I have to search users under the specific organization in liferay. At present we have a search available with
which is based on the companyId . I was wondering if there is any otherway even using the DynamicQueryFactoryUtil do fetch along with organization filter.
The dynamic query looks good, but I found an another way. We can pass the organization id using Map.
params.put("usersOrgs", orgId);
List<User> searchResult = liferayUserLocalService.search(companyId, keyword, WorkflowConstants.STATUS_APPROVED, params, 0, -1, "");
which will filter the users based on organization.
Of Course You can use DynamicQuery for achieving this.
This can be done in two phase ,
Fetch User Id associated with the given Organization.
Use search criterion along with the id received in first phase.
So, the code will look as following ,
// Fetch userId List form Organization id
long[] organiztionIds = UserLocalServiceUtil.getOrganizationUserIds(orgId);
DynamicQuery searchQuery = DynamicQueryFactoryUtil.forClass(User.class, UserLocalServiceUtil.class.getClassLoader());
Criterion searchCriteria = PropertyFactoryUtil.forName("companyId").eq(companyid);
//Add Organization Id in Criterion
if (organiztionIds.length != 0) {
searchCriteria =
RestrictionsFactoryUtil.and(RestrictionsFactoryUtil.in("userId", ArrayUtils.toObject(organiztionIds)), searchCriteria);
if (!firstName.isEmpty()) {
searchCriteria = RestrictionsFactoryUtil.or(RestrictionsFactoryUtil.eq("firstName", firstName), searchCriteria);
if (!middleName.isEmpty()) {
searchCriteria = RestrictionsFactoryUtil.or(RestrictionsFactoryUtil.eq("middleName", middleName), searchCriteria);
if (!lastName.isEmpty()) {
searchCriteria = RestrictionsFactoryUtil.or(RestrictionsFactoryUtil.eq("lastName", lastName), searchCriteria);
if (!screenName.isEmpty()) {
searchCriteria = RestrictionsFactoryUtil.or(RestrictionsFactoryUtil.eq("screenName", screenName), searchCriteria);
I haven't tested this code. But this is the way to do it.
I Hope it helps you.
I have a query for Oracle database, built with CriteriaBuilder of Hibernate. Now, it has a IN clause which already takes about 800+ params.
Team says this may surpass 1000 and hitting the hard upper limit of Oracle itself, which only allows 1000 param for an IN clause. We need to optimize that.
select ih from ItemHistory as ih
where ih.number=:param0
ih.companyId in (
select c.id from Company as c
where (
( c.organizationId in (:param1) )
( c.organizationId like :param2 )
) and (
c.organizationId in (:param3, :param4, :param5, :param6, :param7, :param8, :param9, :param10, ..... :param818)
order by ih.eventDate desc
So, two solutions I can think of:
The easy one, as now the list from :param3 to :param818 are below 1000, and in the future, we may hit 1000, we can separate the list if size > 1000, into another IN clause, so it becomes:
c.organizationId in (:param3, :param4, :param5, :param6, :param7, :param8, :param9, :param10, ..... :param1002) or c.organizationId in (:param1003, ...)
Both the original code and solution 1 are not very efficient already. Although it can fetch 40K records in 25 seconds, we should use a GTT(Global Temporary Table), as per what I can find on AskTom or other sites, by professional DBAs. But I can only find SQL examples, not Java code.
What I can imagine is:
createNativeQuery("create global temporary table GTT_COMPANIES if not exist (companyId varchar(32)) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS;"); and execute(Do we need index here?)
createNativeQuery("insert into GTT_COMPANIES (list)"); query.bind("1", query.getCompanyIds()); and execute(can we bind a list and insert it?)
use CriteriaQuery to select from this table(but I doubt, as CriteriaQueryBuilder will require type safe meta model class to be generated beforehand, and here we don't have the entity; this is an ad-hoc table and no model entity is mapped to it)
and, do we need to create GTT even the list size is < 1000? As often it is big, 700~800.
So, any suggestion? Someone got a working example of Hibernate CriteriaQuery + Oracle GTT?
