I need to truncate html string that was already sanitized by my app before storing in DB & contains only links, images & formatting tags. But while presenting to users, it need to be truncated for presenting an overview of content.
So I need to abbreviate html strings in java such that
<img src="http://d2qxdzx5iw7vis.cloudfront.net/34775606.jpg" />
<br/><a href="http://d2qxdzx5iw7vis.cloudfront.net/34775606.jpg" />
when truncated does not return something like this
<img src="http://d2qxdzx5iw7vis.cloudfront.net/34775606.jpg" />
<br/><a href="htt
but instead returns
<img src="http://d2qxdzx5iw7vis.cloudfront.net/34775606.jpg" />
Your requirements are a bit vague, even after reading all the comments. Given your example and explanations, I assume your requirements are the following:
The input is a string consisting of (x)html tags. Your example doesn't contain this, but I assume the input can contain text between the tags.
In the context of your problem, we do not care about nesting. So the input is really only text intermingled with tags, where opening, closing and self-closing tags are all considered equivalent.
Tags can contain quoted values.
You want to truncate your string such that the string is not truncated in the middle of a tag. So in the truncated string every '<' character must have a corresponding '>' character.
I'll give you two solutions, a simple one which may not be correct, depending on what the input looks like exactly, and a more complex one which is correct.
First solution
For the first solution, we first find the last '>' character before the truncate size (this corresponds to the last tag which was completely closed). After this character may come text which does not belong to any tag, so we then search for the first '<' character after the last closed tag. In code:
public static String truncate1(String input, int size)
if (input.length() < size) return input;
int pos = input.lastIndexOf('>', size);
int pos2 = input.indexOf('<', pos);
if (pos2 < 0 || pos2 >= size) {
return input.substring(0, size);
else {
return input.substring(0, pos2);
Of course this solution does not consider the quoted value strings: the '<' and '>' characters might occur inside a string, in which case they should be ignored. I mention the solution anyway because you mention your input is sanatized, so possibly you can ensure that the quoted strings never contain '<' and '>' characters.
Second solution
To consider the quoted strings, we cannot rely on standard Java classes anymore, but we have to scan the input ourselves and remember if we are currently inside a tag and inside a string or not. If we encounter a '<' character outside of a string, we remember its position, so that when we reach the truncate point we know the position of the last opened tag. If that tag wasn't closed, we truncate before the beginning of that tag. In code:
public static String truncate2(String input, int size)
if (input.length() < size) return input;
int lastTagStart = 0;
boolean inString = false;
boolean inTag = false;
for (int pos = 0; pos < size; pos++) {
switch (input.charAt(pos)) {
case '<':
if (!inString && !inTag) {
lastTagStart = pos;
inTag = true;
case '>':
if (!inString) inTag = false;
case '\"':
if (inTag) inString = !inString;
if (!inTag) lastTagStart = size;
return input.substring(0, lastTagStart);
A robust way of doing it is to use the hotsax code which parses HTML letting you interface with the parser using the traditional low level SAX XML API [Note it is not an XML parser it parses poorly formed HTML in only chooses to let you interface with it using a standard XML API).
Here on github I have created a working quick-and-dirty example project which has a main class that parses your truncated example string:
XMLReader parser = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader("hotsax.html.sax.SaxParser");
final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
ContentHandler handler = new DoNothingContentHandler(){
StringBuilder wholeTag = new StringBuilder();
boolean hasText = false;
boolean hasElements = false;
String lastStart = "";
public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
throws SAXException {
String text = (new String(ch, start, length)).trim();
hasText = true;
public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName,
String qName) throws SAXException {
if( !hasText && !hasElements && lastStart.equals(localName)) {
} else {
wholeTag.append("</"+ localName +">");
wholeTag = new StringBuilder();
hasText = false;
hasElements = false;
public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName,
String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException {
wholeTag.append("<"+ localName);
for( int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); i++) {
wholeTag.append(" "+atts.getQName(i)+"='"+atts.getValue(i)+"'");
hasElements = true;
lastStart = localName;
hasText = false;
//parser.parse(new InputSource( new StringReader( "<div>this is the <em>end</em> my <br> friend some link" ) ));
parser.parse(new InputSource( new StringReader( "<img src=\"http://d2qxdzx5iw7vis.cloudfront.net/34775606.jpg\" />\n<br/><a href=\"htt" ) ));
System.out.println( builder.toString() );
It outputs:
<img src='http://d2qxdzx5iw7vis.cloudfront.net/34775606.jpg'></img><br/>
It is adding an </img> tag but thats harmless for html and it would be possible to tweak the code to exactly match the input in the output if you felt that necessary.
