Emacs org-mode with Java syntax highlighting? - java

I would like to use Emac's org mode for taking notes of java snippets.
I would like the java snippets to be syntax highlighted.
I tried running Org-mode in minor mode and Java-mode in major mode, but I found this lacks a lot of Org-Mode features (e.g links).
I would prefer to run Org-mode in major mode and have some minor mode to do java syntax highlihgting for when it finds java syntax.
I would rather avoid the #+begin_src business as my file would be full of those.
Is this possible?
[Edit] in was thinking along the lines of soft syntax highlighting for none headings and non org-items . I.e general paragraph body?

The only mechanism of which I'm aware that supports syntax-highlighted code blocks in Org-mode is the source code block feature you have already mentioned.
Setting org-src-fontify-natively to t should enable syntax highlighting for such blocks:
(setf org-src-fontify-natively t)
Code blocks should look something like this:
* Pretty sweet Org heading
This is an org-mode file, which is cool for lots of reasons, e.g.
- it's Emacs, and
- it supports syntax-highlighted blocks
- (note that this requires the variable ~org-src-fontify-natively~
to be set to ~t~)
#+BEGIN_SRC java
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello, World");
A few tips:
The quickest way to start a new code block is to type <s and then hit Tab. This expands to
with the cursor represented by |, so you can just type java and start editing.
With point inside such a block, org-edit-special, bound to C-c ' by default, will open the code block up in a separate buffer with the appropriate major mode active. You can use the full power of that mode, then type C-c ' again to update the embedded snippet.


How can i add variables inside Java 15 text block feature? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to have placeholder for variable value in Java Text Block?
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
Just came across a new feature in Java 15 i.e. "TEXT BLOCKS". I can assume that a variable can be added inside a text block by concatenating with a "+" operator as below:
String html = """
<p>Hello, """+strA+"""</p>
But are they providing any way so that we can add variables the way which is becoming popular among many other languages as below:
String html = """
<p>Hello, ${strA}</p>
This question might sound silly but it may be useful in certain scenario.
Java 15 does not support interpolation directly within text blocks nor plain string literals.
The solution in Java 15 is to use String.formatted() method:
String html = """
<p>Hello, %s</p>
From the spec for text blocks:
Text blocks do not directly support string interpolation.
Interpolation may be considered in a future JEP.
"String interpolation" meaning
evaluating a string literal containing one or more placeholders,
yielding a result in which the placeholders are replaced with their
corresponding values
from Wikipedia
As stated above, maybe we'll get it in the future. Though it is difficult to say how they could possibly implement that without breaking backwards compatibility -- what happens if my string contains ${}, for example? The Java language designers rarely add anything that is likely to break backwards compatibility.
It seems to me that they would be better off either supporting it immediately, or never.
Maybe it would be possible with a new kind of text block. Rather than the delimiter being """, they could use ''' to denote a parameterized text block, for example.
As already discussed, this is not possible in JDK15 and you cannot change that fact.
But, I suppose you are trying to suggest a thing like this in C# language.
Although this is just a syntax sugar thing over string.Format() method in C# (which is a counterpart of String.format() in Java), apparently it is nice if we can have this in Java. This is an extension to the existing way of describing string literal in the language syntax, but of course this can be easily adapted onto text block specification as well.
If this is what you have in your mind, you can make a proposal to Java Community Process to expand Java Language Specification. This is very much lighter syntax/semantics enhancement than adding full-featured template engine in Java Compiler/Runtime specification, and it is possible that they would agree with you.
As user #Michael mentioned: No. 'they' (team Project Amber, who are implementing JEP 368) are not providing any way to interpolate the string in the text block.
Note that I somewhat doubt it'll ever happen. For starters, there is the backwards compatibility issue; any such attempt to introduce interpolation requires some marker so that any existing text blocks aren't all of a sudden going to change in what it means depending on which version of javac to invoke.
But more to the point, you yourself, asking the question, can't even come up with a valid example, which is perhaps indicative that this feature is less useful than it sounds. It looks like you came up with a valid use case, but that's not actually true: If what you wrote would compile and work, then you just wrote a webapp with a rather serious XSS security leak in it!
The point is, what you really want is 'templating', and whilst templating sounds real simple (just evaluate this expression then shove the result into the string right where I typed the expression, please!) - it just isn't. Escaping is a large reason for that. But you can't blanket-apply the rule that ${strA} in a text block means: Evaluate expression strA, then HTML escape that, then put it in, for two reasons: Who says that the string you're interpolating things into is HTML and not, say, JSON or TOML or CSV or whatnot, and who says that the interpolation I desire requires escaping in the first place? What if I want to dynamically inject <em> or not, and I don't want this to turn into <em>?
Either we update the langspec to cater to all these cases and now we're inventing an entire templating system and shoving that into a lang spec which seems like a job far better suited to a dedicated library, or we don't, and the feature seems quite useful but is in fact niche: Either you rarely use it, or you have security and other bugs all over your code base - any lang feature that invites abuse is, and I'd hope one would agree with me on this - not a great feature.
Yes, many languages have this, but the current folks who get to decide what java language features make it into future versions of the language seem to be in the phase that they acknowledge such features exist and will learn lessons from it, but won't add features to java 'just because all these other languages all have it' - some thought and use cases are always considered first, and any such analysis of interpolation on string literals probably leads to: "Eh, probably not a worthwhile addition to the language".

