Create Stored Procedure from File - java

I am trying to execute a whole directory of .SQL files in Java.
I'm struggling to execute a stored procedure. I have found this so far (the most helpful) including a dead link, sadly. I have downloaded liquibase also, but I cannot figure out how I should use it for this purpose.
In my current code, I split the files including procedures into different statements:
(Statements split in a Vector[String] and executed in a for loop)
//File f;
//Statement st;
Vector<String> vProcedure = getProcedureStatements(f, Charset.defaultCharset(), "//");
for (Iterator<String> itr = vProcedure.iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
System.out.println(f.getName() + " - done executing.");
The Vector contains the four elements (see SQL-Code #SPLIT x).
// #SPLIT 3
Result when trying to execute #SPLIT 2:
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DELIMITER //' at line 1
Q: Could anyone tell me if there's a exteral library I could use, or how liquibase does work ? I can't get it to work the JDBC-way.

The statement DELIMITER \\ is not actually SQL - it is a command that is interpreted by the mysql command-line tool (and possibly also their GUI tool), but if you pass it straight to the execution engine, you will get this syntax error.
Unfortunately, Liquibase uses ; as the default statement separator, so it is difficult to get this sort of thing to work using SQL files and Liquibase. I have put in a pull request to allow setting the delimiter from the Liquibase command line - see


INSERT INTO Statement automatically adds thousand separators to java integer starting at 1000k

I encountered a weird problem:
I have a column "MaxDealtDamage" which is for instance lower then 1000000 (1000k).
code is like this:
class xyz = PlayerData.GetData(player);
PlayerData.SetData(xyz, player);
When it is 1000000 (1000k) or higher this error is beeing send:
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '.000, MaxDefense = 0 WHERE UUID='d839d1f0-ad5b-4922-841c-1d6ee05d9f56'' at line 1
Its behaving like it would try to give him a String containing "4.000.000" but its an integer with the value "4000000" (4000k). For beeing sure the output in runtime is 4000000 I doublechecked it.
Here the query:
MessageFormat.format("INSERT INTO PlayerData(UUID,VIPExpirationDate,IPv4,FirstPlayTime,LastPlayTime,TotalPlayTime,TotalLogins,MaxDealtDamage,MaxDefense) "
+ "VALUES(''{0}'',''{1}'',''{2}'',''{3}'',''{4}'',{5},{6},{7},{8});", data.UUID.toString(), DBDateFormat.format(data.VIPExpirationDate), data.IPv4, DBDateFormat.format(data.FirstPlayTime), DBDateFormat.format(data.LastPlayTime), data.TotalPlayTime, data.TotalLogins, data.MaxDealtDamage, data.MaxDefense);
MessageFormat is not a tool for creating SQL statements. It's a simple utility for building text messages with correct formatting.
You are supposed to use PreparedStatement with bind parameters as explained in the Using Prepared Statements tutorial. JDBC will take care of escaping and formatting the supplied values so they can be received by the database server while preventing SQL Injections.