Hotsax is actually generated code from using yacc/flex compiler tools run over the HtmlParser.y and StyleLexer.flex files which define the low level grammar of html. So you benefit from the work of the person who created that grammar; all you need to do is write some fairly trivial code and test cases to reassemble the parsed fragments as shown above. That's much better than trying to write your own regular expressions, or worst and coded string scanner, to try to interpret the string as that is very fragile.
Afer I understand what you want here is the most simple solution I could come up with.
Just work from the end of your substring to the start until you find '>' This is the end mark of the last tag. So you can be sure that you only have complete tags in the majority of cases.
But what if the > is inside texts?
Well to be sure about this just search on until you find < and ensure this is part of a tag (do you know the tag string for instance?, since you only have links, images and formating you can easily check this. If you find another > before finding < starting a tag this is the new end of your string.
Easy to do, correct and should work for you.
If you are not certain if strings / attributes can contain < or > you need to check the appearence of " and =" to check if you are inside a string or not. (Remember you can cut of an attribute values). But I think this is overengineering. I never found an attribute with < and > in it and usually within text it is also escaped using & lt ; and something alike.
I don't know the context of the problem the OP needs to solve, but I am not sure if it makes a lot of sense to truncate html code by the length of its source code instead of the length of its visual representation (which can become arbitrarily complex, of course).
Maybe a combined solution could be useful, so you don't penalize html code with a lot of markup or long links, but also set a clear total limit which cannot be exceeded. Like others already wrote, the usage of a dedicated HTML parser like JSoup allows the processing of non well-formed or even invalid HTML.
The solution is loosely based on JSoup's Cleaner. It traverses the parsed dom tree of the source code and tries to recreate a destination tree while continuously checking, if a limit has been reached.
import org.jsoup.nodes.*;
import org.jsoup.parser.*;
import org.jsoup.select.*;
String html = "<img src=\"http://d2qxdzx5iw7vis.cloudfront.net/34775606.jpg\" />" +
"<br/><a href=\"http://d2qxdzx5iw7vis.cloudfront.net/34775606.jpg\" />";
//String html = "<b>foo</b>bar<p class=\"baz\">Some <img />Long Text</p><a href='#'>hello</a>";
Document srcDoc = Parser.parseBodyFragment(html, "");
Document dstDoc = Document.createShell(srcDoc.baseUri());
Element dst = dstDoc.body();
NodeVisitor v = new NodeVisitor() {
private static final int MAX_HTML_LEN = 85;
private static final int MAX_TEXT_LEN = 40;
Element cur = dst;
boolean stop = false;
int resTextLength = 0;
public void head(Node node, int depth) {
// ignore "body" element
if (depth > 0) {
if (node instanceof Element) {
Element curElement = (Element) node;
cur = cur.appendElement(curElement.tagName());
String resHtml = dst.html();
if (resHtml.length() > MAX_HTML_LEN) {
throw new IllegalStateException("html too long");
} else if (node instanceof TextNode) {
String curText = ((TextNode) node).getWholeText();
String resHtml = dst.html();
if (curText.length() + resHtml.length() > MAX_HTML_LEN) {
cur.appendText(curText.substring(0, MAX_HTML_LEN - resHtml.length()));
throw new IllegalStateException("html too long");
} else if (curText.length() + resTextLength > MAX_TEXT_LEN) {
cur.appendText(curText.substring(0, MAX_TEXT_LEN - resTextLength));
throw new IllegalStateException("text too long");
} else {
resTextLength += curText.length();
public void tail(Node node, int depth) {
if (depth > 0 && node instanceof Element) {
cur = cur.parent();
try {
NodeTraversor t = new NodeTraversor(v);
} catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
System.out.println(" in='" + srcDoc.body().html() + "'");
System.out.println("out='" + dst.html() + "'");
For the given example with max length of 85, the result is:
html too long
in='<img src="http://d2qxdzx5iw7vis.cloudfront.net/34775606.jpg"><br>'
out='<img src="http://d2qxdzx5iw7vis.cloudfront.net/34775606.jpg"><br>'
It also correctly truncates within nested elements, for a max html length of 16 the result is:
html too long
For a maximum text length of 2, the result of a long link would be:
text too long
You can achieve this with library "JSOUP" - html parser.
