Convert for loop to forEach Lambda - java

I am learning about Lambdas and am having a little difficulty in a conversion. I need to introduce a List into which the array supplied by the values method of the Field class is copied, using the asList method of the class Arrays. Then I need to convert the for loop with a forEach internal loop using a lambda expression as its parameter. The body of the lambda expression will be the code that is the current body of the for loop. I believe I have the List syntax correct ( List list = Arrays.asList(data); ), but I am having a hard time on figuring out what to do with the for loop, or even where to start with it. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
public AreaData(String... data)
List<String> list = Arrays.asList(data);
/* Assert to check that the data is of the expected number of items. */
assert data.length == Field.values().length : "Incorrect number of fields";
for( Field field : Field.values() )
int width;
String formatString;
if( field == NAME )
/* Get the name value and store it away. */
String value = data[field.position()];
strings.put(field, value);
/* Get the needed width of the field to hold the name. */
width = max(value.length(), field.getFieldHeading().length());
formatString = "s";
} else
/* If the value is of the wrong form, allow the NumberFormatException
to be thrown. */
Double value = Double.parseDouble(data[field.position()]);
/* Assertion to check value given is positive. */
assert value.compareTo(0.0) >= 0 :
"invalid " + + " value=" + value.toString();
/* Get the field value and store it away. */
doubles.put(field, value);
/* Get needed width of the field to hold the heading or value. */
width = max((int) log10(value) + MINIMUM,
field.getFieldHeading().length() + HEADING_SEPARATION);
formatString = ".2f";
/* Keep the widest value seen, and record the corresponding format. */
if( width > WIDTHS.get(field) )
WIDTHS.put(field, width);
FORMATS.put(field, "%" + width + formatString);
/* Optimization: to avoid doing this every time a comparison is made. */
this.nameCaseless = strings.get(NAME).toUpperCase().toLowerCase();

Stream.of(Field.values()).forEach() should do the trick:
public AreaData (String... data) {
List<String> list = Arrays.asList(data);
/* Assert to check that the data is of the expected number of items. */
assert data.length == Field.values().length : "Incorrect number of fields";
int width;
String formatString;
field -> {
if (field == NAME) {
/* Get the name value and store it away. */
String value = data[field.position()];
strings.put(field, value);
/* Get the needed width of the field to hold the name. */
width = max(value.length(), field.getFieldHeading().length());
formatString = "s";
} else {
/* If the value is of the wrong form, allow the NumberFormatException
to be thrown. */
Double value = Double.parseDouble(data[field.position()]);
/* Assertion to check value given is positive. */
assert value.compareTo(0.0) >= 0 :
"invalid " + + " value=" + value.toString();
/* Get the field value and store it away. */
doubles.put(field, value);
/* Get needed width of the field to hold the heading or value. */
width = max((int) log10(value) + MINIMUM,
field.getFieldHeading().length() + HEADING_SEPARATION);
formatString = ".2f";
/* Keep the widest value seen, and record the corresponding format. */
if (width > WIDTHS.get(field)) {
WIDTHS.put(field, width);
FORMATS.put(field, "%" + width + formatString);
/* Optimization: to avoid doing this every time a comparison is made. */
this.nameCaseless = strings.get(NAME).toUpperCase().toLowerCase();
That said, you should consider the following rule of thumb:
A lambda expression should be ideally up to 3 lines of code and in no
case more than 5 lines!

If you particularly want to convert this to using streams and lambdas then I feel you should also take the opportunity to refactor it in line with the intent of these tools. That means using filters, collectors etc. rather than just convert all your code to a single lambda.
For example something like:
.peek(field -> field.storeValue(data))
.filter(field -> field.getWidth(data) > widths.get(field))
.forEach(field -> storeWidthAndFormat(data, widths, formats));
This assumes you encapsulate logic associated with NAME inside the Field enum (which is what I would recommend).


PDFlib TET get name of the current color

My need is to read the color of a text with PDFlib TET.
As a basis I'm using this PDFlib example:
Before both result.add(new rectangle(...)) calls I'm trying to read the color like this:
String csname = tet.pcos_get_string(doc, "colorspaces[" + tet.colorspaceid + "]/name");
if ("Separation".equals(csname)) {
String type = tet.pcos_get_string(doc, "type:colorspaces[" + tet.colorspaceid + "]/colorantname");
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("name", type)) {
System.out.println(tet.pcos_get_string(doc, "colorspaces[" + tet.colorspaceid + "]/colorantname"));
Unfortunately tet.colorspaceid is always 0.