How to stringify in Java

In c++ we could use macro as
#define check_and_log_warning(x) if (!(x)) {log_error(#x); cout<<__LINE__;}
I want to get values of a boolean expression and also use it as a string.
Getting the line number inside macro would be added benefit.
Can something like this macro be written in Java ?
I recently moved from c/c++ to java, so I am wondering could such thing be done in c++ without macro ?
Preprocessor is what I miss from C/C++ in Java. There are ways ..., but they are Java ways.
1/ Assertions:
2/ Logs:
The one that I use is https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-logging/
(over log4J or whatever you want)
To print line numbers in log messages, you can use something like:
int lineNo = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[2].getLineNumber();
Be warned: unlike __LINE__ in C++ getting the stack trace incurs a performance penalty. Be nice :)
There is no macro facility in Java.
You would be using a logging framework (of which there are plenty to choose from).
if (! theActualConditionNotJustX) myLogger.error("describe problem here");
The logging backend (if configured that way) makes sure to capture and display line numbers. There is some runtime cost for this, but it is usually negligable, especially where actual "errors" are involved (it can get a bit costly for trace-level logging).

IntelliJ IDEA: use different indentation for continuation of method call versus other continuation

I have a style of indenting Java that's perhaps slightly idiosyncratic, I frequently write:
myFirstArgument, mySecondArgument, myThirdArgument, myFourthArgument,
myFifthArgument, mySixthArgument
So I use a four-space continuation in this context, when it's the continuation of a method call. However I use a two-space indentation in other continuation contexts:
+ YET_ANOTHER_CONSTANT + "-my-weird-suffix";
Object myBuiltObject = BuilderPattern.withArg(42)
Is there any way to get IntelliJ IDEA to use a different indentation in these contexts?
As far as I know there are only two types of indents you can set in IntelliJ code style settings - normal indent and continuation indent. So I'm afraid it's not possible to set continuation indent size based on context at the moment.
I suggest opening a new issue in JetBrains' YouTrack for this functionality.