You can download it from below link.
Download JSOUP
import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
import org.jsoup.select.Elements;
public class HTMLParser
public static void main(String[] args)
String html = "<img src=\"http://d2qxdzx5iw7vis.cloudfront.net/34775606.jpg\" /><br/><a href=\"http://d2qxdzx5iw7vis.cloudfront.net/34775606.jpg\" /><img src=\"http://d2qxdzx5iw7vis.cloudfront.net/34775606.jpg\" /><br/><a href=\"http://d2qxdzx5iw7vis.cloudfront.net/34775606.jpg\" />";
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
Well whatever you want to do. There are two libraries out there jSoup and HtmlParser which I tend to use. Please check them out. Also I see bearly XHTML in the wild anymore. Its more about HTML5 (which does not have an XHTML counterpart) nowadays.
I mention JSoup and HtmlParser since they are fault tollerant in a way the browser is. Please check if they suite you since they are very good at dealing with malformed and damaged HTML text. Create a DOM out of your HTML and write it back to string you should get rid of the damaged tags also you can filter the DOM by yourself and remove even more content if you have to.
PS: I guess the XML decade is finally (and gladly) over. Today JSON is going to be overused.
A third potential answer I would consider as a potential solution is not to work with strings ins the first place.
When I remember correctly there are DOM tree representations that work closely with the underlying string presentation. Therefore they are character exact. I wrote one myself but I think jSoup has such a mode. Since there are a lot of parsers out there you should be able to find one that actually does.
With such a parser you can easily see which tag runs from what string position to another. Actually those parsers maintain a String of the document and alter it but only store range information like start and stop positions within the document avoiding to multiply those information for nested nodes.
Therefore you can find the most outer node for a given position, know exactly from what to where and easily can decide if this tag (including all its children) can be used to be presented within your snippet. So you will have the chance to print complete text nodes and alike without the risk to only present partial tag information or headline text and alike.
If you do not find a parser that suites you on this, you can ask me for advise.
I want to analyze the structure of the html pages. For a page I have it as a string and I want to strip out the text and to keep only the html structure. I don't want to use a DOM parser, and I need something robust which works on regular html not only xhtml. I know regular expressions are good enough to strip out html tags from a string, but can they be used to strip out the text and to keep only the html tags?
Do you know any other option/framework I could use?
I doubt that there is an easy way to do this using regex.
Jericho is a pretty neat HTML parser with a small footprint and a single jar without additional external libraries.
Do you know any other option/framework I could use?
You might want to look at JSoup. Seems to be designed to solve exactly this type of problem.
If you've stripped out tags before, you know the basic gist is to strip out everything between < and >. Stripping out text is very similar, except you're stripping out everything between > and <. So yes, regular expressions would serve you very well in stripping out the text and leaving just the tags. They could also be used to strip out tag attributes as well if you didn't want to deal with them.
This might give you a decent start. I don't have much experience with HTML so I don't know if there is anything else to parse out of the string besides < tags >.
public static void main(String[] args){
String html = "<body> text text text text </body>";
String htmlTags = null;
char c;
for(int i = 0 ; i < html.length() ; i++){
c = html.charAt(i);
for(int j = i ; j < html.length() ; j++){
if(htmlTags != null){
htmlTags += Character.toString(html.charAt(j));
htmlTags = Character.toString(html.charAt(j));
c = html.charAt(j);
private static boolean tagStart(String check){
return true;
return false;
private static boolean tagStop(String check){
return true;
return false;
Something along the lines of:
pageSource.replaceAll(">.*<", "><");
Should get you started.