But the correct colorspaceid is 6 (with "correct" = the index of the color the text actually is written with). I know the indexes because I iterated over all colorspaces like this and for i=6 the system prints the name of the intended color:
String type = tet.pcos_get_string(doc, "type:colorspaces[" + i + "]/colorantname");
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("name", type)) {
System.out.println(tet.pcos_get_string(doc, "colorspaces[" + i + "]/colorantname"));
What do I need to do for tet.colorspaceid being the id of the colorspace of the currently found word fragment?
Or am I completely wrong and TET reads the color somehow else?
Found it - the solution is method print_color_value in this example:
Just copy method print_color_value, return csname (or colorantname in the if blocks) and rename the method to e.g. getColorValue.
If needed throw away the formatter stuff.

Replace text inside a PDF file using iText

Im using iText(5.5.13) library to read a .PDF and replace a pattern inside the file. The problem is that the pattern is not being found because somehow some weird characters appear when the library reads the pdf.
For example, in the sentence :
"This is a test in order to see if the"
becomes this one when I'm trying to read it:
[(This is a )9(te)-3(st)9( in o)-4(rd)15(er )-2(t)9(o)-5( s)8(ee)7( if t)-3(h)3(e )]
So if I tried to find and replace "test", no "test" word would be found in the pdf and it won't be replaced
here is the code i'm using:
public void processPDF(String src, String dest) {
try {
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
PdfArray refs = null;
PRIndirectReference reference = null;
int nPages = reader.getNumberOfPages();
for (int i = 1; i <= nPages; i++) {
PdfDictionary dict = reader.getPageN(i);
PdfObject object = dict.getDirectObject(PdfName.CONTENTS);
if (object.isArray()) {
refs = dict.getAsArray(PdfName.CONTENTS);
ArrayList<PdfObject> references = refs.getArrayList();
for (PdfObject r : references) {
reference = (PRIndirectReference) r;
PRStream stream = (PRStream) PdfReader.getPdfObject(reference);
byte[] data = PdfReader.getStreamBytes(stream);
String dd = new String(data, "UTF-8");
dd = dd.replaceAll("#pattern_1234", "trueValue");
dd = dd.replaceAll("test", "tested");
if (object instanceof PRStream) {
PRStream stream = (PRStream) object;
byte[] data = PdfReader.getStreamBytes(stream);
String dd = new String(data, "UTF-8");
System.out.println("content---->" + dd);
dd = dd.replaceAll("#pattern_1234", "trueValue");
dd = dd.replaceAll("This", "FIRST");
PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileOutputStream(dest));
catch (Exception e) {
As has already been mentioned in comments and answers, PDF is not a format meant for text editing. It is a final format, and information on the flow of text, its layout, and even its mapping to Unicode is optional.
Thus, even assuming the optional information on mapping glyphs to Unicode are present, the approach to this task with iText might look a bit unsatisfying: First one would determine the position of the text in question using a custom text extraction strategy, then continue by removing the current contents of everything at that position using the PdfCleanUpProcessor, and finally draw the replacement text into the gap.
In this answer I would present a helper class allowing to combine the first two steps, finding and removing the existing text, with the advantage that indeed only the text is removed, not also any background graphics etc. as in case of PdfCleanUpProcessor redaction. The helper furthermore returns the positions of the removed text allowing stamping of replacement thereon.
The helper class is based on the PdfContentStreamEditor presented in this earlier answer. Please use the version of this class on github, though, as the original class has been enhanced a bit since conception.
The SimpleTextRemover helper class illustrates what is necessary to properly remove text from a PDF. Actually it is limited in a few aspects:
It only replaces text in the actual page content streams.
To also replace text in embedded XObjects, one has to iterate through the XObject resources of the respective page in question recursively and also apply the editor to them.
It is "simple" in the same way the SimpleTextExtractionStrategy is: It assumes the text showing instructions to appear in the content in reading order.
