I have an application that I have been working on. This application is configurable via a Properties file, from which it gets most of its variables.
This application is a survey, with the potential of any number of questions.
The questions are stored as an array, where the max index is equal to the number of questions.
I have tried the following:
for(int noOfQuestToSet = 0; noOfQuestToSet<noOfQuest; noOfQuestToSet++)
String[] questionArr = new String[noOfQuestToSet];
questionArr = props.getProperty("Q" + noOfQuestToSet).toString();
The idea is the loop will use an integer to compare to the number of emails noOfEmails variable (read from the properties file). The Question key syntax is Q1=<question>.
The loop should use an integer set to 0, compare it to the number of questions and append the number each increment to the array.
You need to explain more, what you are up to, and what your variables are.
What are the emails there for? and what is the Question key syntax? and how does getProterty() work.
and finally, what do you want to achieve? if you want an array with all the questions in it could look like this:
String[] questionArr=new String[noOfQuestToSet];
for (int i=0;i<noOfQuest;i++){
If you dont know the exact number of questions in advance, use a List (ArrayList, or LinkedList) where you can add a string anytime without knowing the final size of the list.
plz read the guidelines for asking questions
for(int noOfQuestToSet = 1; noOfQuestToSet<=noOfQuest; noOfQuestToSet++)
int i = noOfQuestToSet -1;
questionArr = new String[noOfQuestToSet];
String appendToIndex = String.valueOf(noOfQuestToSet);
questionArr[i] = props.getProperty("Q"+appendToIndex);
String[] answers= new String[noOfQuestToSet];
Scanner scnAnswer = new Scanner(System.in).useDelimiter("\\n");
answers[i] = scnAnswer.next();
if(iCheckAnswerforNull(answers, i)==true)
System.out.println("Please ensure you enter an answer to each question");
//EmailSend sendEmail = new EmailSend();
// EmailSend.sendEmail(userName, answers);
After a little tinkering and a shunt in the right direction from #meister_reineke, here is the working loop to get the property and append it to an array (without using ArrayLists:
import java.util.Scanner; // *Has to be outside of brackets!*
public class Lab_1_3_Class_oops {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//I need to request a person's first and last name, then copy it on individual lines after they have entered their input
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
//Requesting a name
System.out.print("Please write your first and last name.\n");
//Allowing a name input
//I get as far as allowing text to be entered, but I can't figure out a way to keep that text in the memory long enough to get it copied 100 times without making the person type it 100 times
I am not looking for direct answers. I just want to know if what I want is possible with the way I have started and how I would even begin to try something like this.
Get the name input as a String and use a for loop to print it. I hope I wasn't too direct.
You need to declare a variable to hold the user's input. Then, you can use a for loop to do whatever you want any number of times.
String name = sc.nextLine(); // Declare a String variable to hold the value
for(int i = 0; i < 1337; i++) { // Use a for loop
// do something
Declare a variable to hold the user's input, then put it in a loop(print it from there)
Thank you all so much! The way I fixed it was by declaring
int num = 1;
and then creating a while loop
while (num <= 100) {
num = num + 1;
I really appreciate everyone's help without actually telling me the answer.
I'm practicing Java and wanted to let the user choose an option from the Array such as:
String Food[] = {"Beans","Rice","Spaghetti"};
So far I only know of Scanner, but this is my first program so I don't know much of the subject.
Also, is there a way to print it? besides doing:
System.out.println(Food[0]); //and so on
for every single one of them.
Edit: not a Array list.
You can print the Array not ArrayList by doing:
It will print out: [Beans, Rice, Spaghetti]
If you are talking about an ArrayList, you would have to do:
ArrayList<String> Food = new ArrayList<String>();
Then, you can loop over the ArrayList and build your own String with a StringBuilder
After reading your comment, I think you have a problem structuring your program. I will help you with that. Basically you have to complete these steps:
Program starts
Program outputs the options available in the menu
Program asks the user to choose one of the listed options
User chooses an option
Program will repeat step 3, only if the user wants to keep adding stuff to his order.
If the user does not want anything else, the Program outputs the total cost of the order
Some ideas of how to achieve this the right way:
I would use a class to encapsulate the characteristics of an "order". For instance: description, name, and price are important stuff that you need to be able to track per item.
when you don't know how many times your program will run, you have two options: using a do while loop or a while loop. Try to think in a condition that could make your program run indefinitely a number of times until the user is done. Inside the loop, you could have a sum variable where you would keep track of the items that the user wants.
