Level out FFT graph (Processing) - java

I am trying to make a music visualizer in Processing, not that that part is super important, and I'm using a fast fourier transform through Minim. It's working perfectly (reading the data), but there is a large spike on the left (bass) end. What's the best way to 'level' this out?
My source code is here, if you want to take a look.
Thanks in advance,

The spectrum you show looks fairly typical of a complex musical sound where you have a complex section at lower frequencies, but also some clear harmonics emerging from the low frequency mess. And, actually, these harmonics are atypically clear... music in general is complicated. Sometimes, for example, if a flute is playing a single clear note one will get a single nice peak or two, but it's much more common that transients and percussive sounds lead to a very complicated spectrum, especially at low frequencies.
For comparing directly to the video, it seems to me that the video is a bit odd. My guess is that the spectrum they show is either a zoom in a small section of the spectrum far from zero, or that it's just a graphical algorithm that's based off the music but doesn't correspond to an actual spectrum. That is, if you really want something to look very similar to this video, you'll need more than the spectrum, though the spectrum will likely be a good starting point. Here are a few points to note:
1) there is a prominent peak which occasionally appears right above the "N" in the word anchor. A single dominant peak should be clear in the audio as an approximately pure tone.
2) occasionally there's another peak that varies temporally with this peak, which would normally be a sign that the second peak is a harmonic, but many times this second peak isn't there.
3) A good examples of odd behavior, is a 2:26. This time just follows a little laser sound effect, and then there's basically a quite hiss. A hiss should be a broad spectrum sound without peaks, often weighted to lower frequencies. At 2:26, though, there's just this single large peak above the "N" with nothing else.

It turns out what I had to do was multiply the data by
Math.log(i + 2) / 3
where i is the index of the data being referenced, zero-indexed from the left (bass).
You can see this in context here


Step detection in real-time 1D data

For a small project we're trying to implement an autopilot for a slot car. A gyro sensor is attached to the car and delivers the Z-value (meaning the amount of centrifugal force acting on the car/sensor) 20 times per second. One crucial part of this is the detection of whether or not the car is in a curve or on a straight part and when exactly it was entered and when it left that part. Only so we can have reliable prediction of what'll happen in the future.
As for now, we're working with a sliding window to smooth the data and then have hardcoded limits (-400 for a left curve and +400 for a right curve) to detect what kind of sector (left, right, straight) we're in.
Obviously this takes too long, as it takes a couple of messages until the program detects that it's a direction change because of the smoothing and the hardcoded limits.
Here's an example of two rounds on a simple track, starting at the checkered area:
A perfect algorithm would detect the sectors S R S R S L S R S R S R S for one round, with a delay of only a couple of data points.
We thought about using the first derivative of the gyro values, but in the sample graph right after the first left curve, the following right curve (between 22:36:40 and 22:36:42) shows signs of swerving. Here the first derivative would be close to 0 and indicate a straight part...
Also, there we'd need to set a hardcoded threshold again, but with the noise of the data it could be that a small bump in the track could result in such a noise level that it's derivative would exceed the threshold.
Now we're not sure about what would be the easiest/fastest/most reliable way to handle this sort of detection. Would using a derivative be a good idea? Is there a better way?
Any input would be greatly appreciated :)
The existing software is written in Java.
In such problems, you have to trade robustness for immediacy. If you don't know what happens in the future, you can only make assumptions. And these assumptions may hold or may not.
From the looks of your data, there shouldn't be any smoothing necessary. If you define a reasonable threshold, the curves should be recognized quite reliably. If, however, this is not the case, here are some things you could try:
You already mentioned smoothing. The crucial point is how you smooth. An asymmetric smoothing kernel is probably desirable (a half triangle filter can be updated in constant time). You can directly weigh robustness and immediacy by modifying the kernel width.
A simple alternative to filtering is counting. If your data is above the curve threshold, don't call it a curve just yet. Count how many data points are above the threshold in a row. If there are more than n data points above the threshold, then you're most likely in a curve.
Using derivatives is potentially problematic. The main reason against derivatives is that a curve is not defined by any derivative at all (at least no derivative of the force). The second problem is that you can only estimate the derivatives numerically, which is quite unstable with lots of noise. So you would have to smooth your data (or find a numerical scheme for your noise model), which again requires some latency.