To also work with content streams for which the order is different and the instructions must be sorted, and this implies that all incoming instructions and relevant render information must be cached until the end of page, not merely a few instruction at a time. Then the render information can be sorted, sections to remove can be identified in the sorted render information, the associated instructions can be manipulated, and the instructions can eventually be stored.
It does not try to identify gaps between glyphs that visually represent a white space while there actually is no glyph at all.
To identify gaps the code must be extended to check whether two consecutive glyphs exactly follow one another or whether there is a gap or a line jump.
When calculating the gap to leave where a glyph is removed, it does not yet take the character and word spacing into account.
To improve this, the glyph width calculation must be improved.
Considering your example excerpt from your content stream, though, you these restrictions probably won't hinder you.
public class SimpleTextRemover extends PdfContentStreamEditor {
public SimpleTextRemover() {
super (new SimpleTextRemoverListener());
((SimpleTextRemoverListener)getRenderListener()).simpleTextRemover = this;
* <p>Removes the string to remove from the given page of the
* document in the PDF reader the given PDF stamper works on.</p>
* <p>The result is a list of glyph lists each of which represents
* a match can can be queried for position information.</p>
public List<List<Glyph>> remove(PdfStamper pdfStamper, int pageNum, String toRemove) throws IOException {
if (toRemove.length() == 0)
return Collections.emptyList();
this.toRemove = toRemove;
elementNumber = -1;
editPage(pdfStamper, pageNum);
return allMatches;
* Adds the given operation to the cached operations and checks
* whether some cached operations can meanwhile be processed and
* written to the result content stream.
protected void write(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, List<PdfObject> operands) throws IOException {
cachedOperations.add(new ArrayList<>(operands));
while (process(processor)) {
* Removes any started match and sends all remaining cached
* operations for processing.
public void finalizeContent() {
try {
while (!cachedOperations.isEmpty()) {
if (!process(this)) {
// TODO: Should not happen, so warn
System.err.printf("Failure flushing operation %s; dropping.\n", cachedOperations.get(0));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ExceptionConverter(e);
* Tries to process the first cached operation. Returns whether
* it could be processed.
boolean process(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor) throws IOException {
if (cachedOperations.isEmpty())
return false;
List<PdfObject> operands = cachedOperations.get(0);
PdfLiteral operator = (PdfLiteral) operands.get(operands.size() - 1);
String operatorString = operator.toString();
if (TEXT_SHOWING_OPERATORS.contains(operatorString))
return processTextShowingOp(processor, operator, operands);
super.write(processor, operator, operands);
return true;
* Tries to processes a text showing operation. Unless a match
* is pending and starts before the end of the argument of this
* instruction, it can be processed. If the instructions contains
* a part of a match, it is transformed to a TJ operation and
* the glyphs in question are replaced by text position adjustments.
* If the original operation had a side effect (jump to next line
* or spacing adjustment), this side effect is explicitly added.
boolean processTextShowingOp(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, List<PdfObject> operands) throws IOException {
PdfObject object = operands.get(operands.size() - 2);
boolean isArray = object instanceof PdfArray;
PdfArray array = isArray ? (PdfArray) object : new PdfArray(object);
int elementCount = countStrings(object);
// Currently pending glyph intersects parameter of this operation -> cannot yet process
if (!pendingMatch.isEmpty() && pendingMatch.get(0).elementNumber < processedElements + elementCount)
return false;
// The parameter of this operation is subject to a match -> copy as is
if (matches.size() == 0 || processedElements + elementCount <= matches.get(0).get(0).elementNumber || elementCount == 0) {
super.write(processor, operator, operands);
processedElements += elementCount;
return true;
// The parameter of this operation contains glyphs of a match -> manipulate
PdfArray newArray = new PdfArray();
for (int arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < array.size(); arrayIndex++) {
PdfObject entry = array.getPdfObject(arrayIndex);
if (!(entry instanceof PdfString)) {
} else {
PdfString entryString = (PdfString) entry;
byte[] entryBytes = entryString.getBytes();
for (int index = 0; index < entryBytes.length; ) {
List<Glyph> match = matches.size() == 0 ? null : matches.get(0);
Glyph glyph = match == null ? null : match.get(0);
if (glyph == null || processedElements < glyph.elementNumber) {
newArray.add(new PdfString(Arrays.copyOfRange(entryBytes, index, entryBytes.length)));
if (index < glyph.index) {
newArray.add(new PdfString(Arrays.copyOfRange(entryBytes, index, glyph.index)));
index = glyph.index;
newArray.add(new PdfNumber(-glyph.width));
if (match.isEmpty())
writeSideEffect(processor, operator, operands);
writeTJ(processor, newArray);
return true;
* Counts the strings in the given argument, itself a string or
* an array containing strings and non-strings.
