Spring autowire multiple service Implementations - java

I have one base interface and two implementations
public interface AnimalService
public void eat();
public class AnimalServiceImpl implements AnimalService
public void eat()
System.out.println("i'm eating");
public class BirdServiceImpl extends AnimalServiceImpl
public void fly()
System.out.println("i'm flying");
In my main method try to call this two service implementation in this way:
public class test
private AnimalService animalService;
private AnimalService birdService;
public static void main(String[] args)
This will give compilation error, since birdService can't find method fly(). Then I thought maybe the reason is i autowire AnimalService instead of BirdServiceImpl, So i change my autowire code from this:
private AnimalService birdService;
change to :
private BirdServiceImpl birdService;
But this will give me a runtime error, which is "can't find bean BirdServiceImpl".
I have google a lot of document, some say use #Resource. But this doesn't work for me. Some say register the bean in Spring Context, while all my bean registration is done by annotation. I don't want to touch Spring Context.
Now My solution is to add a new interface
public interface BirdService extends AnimalService
public void fly();
And let my BirdServiceImpl to implement this interface
public class BirdServiceImpl extends AnimalServiceImpl extends BirdService
public void fly()
System.out.println("i'm flying");
And my main class change to this:
public class test
private AnimalService animalService;
private BirdService birdService;
public static void main(String[] args)
Now is ok . But for me, this is not perfect. If I use plain java, i can just write single interface and multiple implementation. In the main method I can choose which implementation to use. Why in spring, i have to build a new interface for each new implementation in order to let my program run.
I want to know is there any better approach for my scenario?

In your question you are actually exposing two issues:
1. Inheritance issue
This problem doesn't depends on Spring Framework, but is due by your misconception about inheritance.
If you declare your service as AnimalService, you obviously can use it only as an AnimalService, regardless its real implementation.
If you want to use concrete implementations methods, you need to cast your object.
2. 'Autowiring a class' issue
This should normally work in Spring, so if your code doesn't work depends on your context configuration. Maybe you are also using AOP or transactions in your app,
If so, an autoproxy generator is enabled. This could cause your problem.
Take a look at this question: Spring Autowiring class vs. interface?. And note that:
When using autoproxies, you need to program to the interface, not the implementation
3. Just a note
How can you use () at the end of a Java interface/class name?

As I read in your question, you have already fixed the problem by creating an Interface for the inherited class BirdService. You only complain because you have to create a new Interface...
When I read your question, another question comes to mind: Which AOP are you using? Perhaps you have to add the CGLIB to your classpath (or Maven POM or Gradle).
Reading some of the Spring AOP documentation, I found this:
If the class of a target object that is to be proxied (hereafter
simply referred to as the target class) doesn’t implement any
interfaces, then a CGLIB-based proxy will be created. This is the
easiest scenario, because JDK proxies are interface based, and no
interfaces means JDK proxying isn’t even possible.


Spring constructor injection and super call verbosity

I started to use constructor injection in my projects since Spring declared field injection to be deprecated. Actually, the code feels prettier and more strict, I'm ok with that.
But I encountered a pattern which seems a bit...weird and verbose to me:
I have an abstract service bean class (with #Service annotation), which has, say 2 dependencies, injected directly in the constructor:
public AbstractService(DependencyA depA, DependencyB depB) {
this.depA = depA;
this.depB = depB;
Then I have multiple services bean classes (still with #Serviceannotation) extending the abstract one.
And I don't know if there is another way but this is where I find a bit verbose and repetitive having to inject the dependencies for the parent, in each sub-class constructor:
public class ServiceA extends AbstractService {
private final DepC depC;
public ServiceA(DepA depA, DepB depB, DepC depC) {
super(depA, depB);
this.depC = depC;
I just wanted to know if this is the right way, and what you think about this ?
The #Autowired on AbstractService doesn't do anything. Change it to:
public class ServiceA extends AbstractService {
private final DepC depC;
public ServiceA(DepA depA, DepB depB, DepC depC) {
super(depA, depB);
this.depC = depC;
public AbstractService(DependencyA depA, DependencyB depB) {
this.depA = depA;
this.depB = depB;
I'm ok with this setup.
For me, the main benefits of using constructor injection is to inform the developer what are the external dependencies. I find it useful when writing unit test. When writing mocks, you just know what needs to be mocked.
An other benefit is to highlight when a Class has too many dependencies, it gives a hint that refactoring may be in order.
The alternative would be using setter injection (while keeping the informational aspect), but I've grown to enjoy constructor injection.
My answer is focusing about the "verbose and repetitive" part in your question; I let others decide how "correct" your usage of annotations is.
Even with Spring and its DI framework, in the end we are still talking about Java source code!
And in Java, if your base class only offers a constructor that takes some A and B; then of course your subclass has to make a call super(A a, B b); and of course, those values a and b have to come from somewhere!
So, what you call "verbose and repetitive" is a direct consequence of using Java.
In other words: there is no way to avoid that part!

