Update: If you want C source code and a full tutorial for the FFT method, I've written one. The code compiles and runs on Mac OS X, and should be convertible to other platforms pretty easily. It's not designed to be the best, but it is designed to be easy to understand.
A Fast Fourier Transform changes a function from time domain to frequency domain. So instead of f(t) where f is the signal that you are getting from the microphone and t is the time index of that signal, you get g(θ) where g is the FFT of f and θ is the frequency. Once you have g(θ), you just need to find which θ with the highest amplitude, meaning the "loudest" frequency. That will be the primary pitch of the sound that you are picking up.
As for actually implementing the FFT, if you google "fast fourier transform sample code", you'll get a bunch of examples.

LSH Libraries in Java

I'm looking for a lightweight Java library that supports Nearest Neighbor Searches by Locality Sensitive Hashing for nearly equally distributed data in a high dimensional (in my case 32) dataset with some hundreds of thousands data points.
It's totally good enough to get all entries in a bucket for a query. Which ones i really need could then be processed in a different way under consideration of some filter parameters my problem include.
I already found likelike but hope that there is something a bit smaller and without need of any other tools (like Apache Hadoop in the case of likelike).
Maybe this one:
"TarsosLSH is a Java library implementing Locality-sensitive Hashing (LSH), a practical nearest neighbour search algorithm for multidimensional vectors that operates in sublinear time. It supports several Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) families: the Euclidean hash family (L2), city block hash family (L1) and cosine hash family. The library tries to hit the sweet spot between being capable enough to get real tasks done, and compact enough to serve as a demonstration on how LSH works."
Code can be found here
Apache Spark has an LSH implementation: (API).
After having played with both the tdebatty and TarsosLSH implementations, I'll likely use Spark, as it supports sparse vectors as input. The tdebatty requires a non-sparse array of booleans or int's, and the TarsosLSH Vector implementation is a non-sparse array of doubles. This severely limits the number of dimensions one can reasonably support.
This page provides links to more projects, as well as related papers and information:
There is this one:
I haven't had time to test it but at least it compiles.
Here another one:
It uses LSH for KNN. I'm currently investigating it's usability =)
The ELKI data mining framework comes with an LSH index. It can be used with most algorithms included (anything that uses range or nn searches) and sometimes works very well.
In other cases, LSH doesn't seem to be a good approach. It can be quite tricky to get the LSH parameters right: if you choose some parameters too high, runtime grows a lot (all the way to a linear scan). If you choose them too low, the index becomes too approximative and loses to many neighbors.
It's probably the biggest challenge with LSH: finding good parameters, that yield the desired speedup and getting a good enough accuracy out of the index...

"Fastest" hash function implemented in Java, comparing part of file

I need to compare two different files of the instance "File" in Java and want to do this with a fast hash function.
- Hashing the 20 first lines in File 1
- Hashing the 20 first lines in File 2
- Compare the two hashes and return true if those are equal.
I want to use the "fastest" hash function ever been implemented in Java. Which one would you choose?
If you want speed, do not hash! Especially not a cryptographic hash like MD5. These hashes are designed to be impossible to reverse, not fast to calculate. What you should use is a Checksum - see and its two concrete implementations. Adler32 is extremely fast to compute.
Any method based on checksums or hashes is vulnerable to collisions, but you can minimise the risk by using two different methods in the way RSYNC does.
The algorithm is basically:
Check file sizes are equal
Break the files into chunks of size N bytes
Compute checksum on each pair of matching blocks and compare. Any differences prove files are not the same.
This allows for early detection of a difference. You can improve it by computing two checksums at once with different algorithms, or different block sizes.
More bits in the result mean less chance of a collision, but as soon as you go over 64 bits you are outside what Java (and the computer's CPU) can handle natively and hence get slow, so FNV-1024 is less likely to give you a false negative but is much slower.
If it is all about speed, just use Adler32 and accept that very rarely a difference will not be detected. It really is rare. Checksums like these are used to ensure the internet can spot transmission errors, and how often do you get the wrong data turning up?
It it is all about accuracy really, you will have to compare every byte. Nothing else will work.
If you can compromise between speed and accuracy, there is a wealth of options out there.
If you're comparing two files at the same time on the same system there's no need to hash both of them. Just compare the bytes in both files are equal as you read both. If you're looking to compare them at different times or they're in different places then MD5 would be both fast and adequate. There's not much reason to need a faster one unless you're dealing with really large files. Even my laptop can hash hundreds of megabytes per second.
You also need to hash the whole file if you want to verify they're identical. Otherwise you might as well just check the size and last modified time if you want a really quick check. You could also check the beginning and end of the file if they're just really large and you trust that the middle won't be changing. If you're not dealing with hundreds of megabytes though, you may as well check every byte of each file.