int countStrings(PdfObject textArgument) {
if (textArgument instanceof PdfArray) {
int result = 0;
for (PdfObject object : (PdfArray)textArgument) {
if (object instanceof PdfString)
return result;
} else
return textArgument instanceof PdfString ? 1 : 0;
* Writes side effects of a text showing operation which is going to be
* replaced by a TJ operation. Side effects are line jumps and changes
* of character or word spacing.
void writeSideEffect(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, List<PdfObject> operands) throws IOException {
switch (operator.toString()) {
case "\"":
super.write(processor, OPERATOR_Tw, Arrays.asList(operands.get(0), OPERATOR_Tw));
super.write(processor, OPERATOR_Tc, Arrays.asList(operands.get(1), OPERATOR_Tc));
case "'":
super.write(processor, OPERATOR_Tasterisk, Collections.singletonList(OPERATOR_Tasterisk));
* Writes a TJ operation with the given array unless array is empty.
void writeTJ(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfArray array) throws IOException {
if (!array.isEmpty()) {
List<PdfObject> operands = Arrays.asList(array, OPERATOR_TJ);
super.write(processor, OPERATOR_TJ, operands);
* Analyzes the given text render info whether it starts a new match or
* finishes / continues / breaks a pending match. This method is called
* by the {#link SimpleTextRemoverListener} registered as render listener
* of the underlying content stream processor.
void renderText(TextRenderInfo renderInfo) {
int index = 0;
for (TextRenderInfo info : renderInfo.getCharacterRenderInfos()) {
int matchPosition = pendingMatch.size();
pendingMatch.add(new Glyph(info, elementNumber, index));
if (!toRemove.substring(matchPosition, matchPosition + info.getText().length()).equals(info.getText())) {
if (pendingMatch.size() == toRemove.length()) {
matches.add(new ArrayList<>(pendingMatch));
allMatches.add(new ArrayList<>(pendingMatch));
* Reduces the current pending match to an actual (partial) match
* after the addition of the next glyph has invalidated it as a
* whole match.
void reduceToPartialMatch() {
while (!pendingMatch.isEmpty()) {
int index = 0;
for (Glyph glyph : pendingMatch) {
if (!toRemove.substring(index, index + glyph.text.length()).equals(glyph.text)) {
continue outer;
String toRemove = null;
final List<List<PdfObject>> cachedOperations = new LinkedList<>();
int elementNumber = -1;
int processedElements = 0;
final List<Glyph> pendingMatch = new ArrayList<>();
final List<List<Glyph>> matches = new ArrayList<>();
final List<List<Glyph>> allMatches = new ArrayList<>();
* Render listener class used by {#link SimpleTextRemover} as listener
* of its content stream processor ancestor. Essentially it forwards
* {#link TextRenderInfo} events and ignores all else.
static class SimpleTextRemoverListener implements RenderListener {
public void beginTextBlock() { }
public void renderText(TextRenderInfo renderInfo) {
public void endTextBlock() { }
public void renderImage(ImageRenderInfo renderInfo) { }
SimpleTextRemover simpleTextRemover = null;
* Value class representing a glyph with information on
* the displayed text and its position, the overall number
* of the string argument of a text showing instruction
* it is in and the index at which it can be found therein,
* and the width to use as text position adjustment when
* replacing it. Beware, the width does not yet consider
* character and word spacing!
