I'm trying to build a Pagination inside my system. In DAO i'm using "setFirstResult()" and "setMaxResults()" to limit the amount of rows returned.
Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery(namedQuery);
if (firstResult != null) {
if (maxResult != null) {
List returnList = query.getResultList();
But for pagination works i need to know the amount of rows without limitation (firstResult() and maxResults()).
If i have this query:
SELECT * FROM MyEntity e WHERE e.car = :carParam OFFSET 10 LIMIT 20
i would like to count like this
SELECT Count(*) FROM MyEntity e WHERE e.car = :carParam
But I want to avoid create another query manually for each Entity, how can i do a count() without force creating a new count() query ?
There is no way to calculate the total count of results without using Criteria API or (as you said) creating another query manually. Both of them will cause to a separate query against database to calculate the total counts. I had some experiences in this context. It may doubles your response time if your query is going to be run on a huge data set or if you have a large number of concurrent users.
I think the best way to prevent such an overhead on your DBMS is to display a "load more" link at the end of the search results. I highly recommend such approach if displaying total count is not part of your main business or is not forced by the client.
Take a look at this link (if you've not checked it before)
Having the typical method which returns a paginated result, using CriteriaBuilder and performing 2 queries:
one that counts the total number of results
and another one that gives us the subset for the specified page
We have noticed that the first query, JPA does not optimize it at all because it's using the exists (from Oracle).
Java code:
Root<Foo> from = criteriaQuery.from(Foo.class);
//... predicates
CriteriaQuery<Long> countQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(Long.class)
.where(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[predicates.size()]));
Long numberResults = entityManager.createQuery(countQuery).getSingleResult();
SQL generated query:
FROM foo t0
FROM foo t1
How do I avoid using the exists? Is there something wrong with the java code?
For different reasons, this issue and this related article enumerate some of them, EclipseLink uses EXISTS in the countDistinct operation implementation.
Although I can agree with you, be aware that the performance offered by EXISTS in Oracle is in fact very dependent of the use case, and it doesn't have to be poor. Please, consider review this mythical blog entry in the Tom Kyte blob.
So my advice is, please, keep using the generated code and corresponding SQL.
If you need or want to use a different approach, a perhaps more performant way of counting the records could be fetching the ids of the entities that match the provided predicates (the actual performance in fact is mostly dependent on these predicates in fact), and count the results in memory, with Java. I mean:
CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
// I assume reference is String here
CriteriaQuery<String> query = cb.createQuery(String.class);
Root<Foo> root = query.from(Foo.class);
.where(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[predicates.size()]))
List<String> references = entityManager.createQuery(query).getResultList();
int count = references.size();
Although I think it is always not advisable, if the amount of data is not large, you could even fetch the results once from the database, and do the paging in memory with Java, it is straightforward using subList, for instance.
At a final word, AFAIK other JPA providers such as Hibernate implements count in a different way: if switching the JPA provider is an option you could try using it instead.
With or without EXISTS, the query plans are identical. The only optimisation would be to return COUNT() and the result in the same query, easy to do in SQL with "OVER()". But mapping the Foo.class on a view and adding a transient column to contain the count will complicate a lot of other parts of the application, and mapping the result of paginated queries on a new CountedFoo.class will also complicate the solution.
I have a table with group and permission column. I want to find the max permission from a list of group. I am using java and oracle database, I thought of two ways to do this:
Way 1:
in java loop through the group list
result = select permission from table where group = currentgroup
if result > max, max = result
Way 2:
max = select max(permission) from table where group in (group list)
I thought way 2 would be faster, but then group list can be very long and I dont know if it is a good idea to have long list in a single sql query.
From the information you've given, the second approach is by far the best. Databases are optimised directly for these kinds of tasks, so within reason, its always best to narrow the data down with the database. The first approach means the database needs to return all values anyway, increasing processing time, bandwidth and using up memory within your java application.
I've used "select from X.class.getName()" to get all records of class X, but if there is a lot of records, it might take a long time to get the results.