The whole method is like this:
public List<ItemHistory> findByIdTypePermissionAndOrganizationIds(final Query<String> query, final ItemIdType idType) throws DataLookupException {
String id = query.getObjectId();
String type = idType.name();
Set<String> companyIds = query.getCompanyIds();
Set<String> allowedOrgIds = query.getAllowedOrganizationIds();
Set<String> excludedOrgIds = query.getExcludedOrganizationIds();
// if no orgs are allowed, we should return empty list
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(allowedOrgIds)) {
return Collections.emptyList();
try {
CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<ItemHistory> criteriaQuery = builder.createQuery(ItemHistory.class);
Subquery<String> subQueryCompanyIds = filterByPermissionAndOrgIdsInSubquery(query, builder, criteriaQuery);
Subquery<String> subQueryCompanyIds = criteriaQuery.subquery(String.class);
Root<Company> companies = subQueryCompanyIds.from(Company.class);
Path<String> orgIdColumn = companies.get(Company_.organizationId);
/* 1. get permission based restrictions */
// select COMPANY_ID where (ORG_ID in ... or like ...) and (ORG_ID not in ... and not like ...)
// actually query.getExcludedOrganizationIds() can also be very long list(1000+), but let's do it later
Predicate permissionPredicate = getCompanyIdRangeByPermission(
builder, query.getAllowedOrganizationIds(), query.getExcludedOrganizationIds(), orgIdColumn
/* 2. get org id based restrictions, which was done on top of permission restrictions */
// ... and where (ORG_ID in ... or like ...)
// process companyIds with and without "*" by adding different predicates, like (xxx%, yyy%) vs in (xxx, yyy)
// here, query.getCompanyIds() could be very long, may be 1000+
Predicate orgIdPredicate = groupByWildcardsAndCombine(builder, query.getCompanyIds(), orgIdColumn, false);
/* 3. Join two predicates with AND, because originally filtering is done twice, 2nd is done on basis of 1st */
Predicate subqueryWhere = CriteriaQueryUtils.joinWith(builder, true, permissionPredicate, orgIdPredicate); // join predicates with AND
subQueryCompanyIds.select(companies.get(Company_.id)); // id -> COMPANY_ID
if (subqueryWhere != null) {
} else {
LOGGER.warn("Cannot build subquery of org id and permission. " +
"Org ids: {}, allowed companies: {}, excluded companies: {}",
query.getCompanyIds(), query.getAllowedOrganizationIds(), query.getExcludedOrganizationIds());
Root<ItemHistory> itemHistory = criteriaQuery.from(ItemHistory.class);
builder.equal(getColumnByIdType(itemHistory, idType), id),
TypedQuery<ItemHistory> finalQuery = entityManager.createQuery(criteriaQuery);
LOGGER.trace(LOG_MESSAGE_FINAL_QUERY, finalQuery.unwrap(org.hibernate.Query.class).getQueryString());
return finalQuery.setMaxResults(MAX_LIST_FETCH_SIZE).getResultList();
} catch (NoResultException e) {
LOGGER.info("No item history events found by permission and org ids with {}={}", type, id);
throw new DataLookupException(ErrorCode.DATA_LOOKUP_NO_RESULT);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Error when fetching item history events by permission and org ids with {}={}", type, id, e);
throw new DataLookupException(ErrorCode.DATA_LOOKUP_ERROR,
"Error when fetching item history events by permission and org ids with " + type + "=" + id);
I'm looking for a solution to implement paging for our Spring Boot based REST-Service with a Cassandra (version 3.11.3) database. We are using Spring Boot 2.0.5.RELEASE with spring-boot-starter-data-cassandra as a dependency.
As Spring Data's CassandraRepository<T, ID> interface does not extend the PagingAndSortingRepository we don't get the full paging functionality like we have with JPA.