public static class Glyph {
public Glyph(TextRenderInfo info, int elementNumber, int index) {
text = info.getText();
ascent = info.getAscentLine();
base = info.getBaseline();
descent = info.getDescentLine();
this.elementNumber = elementNumber;
this.index = index;
this.width = info.getFont().getWidth(text);
public final String text;
public final LineSegment ascent;
public final LineSegment base;
public final LineSegment descent;
final int elementNumber;
final int index;
final float width;
final PdfLiteral OPERATOR_Tasterisk = new PdfLiteral("T*");
final PdfLiteral OPERATOR_Tc = new PdfLiteral("Tc");
final PdfLiteral OPERATOR_Tw = new PdfLiteral("Tw");
final PdfLiteral OPERATOR_Tj = new PdfLiteral("Tj");
final PdfLiteral OPERATOR_TJ = new PdfLiteral("TJ");
final static List<String> TEXT_SHOWING_OPERATORS = Arrays.asList("Tj", "'", "\"", "TJ");
final static Glyph[] EMPTY_GLYPH_ARRAY = new Glyph[0];
(SimpleTextRemover helper class)
You can use it like this:
PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(SOURCE);
PdfStamper pdfStamper = new PdfStamper(pdfReader, RESULT_STREAM);
SimpleTextRemover remover = new SimpleTextRemover();
System.out.printf("\ntest.pdf - Test\n");
for (int i = 1; i <= pdfReader.getNumberOfPages(); i++)
System.out.printf("Page %d:\n", i);
List<List<Glyph>> matches = remover.remove(pdfStamper, i, "Test");
for (List<Glyph> match : matches) {
Glyph first = match.get(0);
Vector baseStart = first.base.getStartPoint();
Glyph last = match.get(match.size()-1);
Vector baseEnd = last.base.getEndPoint();
System.out.printf(" Match from (%3.1f %3.1f) to (%3.1f %3.1f)\n", baseStart.get(I1), baseStart.get(I2), baseEnd.get(I1), baseEnd.get(I2));
(RemovePageTextContent test testRemoveTestFromTest)
with the following console output for my test file:
test.pdf - Test
Page 1:
Match from (134,8 666,9) to (177,8 666,9)
Match from (134,8 642,0) to (153,4 642,0)
Match from (172,8 642,0) to (191,4 642,0)
and the occurrences of "Test" missing at those positions in the output PDF.
Instead of outputting the match coordinates, you can use them to draw replacement text at the position in question.
A PDF file is not a Word Processing file. What you see are explicit placement of characters that are kerned together and/or many other things. your dream to "replace" text in such a way is not possible or better said, not likely if not impossible.
A PDF is a binary file with byte offsets. It have many parts. Like this is at this byte offset and read this, then go that that byte offset and read that.
You cannot just replace "foo" with "foobar" and think that it will work. It would disrupt all byte offsets and break the file completely.
Try it yourself before even asking.
In your example you have above, open the file in some editor and change the string in what you posted from this:
This is a
to this:
WOW Let me change this data around for the content "This is a"
Save that file and try an open it. Even that, which is a set string of content not crossing the boundaries you identified will not work. Because it is not a Word Processing file. It is not a text file. It is a binary file that you cannot manipulate as you think you can.

Optimal render draw-order function with specified z-index values

I found recently the default renderable sort function in LibGDX wasn't quite up to my needs. (see; Draw order changes strangely as camera moves? )
Essentially a few objects rendered in front when they should render behind.
Fortunately, the renderables in question always have a guarantied relationship. The objects are attached to eachother so when one moves the other moves. One object can be seen as being literally "pinned" to the other, so always in front.
This gave me the idea that if I specified a "z-index" (int) and "groupname" (String) for each object, I could manually take over the draw order, and for things with the same groupname, ensure they are positioned next to eachother in the list, in the order specified by the z-index. (low to high)
//For example an array of renderables like
3.(no zindex attribute)
//Should sort to become
2.(no zindex attribute)
// assuming the object2 in testgroup2 are closer to the camera, the one without a index second closest, and the rest furthest<br>
//(It is assumed that things within the same group wont be drastically different distances)
I implemented a sort system in libgdx to do this as followed;
* The goal of this sorter is to sort the renderables the same way LibGDX would do normally (in DefaultRenderableSorter)<br>
* except if they have a ZIndex Attribute.<br>
* A Zindex attribute provides a groupname string and a number.<br>
* Renderables with the attribute are placed next to others of the same group, with the order within the group determined by the number<br>
* For example an array of renderables like;<br><br>
* 0."testgroup",20<br>
* 1."testgroup2",10<br>
* 2.(no zindex attribute)<br>
* 3."testgroup",50<br>
* <br>Should become;<br><br>
* 0."testgroup",20<br>
* 1."testgroup",50<br>
* 2.(no zindex attribute)<br>
* 3."testgroup2",10<br>
* <br>
* assuming the object in testgroup2 is closer to the camera, the one without a index second closest, and the rest furthest<br>
* (It is assumed that things within the same group wont be drastically different distances)<br>
* #param camera - the camera in use to determine normal sort order when we cant place in a existing group
* #param resultList - an array of renderables to change the order of
private void customSorter(Camera camera, Array<Renderable> resultList) {
//make a copy of the list to sort. (This is probably a bad start)
Array <Renderable> renderables = new Array <Renderable> (resultList);
//we work by clearing and rebuilding the Renderables array (probably not a good method)
//loop over the copy we made
for (Renderable o1 : renderables) {
//depending of if the Renderable as a ZIndexAttribute or not, we sort it differently
//if it has one we do the following....