This may be a simple question, but I have been Googling for over an hour and haven't found an answer yet.
I'm trying to simply use the String.split() method with a small Android application to split an input string. The input string will be something along the lines of: "Launch ip:;port:5900". I'm doing this in two iterations to ensure that all of the required parameters are there. I'm first trying to do a split on spaces and semicolons to get the individual tokens sorted out. Next, I'm trying to split on colons in order to strip off the identification tags of each piece of information.
So, for example, I would expect the first round of split to give me the following data from the above example string:
(1) Launch
(2) ip:
(3) port:5900
Then the second round would give me the following:
(2) 5900
However, the following code that I wrote doesn't give me what's expected:
private String[] splitString(String inputString)
String[] parsedString;
String[] orderedString = new String[SOSLauncherConstants.SOCKET_INPUT_STRING_PARSE_VALUE];
parsedString = inputString.trim().split("; ");
Log.i("info", "The parsed data is as follows for the initially parsed string of size " + parsedString.length + ": ");
for (int i = 0; i < parsedString.length; ++i)
Log.i("info", parsedString[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < parsedString.length; ++i )
if (parsedString[i].toLowerCase().contains(SOSLauncherConstants.PARSED_LAUNCH_COMMAND_VALUE))
orderedString[SOSLauncherConstants.PARSED_COMMAND_WORD] = parsedString[i];
if (parsedString[i].toLowerCase().contains("ip"))
orderedString[SOSLauncherConstants.PARSED_IP_VALUE] = parsedString[i].split(":")[1];
else if (parsedString[i].toLowerCase().contains("port"))
orderedString[SOSLauncherConstants.PARSED_PORT_VALUE] = parsedString[i].split(":")[1];
else if (parsedString[i].toLowerCase().contains("username"))
orderedString[SOSLauncherConstants.PARSED_USERNAME_VALUE] = parsedString[i].split(":")[1];
else if (parsedString[i].toLowerCase().contains("password"))
orderedString[SOSLauncherConstants.PARSED_PASSWORD_VALUE] = parsedString[i].split(":")[1];
else if (parsedString[i].toLowerCase().contains("color"))
orderedString[SOSLauncherConstants.PARSED_COLOR_VALUE] = parsedString[i].split(":")[1];
Log.i("info", "The parsed data is as follows for the second parsed string of size " + orderedString.length + ": ");
for (int i = 0; i < orderedString.length; ++i)
Log.i("info", orderedString[i]);
return orderedString;
For a result, I'm getting the following:
The parsed data is as follows for the parsed string of size 1:
launch ip:;port:5900
The parsed data is as follows for the second parsed string of size 6:
launch ip:;port:5900;port
And then, of course, it crashes because the for loop runs into a null string.
Side Note:
The following snippet is from the constants class that defines all of the string indexes --
public static final int SOCKET_INPUT_STRING_PARSE_VALUE = 6;
public static final int PARSED_COMMAND_WORD = 0;
public static final String PARSED_LAUNCH_COMMAND_VALUE = "launch";
public static final int PARSED_IP_VALUE = 1;
public static final int PARSED_PORT_VALUE = 2;
public static final int PARSED_USERNAME_VALUE = 3;
public static final int PARSED_PASSWORD_VALUE = 4;
public static final int PARSED_COLOR_VALUE = 5;
I looked into needing a possible escape (by inserting a \\ before the semicolon) on the semicolon delimiter, and even tried using it, but that didn't work. The odd part is that neither the space nor the semicolon function as a delimiter, yet the colon works on the second time around. Does anybody have any ideas what would cause this?
Thanks for your time!
EDIT: I should also add that I'm receiving the string over a WiFi socket connection. I don't think this should make a difference, but I'd like you to have all of the information that you need.
String.split(String) takes a regex. Use "[; ]". eg:
"foo;bar baz".split("[; ]")
will return an array containing "foo", "bar" and "baz".