Solving nonlinear equations numerically

I need to solve nonlinear minimization (least residual squares of N unknowns) problems in my Java program. The usual way to solve these is the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. I have a couple of questions
Does anybody have experience on the different LM implementations available? There exist slightly different flavors of LM, and I've heard that the exact implementation of the algorithm has a major effect on the its numerical stability. My functions are pretty well-behaved so this will probably not be a problem, but of course I'd like to choose one of the better alternatives. Here are some alternatives I've found:
FPL Statistics Group's Nonlinear Optimization Java Package. This includes a Java translation of the classic Fortran MINPACK routines.
JLAPACK, another Fortran translation.
Optimization Algorithm Toolkit.
Some Python implementation. Pure Python would be fine, since it can be compiled to Java with jythonc.
Are there any commonly used heuristics to do the initial guess that LM requires?
In my application I need to set some constraints on the solution, but luckily they are simple: I just require that the solutions (in order to be physical solutions) are nonnegative. Slightly negative solutions are result of measurement inaccuracies in the data, and should obviously be zero. I was thinking to use "regular" LM but iterate so that if some of the unknowns becomes negative, I set it to zero and resolve the rest from that. Real mathematicians will probably laugh at me, but do you think that this could work?
Thanks for any opinions!
Update: This is not rocket science, the number of parameters to solve (N) is at most 5 and the data sets are barely big enough to make solving possible, so I believe Java is quite efficient enough to solve this. And I believe that this problem has been solved numerous times by clever applied mathematicians, so I'm just looking for some ready solution rather than cooking my own. E.g. Scipy.optimize.minpack.leastsq would probably be fine if it was pure Python..
The closer your initial guess is to the solution, the faster you'll converge.
You said it was a non-linear problem. You can do a least squares solution that's linearized. Maybe you can use that solution as a first guess. A few non-linear iterations will tell you something about how good or bad an assumption that is.
Another idea would be trying another optimization algorithm. Genetic and ant colony algorithms can be a good choice if you can run them on many CPUs. They also don't require continuous derivatives, so they're nice if you have discrete, discontinuous data.
You should not use an unconstrained solver if your problem has constraints. For
instance if know that some of your variables must be nonnegative you should tell
this to your solver.
If you are happy to use Scipy, I would recommend scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b
You can place simple bounds on your variables with L-BFGS-B.
Note that L-BFGS-B takes a general nonlinear objective function, not just
a nonlinear least-squares problem.
I agree with codehippo; I think that the best way to solve problems with constraints is to use algorithms which are specifically designed to deal with them. The L-BFGS-B algorithm should probably be a good solution in this case.
However, if using python's scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b module is not a viable option in your case (because you are using Java), you can try using a library I have written: a Java wrapper for the original Fortran code of the L-BFGS-B algorithm. You can download it from and see if it matches your needs.
The FPL package is quite reliable but has a few quirks (array access starts at 1) due to its very literal interpretation of the old fortran code. The LM method itself is quite reliable if your function is well behaved. A simple way to force non-negative constraints is to use the square of parameters instead of the parameters directly. This can introduce spurious solutions but for simple models, these solutions are easy to screen out.
There is code available for a "constrained" LM method. Look here for mpfit. There is a python (relies on Numeric unfortunately) and a C version. The LM method is around 1500 lines of code, so you might be inclined to port the C to Java. In fact, the "constrained" LM method is not much different than the method you envisioned. In mpfit, the code adjusts the step size relative to bounds on the variables. I've had good results with mpfit as well.
I don't have that much experience with BFGS, but the code is much more complex and I've never been clear on the licensing of the code.
Good luck.
I haven't actually used any of those Java libraries so take this with a grain of salt: based on the backends I would probably look at JLAPACK first. I believe LAPACK is the backend of Numpy, which is essentially the standard for doing linear algebra/mathematical manipulations in Python. At least, you definitely should use a well-optimized C or Fortran library rather than pure Java, because for large data sets these kinds of tasks can become extremely time-consuming.
For creating the initial guess, it really depends on what kind of function you're trying to fit (and what kind of data you have). Basically, just look for some relatively quick (probably O(N) or better) computation that will give an approximate value for the parameter you want. (I recently did this with a Gaussian distribution in Numpy and I estimated the mean as just average(values, weights = counts) - that is, a weighted average of the counts in the histogram, which was the true mean of the data set. It wasn't the exact center of the peak I was looking for, but it got close enough, and the algorithm went the rest of the way.)
As for keeping the constraints positive, your method seems reasonable. Since you're writing a program to do the work, maybe just make a boolean flag that lets you easily enable or disable the "force-non-negative" behavior, and run it both ways for comparison. Only if you get a large discrepancy (or if one version of the algorithm takes unreasonably long), it might be something to worry about. (And REAL mathematicians would do least-squares minimization analytically, from scratch ;-P so I think you're the one who can laugh at them.... kidding. Maybe.)