if (o1.material.has(ZIndexAttribute.ID)){
//get the index and index group name of it.
int o1Index = ((ZIndexAttribute)o1.material.get(ZIndexAttribute.ID)).zIndex;
String o1GroupName = ((ZIndexAttribute)o1.material.get(ZIndexAttribute.ID)).group;
//setup some variables
boolean placementFound = false; //Determines if a placement was found for this renderable (this happens if it comes across another with the same groupname)
int defaultPosition = -1; //if it doesn't find another renderable with the same groupname, this will be its position in the list. Consider this the "natural" position based on distance from camera
//start looping over all objects so far in the results (urg, told you this was probably not a good method)
for (int i = 0; i < resultList.size; i++) {
//first get the renderable and its ZIndexAttribute (null if none found)
Renderable o2 = resultList.get(i);
ZIndexAttribute o2szindex = ((ZIndexAttribute)o2.material.get(ZIndexAttribute.ID));
if (o2szindex!=null){
//if the renderable we are comparing too has a zindex, then we get its information
int o2index = o2szindex.zIndex;
String o2groupname =;
//if its in the same group as o1, then we start the processing of placing them nexto eachother
if (o2groupname.equals(o1GroupName)){
//we either place it in front or behind based on zindex
if (o1Index<o2index){
//if lower z-index then behind it
resultList.insert(i, o1);
placementFound = true;
if (o1Index>o2index){
//if higher z-index then it should go in front UNLESS there is another of this group already there too
//in which case we just continue (which will cause this to fire again on the next renderable in the inner loop)
if (resultList.size>(i+1)){
Renderable o3 = resultList.get(i+1);
ZIndexAttribute o3szindex = ((ZIndexAttribute)o3.material.get(ZIndexAttribute.ID));
if (o3szindex!=null){
String o3groupname =;
if (o3groupname!=null && o3groupname.equals(o1GroupName)){
//the next element is also a renderable with the same groupname, so we loop and test that one instead
//"zindex", "__..placeing at:"+(i+1));
//else we place after the current one
resultList.insert(i+1, o1);
placementFound = true;
//if no matching groupname found we need to work out a default placement.
int placement = normalcompare(o1, o2); //normal compare is the compare function in DefaultRenderableSorter.
if (placement>0){
//after then we skip
//(we are waiting till we are either under something or at the end
} else {
//if placement is before, then we remember this position as the default (but keep looking as there still might be matching groupname, which should take priority)
defaultPosition = i;
//break; //break out the loop
//if we have checked all the renderables positioned in the results list, and none were found with matching groupname
//then we use the defaultposition to insert it
if (!placementFound){
//"zindex", "__no placement found using default which is:"+defaultPosition);
if (defaultPosition>-1){
resultList.insert(defaultPosition, o1);
} else {
//...(breath out)...