It is better to keep track of items by just using numbers than Strings. Computers are faster to find stuff this way. So, if you use a HashMap to mock a database system in your program, it would make it better and faster. Then, instead of using if else to control your flow, you could use a switch instead.
I hope this helps.
EDIT: For a more efficient way of printing out the contents of the array, use an enhanced for-loop:
for(String f : Food)
This is effectively the same as:
for(int i = 0; i < Food.size(); i++)
If I'm understanding what you're trying to do correctly, I think this should suffice (disclaimer, it's been a while since I've worked with Scanner():
public static void main(String[] args)
String[] food = {"Beans","Rice","Spaghetti"}; // Java standards are lowercase for variables and objects, uppercase for class names.
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("What would you like to eat? Options:");
for(String f : food)
String response = in.next();
boolean validEntry = false;
for(String f: food)
validEntry = true;
System.out.println("You chose " + response);
System.out.println("Invalid entry. Please retry.")
Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 6 years ago.
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I am a new user and I have a "noob" question. We are being taught Java in school and I have a question about one of our activities. One requirement is to take in student info (such as course) and convert them to a single letter (I assume use .charAt??) and then later on count how many students are enrolled into that course. I have the student info down here:
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
public class CourseTallier
public static void main (String[] args)
String student = inputStudInfo();
public static String inputStudInfo ()
Scanner kbd = new Scanner(System.in);
int limit = 0, idnum = 0;
String college = "";
System.out.println("Please input a valid ID number:");
idnum = Integer.parseInt(kbd.nextLine());
if (idnum == 0)
System.out.println("Thank you for using this program.");
while (idnum < limit) {
System.out.println("Invalid ID number. Please enter a positive integer:");
idnum = Integer.parseInt(kbd.nextLine());
System.out.println("Please enter a valid course (BLIS, BSCS, BSIS, or BSIT");
college = kbd.nextLine();
while(!college.equalsIgnoreCase("BLIS") && !college.equalsIgnoreCase("BSCS") && !college.equalsIgnoreCase("BSIS") && !college.equalsIgnoreCase("BSIT"))
System.out.println("Invalid course. Please enter either BLIS, BSCS, BSIS, or BSIT");
college = kbd.nextLine();
return college;
public static Character convertCourse (String college)
and as you can see I am stuck at the "Convert Course" method (modular is required). I was wondering how would I convert something like "BLIS" to a single character "L" and then create another method that counts the number of how many students are enrolled in that course.
I am not asking for someone to complete this program for me cause that would be cheating. I am simply asking someone for a shove in the right direction. Your help is very much appreciated.
Edit: As asked here are the exact requirements:
To the storing for future values, do you know what instance variables are? Unless I misunderstood the question, it seems like it would make sense to make four (static) instance variables that hold the count of users enrolled in each course.
You could either use the .charAt method or use the "switch" statement.
the problem with the charAt method is that you probably can't find different letters for each course using the same indexed letter.(which will bring you to the switch statement again)
To count the number of student enrolled in that course you should have a count variable and increase it every time you convert a course into a single char.
One way would be to use a switch statement
case "BLIS":
Not sure if thats really what your meant to be doing, if your meant to store student data then a Map implementing datastructure would be the go
Well, first of all you need to make your code more modular. How about dividing it into sections,like, getting user input, validating user input, storing user input.
Well to store the user data, you can use something like a HashMap. Keep course as key (eg BLIS) and no of students as value. In start intialize it with 0.
Map<String, Integer> studentCourseHashMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
studentCourseHashMap.put("BLIS", 0);
So, every time a user enrolls for the particular course all you need to do is to find the course and increment it by 1. So, for example if a student enrolled for BLIS course. then,
//Checking if BLIS course is available
Integer noOfStudents = studentCourseHashMap.get("BLIS");
//Increment no of students for each enrollment
//Saving the updated value in hashmap
studentCourseHashMap.put("BLIS", noOfStudents);
Hope this will help, mention your doubts in comments. :)
why not use a counter for each course and increment it whenever the user enters it.
case BLIS:
case BSCS:
case BSIS:
case BSIT:
If you want to take each letter from the string, here's the way:
String str = "BLIS";
String strArray[] = str.split("");
for (int i = 0; i < strArray.length; i++) {
If you want to map the Course String to individual Characters, below is the way:
Map<String, Character> courseMap = new HashMap<String, Character>();
courseMap.put("BLIS", 'L');
courseMap.put("BSCS", 'C');
courseMap.put("BSIS", 'S');
courseMap.put("BSIT", 'T');
for(String courseStr: courseMap.keySet()) {
System.out.println(courseStr + " > " + courseMap.get(courseStr));
I have a text file like this;
The first column is id and second is name. How can I get these id's and names? So far I wrote this;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Scanner fromFile = new Scanner(new File("id_name.txt"));
String temp = fromFile.next();
String temp= fromFile.next();
int[] fileID;
fileID= new int[9];
for(int i=0; i<9; i++){
fileID[i]= Integer.parseInt(temp);
But this doesn't get the id's. I'm not sure how to fix this, I'd be grateful if you help me.
