Converting a file directory strutute to JSON iusing jQuery - java

I've an INPUT that is of the form of a jquery variable.
./Simple Root/
./Root 1/Child 1/
./Root 1/Child 2/
I would like to convert it into a neat JSON structure like (Update : Here is a JSON structure that I would like to convert
'data' : [
'Simple root node',
'text' : 'Root node 2',
'state' : {
'opened' : true,
'selected' : true
'children' : [
{ 'text' : 'Child 1' },
'Child 2'
NOTE: I havn't mentioned all the cases where the root itself has standalone children,nested children and so on. Basically, the slashes '\' would determine all that.
I wasn't able to think of any solution apart from the regex matcher
var patt1 = /^[^\/]*\/[^\/]*\/?/i;
Can someone please guide me


Json to csv conversion in Spring boot

I have a csv structure like this
and I also have one json response
"ID" : "1",
"Name" : "abc",
"Mobile" : "123456"
"ID" : "2",
"Name" : "cde",
"Mobile" : "123345"
I need the output like this
If your intention is to convert directly the JSON then that baeldung solution that you were given is good.
Otherwise, the way i see it and based on the info you're giving, you will need to have a representation of that JSON in a java object that will either represent some kind of request coming from somewhere or data you're getting from your database in order to be written on a csv.
Check out these, might be useful:

How to query JSON with wildcards and modify the results?

I'd like to be able to query a JSON object and modify it in a way that is structure-agnostic and doesn't involve marshalling to POJOs. Here's an example to illustrate.
"user" : [ {
"username" : "foo",
"user-id" : "1234",
"name" : {
"first-name" : "John",
"last-name" : "Smith"
"ssn": "123-45-6789"
}, {
"username" : "bar",
"user-id" : "1235",
"name" : {
"first-name" : "Jane",
"last-name" : "Doe"
"ssn": "098-76-5432"
} ]
What I want to do is this:
Get the ssn nodes, retrieve their values, encrypt them, put the encrypted values back in the JSON, and return the whole thing. I've found two ways to do this so far:
Marshalling to a User POJO
Writing a method that iterates over the "user"s directly and modifies the ssn value.
The problem with either approach is that I have to generate "user" specific code. This is fine when I have only one data format, but I'm going to have dozens. I want to work more agnostically. Ideally I can do this with a line like this:
List<JsonNode> ssnNodes = jsonObj.match("$.user[*].ssn");
and then just iterate over the list -- just as I can with XML using XPath. This way I can maintain a list of json-paths to query with and that is as much as I need to know about the data.
Someone please tell me there is a way to do this in Java, but I haven't found a way so far. Thanks in advance!

mongodb java driver pullByFilter

I have document schema such as
"_id" : 18,
"name" : "Verdell Sowinski",
"scores" : [
"type" : "exam",
"score" : 62.12870233109035
"type" : "quiz",
"score" : 84.74586220889356
"type" : "homework",
"score" : 81.58947824932574
"type" : "homework",
"score" : 69.09840625499065
I have a solution using pull that copes with removing a single element at a time but saw
I want to get a general solution that would cope with irregular schema where there would be between one and many elements to the array and I would like to remove all elements based on a condition.
I'm using mongodb driver 3.2.2 and saw this pullByFilter which sounded good
Creates an update that removes from an array all elements that match the given filter.
I tried this
Bson filter = and(eq("type", "homework"), lt("score", highest));
Bson u = Updates.pullByFilter(filter);
UpdateResult ur = collection.updateOne(studentDoc, u);
Unsurprisingly, this did not have any effect since I wasn't specifying the array scores
I get an error
The positional operator did not find the match needed from the query. Unexpanded update: scores.$.type
when I change the filter to be
Bson filter = and(eq("scores.$.type", "homework"), lt("scores.$.score", highest));
Is there a one step solution to this problem?
There seems very little info on this particular method I can find. This question may relate to How to Update Multiple Array Elements in mongodb
After some more "thinking" (and a little trial and error), I found the correct Filters method to wrap my basic filter. I think I was focusing on array operators too much.
I'll not post it here in case of flaming.
Clue: think "matches..." (as in regex pattern matching) when dealing with Filters helper methods ;)

how to extract json path and find array length?

how to extract JSON path and find array length using java? for my below response data. I need to validate array length should be equal to '7' in Jmeter assertion.
"Event Count"
Add JSON Extractor as a child of the request which produces the above JSON response and configure it as follows:
Variable names: anything meaningful, i.e. week
JSON Path Expressions: $[*]
Match No: -1
This will produce the following JMeter Variables (you can validate them using Debug Sampler):
week_1=["Week","Event Count"]
You are particularly interested in the latter one
Add Response Assertion as a child of the same request and configure it as follows:
Apply to: JMeter Variable -> week_matchNr
Pattern Matching Rules: Equals
Patterns to Test: 7
This way your sampler will pass if number of matches will be equal to 7 and otherwise it will fail. See How to Use JMeter Assertions in Three Easy Steps article to learn more about using assertions in JMeter tests.

Tell if a BasicMongoDBObject is valid from the .toString()?

I'd like to confirm that a parser I wrote is working correctly. It takes a JavaScript mongodb command that could be run from the terminal and converts it to a Java object for the MongoDB/Java drivers.
Is the following .toString() result valid?
{ "NumShares " : 1 , "attr4 " : 1 , "symbol" : { "$regex" : "ESLR%"}}
This was converted from the following JavaScript
db.STOCK.find({ "symbol": "ESLR%" }, { "NumShares" : 1, "attr4" : 1 })
And of course, the data as it rests in the collections
{ "_id" : { "$oid" : "538c99e41f12e5a479269ed1"} , "symbol" : "ESLR" , "NumShares" : 3471.0}
Thanks for all your help
You've combined the query document and the project document in that find() call in to one document. That's probably not what you want. But those documents are just json so you could use any parser to convert those. There's a few gotchas you'd have to deal with around ObjectIDs, dates, DBRefs, and particularly regular expressions but those can be managed without too much trouble by escaping/quoting them before parsing.