Optimising conways game of life

I'm busy coding Conways Game of Life and I'm trying to optimise it using some data structure that records which cells should be checked on each life cycle.
I'm using an arrayList as a dynamic data structure to keep a record of all living cells and their neighbours. Is there a better data structure or way of keeping a shorter list that will increase the games speed?
I ask this because often many cells are checked but not changed so I feel like my implementation could be improved.
I believe that the Hashlife algorithm could help you.
It gives the idea of using a quadtree (tree data structure in which each internal node has exactly four children) to keep the data, and then it uses hash tables to store the nodes of the quadtree.
For further reading, this post, written by Eric Burnett, gives a great insight about how Hashlife works, it's performance and implementation (although in Python). It's worth a read.
I built a Life engine that operated on 256x512 bit grids directly mapped to screen pixels back in the 1970s, using a 2Mhz 6800 8 bit computer. I did it directly on the display pixels (they were one-bit on/off white/black) because I wanted to see the results and didn't see the point in copying the Life image to the display.
Its fundamental trick was to treat the problem as one of evaluating a Boolean logic formula for "this cell is on" based on rules of Life, rather than counting live neighbors as is usual. This formula is pretty easy to figure out, so left as a homework exercise. What made it fast was that the Boolean formula was computed on a per-bit basis, doing 8 bits at a time. If you sweep down the screen and across rows, you can in essence evaluate N bits at once (8 on the 6800, 64 on modern PCs) with very low overhead. If you go nuts, you can likely use the SIMD vector extensions and do 256 bits or more at "once". Over the top would be doing this with a GPU.
The 6800 version would process a complete screen in about .5 second; you could watch the update ripple down the screen from top to bottom (60 Hz refresh). On a modern CPU with 1000x the clock rate (1 GHz is pretty easy to get) and 64 bits at a time, it should be able to produce thousands of frames per second. So fast you can't watch it run :-{
A useful observation is that much of the Life world is dead (blank) and processing that part mostly produces more dead cells. This suggests using a sparse representation. Another poster suggested quadtrees, which I think is a very good suggestion. Your quadtree regions don't have to be square, either.
Combining the two ideas, quadtrees for non-blank regions with bit-level processing for blocks of bits designated by the quadtrees is likely to give an astonishingly fast Life algorithm.

frequency / pitch detection for dummies

While I have many questions on this site dealing with the concept of pitch detection... They all deal with this magical FFT with which I am not familiar. I am trying to build an Android application that needs to implement pitch detection. I have absolutely no understanding for the algorithms that are used to do this.
It can't be that hard can it? There are around 8 billion guitar tuner apps on the android market after all.
Can someone help?
The FFT is not really the best way to implement pitch detection or pitch tracking. One issue is that the loudest frequency is not always the fundamental frequency. Another is that the FFT, by itself, requires a pretty large amount of data and processing to obtain the resolution you need to tune an instrument, so it can appear slow to respond (i.e. latency). Yet another issue is that the result of an FFT is necessarily intuitive to work with: you get an array of complex numbers and you have to know how to interpret them.
If you really want to use an FFT, here is one approach:
Low-pass your signal. This will help prevent noise and higher harmonics from creating spurious results. Conceivably, you could do skip this step and instead weight your results towards the lower values of the FFT instead. For some instruments with strong fundamental frequencies, this might not be necessary.
Window your signal. Windows should be at lest 4096 in size. Larger is better to a point because it gives you better frequency resolution. If you go too large, it will end up increasing your computation time and latency. The hann function is a good choice for your window. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hann_function
FFT the windowed signal as often as you can. Even overlapping windows are good.
The results of the FFT are complex numbers. Find the magnitude of each complex number using sqrt( real^2 + imag^2 ). The index in the FFT array with the largest magnitude is the index with your peak frequency.
You may want to average multiple FFTs for more consistent results.
How do you calculate the frequency from the index? Well, let's say you've got a window of size N. After you FFT, you will have N complex numbers. If your peak is the nth one, and your sample rate is 44100, then your peak frequency will be near (44100/2)*n/N. Why near? well you have an error of (44100/2)*1/N. For a bin size of 4096, this is about 5.3 Hz -- easily audible at A440. You can improve on that by 1. taking phase into account (I've only described how to take magnitude into account), 2. using larger windows (which will increase latency and processing requirements as the FFT is an N Log N algorithm), or 3. use a better algorithm like YIN http://www.ircam.fr/pcm/cheveign/pss/2002_JASA_YIN.pdf
You can skip the windowing step and just break the audio into discrete chunks of however many samples you want to analyze. This is equivalent to using a square window, which works, but you may get more noise in your results.
BTW: Many of those tuner apps license code form third parties, such as z-plane, and iZotope.
Update: If you want C source code and a full tutorial for the FFT method, I've written one. The code compiles and runs on Mac OS X, and should be convertible to other platforms pretty easily. It's not designed to be the best, but it is designed to be easy to understand.
A Fast Fourier Transform changes a function from time domain to frequency domain. So instead of f(t) where f is the signal that you are getting from the microphone and t is the time index of that signal, you get g(θ) where g is the FFT of f and θ is the frequency. Once you have g(θ), you just need to find which θ with the highest amplitude, meaning the "loudest" frequency. That will be the primary pitch of the sound that you are picking up.
As for actually implementing the FFT, if you google "fast fourier transform sample code", you'll get a bunch of examples.