I read the Spring Data Cassandra documentation and could find a possible way to implement paging with Cassandra and Spring Data as the CassandraRepository interface has the following method available Slice<T> findAll(Pageable pageable);. I am aware that Cassandra is not able to get a specific page adhoc and always needs page zero to iterate through all pages as it is documented in the CassandraPageRequest:
Cassandra-specific {#link PageRequest} implementation providing access to {#link PagingState}. This class allows creation of the first page request and represents through Cassandra paging is based on the progress of fetched pages and allows forward-only navigation. Accessing a particular page requires fetching of all pages until the desired page is reached.
In my usecase we have > 1.000.000 database entries and want to display them paged in our single page application.
My current approach looks like the following:
public class UsersResource {
UserRepository userRepository;
public ResponseEntity<List<User>> getAllTests(
#RequestParam(defaultValue = "0", name = "page") #Positive int requiredPage,
#RequestParam(defaultValue = "500", name = "size") int size) {
Slice<User> resultList = userRepository.findAll(CassandraPageRequest.first(size));
int currentPage = 0;
while (resultList.hasNext() && currentPage <= requiredPage) {
System.out.println("Current Page Number: " + currentPage);
resultList = userRepository.findAll(resultList.nextPageable());
return ResponseEntity.ok(resultList.getContent());
BUT with this approach I have to find the requested page while fetching all database entries to memory and iterate until I found the correct page. Is there a different approach to find the correct page or do I have to use my current solution?
My Cassandra table definition looks like the following:
id int, firstname varchar,
lastname varchar,
code varchar,
What I have done is to create a page object that has the content and the pagingState hash.
In the initial page, we have the simple paging
Pageable pageRequest = CassandraPageRequest.of(0,5);
once the find is performed we get the slice
Slice<Group> slice = groupRepository.findAll(pageRequest);
with the slice you can get the paging state
page.setPageHash(getPageHash((CassandraPageRequest) slice.getPageable()));
private String getPageHash(CassandraPageRequest pageRequest) {
return Base64.toBase64String(pageRequest.getPagingState().toBytes());
finally returning a Page object with the List content and the pagingState as pageHash
See this below code. It may help.
public Mono<DataTable> loadData(#RequestParam boolean reset, #RequestParam(required = false) String tag, WebSession session) {
final String sessionId = session.getId();
IMap<String, String> map = Context.get(HazelcastInstance.class).getMap("companygrouping-pageable-map");
int pageSize = Context.get(EnvProperties.class).getPageSize();
Pageable pageRequest;
if (reset)
String serializedPagingState = map.compute(sessionId, (k, v) -> (v == null) ? null : map.get(session.getId()));
pageRequest = StringUtils.isBlank(serializedPagingState) ? CassandraPageRequest.of(0, pageSize)
: CassandraPageRequest.of(PageRequest.of(0, pageSize), PagingState.fromString(serializedPagingState)).next();
Mono<Slice<TagMerge>> sliceMono = StringUtils.isNotBlank(tag)
? Context.get(TagMergeRepository.class).findByKeyStatusAndKeyTag(Status.NEW, tag, pageRequest)
: Context.get(TagMergeRepository.class).findByKeyStatus(Status.NEW, pageRequest);
Flux<TagMerge> flux = sliceMono.map(t -> convert(t, map, sessionId)).flatMapMany(Flux::fromIterable);
Mono<DataTable> dataTabelMono = createTableFrom(flux).doOnError(e -> log.error("{}", e));
if (reset) {
Mono<Long> countMono = Mono.empty();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tag))
countMono = Context.get(TagMergeRepository.class).countByKeyStatusAndKeyTag(Status.NEW, tag);
countMono = Context.get(TagMergeRepository.class).countByKeyStatus(Status.NEW);
dataTabelMono = dataTabelMono.zipWith(countMono, (t, k) -> {
return t;
return dataTabelMono;
private List<TagMerge> convert(Slice<TagMerge> slice, IMap<String, String> map, String id) {
PagingState pagingState = ((CassandraPageRequest) slice.getPageable()).getPagingState();
if (pagingState != null)
map.put(id, pagingState.toString());
return slice.getContent();
Cassandra supports forward pagination which means you can fetch first n rows then you can fetch rows between n+1 and 2n and so on until your data ends but you can't fetch rows between n+1 and 2n directly.
