I've just developed a Java application that crawls a lot of websites.
My dedicated server details: Linux, CentOS, zPanel.
I have 1 IP on my dedicated server for many domains and I've just bought an additional IP to assign it to the .jar or related domain only.
How can I do this operation?
You can't. You assign an addresses to the network interface, not the application.
I'm struggling here with something that may be easy to do, but I haven't found a correct solution, so i hope you can help me please.
We are developing an application that consists in 4 different Java Web projects.
All of these applications have to be accessed from 4 diferent sub domains of mydomain.com:
Application server: Payara server 4 (what is almost the same that Glassfish 4).
Payara server is running inside a Docker container which in turn is running inside an Amazon EC2 instance.
I've used Amazon Route 53 in the following scenario:
What I have already done successfully
This was done for another proyect where there was only 1 app which is accessed from a subdomain of otherdomainiown.com.
This works perfectly, because the DNS records of the domain provider (iPage) just points to my Amazon Route 53 records of the hosted zone I configured. This hosted zone has an A record that points to the fixed IP of my Amazon EC2 instance. Then, Docker exposes Payara server through port 80 that is mapped to port 8080 which Payara uses by default to serve it's applications.
Now, i'm facing a similar scenario. The difference is that I have 4 different apps that need to be accessed by 4 different sub domains.
I've tried with Virtual Servers (virtual hosts) with no luck, I'm not familiar with that, but i think that could be a possible solution.
I considered using Amazon S3 buckets to redirect but I don't think that's what I need.
In an image, this should be the final scenario, although I just draw 2 sub domains for simplicity:
Should I use Docker mappings to resolve this?
Should I use Virtual Servers?
Should I buy 4 different machines? (this will solve all this in a few seconds, but buying more instances is not an option)
Should I use a Docker container for each application?
As you can see, i'm a little lost, so it would be great if you could point me in the right direction.
Thanks in advance.
What are you using Route 53 for? What benefit do you get from it in this scenario?
There is a blog post on the Payara website which gives an overview of using Virtual Servers in Payara Server, but it's a bit in-depth to quote for an answer here.
The key point is that you still need to configure incoming traffic to arrive at different subdomains. If all your traffic is coming in on the same IP address as it looks like Route53 is doing, then it will be very tricky to differentiate what traffic should go to which endpoint.
The usual way to do this would be to have a load balancer or proxy where you have Route53 in your diagram. An Amazon ELB would be able to perform the redirects you need. A cheaper option (though it would involve more management) would be to use something like Apache httpd or Nginx to forward requests to the Payara Server.
You just need to create a virtual server for each subdomain and set the subdomain in the "Hosts" field. Then you need to dpeloy all 4 applications and select the proper virtual server in the "Virtual Servers" field. The blog linked by #Mike will guide you: https://blog.payara.fish/virtual-servers-in-payara-server
All of the virtual servers will be listening on the same IP address but Payara Server will read the domain from incoming HTTP requests and will route the request to the correct virtual server.
However, this is recommended only for very small applications. Bigger applications should be deployed separately on different Payara Server instances running on different ports or different machines. If you use docker then you can run 4 instances in docker and map them to different ports. Then you would need a proxy server (Apache Httpd, Nginx, ) to route requests to the correct Payara instances (ports) according to the domain name in requests.
I've deployed one application developed using Java-Struts on one of my client's office. Application is web-based - So we hosted it on one the machine available in client's office - using static ip. The application runs fine(well I had couple of issues to deal with honestly). But when we were testing the application within client's environment - we came across odd issue.
If client needs to access the application inside their network - they need to use local ip address, something like this -
Outside the network - they need to use following url -
How I can make sure client does not have to use 2 different urls to access this application?
I went through few forums and got to know about host mapping and NAT forwarding, etc. I'm not a networking expert, So I really need some guidance of how to achieve this with right method.
Thank you very much in advance.
For security reason the intranet IP( is not exposed publicly.Have to check with the network team of Client whether the IP is publicly exposed if not then map local IP with domain/Static IP and that should be exposed publicly.If it is publicly exposed then within the network too the client can access intranet IP/domain.
I'm learning to program java enterprise edition applications (web applications). to test the correctness of my coding i need multiple clients to access my project simultaneously (i.e test concurency), the projects are deployed with glassfish and accessed on the localhost, i tried to use multiple web-browsers unfortunatly the result interpreted tells me that i am only accessing my project withe the same client, so this is my question:
Can I access localhost from multiple virtual clients with Glassfish?
Do you have a name for tools to simulate virtual clients from the same machine to test my coding?
Edit: what i need is to access my project with some sort of browser client for multiple concurrent users, to test something like a board game or a chat application.
Not with localhost; but you need to find the ip address of your server. Then using servers ip address you can test as
So using ip address in place of localhost; you can test your app from different client machines.
Apart from this; you can also use some of the testing tools which allows you to simulate multiple clients from the same machine.
Have you considered Apache JMeter? It can (among many other things) simulate multiple concurrent users.
How to detect ( discover ) all of the web-servers by using j2me ? I mean that the web-servers are inside a LAN.
I assume you are not interested in asking every IP address or named host from the list hard-coded into an app.
You may find Zeroconf protocol useful. It is suited for discovering of available services with the means of broadcast or multicast IP packets.
Debian Wiki page has some links to Zeroconf software, including libapache2-mod-dnssd.
As for client part, maybe this will help: Are there any other Java libraries for bonjour/zeroconf apart from JMDNS?
I just set up a MySQL server on my PC for testing Java with JDBC.
At the moment "localhost" works perfectly as hostname for my applications, when running them on the same system.
However what would be the hostname for my MySQL server for applications that are running on different computers? Something like "my_ip:port" would work? I was thinking of writing an applet, which I could upload on a web server and try to connect to my database here. Is it possible to achieve that?
Something like "my_ip:port" would work?
If the MySQL instance has bound to your public interface, and if your firewall allows it, yes. If you connect to the 'net via a router that does NAT (for instance, a combined DSL modem and wireless router allowing you to connect multiple computers), you'll have to set up forwarding rules in the router to tell it which of the local machines to forward requests to.
You don't have to use an IP address. Your machine will also probably have a host name of some kind (either one you've assigned or, if you connect through an ISP, more likely one they've assigned). That would work too.
I was thinking of writing an applet, which I could upload on a web server and try to connect to my database here. Is it possible to achieve that?
With a signed Java applet, yes; otherwise, no. That's because the security sandbox that Java applets run in doesn't let them access servers other than the one they were loaded from (the web server).
A much better approach is to have your client-side code (Java applet, or just DHTML+Ajax stuff) talk to server-side code on the web server, which in turn talks to your DB. That way, the DB is never directly exposed to the outside world, and you don't have to do things like signed applets.
You can always use the ip address of the server running mysql as the hostname or its fully qualified domain name.
That should work, but you also should consider port-forwarding through your firewall.
Go here to get your IP: http://www.whatsmyip.org/
The port is the port mysql is setup on.