//ok NOW we do placement for things that have no got a ZIndexSpecified
boolean placementFound = false;
//again, loop over all the elements in results
for (int i = 0; i < resultList.size; i++) {
Renderable o2 = resultList.get(i);
//if not we compare by default to place before/after
int placement = normalcompare(o1, o2);
if (placement>0){
//after then we skip
//(we are waiting till we are either under something or at the end)
} else {
resultList.insert(i, o1);
placementFound = true;
break; //break out the loop
//if no placement found we go at the end by default
if (!placementFound){
} //go back to check the next element in the incomeing list of renderables (that is, the copy we made at the start)
//Copy of the default sorters compare function
private Camera camera;
private final Vector3 tmpV1 = new Vector3();
private final Vector3 tmpV2 = new Vector3();
public int normalcompare (final Renderable o1, final Renderable o2) {
final boolean b1 = o1.material.has(BlendingAttribute.Type) && ((BlendingAttribute)o1.material.get(BlendingAttribute.Type)).blended;
final boolean b2 = o2.material.has(BlendingAttribute.Type) && ((BlendingAttribute)o2.material.get(BlendingAttribute.Type)).blended;
if (b1 != b2) return b1 ? 1 : -1;
// FIXME implement better sorting algorithm
// final boolean same = o1.shader == o2.shader && o1.mesh == o2.mesh && (o1.lights == null) == (o2.lights == null) &&
// o1.material.equals(o2.material);
final float dst = (int)(1000f * camera.position.dst2(tmpV1)) - (int)(1000f * camera.position.dst2(tmpV2));
final int result = dst < 0 ? -1 : (dst > 0 ? 1 : 0);
return b1 ? -result : result;
As far as I can tell my customSorter function produces the order I want - the renderables now look like they are drawn in the right order.
However, this also seems like a hackjob, and I am sure my sorting algorithm is horrendously inefficient.
I would like advice on how to either;
a) Improve my own algorithm, especially in regards to any quirks to bare in mind when doing cross-platform LibGDX development (ie, array types, memory management in regards to android/web etc)
b) Alternative more efficient solutions having a similar "z index override" of the normal draw-order sorting.
. The grouping is necessary. This is because while things are firmly stuck relatively to eachother within a group, groups themselves can also move about in front/behind eachother. (but not between). This makes it tricky to do a "global" override of the draw order, rather then a local one per group.
. If it helps, I can add/change the zindexattribute object in any way.
. I am thinking somehow "pre-storeing" each group of objects in a array could help things, but not 100% sure how.
First of all do never copy a list if not needed. The list with renderables could be really huge since it also could contain resources. Copying will be very very slow. If you need something local and you need performance try to make it final since it can improve the performance.
So a simple approach would be the default sorting of Java. You need to implement a Comperator for your class for example the Class with z index could look like this:
public class MyRenderable {
private float z_index;
public MyRenderable(float i)
z_index = i;
public float getZ_index() {
return z_index;
public void setZ_index(float z_index) {
this.z_index = z_index;
If you want a faster sort since your list wont change that much on runtime you could implement a insertion sort since it does a faster job if the list is kind of presorted. If it is not pre sorted it does take longer but in general it should only be the first sort call where it is alot disordered in your case.
private void sortList(ArrayList<MyRenderable> array) {
// double starttime = System.nanoTime();
for (int i = 1; i < array.size(); i++) {
final MyRenderable temp = array.get(i);
int j = i - 1;
while (j >= 0 && array.get(j).getZ_index() < temp.getZ_index()) {
array.set(j + 1, array.get(j));
array.set(j + 1, temp);
// System.out.println("Time taken: " + (System.nanoTime() - starttime));
To use this method you simply call it with your Array
In your case you need to take care of the ones that do not have a Z index. Maybe you could give them a 0 since they'll get sorted at the right position(i guess). Else you can use the given methods in z case and the regular in no z case as you do already.
After the conversation in the comments. I dont think it is a good idea to push everything into one list. It's hard to sort and would be very slow. A better approach would be a list of groups. Since you want to have groups, programm a group. Do not use String names, use IDs or types (way more easy to sort and it doesn't really matter). So a simple group would be this:
public class Group{
//think about privates and getters or methods to add things which also checks some conditions and so on
public int groupType;
public ArrayList<MyRenderable> renderables;
And now all your groups into a list. (this contains all your renderbales then)
ArrayList<Group> allRenderables = new ArrayList<>();
Last but not least sort the groups and sort the renderables. Since i dont think that your group ids/names will change on runtime, sort them once or even use a SortedSet instead of a ArrayList. But basically the whole sorting looks like this:
for(Group g: allRenderables)
sortRenderables(g.renderables); //now every group is sorted
//now sort by group names
With the following insertionsorts as shown above
public static void sortRenderables(ArrayList<MyRenderable> array) {
for (int i = 1; i < array.size(); i++) {
final MyRenderable temp = array.get(i);
int j = i - 1;
while (j >= 0 && array.get(j).getZ_index() < temp.getZ_index()) {
array.set(j + 1, array.get(j));
array.set(j + 1, temp);
public static void sortGroup(ArrayList<Group> array) {
for (int i = 1; i < array.size(); i++) {
final Group temp = array.get(i);
int j = i - 1;
while (j >= 0 && array.get(j).groupType < temp.groupType) {
array.set(j + 1, array.get(j));
array.set(j + 1, temp);

Change the value of a variable each time another variable changes

I am currently making a text adventure game in Java, but I have come across a problem:
I need the value of a String variable to change each time the value of a particular int variable changes.