You have two while loops in your code. Typically one while loop will go through every item until the condition is no longer true. I think you need to rework this to have a better "flow of control" which might mean using only one while loop (with sections to grab the number and then the name.
I imagine that you are looking for results from the second while loop, but by the time you get to it, the first while loop will have exhausted all of your data.
Finally, printing an array will print out the array reference identifier. If you want to actually print the contents of the array, you need a loop over the elements within the array, and you need to print out each array element explicitly.
As an alternative to the array printing technique above (which you should master), you can also use the Arrays.toString(<insert array here>) method call. However, in many cases it will give you a format that is not desired. That's why you need to know the above technique too.
Also, you have one hidden issue. You (in the second while loop) make the assumption that there are only nine inputs. Pay close attention to what you are writing. Every time you have to reach for a number, consider whether it is a "magic" number. Magic numbers are numbers that are in your code with no explanation or reason why they exist. They are indicators of errors in the code made by assumptions that probably won't last the test of time.
For example, you are using the number 9 because you have seen the input file. The next input file will probably not have nine entries in it, and your program will probably not work right if you gave it an input with eight entries, or an input with ten entries. Perhaps you should rewrite the loop to remove the magic number, by making the logic process while there is still (some) input.
Try this on for size
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Scanner fromFile = new Scanner(new File("id_name.txt"));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.err.println("File not found");
String[] arr = new String[9];
String[] oth = new String[9];
int i = 0;
while(fromFile.hasNextLine()) {
String temp = fromFile.nextLine();
oth[i] = temp.substring(0,1);
arr[i] = temp.substring(2);
int[] fileID;
fileID = new int[9];
for(int j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
fileID[j] = Integer.parseInt(oth[j]);
this should go through and retrieve the numbers(.substring(0,1)) and then the names(.substring(2)), and then converting the numbers to int values.
Try the following:
File file=new File("id_name.txt");
int[] fileID;
fileID= new int[9];
String[] result = file.nextLine().split("-");
for (int x = 0; x < result.length; x++){
if (Character.isDigit(result[x])) { // use the isDigit method to get the ids
System.out.println("this is an id");
fileID[i]= Integer.parseInt(result[x]);
Actually my friend, there are several mistakes here.
1) When the first while loop completes, it leaves fromfile.hasNext() as false Hence the second loop never starts.
>> To fix this, You need to put it all in one while loop.
2) fileID is an array. You cannot print it using System.out.println(fileID).
>> You have to tell what kind of output you want. The code will depend on that. For simply printing all the values, you need to make a for loop that prints each value separartely. You should use fileID.length for the no. of times you need to loop it.
3) Basically, fromfile.next() is not the way to do it.
>> You need to use fromfile.nextLine().
This program I am writing is giving me fits. What I am trying to do is prevent a user from entering the same integer twice. The program takes 4 int inputs and compares them to an array of 4 random int's, searching for a match. Here is what I have thus far in my attempts to prevent multiple inputs.
for (int z = 0; z<4; z++){
System.out.println("Enter a number between 0-9. No duplicates please!");
temp[z] = inputDevice.nextInt();
for(int why = 0; why<temp.length; why++){
System.out.println("Duplicate found! Please enter a non-repeating digit");
The inputs are coming into the temp array just fine. And are being passed on to the other methods in the program, and that is working. I am guessing the issue is with my conditional statement - if(Arrays.asList(temp).contains(temp[z]))
Is there a better way to test to see if an array already contains a value?
Thanks in advance.
1) Since you are converting the array to a list, might as well use an ArrayList
2) Store your input in a variable and test if it is contained within the list already
List<Integer> my_list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int z = 0; z<4; z++){
System.out.println("Enter a number between 0-9. No duplicates please!");
int input = inputDevice.nextInt();
System.out.println("Duplicate found! Please enter a non-repeating digit");
When you check if temp contains z, it already contains z. Put the input in a temporary variable before you check it and only add it afterwards.
You're not using the why from your loop.
However if possible I would change temp to an ArrayList implementation. The problem with toList method. It's using the int[] array as a single object rather than treating it as an array of int objects. To do the latter you must use Integers.