Java inject implementation using TypeLiteral

I have a project that provides an interface, let's call it IImplementMe, which i want to inject into my project. This interface will be implemented by various producers, so I need to inject all implementations. I am trying to use TypeLiteral for this.
Here is the code of the producer :
public class SomeImplementation implements IImplementMe {
private final String value;
public SomeImplementation(final SomeOtherConfig configuration) {
this.value= configuration.getValue();
public String getValue() {
return value;
And in my registry class I have register(IImplementMe.class).to(SomeImplementation.class);
Then, in my project I inject it like this :
public SomeEndpoint(final List<IImplementMe> implementations){
and i bind it like
private static class MarketDataSetTypeLiteral extends TypeLiteral<List<IImplementMe>> {
bind(new MarketDataSetTypeLiteral()).toRegistry();
I made sure my SomeIMplementation constructor gets called, but in my endpoint the List is empty, so no implementation is provided. I'm using guice for injection. Any ideas ?
LE: It turns out that the provided implementation is created after my endpoint class is created (at creation time it injects a reference of an empty list). Later in the lifecycle the reference is updated with the implementation, so I actually have access to it after guice does it's stuff.
I'm guessing it's due to the maven dependencies, and how guice handles the instantiations. Since the producer must have a dependency on my project, I guess it makes sense it gets instantiated last, thus causing my initial problem.
You are looking for multibindings -> https://github.com/google/guice/wiki/Multibindings
public class IImplementMeModule extends AbstractModule {
public void configure() {
Multibinder< IImplementMe > uriBinder = Multibinder.newSetBinder(binder(), IImplementMe.class);
... // bind plugin dependencies, such as our Flickr API key
Then you can inject the set of IImplemetnMe as following
#Inject TweetPrettifier(Set<IImplemetnMe> implementations)
I would suggest you to have a look at MapBindings which allows you provide keys for each implementation and then you will be able to inject your bindings as a Map