Oracle Package or function ... is in an invalid state

I stuck with Oracle store procedure calling. The code looks simple, but I seriously don't know how to make it work.
This is my code for creating the procedure
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE updateAward(_total_amount in Number, _no_of_sales in Number, _agent in NUMBER, _id in NUMBER) AS
update Award set total_amount = _total_amount, no_of_sales = _no_of_sales, agent_id = _agent where ID = _id ##
commit ##
So, when I execute it through NetBean (it is the only tool I have at this moment), the code run well.
I also tried to run the compile statement
alter PROCEDURE updateAward compile;
and then, use
select *
from user_errors
where name = 'ORG_SPGETTYPE'
The select return empty, proving that the compile process is ok. However, when I trigger the procedure
call updateAward(1,1,1,1);
It returns the error
Package or function UPDATEAWARD is in an invalid state
and the command
SELECT object_name FROM user_objects WHERE status='INVALID';
return the name of the procedure. How can I solve this problem ?
Update 1:
if I use
I got error
Error code 6550, SQL state 65000: ORA-06550: line 2, column 20:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "end-of-file" when expecting one of the following:
:= . ( % ;
Update 2:
The reason I put the deliminator is because i got error with ";" when working through some vpn to the other network (still not sure why). So, i updated the code like your answer, but then, with the End; in the end of the procedure and then, get the Invalid SQL statement1. If i remove it and execute (through Netbean), the procedure is created successfully. However, after compiling and check the user_errors, it got the
"PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "end-of-file" when expecting one of the following: ; "
First things first, your procedure syntax looks wrong. Don't use DELIMITER as that syntax is specific to MySQL. Instead, try something like the following.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE updateAward(_total_amount in Number, _no_of_sales in Number, _agent in NUMBER, _id in NUMBER) AS
update Award set total_amount = _total_amount, no_of_sales = _no_of_sales, agent_id = _agent where ID = _id;
Firstly, there are a couple of things wrong with your procedure:
You're not using delimiters correctly. Delimiters should be used to terminate the whole procedure, not each line.
The NetBeans SQL window doesn't know SQL very well so it cannot tell when the procedure ends and something else begins. Normally, it uses semicolons (;) to tell when one statement ends and another begins, but stored procedures can contain semicolons within them so that wouldn't work. Instead, we change the delimiter to something else so that the NetBeans SQL window sends the entire stored procedure to the database in one go.
Variable names are not allowed to begin with an underscore (_). In particular, rule 5 in the list of Schema Object Naming Rules at this Oracle documentation page states that
Nonquoted identifiers must begin with an alphabetic character from your database character set.
Underscores are not alphabetic characters.
I've taken your procedure, fixed the use of delimiters and added an extra p onto the front of each parameter name (p for 'parameter'), and I got the following, which ran successfully in NetBeans and created a procedure without errors:
delimiter $$
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE updateAward(p_total_amount in Number, p_no_of_sales in Number, p_agent in NUMBER, p_id in NUMBER) AS
update Award set total_amount = p_total_amount, no_of_sales = p_no_of_sales, agent_id = p_agent where ID = p_id;
delimiter ;
Secondly, you write
[...] and then, use
select *
from user_errors
where name = 'ORG_SPGETTYPE'
The select return empty, proving that the compile process is ok.
Um, no. This proves that there are no errors in the procedure ORG_SPGETTYPE (or no procedure with that name exists). Your procedure is named updateAward, which Oracle will capitalise to UPDATEAWARD. Try
select *
from user_errors
where name = 'UPDATEAWARD';

What is the correct usage of zxjdbc to call stored procedures?