I am using below code and it returns some information about "Filed Against"
attribute. But there I am not able to find attribute data. Please help
IAttribute someAttribute= workItemClient.findAttribute(projectAreaHandle, workItem.CATEGORY_PROPERTY, monitor);
Using below code to find out the work item by Id :
workItemClient = (IWorkItemClient) repo.getClientLibrary(IWorkItemClient.class);
int id = new Integer("339406").intValue();
IWorkItem workItem = workItemClient.findWorkItemById(id, IWorkItem.FULL_PROFILE, monitor);
using this work item I want to fetch parent and children like Epic and story work items related to the work item. And then there attributes like story status, story planned for etc.
From this thread:
You can't just put a string in there, I think.
You have to find the category object from the string and then put in the ICategory object.
That means:
private static String CATEGORY_NAME = "UI1";
List<ICategory> findCategories = workItemCommon.findCategories(projectArea, ICategory.FULL_PROFILE, monitor);
for(ICategory category : findCategories) {
filedAgainstAttribute = QueryableAttributes.getFactory(IWorkItem.ITEM_TYPE).findAttribute(projectArea, IWorkItem.CATEGORY_PROPERTY, auditableClient, monitor);
filedAgainstExpression = new AttributeExpression(filedAgainstAttribute, AttributeOperation.EQUALS, category);
I have an implementation of hibernate-search-orm (5.9.0.Final) with hibernate-search-elasticsearch (5.9.0.Final).
I defined a custom analyzer on an entity (see beelow) and I indexed two entities :
id: "1"
title: "Médiatiques : récit et société"
id: "2"
title: "Mediatique Com'7"
The search works fine when I search on title field :
"title:médiatique" => 2 results.
"title:mediatique" => 2 results.
My problem is when I do a global search with accents (or not) :
search on "médiatique => 1 result (id:1)
search on "mediatique => 1 result (id:2)
Is there a way to resolve this?
Entity definition:
#Indexed(index = "bibliographic")
#FullTextFilterDef(name = "fieldsElasticsearchFilter",
impl = FieldsElasticsearchFilter.class)
#AnalyzerDef(name = "customAnalyzer",
tokenizer = #TokenizerDef(factory = StandardTokenizerFactory.class),
filters = {
#TokenFilterDef(factory = LowerCaseFilterFactory.class),
#TokenFilterDef(factory = ASCIIFoldingFilterFactory.class),
#Analyzer(definition = "customAnalyzer")
public class BibliographicHibernate implements Bibliographic {
#Column(name="title", updatable = false)
#Fields( {
#Field(name = "titleSort", analyze = Analyze.NO, store = Store.YES)
#SortableField(forField = "titleSort")
private String title;
Search method :
FullTextEntityManager ftem = Search.getFullTextEntityManager(entityManager);
QueryBuilder qb = ftem.getSearchFactory().buildQueryBuilder().forEntity(Bibliographic.class).get();
QueryDescriptor q = ElasticsearchQueries.fromQueryString(queryString);
FullTextQuery query = ftem.createFullTextQuery(q, Bibliographic.class).setFirstResult(start).setMaxResults(rows);
if (filters!=null){
filters.stream().map((filter) -> filter.split(":")).forEach((f) -> {
.setParameter("field", f[0])
.setParameter("value", f[1]);
if (facetFields!=null){
facetFields.stream().map((facet) -> facet.split(":")).forEach((f) ->{
.createFacetingRequest() );
List<Bibliographic> bibs = query.getResultList();
To be honest I'm more surprised document 1 would match at all, since there's a trailing "s" on "Médiatiques" and you don't use any stemmer.
You are in a special case here: you are using a query string and passing it directly to Elasticsearch (that's what ElasticsearchQueries.fromQueryString(queryString) does). Hibernate Search has very little impact on the query being run, it only impacts the indexed content and the Elasticsearch mapping here.