I just want a count of how many records are there in the Datastore, what's the fastest query to get this number ? Is there something like "select COUNT() X.class.getName()" that can return , for example, 234000 [ the count of all records ] ?
See What's the best way to count results in GQL?
(short answer is that you should store the amount of object and update it whenver you add/remove objects from the datastore)
How it is possible to limit the number of results retrieved from a database?
select e from Entity e /* I need only 10 results for instance */
You can try like this giving 10 results to be fetched explicitly.
.setParameter(arg0, arg1)
It will automatically create native query in back-end to retrieve specific number of results, if the backend supports it, and otherwise do the limit in memory after getting all results.
You can set an offset too using setFirstResult()
If you are using Spring data JPA, then you can use Pageable/PageRequest to limit the record to 1 or any number you want. The first argument, is the page no, and the second argument is the number of records.
Pageable page = PageRequest.of(0, 1);
Entity e = entityRepository.findAll(page);
Make sure the entityRepostitory interface extends JpaRepository (which supports sorting and pagination).
How do I implement paging in Hibernate? The Query objects has methods called setMaxResults and setFirstResult which are certainly helpful. But where can I get the total number of results, so that I can show link to last page of results, and print things such as results 200 to 250 of xxx?
You can use Query.setMaxResults(int results) and Query.setFirstResult(int offset).
Editing too: There's no way to know how many results you'll get. So, first you must query with "select count(*)...". A little ugly, IMHO.
You must do a separate query to get the max results...and in the case where between time A of the first time the client issues a paging request to time B when another request is issued, if new records are added or some records now fit the criteria then you have to query the max again to reflect such. I usually do this in HQL like this
Integer count = (Integer) session.createQuery("select count(*) from ....").uniqueResult();
for Criteria queries I usually push my data into a DTO like this
ScrollableResults scrollable = criteria.scroll(ScrollMode.SCROLL_INSENSITIVE);
if(scrollable.last()){//returns true if there is a resultset
genericDTO.setTotalCount(scrollable.getRowNumber() + 1);
return genericDTO;
you could perform two queries - a count(*) type query, which should be cheap if you are not joining too many tables together, and a second query that has the limits set. Then you know how many items exists but only grab the ones being viewed.
You can do one thing. just prepare Criteria query as per your busness requirement with all Predicates , sorting , searching etc.
and then do as below :-
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Feedback> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(Feedback.class);
//Just Prepare your all Predicates as per your business need.
//eg :-
yourPredicateAsPerYourBusnessNeed = criteriaBuilder.equal(Root.get("applicationName"), applicationName);
TypedQuery<Feedback> criteriaQueryWithPredicate = em.createQuery(criteriaQuery);
//Getting total Count Here
Long totalCount = criteriaQueryWithPredicate.getResultStream().distinct().count();
Now we have our actual data with us as above with total count , right.
So now we can apply pagination on the data we have in our hand above , as below :-
List<Feedback> feedbackList = criteriaQueryWithPredicate.setFirstResult(offset).setMaxResults(pageSize).getResultList();
Now You can prepare a wrapper with your List return by DB along with the totalCount , startingPageNo that is offset here in this case, page Size etc and can return to your service / controller class.
I am 101 % sure , this will solve your problem, Because I was facing same problem and sorted it out same way.
Thanks- Sunil Kumar Mali
You can just setMaxResults to the maximum number of rows you want returned. There is no harm in setting this value greater than the number of actual rows available. The problem the other solutions is they assume the ordering of records remains the same each repeat of the query, and there are no changes going on between commands.
To avoid that if you really want to scroll through results, it is best to use the ScrollableResults. Don't throw this object away between paging, but use it to keep the records in the same order. To find out the number of records from the ScrollableResults, you can simply move to the last() position, and then get the row number. Remember to add 1 to this value, since row numbers start counting at 0.
I personally think you should handle the paging in the front-end. I know this isn't that efficiƫnt but at least it would be less error prone.
If you would use the count(*) thing what would happen if records get deleted from the table in between requests for a certain page? Lots of things could go wrong this way.