I want the program to perform this task (then continue where it left off) each time the value of an int variable changes:
if (enemyposition == 1) {
enemyp = "in front of you";
else if (enemyposition == 2) {
enemyp = "behind you";
else if (enemyposition == 3) {
enemyp = "to your left";
else if (enemyposition == 4) {
enemyp = "to your right";
else {
enemyp = "WOAH";
Thanks! :D
You could make the code much shorter using an array.
String[] message = {"WOAH", // 0
"in front of you", // 1
"behind you", // 2
"to your left", // 3
"to your right"}; // 4
enemyp = (enemyposition > 0 && enemyposition < 5) ? message[enemyposition] :
The question you're asking sounds like it might be answerable by creating a class to hold the enemyposition integer. Add a "setter" method to your class to set the integer. You can write your setter method so that when the integer is set, it also sets up a string. Then write a "getter" method to retrieve the string. That's one common way of making sure two variables change together.
public class EnemyPosition {
private int enemyposition;
private String enemyp;
public void setPosition(int n) {
enemyposition = n;
enemyp = [adapt your code to set this based on the position]
public String getEnemyp() {
return enemyp;
I'm sure there are a lot of details missing, but you get the idea. Then instead of int enemyposition in the rest of your code, use EnemyPosition enemyposition = new EnemyPosition(), and use the setPosition method instead of assigning to it.
That's not the only solution (an array or Map that maps integers to strings may be good enough), but it's one OOP way to do things.

Java convert float to integer

I want to do an operation like this : if the given float numbers are like 1.0 , 2.0 , 3.0 , I want to save them to database as integer (1,2,3 ), if they are like 1.1 , 2.1 , ,3.44 , I save them as float. what's the best solution for this problem using java ? The corresponding field in database is type of varchar.
Just try int i = (int) f;.
EDIT : I see the point in the question. This code might work :
int i = (int) f;
String valToStore = (i == f) ? String.valueOf(i) : String.valueOf(f);
String result = "0";
if (floatVar == Math.floor(floatVar)) {
result = Integer.toString((int) floatVar);
} else {
result = Float.toString(floatVar);
The if-clause checks whether the number is a whole number - i.e. if it is equal to the result of rounding it down to the closest whole value.
But this is very odd requirement indeed, and perhaps you should reconsider the need for such a thing.
Seems like you want to save Floats with no trailing numbers as Integers, while saving those with significant trailing numbers as Floats. I would rather just save it all as Float to the DB, but it's your question so here's my answer:
* Method to determine if trailing numbers are significant or not. Significant
* here means larger than 0
* #param fFloat
* #return
public static boolean isTrailingSignificant(Float fFloat)
int iConvertedFloat = fFloat.intValue();// this drops trailing numbers
// checks if difference is 0
return ((fFloat - iConvertedFloat) > 0);
This is how you would use this method:
Number oNumToSave = null;
if (isTrailingSignificant(fFloat))
// save float value as is
oNumToSave = fFloat;
// save as int
oNumToSave = fFloat.intValue();// drops trailing numbers
After that, you can do the database operation using the variable oNumToSave.
Not sure this is the best solution, but you can try to write a method like this :
String convertToString(Float f) {
if (f.toString().endsWith(".0"))
return f.intValue().toString();
return f.toString();
val mAmount = 3.0
val intAmount = mAmount.toInt()
val amountToDisplay = if (intAmount.compareTo(mAmount) == 0) intAmount.toString() else java.lang.String.valueOf(mAmount)