When you run a QueryString query on Elasticsearch and you don't specify any field, it uses all fields in the document. I wouldn't bet that the analyzer used when analyzing your query is the same analyzer that you defined on your "title" field. In particular, it may not be removing accents.
An alternative solution would be to build a simple query string query using the QueryBuilder. The syntax of queries is a bit more limited, but is generally enough for end users. The code would look like this:
FullTextEntityManager ftem = Search.getFullTextEntityManager(entityManager);
QueryBuilder qb = ftem.getSearchFactory().buildQueryBuilder().forEntity(Bibliographic.class).get();
Query q = qb.simpleQueryString()
.onFields("title", "abstract")
FullTextQuery query = ftem.createFullTextQuery(q, Bibliographic.class).setFirstResult(start).setMaxResults(rows);
Users would still be able to target specific fields, but only in the list you provided (which, by the way, is probably safer, otherwise they could target sort fields and so on, which you probably don't want to allow). By default, all the fields in that list would be targeted.
This may lead to the exact same result as the query string, but the advantage is, you can override the analyzer being used for the query. For instance:
FullTextEntityManager ftem = Search.getFullTextEntityManager(entityManager);
QueryBuilder qb = ftem.getSearchFactory().buildQueryBuilder().forEntity(Bibliographic.class)
.overridesForField("title", "customAnalyzer")
.overridesForField("abstract", "customAnalyzer")
Query q = qb.simpleQueryString()
.onFields("title", "abstract")
FullTextQuery query = ftem.createFullTextQuery(q, Bibliographic.class).setFirstResult(start).setMaxResults(rows);
... and this will use your analyzer when querying.
As an alternative, you can also use a more advanced JSON query by replacing ElasticsearchQueries.fromQueryString(queryString) with ElasticsearchQueries.fromJsonQuery(json). You will have to craft the JSON yourself, though, taking some precautions to avoid any injection from the user (use Gson to build the Json), and taking care to follow the Elasticsearch query syntax.
You can find more information about simple query string queries in the official documentation.
Note: you may want to add FrenchMinimalStemFilterFactory to your list of token filters in your custom analyzer. It's not the cause of your problem, but once you manage to use your analyzer in search queries, you will very soon find it useful.
We use the TFS Java API to fetch WorkItems from a TFS server:
TFSTeamProjectCollection collection = TFSTeamProjectCollectionUtils
.openTeamProjectCollection(serverUrl, credentials,
new DefaultConnectionAdvisor(Locale.getDefault(),
WorkItemClient client = collection.getWorkItemClient();
List<WorkItem> result = new ArrayList<>();
try {
WorkItemCollection workItems = client.query(wiqlQuery, null, false);
for (int i = 0; i < workItems.size(); i++) {
WorkItem item = workItems.getWorkItem(i);
return result;
} catch (TECoreException e) {
throw new ConQATException("Failed to fetch work items from TFS", e);
If I run the query select * from workitems I get all workitems on the server with all fields and all links. Since I'm only interested in some of the fields, I would like to restrict the query to only those and save some bandwidth/time: select ID, Title from workitems
This works fine, but now the links of the items are missing (i.e. item.getLinks() always returns an empty collection).
Is there a way to select the links other than select * from workitems?
After some more digging around, I found that you can create a link query and run it like this:
WorkItemLinkInfo[] infos = client.createQuery("select * from workitemlinks").runLinkQuery()
With this, you can get the links as WorkItemLinkInfo objects that contain the IDs of the target and source node and the link type.
The solution using WorkItemLinkInfo is correct.
Just as remark: Using a WIQL Query you only receive the attributes you were querying - which cannot be the set of links of a work item (therefore always empty). If you query a single workitem using
WorkItemClient client = TFSConnection.getClient();
WorkItem firstWorkItem = client.getWorkItemByID(id);
then you also get the LinkCollection using (containing RelatedLinks, ExternalLinks or HyperLinks)
LinkCollection linkcoll = firstWorkItem.getLinks()