How to inject implementations from another module

I'm having a project based on Dagger 2 which consists of two modules. The core module includes some interfaces and some classes that have member injections declared for these interfaces.
The actual implementations of these interfaces are included in the second module which is an Android project. So, naturally the provide methods for these are included in the Android project.
Dagger will complain during compilation about not knowing how to inject these in the core module.
Any thoughts on how to achieve this without using constructor injections?
In short, I just tried this, and it works. Be sure to check the exact error messages and make sure you are providing these interfaces and #Inject annotations are present.
There is probably just some wrong named interface or a missing annotation. Following up is a full sample using your described architecture that is compiling just fine. The issue you are currently experiencing is probably the one described in the last part of this post. If possible, you should go with the first solution though and just add those annotations.
The library
For reproducability this sample has minimalist models. First, the interface needed by my class in the library module:
public interface MyInterface {
Here is my class that needs that interface. Make sure to declare it in the constructor and provide the #Inject annotation!
#MyScope // be sure to add scopes in your class if you use constructor injection!
public class MyClassUsingMyInterface {
private MyInterface mMyInterface;
public MyClassUsingMyInterface(MyInterface myInterface) {
mMyInterface = myInterface;
The idea is that the interface will be implemented by the app using MyClassUsingMyInterface and provided by dagger. The code is nicely decoupled, and my awesome library with not so many features is complete.
The application
Here need to supply the actual coupling. This means to get MyClassUsingMyInterface we have to make sure we can supply MyInterface. Let's start with the module supplying that:
public class MyModule {
MyInterface providesMyInterface() {
return new MyInterface() {
// my super awesome implementation. MIT license applies.
And to actually use this, we provide a component that can inject into MyTestInjectedClass that is going to need MyClassUsingMyInterface.
#Component(modules = MyModule.class)
public interface MyComponent {
void inject(MyTestInjectedClass testClass);
Now we have a way to provide the requested interface. We declared that interface needed by the library class in a constructor marked with #Inject. Now I want a class that requires my awesome library class to use. And I want to inject it with dagger.
public class MyTestInjectedClass {
MyClassUsingMyInterface mMyClassUsingMyInterface;
void onStart() {
Now we hit compile...and dagger will create all the factories needed.
Inject Libraries you can not modify
To just provide the full scale of dagger, this sample could also have been without actual access to the source code of the library. If there is no #Inject annotation dagger will have a hard time creating the object. Notice the missing annotation:
public class MyClassUsingMyInterface {
private MyInterface mMyInterface;
public MyClassUsingMyInterface(MyInterface myInterface) {
mMyInterface = myInterface;
In that case we have to manually provide the class. The module would be needed to be modified like the following:
public class MyModule {
MyInterface providesMyInterface() {
return new MyInterface() {
MyClassUsingMyInterface providesMyClass(MyInterface myInterface) {
return new MyClassUsingMyInterface(myInterface);
This introduces more code for us to write, but will make those classes available that you can not modify.

EJB Dependency Injection with interface

I have an interface I with method m and two concrete implementations A and B.
public interface I{
public void m();
public class A implements I{
public void m(){
public class B implements I{
public void m(){
I want to know when I inject I which of the two methods will be executed
private I service;
None of them, it will become into an error since the application server doesn't know which implementation to use. To avoid this, just provide the id of the class implementation, which by default is the same name of the class but starting with lower case:
//uncomment one of these
private I service;
None of them. The code will compile, but you won't be able to deploy it on your application server. Without specifing type of injected class, you will get an Exception similar to this:
org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException:WELD-001409 Ambiguous dependencies
for type [...] with qualifiers [...] at injection point [...]. Possible dependencies
[...] with qualifiers [...], Managed Bean [...] with qualifiers [...]
Container (i.e. your application server) won't be able to recognize which field do you really want to inject (A or B). It cannot just guess it out of thin air. To avoid this kind of errors, provide it with annotation (called qualifier) specifying whether you want to inject class A or class B. If you want an example, you should see this article.

How to bind concrete classes?

I have this class:
public class House {
private final Door door;
private final Window window;
private final Roof roof;
public House(Door door, Window window, Roof roof) {
this.door = door;
this.window = window;
this.roof = roof;
Where Door, Window and Roof are concrete classes. Now if I want to implement a Module for this scenario, I would do it like this:
public class HouseModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
But I wonder if this is the right way to bind concrete classes, or if there are easier ways. I feel there is an easier way to this.
This is the way to go:
protected void configure() {
Since they are concrete classes, as Guice says, you can't bind them to themselves :-)
Check out the Binder docs, it notes:
This statement does essentially nothing; it "binds the ServiceImpl class to itself" and does not change Guice's default behavior. You may still want to use this if you prefer your Module class to serve as an explicit manifest for the services it provides. Also, in rare cases, Guice may be unable to validate a binding at injector creation time unless it is given explicitly.
Concrete classes with constructor marked as #Inject are automatically available for injection. But it helps the developer (you) know what is configured in the module.
Guice's Just-In-Time binding does exactly what you want. Given your Door, Window and Roof meet following requirements (quoted from the Guice documentation):
either a public, no-arguments constructor, or a constructor with the #Inject annotation
an empty Module implementation will be sufficient:
public class HouseModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
Binding is needed to link Interface and Implementation class (to change to other implementation in test env for example). But since you have concrete classes, no need for binding to, just bind classes