Analyzing Sound in a WAV file

I am trying to analyze a movie file by splitting it up into camera shots and then trying to determine which shots are more important than others. One of the factors I am considering in a shot's importance is how loud the volume is during that part of the movie. To do this, I am analyzing the corresponding sound file. I'm having trouble determining how "loud" a shot is because I don't think I fully understand what the data in a WAV file represents.
I read the file into an audio buffer using a method similar to that described in this post.
Having already split the corresponding video file into shots, I am now trying to find which shots are louder than others in the WAV file. I am trying to do this by extracting each sample in the file like this:
double amplitude = (double)((audioData[i] & 0xff) | (audioData[i + 1] << 8));
Some of the other posts I have read seem to indicate that I need to apply a Fast Fourier Transform to this audio data to get the amplitude, which makes me wonder what the values I have extracted actually represent. Is what I'm doing correct? My sound file format is a 16-bit mono PCM with a sampling rate of 22,050 Hz. Should I be doing something with this 22,050 value when I am trying to analyze the volume of the file? Other posts suggest using Root Mean Square to evaluate loudness. Is this required, or just a more accurate way of doing it?
The more I look into this the more confused I get. If anyone could shed some light on my mistakes and misunderstandings, I would greatly appreciate it!
The FFT has nothing to do with volume and everything to do with frequencies. To find out how loud a scene is on average, simply average the sampled values. Depending on whether you get the data as signed or unsigned values in your language, you might have to apply an absolute function first so that negative amplitudes don't cancel out the positive ones, but that's pretty much it. If you don't get the results you were expecting that must have to do with the way you are extracting the individual values in line 20.
That said, there are a few refinements that might or might not affect your task. Perceived loudness, amplitude and acoustic power are in fact related in non-linear ways, but as long as you are only trying to get a rough estimate of how much is "going on" in the audio signal I doubt that this is relevant for you. And of course, humans hear different frequencies better or worse - for instance, bats emit ultrasound squeals that would be absolutely deafening to us, but luckily we can't hear them at all. But again, I doubt this is relevant to your task, since e.g. frequencies above 22kHz (or was is 44kHz? not sure which) are in fact not representable in simple WAV format.
I don't know the level of accuracy you want, but a simple RMS (and perhaps simple filtering of the signal) is all many similar applications would need.
RMS will be much better than Peak amplitude. Using peak amplitudes is like determining the brightness of an image based on the brightest pixel, rather than averaging.
If you want to filter the signal or weigh it to perceived loudness, then you would need the sample rate for that.
FFT should not be required unless you want to do complex frequency analysis as well. The ear responds differently to frequencies at different amplitudes - the ear does not respond to sounds at different frequencies and amplitudes linearly. In this case, you could use FFT to perform frequency analyses for another domain of accuracy.

Audio analyzer for finding songs pitch

Is there anyway to analyze the audio pitches programmatically. For example, i know most of the players show a graph or bar & if the songs pitch is high # time t, the bar goes up at time t .. something like this. Is there any utility/tool/API to determine songs pitch so that we interpolate that to a bar which goes up & down.
Thanks for any help
Naive but robust: transform a modest length segment into Fourier space and find the peaks. Repeat as necessary.
Speed may be an issue, so choose the segment length as a power of 2 so that you can use the Fast Fourier Transform which is, well, fast.
Lots of related stuff on SO already. Try: https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=Fourier+transform
Well, unfortunately I'm not really an expert on audio with the iPhone, but I can point you towards a couple good resources.
Core Audio is probably going to be a big thing in what you want to do: htp://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/MusicAudio/Conceptual/CoreAudioOverview/Introduction/Introduction.html
As well, the Audio Toolbox may be of some help: htp://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/navigation/Frameworks/Media/AudioToolbox/index.html
If you are have a developer account, there are plenty of people on the forums that can help you: htps://devforums.apple.com/community/iphone
You'll have to add in a 't' in the http portion of those URLs, as I cannot post more than one hyperlink (sorry!).
To find the current pitch of a song, you need to learn about the Discrete Time Fourier Transform. To find the tempo, you need autocorrelation.
I think what you may be speaking of is a graphic equalizer, which displays the amplitude of different frequency ranges at a given time in an audio signal. It normally equipped with controls to modify the amplitudes between the given frequency ranges. Here's an example. Is that sort of what you're thinking of?
EDIT: Also, your numerous tags don't really give any indication of what language you might be using here, so I can't really suggest any specific techniques or libraries.