If you need groups of spaces to work as a single delimiter, you can use something like:
"foo;bar baz".split("(;| +)")
I believe String.split() tries to split on each of the characters you specify together (or on a regex), not each character individually. That is, split(";.") would not split "a;b.c" at all, but would split "a;.b".
You may have better luck with Guava's Splitter, which is meant to be slightly less unpredictable than java.lang.String.split.
I would write something like
Iterable<String> splits = Splitter.on(CharMatcher.anyOf("; ")).split(string);
but Splitter also provides fluent-style customization like "trim results" or "skip over empty strings."
Is there a reason why you are using String.split(), but not using Regular Expressions? This is a perfect candidate for regex'es, esp if the string format is consistent.
I'm not sure if your format is fixed, and if it is, then the following regex should break it down for you (am sure that someone can come up with an even more elegant regex). If you have several command strings that follow, then you can use a more flexible regex and loop over all the groups:
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([\w]*)[ ;](([\w]*):([^ ;]*))*");
Matcher m = p.match( <input string>);
if( m.find() )
command = m.group(1);
id = m.group(3);
value = m.group(4);
} while( m.find() );
A great place to test out regex'es online is http://www.regexplanet.com/simple/index.html. It allows you to play with the regex without having to compile and launch you app every time if you just want to get the regex correct.
I have to read a file (existing format not under my control) that contains an XML document and encoded data. This file unfortunately includes MQ-related data around it including hex zeros (end of files).
So, using Java, how can I read this file, stripping or ignoring the "garbage" I don't need to get at the XML and encoded data. I believe an acceptable solution is to just leave out the hex zeros (are there other values that will stop my reading?) since I don't need the MQ information (RFH header) anyway and the counts are meaningless for my purposes.
I have searched a lot and only find really heinous complicated "solutions". There must be a better way...
What worked was to pull out the XML documents - Groovy code:
public static final String REQUEST_XML = "<Request>";
public static final String REQUEST_END_XML = "</Request>";
* #param xmlMessage
* #return 1-N EncodedRequests for those I contain
private void extractRequests( String xmlMessage ) {
int start = xmlMessage.indexOf(REQUEST_XML);
int end = xmlMessage.indexOf(REQUEST_END_XML);
end += REQUEST_END_XML.length();
while( start >= 0 ) { //each <Request>
requests.add(new EncodedRequest(xmlMessage.substring(start,end)));
start = xmlMessage.indexOf(REQUEST_XML, end);
end = xmlMessage.indexOf(REQUEST_END_XML, start);
end += REQUEST_END_XML.length();
and then decode the base64 portion:
public String getDecodedContents() {
if( decodedContents == null ) {
byte[] decoded = Base64.decodeBase64(getEncodedContents().getBytes());
String newString = new String(decoded);
decodedContents = newString;
decodedContents = decodedContents.replace('\r','\t');
return decodedContents;
I've hit this issue before (well ... something similar). Have a look a my FilterInputStream for a file filter that you should be able to modify to your needs.
Essentially it implements a push-back buffer that chucks away anything you don't want.
I want to remove any tags such as
<p>hello <namespace:tag : a>hello</namespace:tag></p>
to become
<p> hello hello </p>
What is the best way to do this if it is regex for some reason this is now working can anyone help?
Definitely use an XML parser. Regex should not be used to parse *ML
You should not use regex for these purposes use a parser like lxml or BeautifulSoup
>>> import lxml.html as lxht
>>> myString = '<p>hello <namespace:tag : a>hello</namespace:tag></p>'
>>> lxht.fromstring(myString).text_content()
'hello hello'
Here is a reason why you should not parse html/xml with regex.
If you're just trying to pull the plain text out of some simple XML, the best (fastest, smallest memory footprint) would be to just run a for loop over the data:
bool inMarkup = false;
string text = "";
for each character in data // (dunno what you're reading from)
char c = current;
if( c == '<' ) inMarkup = true;
else if( c == '>') inMarkup = false;
else if( !inMarkup ) text += c;
Note: This will break if you encounter things like CDATA, JavaScript, or CSS in your parsing.