How to find nested conditons count in java

I have to read java file by java code and to determine the greatest nested count of if statements in it.
for example:
if (someCondition)
if (someCondition)
// Expression
In this case program should display greatest nested if depth is 2.
Now the problem is that position of curly brace after if is uncertain.
for example it can be like :
Curly brace start and end comes in same line
if (someCondition){}
Curly brace start in next line
if (someCondition)
Conditions without curly brace
if (someCondition)
if (someCondition) // Single line without curly brace
Can anybody suggest what will be the best way to get the required nested count?
You'll need to parse the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of the Java source code. See Java library for code analysis. Once you have the AST, you can do a search to find the longest path of nested conditionals.
As the answer already said, you should rely on the AST rather than viewing code manually for this. The AST will never be wrong, your own reading abilities most often will.
I don't know a complete solution right now, but I suggest you spend some time looking at existing tools for computing software metrics. Nesting depth is a typical metric and there should be tools around.
If you can't find anything, you can at least fall back to writing something like an Eclipse plugin. In that case, you could simply load the Java file in the Eclipse editor, and Eclipse performs all the hard work for you and gives you the AST for free. Determining the nesting depth of a given AST is then rendered a simple task. Developing a prototype for that shouldn't take more than a few hours. And it's easy to extend it to cover your whole project and have it answer questions like "which java file in our project has the maximum nesting depth and what depth is that?". But then again.. someone else will surely point out an existing tool that already does this and much more.
I82Much's answer will certainly get you there, but feels a little like cheating.
Knowing little about your project, I would think that a simple stack mechanism with a max value record would do the trick push on { and pop on }. Once you have that basic model working, simply add the special case of control statements with one line bodies (this is valid for if, for, while ...). In those cases, you'll be looking for those keywords, followed by ( and a ). Once you've encountered that combination, if the scan encounters either another control statement or a semi-colon before it encounters a { then this is one of those special cases and you should push (using a special marker indicating to pop on ; rather than }).

Where does the XXX comment prefix in Eclipse come from?

I was just wandering why is the prefix XXX ?
As far as I know its used for notes/reminders (or at least this is what I use it for and that is what the people on most of the links I googled use it for).
So does anyone know where the XXX prefix come from ?
From Sun/Oracle's Java code conventions, section 10.5.4:
Use XXX in a comment to flag something that is bogus but works. Use FIXME to flag something that is bogus and broken.
From the Hacker's Dictionary entry for "XXX":
A marker that attention is needed.
Commonly used in program comments to
indicate areas that are kluged up or
need to be. Some hackers liken `XXX'
to the notional heavy-porn movie
rating. Compare FIXME.
XXX, along with FIXME and TODO, is known in Eclipse as a task tag, and is indexed by the IDE to let you find the spots marked with those tags easily. You can edit such tags in the Eclipse Preferences -> Java -> Compiler -> Task Tags.
As to where it comes from: it probably emerged form the "tags" that programmers spontaneously wrote in their code to quickly mark a given line. While FIXME and TODO are explicit enough, the reason XXX was used could be a combination of these reasons:
The string "XXX" does not usually occur in regular source code and is easy to look for with tools such as grep or a simple text search in an editor;
Traditionally, "X marks the spot" which needs attention; triple X even more so;
The X key is very close to the Command/Alt/Windows keys and is easy to reach, being on the lower row of the keyboard.
I can't think of anything else...
Various reasons:
It's easy to search for.
No collision, as no sane person would use it as a variable.
It can used to mark code that needs e*X*tra special attention, dangerous code, not to be seen by underaged, etc.
I've worked with a team where XXX was used to point out a "bug or task that was not yet entered in Trac.". After it was entered in Trac the comment would be changed to TODO with the ID appended.
To Eclipse though, it's just a marker like TODO and FIXME. I imagine that it's originally used as a strong form of TODO. You usually see comments like this:
// TODO: Need to optimize this once n becomes greater than 1000.
But sometimes you'll have a comment like:
// TODO: Fix SQL injection bug before production release!
Unfortunately a quick grep wont make that SQL injection bug stand out among the 1000s of other TODOs. Using XXX here would help mark things that must be done before a milestone/release etc.
There's also a reference to it on Wikipedia:
XXX to warn other programmers of problematic or misguiding code.
It bugs me too, because XXX may also be used for masking input or format numbers,
Thus creating multi markers warning when you describe amount format:
* #param amount (XXX or XXX.XX)
public doSomething(String amount) {
Multiple markers at this line
-XXX or
As #Jean-PhilippePellet suggested, you can remove it from
Preferences -> Java -> Compiler -> Task Tags