I am attempting to use zxJDBC to connect to a database running on SQL Server 2008 R2 (Express) and call a stored procedure, passing it a single parameter. I am using jython-standalone 2.5.3 and ideally do not want to have to install additional modules.
My test code is shown below.
The database name is CSM
Stored Procedure:
-- =============================================
-- Author: <Author,,Name>
-- Create date: <Create Date,,>
-- Description: <Description,,>
-- =============================================
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
#carrierId VARCHAR(50)
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
INSERT INTO dbo.carrier (carrierId, test)
VALUES (#carrierId, 'Success')
Jython Script:
from com.ziclix.python.sql import zxJDBC
conn = None
try :
conn = zxJDBC.connect('jdbc:sqlserver://localhost\SQLEXPRESS', 'sa', 'password', '')
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.callproc(('CSM','dbo','DUMMY'), ['carrier1'])
except Exception, err :
print err
if conn:
finally :
if conn :
By using cur.execute() I have been able to verify that the above is successfully connecting to the database, and that I can query against it. However, I have thus far been unable to successfully call a stored procedure with parameters.
The documentation here(possibly out of date?) indicates that callproc() can be called with either a string or a tuple to identify the procedure. The example given -
c.callproc(("northwind", "dbo", "SalesByCategory"), ["Seafood", "1998"], maxrows=2)
When I attempt to use this method, I receive the following error
Error("Could not find stored procedure 'CSM.DUMMY'. [SQLCode: 2812], [SQLState: S00062]",)
It would appear that zxJDBC is neglecting to include the dbo part of the procedure identifier.
If I instead call callproc with "CSM.dbo.DUMMY" as the first argument then I receive this error
Error('An object or column name is missing or empty. For SELECT INTO statements, verify each column has a name. For other statements, look for empty alias names. Aliases defined as "" or [] are not allowed. Change the alias to a valid name. [SQLCode: 1038], [SQLState: S0004]',)
Using a profiler on the database whilst running my script shows that in the second case the following SQL is executed:
use []
So it would seem that when using a single string to identify the procedure, the database name is not correctly parsed out.
One of my trial and error attempts to fix this was to call callproc as follows:
cur.callproc(('CSM', '', 'dbo.DUMMY'), ['carrier1'])
This got me only as far as
Error("Procedure or function 'DUMMY' expects parameter '#carrierId', which was not supplied. [SQLCode: 201], [SQLState: S0004]",)
In this case what I think is happening is that zxJDBC attempts to call a system stored procedure (sp_proc_columns) to determine the required parameters for the stored procedure I want to call. My guess is that with the procedure identifier in the incorrect format above, zxJDBC does not get a valid/correct return and assumes no parameters are required.
So basically I am not a bit stuck for ideas as to how to get it to
Use the correct database name
Correctly determine the required parameters using sp_proc_columns
Call my stored procedure with the correct name
all at the same time.
I do have a workaround, which is to use something like
cur.execute('EXEC CSM.dbo.DUMMY ?', ['carrier1'])
However I feel like callproc() is the correct solution, and would likely produce cleaner code when I come to call stored procedures with large numbers of parameters.
If anyone can spot the mistake(s) that I am making, or knows that this is not ever going to work as I think then any input would be much appreciated.
As suggested by i-one, I tried adding cur.execute('USE CSM') before calling my stored procedure (also removing the database name from the procedure call). This unfortunately produces the same Object or Column missing error as above. The profiler shows USE CSM being executed, followed by USE [] so it seems that callproc() always fires a USE statement before the procedure itself.
I have also experimented with turning on/off autocommit, to no avail.
Edit 2
Further information following comments/suggested solutions:
"SQLEXPRESS" in my connection string is the database instance name.
Using double quotes instead of single has no effect.
Including the database name in the connection string (via ;databaseName=CSM; as specified here) and omitting it from the callproc() call leads to the original error with a USE [] statement being fired.
Using callproc(('CSM', 'dbo', 'dbo.DUMMY'), ['carrier1']) gives me some progress but results in the error
Error("Procedure or function 'DUMMY' expects parameter '#carrierId', which was not supplied. [SQLCode: 201], [SQLState: S0004]",)
I'll attempt to investigate this further
Edit 3
Based on the queries I could see zxJDBC firing, I manually executed the following against my database:
use CSM
exec sp_sproc_columns_100 N'dbo.DUMMY',N'dbo',N'CSM',NULL,N'3'
This gave me an empty results set, which would seem to explain why zxJDBC isn't passing any parameters to the stored procedure - it doesn't think it needs to. I have yet to figure out why this is happening though.
Edit 4
To update the above, the empty result set is because the call should be
exec sp_sproc_columns_100 N'DUMMY',N'dbo',N'CSM',NULL,N'3'
This unfortunately brings me full circle as I can't remove the dbo owner from the stored procedure name in my callproc() call or the procedure won't be found at all.
Edit 5
Table definition as requested
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[carrier](
[carrierId] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[test] [varchar](50) NULL
Though completely unaware of the technologies used here (unless some minor knowledge of SQL Server), I will attempt an answer (please forgive me if my jython syntax is not correct. I am trying to outline possibilities here not exact code)
My first approach (found at this post) would be to try:
cur.execute("use CSM")
cur.callproc(("CSM","dbo","dbo.DUMMY"), ["carrier1"])
This must have to do with the fact that sa users always have the dbo as a default schema (described at this SO post)
If the above does not work I would also try to use the CSM database name in the JDBC url (this is very common when using JDBC for other databases) and then simply call one of the two below.
cur.callproc("DUMMY", ["carrier1"])
cur.callproc("dbo.DUMMY", ["carrier1"])
I hope this helps
Update: I quote the relevant part of the link that you can't view
>> Program calls a Stored Procedure - master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives on MS SQL Server
from com.ziclix.python.sql import zxJDBC
def getConnection():
url = "${DBServer.Url}"
user= "${DBServer.User}"
password = "${DBServer.Password}"
driver = "${DBServer.Driver}"
con = zxJDBC.connect(url, user, password, driver)
return con
conn = getConnection()
print 'Connection successful'
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("use master")
cur.callproc(("master", "dbo", "dbo.xp_fixeddrives"))
print cur.description
for a in cur.fetchall():
print a
print 'Connection closed'
The error you get when you specified the call function like above suggests that the parameter is not passed correctly. So please modify your stored procedure to take a default value and try to call with passing params = [None]. If you see that the call succeeds we must have done something right as far as specifying the database is concerned.
Btw: the most recent documentation suggests that you should be able to access it with your syntax.
As outlined in comments callproc will work only with SELECT. Try this approach instead:
cur.execute("exec CSM.dbo.DUMMY #Param1='" + str(Param1) + "', #carrierId=" + str(carrierID))
Please see this link for more detail.