So, to sum up... if it's simple, do something like above and not a regular expression. If it isn't that simple, listen to the other guys an use an advanced parser.
This is a solution I personally used for a likewise problem in java. The library used for this is Jsoup : http://jsoup.org/.
In my particular case I had to unwrap tags that had an attribute with a particular value in them. You see that reflected in this code, it's not the exact solution to this problem but could put you on your way.
public static String unWrapTag(String html, String tagName, String attribute, String matchRegEx) {
Validate.notNull(html, "html must be non null");
Validate.isTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(tagName), "tagName must be non blank");
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(attribute)) {
Validate.notNull(matchRegEx, "matchRegEx must be non null when an attribute is provided");
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
OutputSettings outputSettings = doc.outputSettings();
Elements elements = doc.getElementsByTag(tagName);
for (Element element : elements) {
String attr = element.attr(attribute);
String newData = attr.replaceAll(matchRegEx, "");
return doc.html();
I'm using SAX parser in my Android application to read a few feeds a time. The script is executed as follows.
// Begin FeedLezer
try {
/** Handling XML **/
SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
SAXParser sp = spf.newSAXParser();
XMLReader xr = sp.getXMLReader();
/** Send URL to parse XML Tags **/
URL sourceUrl = new URL(
/** Create handler to handle XML Tags ( extends DefaultHandler ) **/
Feed_XMLHandler myXMLHandler = new Feed_XMLHandler();
xr.parse(new InputSource(sourceUrl.openStream()));
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("XML Pasing Excpetion = " + e);
sitesList = Feed_XMLHandler.sitesList;
String titels = sitesList.getMergedTitles();
And here are Feed_XMLHandler.java and Feed_XMLList.java, which I basically both just took from the web.
However, this code fails at times. I'll show some examples.
It goes very well here. It even recognizes and displays apostrophes. Even when clicking the articles open, almost all of the text shows, so that's all good. The source feed is here. I can't control the feed.
http://imm.io/media/2I/2IB1.jpg Here, it doesn't go so well. It does display the ï, but it chokes on the apostrophe (there's supposed to be 'NORAD' after the Waarom). Here
http://imm.io/media/2I/2IBQ.jpg This is the worst one. As you can see, the title only displays an apostrophe, whilst it is supposed to be a 'blablabla'. Also, the text ends in the middle of the line, without any special characters in the quote. The feed is here
In all cases, I have no control over the feed. I think the script does choke on special characters. How can I make sure SAX fetches all the strings correctly?
If anyone knows an answer to this, you really help me out a LOT :D
Thanks in advance.
This is from the FAQ of Xerces.
Why does the SAX parser lose some
character data or why is the data
split into several chunks? If you
read the SAX documentation, you will
find that SAX may deliver contiguous
text as multiple calls to characters,
for reasons having to do with parser
efficiency and input buffering. It is
the programmer's responsibility to
deal with that appropriately, e.g. by
accumulating text until the next
non-characters event.
You're code is very well adapted from one of many XML Parsing tutorials (like this one here) Now, the tutorial is good and all, but they fail to mention something very important...
Notice this part here...
public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
throws SAXException
myobj.setName(new String(ch,start,length))
I bet at this point you're checking up booleans to mark which tag you're under and then setting a value in some kind of class you made? or something like that....
But the problem is, the SAX parser (which is buffered) will not necesarily get you all the characters between a tag at one go....say if <tag> Lorem Ipsum...really long sentence...</tag> so your SAX parser calls characters function is chunks....
So the trick here, is to keep appending the values to a string variable and the actually set (or commit) it to your structure when the tag ends...(ie in endElement)
public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName)
throws SAXException {
currentElement = false;
/** set value */
if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase("tag"))
currentValue = ""; //reset the currentValue
public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
throws SAXException {
if (in_Tag) {
currentValue += new String(ch, start, length); //keep appending string, don't set it right here....maybe there's more to come.
Also, it would be better if you use StringBuilder for the appending, since that'll be more efficient....
Hope it makes sense! If it didn't check this and here