Firebird SQL Query with # (at) sign - How to run the query in JDBC (Jaybird)?

I have an application that uses Firebird. The application performs a long list of queries e.g. each time you list your items. I want to take out these queries, and run them in my own Java application (so I can manipulate the list, display it, and so on.)
The problem is... there is a debug option in the application where you can see what kind of queries does your application run. Some of the original queries got # signs. If I run a query with an # in it, I get an error. If I take out that part of the query, everything runs and works "as expected". No errors, like a charm.
Detailed error message:
Error code: -104
Token unknown - line 8, column 32
We use IntelliJ IDEA which automatically applies escape characters when needed.
Such a part from the original query:
SELECT TBL4487."Id" "",
TBL4487."Code" "database.code",
TBL4487."Name" "",
TBL4487."Barcode" "database.barcode",
TBL4488."Name" "Datagroup",
TBL4489."Name" "Mey",
(SELECT FIRST 1 TBL4494."Price" / (CASE
WHEN (TBL4487."GrossPrices" = #Param4495) THEN 1
ELSE (TBL4492."Rate" + 100) / 100
END) "productprice.price"
FROM "ProductPrice" TBL4494
WHERE (TBL4494."Product" = TBL4487."Id") AND (TBL4494."PriceCategory" = #Param4497) AND (TBL4494."ValidFrom" <= #Param4498) AND (TBL4494."Currency" = #Param4499) AND (TBL4494."QuantityUnit" = TBL4487."QuantityUnit")
ORDER BY TBL4494."ValidFrom" DESC) "xyz",
(SELECT FIRST 1 TBL4500."Price" / (CASE
WHEN (TBL4487."GrossPrices" = #Param4501) THEN 1
ELSE (TBL4492."Rate" + 100) / 100
The question is.. how could I run this query? How do I replace the # symbol?
You can't run this query directly with Jaybird. These #ParamXXXX seem to be placeholders in the query for parameters. However Firebird nor Jaybird supports this type of placeholders (they only support ? as placeholder in DSQL).
To execute this with Jaybird, you will need to replace each instance of the #ParamXXXX either with a ? and set the right value for each placeholder in a PreparedStatement, or with the actual value in the query text itself.
The Firebird .NET provider does support #....-style placeholders (it translates them to Firebird-style ? placeholders), so you could try to use C#/.NET instead if you don't want to do replacing yourself.
Full disclosure: I am the developer of Jaybird

Getting MySQLSyntaxErrorException?

I have this code :
int ch=0;
String insertRecord="insert into recordstudent"+
This snippet should insert the data in database only if the ch=0 .But I am getting this error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds
to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
at line 1
Can Anyone help me and solve my problem ?
Fundamentally: don't build your SQL this way. I notice that you've put quotes round the values in the "insert" SQL statement - but not in the "select" one. That's the start of the problem - but you shouldn't be including values like this in your SQL to start with. You should use parameterized SQL via PreparedStatement, and set values for the parameters. Benefits:
You can see your actual SQL more easily, so you'll be able to spot syntax errors. (This is basically keeping your code separate from your data.)
(Very important) You won't be open to SQL injection attacks
You won't need to worry about conversion issues for numbers, dates and times etc
There are other problems in your SQL (such as spaces and check being a reserved word in MySQL), but the very first thing you should fix is how you use values. Until you've done that, your code is inviting security problems.
(You should then start using more conventional variable names than T_STUDENT_NAME etc, but that's a different matter.)
check is a reserved word. Surround it with backticks: `check`
Try this
SELECT COUNT(*) as 'check' FROM recordstudent....
instead of
SELECT COUNT(*) as check FROM recordstudent....
I think check is a keyword
